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Elite Disassembly

                   * Elite for the Apple II                                                       *
                   * Copyright 1985 David Braben and Ian Bell                                     *
                   *                                                                              *
                   *   ** THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS **                                           *
                   *   (large sections of the code are uncommented)                               *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * This file was assembled from the two main game files and descrambled.  See   *
                   * the 6502disassembly site for a full explanation.                             *
                   * Disassembly by Andy McFadden, using 6502bench SourceGen v1.6.                *
                   * Last updated 2020/07/16                                                      *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * The disassembly of the platform-neutral code is based heavily on the work of *
                   * others:                                                                      *
                   *   Paul Brink's commented BBC Micro sources                                   *
                   *   Kroc Camen's C64 project:           *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * And of course thanks to Ian Bell for sharing the original BBC Micro sources. *
                   EOR_FLIGHT      .eq     $23    {const}    ;EOR value for flight text tokens
                   EOR_DOCKED      .eq     $57    {const}    ;EOR value for docked text tokens
                   rng_state       .eq     $02    {addr/4}
                   INWK            .eq     $0c    {addr/9}
                   polyobj_xpos_lo .eq     $0c
                   polyobj_ypos_lo .eq     $0f
                   polyobj_zpos_lo .eq     $12
                   polyobj_zpos_mi .eq     $13
                   polyobj_zpos_hi .eq     $14
                   polyobj_mox2_hi .eq     $1a
                   polyobj_vertex_lo .eq   $27
                   polyobj_roll    .eq     $29
                   polyobj_pitch   .eq     $2a
                   polyobj_vis     .eq     $2b
                   polyobj_attack  .eq     $2c
                   tmp_ptr2        .eq     $2d    {addr/2}
                   text_hposn      .eq     $34               ;text horizontal position (0-30)
                   text_vposn      .eq     $36               ;text vertical position (0-23)
                   text_mod_flags  .eq     $37               ;$80=conv upper, $40=conv lower, $ff=discard
                   hull_ptr        .eq     $5a    {addr/2}
                   polyobj_ptr     .eq     $5c    {addr/2}
                   ecm_active_flag? .eq    $6a               ;initially $20, counts down
                   missile_thing?  .eq     $7f
                   input_raw_key   .eq     $80               ;last key hit ($01-7f), or $00 if none
                   cmd_throttle_down .eq   $81               ;bool 00/ff: throttle-down cmd
                   cmd_throttle_up .eq     $82               ;bool 00/ff: throttle-up cmd
                   cmd_roll_left   .eq     $83               ;bool 00/ff: roll-left cmd
                   cmd_roll_right  .eq     $84               ;bool 00/ff: roll-right cmd
                   cmd_pitch_down  .eq     $85               ;bool 00/ff: pitch-down cmd
                   cmd_pitch_up    .eq     $86               ;bool 00/ff: pitch-up cmd
                   cmd_fire_laser  .eq     $87               ;bool 00/ff: fire-laser cmd
                   cmd_energy_bomb .eq     $88               ;bool 00/ff: energy bomb cmd
                   cmd_escape_cap  .eq     $89               ;bool 00/ff: escape capsule cmd
                   cmd_targ_mssl   .eq     $8a               ;bool 00/ff: target missile cmd
                   cmd_unarm_mssl  .eq     $8b               ;bool 00/ff: un-arm missile cmd
                   cmd_fire_mssl   .eq     $8c               ;bool 00/ff: fire missile
                   cmd_ecm         .eq     $8d               ;bool 00/ff: ECM cmd
                   cmd_local_jump  .eq     $8e               ;bool 00/ff: local jump cmd
                   cmd_dock_on     .eq     $8f               ;bool 00/ff: dock comp on cmd
                   cmd_dock_off    .eq     $90               ;bool 00/ff: dock comp off cmd
                   player_speed    .eq     $a9               ;player's current forward speed
                   displayed_screen .eq    $b3               ;0 for space view, various for other screens
                   docked_flag     .eq     $ba               ;bool 00/ff: are we currently docked?
                   display_mode_flag .eq   $cd               ;bool (hi bit): showing text screen?
                   roll_velocity   .eq     $d1
                   pitch_velocity  .eq     $d2
                   BUFFER_0100     .eq     $0100
                   PLAYER_STATE?   .eq     $0241  {addr/55}
                   computer_dock_flag .eq  $026c             ;bool 00/ff: is docking computer driving?
                   player_ecm_active? .eq  $026d
                   witch_space_flag .eq    $026e             ;flag for witch space
                   main_dec2_thing? .eq    $0273
                   player_laser_temp .eq   $0274             ;laser temperature
                   lcoord_swap_flag .eq    $027d             ;bool 00/ff: did we swap start/end?
                   intro_parameter? .eq    $0284
                   player_credits  .eq     $0298  {addr/4}   ;current credits, in big-endian order
                   player_fuel     .eq     $029c             ;0-70
                   ship_state1?    .eq     $029d
                   ship_state2?    .eq     $029e
                   cargo_capacity? .eq     $02a5
                   player_cargo    .eq     $02a6  {addr/16}  ;items in player cargo bay
                   have_ecm        .eq     $02b7             ;bool 00/ff: ship has ECM device
                   have_fuel_scoop .eq     $02b8             ;bool 00/ff: ship has fuel scoop
                   have_energy_bomb .eq    $02b9             ;00/7f/ff?
                   have_energy_unit .eq    $02ba             ;bool 00/ff: ship has energy unit
                   have_docking_comp .eq   $02bb             ;bool 00/ff: ship has docking computer
                   have_galactic_hyper .eq $02bc             ;bool 00/ff: ship has galactic jump
                   have_escape_pod .eq     $02bd             ;bool 00/ff: escape pod equipped?
                   kill_score_rem  .eq     $02c1             ;kill score remainder
                   missile_armed_flag? .eq $02c2
                   player_fug_inno .eq     $02c3             ;player fugitive / innocent status
                   kill_score      .eq     $02d6  {addr/2}   ;number of kills
                   in_flight_msg_token .eq $02dc             ;flight token for briefly-shown messages
                   NMIVEC          .eq     $03fb  {addr/3}
                   xcoords?        .eq     $0400  {addr/256}
                   ycoords?        .eq     $0500  {addr/256}
                   SCRNHOLE5       .eq     $06f8  {addr/8}   ;text page 1 screen holes
                   data_buffer     .eq     $0800  {addr/256} ;used for RWTS
                   KBD             .eq     $c000             ;R last key pressed + 128
                   KBDSTRB         .eq     $c010             ;RW keyboard strobe
                   SPKR            .eq     $c030             ;RW toggle speaker
                   TXTCLR          .eq     $c050             ;RW display graphics
                   TXTSET          .eq     $c051             ;RW display text
                   MIXCLR          .eq     $c052             ;RW display full screen
                   TXTPAGE1        .eq     $c054             ;RW display page 1
                   HIRES           .eq     $c057             ;RW display hi-res graphics
                   BUTN0           .eq     $c061             ;R switch input 0 / open-apple
                   BUTN1           .eq     $c062             ;R switch input 1 / closed-apple
                   PADDL0          .eq     $c064             ;R analog input 0
                   PTRIG           .eq     $c070             ;RW analog input reset
                   IWM_PH0_OFF     .eq     $c080             ;IWM phase 0 off
                   ROMIN           .eq     $c081             ;RWx2 read ROM, write RAM bank 2
                   IWM_MOTOR_OFF   .eq     $c088             ;IWM motor off
                   IWM_MOTOR_ON    .eq     $c089             ;IWM motor on
                   IWM_DRIVE_1     .eq     $c08a             ;IWM select drive 1
                   LCBANK1         .eq     $c08b             ;RWx2 read/write RAM bank 1
                   IWM_Q6_OFF      .eq     $c08c             ;IWM read
                   IWM_Q6_ON       .eq     $c08d             ;IWM WP-sense
                   IWM_Q7_OFF      .eq     $c08e             ;IWM WP-sense/read
                   IWM_Q7_ON       .eq     $c08f             ;IWM write

                                   .org    $0a00
                   ; This is executed when ELA is BRUN.  It attempts to do an unnecessary (and
                   ; possibly unsuccessful) copy of some data to the language card, and then exits.
                   ; My guess is this is left over from a loader used during development that
                   ; copied stuff into the LC, loaded everything else, then memory-moved the LC
                   ; contents on top of DOS.
                   ; This area is used for data storage once the game starts.
                   ]src_ptr        .var    $00    {addr/2}
                   ]dst_ptr        .var    $02    {addr/2}

0a00: ad 54 c0     L0A00           lda     TXTPAGE1
0a03: ad 52 c0                     lda     MIXCLR
0a06: ad 57 c0                     lda     HIRES
0a09: ad 50 c0                     lda     TXTCLR
0a0c: a5 00                        lda     ]src_ptr
0a0e: 48                           pha
0a0f: a5 01                        lda     ]src_ptr+1
0a11: 48                           pha
0a12: a5 02                        lda     ]dst_ptr
0a14: 48                           pha
0a15: a5 03                        lda     ]dst_ptr+1
0a17: 48                           pha
0a18: ad 8b c0                     lda     LCBANK1           ;read/write LC bank 1 -- not guaranteed to
0a1b: a9 00                        lda     #$00              ; write-enable since it's not touched twice
0a1d: 85 00                        sta     ]src_ptr
0a1f: a9 40                        lda     #$40
0a21: 85 01                        sta     ]src_ptr+1
0a23: a9 00                        lda     #$00
0a25: 85 02                        sta     ]dst_ptr
0a27: a9 d0                        lda     #$d0
0a29: 85 03                        sta     ]dst_ptr+1
0a2b: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
0a2d: a2 30                        ldx     #$30
0a2f: b1 00        L0A2F           lda     (]src_ptr),y
0a31: 91 02                        sta     (]dst_ptr),y
0a33: c8                           iny
0a34: d0 f9                        bne     L0A2F
0a36: e6 01                        inc     ]src_ptr+1
0a38: e6 03                        inc     ]dst_ptr+1
0a3a: ca                           dex
0a3b: d0 f2                        bne     L0A2F
0a3d: ad 81 c0                     lda     ROMIN
0a40: 68                           pla
0a41: 85 03                        sta     ]dst_ptr+1
0a43: 68                           pla
0a44: 85 02                        sta     ]dst_ptr
0a46: 68                           pla
0a47: 85 01                        sta     ]src_ptr+1
0a49: 68                           pla
0a4a: 85 00                        sta     ]src_ptr
0a4c: 60                           rts

0a4d: 20 20 45 51+                 .junk   17
                   ; Storage for disk access code.
0a5e: 44           rwts_track      .dd1    $44
0a5f: 30           rwts_sector     .dd1    $30
0a60: 35                           .dd1    $35
0a61: 30           rwts_ts_track   .dd1    $30
0a62: 3a           rwts_ts_sector  .dd1    $3a
0a63: 45                           .dd1    $45
0a64: 51                           .dd1    $51
0a65: 55 57        rwts_delay_ctr  .dd2    $5755
0a67: 26           rwts_retry_2    .dd1    $26
0a68: 44           rwts_retry_1    .dd1    $44
0a69: 30           rwts_slot       .dd1    $30
0a6a: 35                           .dd1    $35
0a6b: 30                           .dd1    $30
0a6c: 3a                           .dd1    $3a
0a6d: 45           rwts_addr_sect  .dd1    $45
0a6e: 51           rwts_addr_track .dd1    $51
0a6f: 55 57 26 44+                 .junk   109
                   ; Saved games are 110 bytes.
                   ; The file actually spans 114 bytes, because the first 4 bytes of the file are
                   ; unused (would be the 'B' file header).  The next 106 bytes are scrambled with
                   ; the RNG, and the last 4 bytes hold the RNG seed.
                   ; The code copies 76 bytes from +20 ($14-5F).
0adc: e9 32 20 20+ scram_save_data .junk   106
0b46: 74 79 0d 07  scram_rng_seed  .junk   4
0b4a: ee 33 2e 53+                 .junk   22
                   ; A set of null-terminated strings that have been tokenized and EORed with $23
                   ; (the $00 string terminators are not EORed).  Strings may recursively refer to
                   ; other strings.
                   ; For example:
                   ;  03 60 6b a9 77 00 --> 20 43 48 8a 54 --> "[$80] C H AR T"
                   ; See PrintFlightToken @ $7144 for an explanation of the mechanism.
                   ; Note there are two occurrences of $23 in the table, which become token $00
                   ; (prints the cash balance).  This prevents us from trivially EORing the table
                   ; to plaintext.
0b60: 4c 32 24 00+ flight_text     .bulk   $4c,$32,$24,$00,$03,$60,$6b,$a9,$77,$00,$64,$6c,$b5,$71,$6d,$6e
                                    +      $b1,$77,$00,$67,$b2,$62,$32,$20,$00,$af,$b5,$6d,$77,$ba,$7a,$2f
                                    +      $00,$70,$7a,$70,$bf,$6e,$00,$73,$bd,$a6,$00,$21,$03,$a8,$71,$68
                                    +      $66,$77,$03,$85,$70,$00,$af,$67,$ab,$77,$bd,$a3,$00,$62,$64,$bd
                                    +      $60,$76,$6f,$77,$76,$b7,$6f,$00,$bd,$60,$6b,$03,$00,$62,$b5,$b7
                                    +      $a0,$03,$00,$73,$6c,$ba,$03,$00,$a8,$af,$6f,$7a,$03,$00,$76,$6d
                                    +      $6a,$77,$00,$75,$6a,$66,$74,$03,$00,$b9,$b8,$b4,$77,$7a,$00,$b8
                                    +      $a9,$60,$6b,$7a,$00,$65,$66,$76,$67,$a3,$00,$6e,$76,$6f,$b4,$0e
                                    +      $81,$00,$ae,$60,$77,$b2,$ba,$9a,$00,$d8,$6e,$76,$6d,$be,$77,$00
                                    +      $60,$bc,$65,$bb,$b3,$62,$60,$7a,$00,$67,$66,$6e,$6c,$60,$b7,$60
                                    +      $7a,$00,$60,$ba,$73,$ba,$b2,$66,$03,$e8,$b2,$66,$00,$70,$6b,$6a
                                    +      $73,$00,$73,$dd,$67,$76,$60,$77,$00,$03,$b6,$70,$b3,$00,$6b,$76
                                    +      $6e,$b8,$03,$60,$6c,$6f,$bc,$6a,$a3,$00,$6b,$7a,$73,$b3,$70,$73
                                    +      $62,$a6,$03,$00,$70,$6b,$ba,$77,$03,$e9,$82,$00,$ae,$e8,$b8,$a6
                                    +      $00,$73,$6c,$73,$76,$6f,$b2,$6a,$bc,$00,$64,$dd,$70,$70,$03,$99
                                    +      $6a,$75,$6a,$77,$7a,$00,$66,$60,$bc,$6c,$6e,$7a,$00,$03,$6f,$6a
                                    +      $64,$6b,$77,$03,$7a,$66,$a9,$70,$00,$bf,$60,$6b,$0d,$a2,$b5,$6f
                                    +      $00,$60,$62,$70,$6b,$00,$03,$a5,$2c,$6a,$bc,$00,$59,$82,$22,$00
                                    +      $77,$a9,$a0,$77,$03,$6f,$6c,$e8,$00,$49,$03,$69,$62,$6e,$6e,$bb
                                    +      $00,$71,$b8,$a0,$00,$70,$77,$00,$93,$03,$6c,$65,$03,$00,$70,$66
                                    +      $2c,$00,$03,$60,$a9,$64,$6c,$25,$00,$66,$b9,$6a,$73,$00,$65,$6c
                                    +      $6c,$67,$00,$bf,$7b,$b4,$6f,$aa,$00,$b7,$ae,$6c,$62,$60,$b4,$b5
                                    +      $70,$00,$70,$b6,$b5,$70,$00,$6f,$6a,$b9,$ba,$0c,$74,$af,$aa,$00
                                    +      $6f,$76,$7b,$76,$bd,$aa,$00,$6d,$a9,$60,$6c,$b4,$60,$70,$00,$d8
                                    +      $73,$76,$77,$b3,$70,$00,$a8,$60,$6b,$af,$b3,$7a,$00,$62,$6f,$6f
                                    +      $6c,$7a,$70,$00,$65,$6a,$ad,$a9,$6e,$70,$00,$65,$76,$71,$70,$00
                                    +      $6e,$af,$b3,$a3,$70,$00,$64,$6c,$6f,$67,$00,$73,$6f,$b2,$af,$76
                                    +      $6e,$00,$a0,$6e,$0e,$e8,$bc,$aa,$00,$a3,$6a,$b1,$03,$5c,$70,$00
                                    +      $2f,$12,$13,$23,$16,$23,$00,$03,$60,$71,$00,$6f,$a9,$a0,$00,$65
                                    +      $6a,$b3,$a6,$00,$70,$a8,$2c,$00,$64,$ad,$b1,$00,$71,$bb,$00,$7a
                                    +      $66,$2c,$6c,$74,$00,$61,$6f,$76,$66,$00,$61,$b6,$60,$68,$00,$35
                                    +      $00,$70,$6f,$6a,$6e,$7a,$00,$61,$76,$64,$0e,$66,$7a,$bb,$00,$6b
                                    +      $ba,$6d,$bb,$00,$61,$bc,$7a,$00,$65,$b2,$00,$65,$76,$71,$71,$7a
                                    +      $00,$dd,$67,$b1,$77,$00,$65,$dd,$64,$00,$6f,$6a,$a7,$71,$67,$00
                                    +      $6f,$6c,$61,$e8,$b3,$00,$a5,$71,$67,$00,$6b,$76,$6e,$b8,$6c,$6a
                                    +      $67,$00,$65,$66,$6f,$af,$66,$00,$af,$70,$66,$60,$77,$00,$88,$b7
                                    +      $ae,$ab,$00,$60,$6c,$6e,$00,$d8,$6e,$b8,$67,$b3,$00,$03,$67,$aa
                                    +      $77,$dd,$7a,$bb,$00,$71,$6c,$00,$8d,$03,$03,$93,$2f,$03,$99,$03
                                    +      $03,$03,$8d,$03,$85,$03,$65,$ba,$03,$70,$62,$a2,$2f,$29,$00,$65
                                    +      $71,$bc,$77,$00,$ad,$a9,$00,$a2,$65,$77,$00,$bd,$64,$6b,$77,$00
                                    +      $5a,$6f,$6c,$74,$24,$00,$40,$32,$df,$02,$00,$66,$7b,$77,$b7,$03
                                    +      $00,$73,$76,$6f,$70,$66,$98,$00,$b0,$62,$6e,$98,$00,$65,$76,$66
                                    +      $6f,$00,$6e,$be,$70,$6a,$a2,$00,$c0,$ed,$03,$61,$62,$7a,$00,$66
                                    +      $0d,$60,$0d,$6e,$0d,$86,$00,$45,$44,$70,$00,$45,$4b,$70,$00,$4a
                                    +      $03,$70,$60,$6c,$6c,$73,$70,$00,$aa,$60,$62,$73,$66,$03,$73,$6c
                                    +      $67,$00,$5a,$61,$6c,$6e,$61,$00,$5a,$8d,$00,$67,$6c,$60,$68,$af
                                    +      $64,$03,$f4,$00,$59,$03,$9e,$00,$6e,$6a,$6f,$6a,$77,$a9,$7a,$03
                                    +      $98,$00,$6e,$af,$af,$64,$03,$98,$00,$e6,$19,$23,$00,$af,$d8,$af
                                    +      $64,$03,$49,$00,$b1,$b3,$64,$7a,$03,$00,$64,$62,$b6,$60,$b4,$60
                                    +      $00,$50,$03,$6c,$6d,$00,$62,$2c,$00,$26,$a2,$64,$a3,$03,$e8,$b2
                                    +      $ab,$19,$00,$df,$03,$27,$2f,$2f,$2f,$25,$3c,$03,$86,$2a,$21,$2f
                                    +      $9e,$86,$2a,$20,$2f,$60,$bc,$ae,$b4,$bc,$2a,$00,$6a,$bf,$6e,$00
                                    +      $00,$6f,$6f,$00,$b7,$b4,$6d,$64,$19,$00,$03,$bc,$03,$00,$2f,$2b
                                    +      $ec,$6e,$b1,$77,$19,$25,$00,$60,$a2,$b8,$00,$6c,$65,$65,$b1,$67
                                    +      $b3,$00,$65,$76,$64,$6a,$b4,$b5,$00,$6b,$a9,$6e,$a2,$70,$70,$00
                                    +      $6e,$6c,$e8,$6f,$7a,$03,$35,$00,$8f,$00,$88,$00,$62,$61,$6c,$b5
                                    +      $03,$88,$00,$d8,$73,$66,$77,$b1,$77,$00,$67,$b8,$a0,$dd,$ab,$00
                                    +      $67,$66,$62,$67,$6f,$7a,$00,$0e,$0e,$0e,$0e,$03,$66,$03,$6f,$03
                                    +      $6a,$03,$77,$03,$66,$03,$0e,$0e,$0e,$0e,$00,$73,$ad,$70,$b1,$77
                                    +      $00,$2b,$64,$62,$6e,$66,$03,$6c,$b5,$71,$00,$00
0f1c: 00 32 37 3e                  .bulk   $00,$32,$37,$3e   ;junk?
                   ; Table of sines.  The 32 entries are computed with:
                   ;   entry[i] = round(sin(i / 32.0 * PI) * 255)
0f20: 00 19 32 4a+ sine_table      .bulk   $00,$19,$32,$4a,$62,$79,$8e,$a2,$b5,$c6,$d5,$e2,$ed,$f5,$fb,$ff
                                    +      $ff,$ff,$fb,$f5,$ed,$e2,$d5,$c6,$b5,$a2,$8e,$79,$62,$4a,$32,$19
                   ; A set of null-terminated tokenized strings used for messages while docked. 
                   ; All of the data has been EORed with $57.
                   ; See PrintDockedStr @ $4b6e.
0f40: 57 5e 5c 56+ docked_text     .bulk   $57,$5e,$5c,$56,$5f,$77,$a6,$04,$1c,$77,$16,$14,$be,$04,$04,$77
                                    +      $1a,$12,$b6,$80,$5d,$55,$66,$79,$77,$c2,$80,$65,$79,$77,$04,$16
                                    +      $ad,$77,$cd,$77,$53,$80,$64,$79,$77,$13,$12,$11,$16,$02,$1b,$03
                                    +      $77,$56,$1d,$16,$1a,$ba,$88,$55,$80,$63,$79,$77,$12,$0f,$8c,$80
                                    +      $57,$57,$57,$14,$18,$1a,$07,$12,$ac,$ac,$88,$77,$b6,$1a,$15,$a3
                                    +      $6d,$57,$e7,$3a,$9d,$39,$e6,$57,$77,$77,$c2,$77,$56,$7f,$0e,$78
                                    +      $19,$7e,$68,$55,$5b,$5b,$57,$07,$a5,$04,$04,$77,$04,$07,$16,$be
                                    +      $77,$aa,$77,$11,$1e,$a5,$7b,$cd,$79,$5b,$5b,$57,$cd,$70,$04,$9f
                                    +      $57,$5b,$56,$8b,$b2,$10,$b3,$77,$12,$1b,$1e,$03,$12,$77,$1e,$1e
                                    +      $77,$11,$1e,$b2,$57,$40,$59,$55,$10,$a5,$8a,$a7,$10,$04,$82,$e5
                                    +      $44,$1e,$77,$a0,$10,$87,$1a,$18,$1a,$a1,$03,$77,$18,$11,$77,$e4
                                    +      $05,$77,$01,$b3,$02,$8f,$b2,$77,$ac,$1a,$12,$9b,$00,$12,$77,$00
                                    +      $8e,$1b,$13,$77,$1b,$1e,$1c,$12,$77,$e4,$9e,$13,$18,$87,$1b,$8c
                                    +      $03,$b2,$77,$1d,$18,$15,$77,$11,$aa,$77,$bb,$9b,$c4,$98,$77,$e4
                                    +      $77,$8d,$12,$77,$1f,$12,$a5,$9d,$16,$85,$1a,$18,$13,$12,$1b,$7b
                                    +      $77,$c4,$44,$14,$88,$89,$05,$1e,$14,$03,$aa,$7b,$77,$12,$a9,$1e
                                    +      $07,$93,$00,$1e,$b5,$87,$03,$18,$07,$77,$8d,$14,$05,$8a,$85,$04
                                    +      $1f,$1e,$12,$1b,$13,$77,$10,$a1,$a3,$a2,$aa,$9b,$02,$19,$11,$aa
                                    +      $03,$02,$19,$a2,$12,$1b,$0e,$77,$8c,$70,$04,$77,$a0,$a1,$77,$89
                                    +      $18,$1b,$a1,$9b,$41,$8c,$77,$00,$a1,$03,$77,$1a,$1e,$04,$04,$94
                                    +      $11,$05,$18,$1a,$77,$8e,$05,$77,$98,$77,$0e,$b9,$13,$77,$88,$77
                                    +      $44,$b1,$a3,$77,$11,$1e,$ad,$77,$1a,$88,$b5,$04,$77,$16,$10,$18
                                    +      $e5,$4b,$9b,$e4,$05,$77,$1a,$1e,$04,$04,$1e,$88,$7b,$77,$04,$1f
                                    +      $8e,$1b,$13,$77,$e4,$77,$13,$12,$14,$1e,$13,$12,$9e,$16,$14,$be
                                    +      $07,$03,$77,$8c,$7b,$77,$1e,$04,$9e,$8d,$12,$1c,$e5,$13,$ba,$03
                                    +      $05,$18,$0e,$77,$c3,$98,$9b,$e4,$77,$16,$a5,$77,$14,$16,$02,$ac
                                    +      $88,$93,$b5,$a2,$77,$88,$1b,$0e,$77,$51,$22,$52,$04,$77,$00,$8b
                                    +      $1b,$77,$07,$a1,$8a,$af,$03,$12,$77,$c4,$19,$12,$00,$77,$04,$1f
                                    +      $1e,$12,$1b,$13,$04,$e5,$b5,$a2,$77,$c4,$44,$14,$88,$89,$05,$1e
                                    +      $14,$03,$aa,$9d,$11,$8c,$03,$93,$00,$1e,$b5,$77,$a8,$77,$51,$3b
                                    +      $52,$e6,$55,$5f,$10,$18,$18,$13,$77,$1b,$02,$14,$1c,$7b,$77,$cd
                                    +      $83,$41,$57,$4e,$5e,$40,$59,$55,$77,$77,$a2,$03,$a1,$ac,$88,$82
                                    +      $79,$77,$44,$00,$12,$77,$1f,$16,$ad,$77,$19,$12,$93,$18,$11,$77
                                    +      $e4,$05,$77,$8d,$05,$01,$1e,$14,$ba,$77,$16,$10,$16,$a7,$9b,$1e
                                    +      $11,$77,$e4,$77,$00,$8e,$1b,$13,$77,$a0,$77,$bc,$77,$10,$18,$18
                                    +      $13,$77,$16,$04,$9e,$10,$18,$9e,$44,$be,$a3,$a6,$77,$e4,$77,$00
                                    +      $8b,$1b,$77,$a0,$77,$15,$05,$1e,$12,$11,$ab,$9b,$1e,$11,$77,$04
                                    +      $02,$14,$be,$04,$04,$11,$02,$1b,$7b,$77,$e4,$77,$00,$8b,$1b,$77
                                    +      $a0,$77,$00,$12,$1b,$1b,$77,$a5,$00,$b9,$13,$ab,$83,$4f,$57,$7f
                                    +      $44,$14,$7e,$92,$77,$66,$6e,$6f,$62,$57,$15,$0e,$92,$57,$42,$c6
                                    +      $9f,$4d,$57,$4e,$5e,$40,$59,$55,$77,$77,$14,$88,$10,$af,$03,$02
                                    +      $ae,$ac,$88,$04,$77,$cd,$76,$5b,$5b,$b5,$a3,$12,$5a,$77,$00,$8b
                                    +      $1b,$77,$b3,$00,$16,$0e,$04,$77,$a0,$87,$07,$ae,$be,$77,$11,$aa
                                    +      $77,$e4,$77,$a7,$84,$9b,$a8,$13,$77,$b8,$0e,$a0,$77,$bc,$88,$a3
                                    +      $77,$b5,$a8,$77,$e4,$77,$b5,$a7,$1c,$79,$79,$83,$4f,$57,$11,$8f
                                    +      $b2,$13,$57,$b4,$03,$8f,$b2,$57,$00,$12,$1b,$1b,$77,$1c,$b4,$00
                                    +      $19,$57,$11,$16,$1a,$18,$bb,$57,$b4,$03,$ab,$57,$ad,$05,$0e,$57
                                    +      $1a,$8b,$13,$1b,$0e,$57,$1a,$18,$89,$57,$a5,$16,$04,$88,$8f,$1b
                                    +      $0e,$57,$57,$f2,$57,$25,$57,$10,$a5,$a2,$57,$01,$16,$89,$57,$07
                                    +      $a7,$1c,$57,$55,$20,$77,$21,$5a,$77,$ee,$16,$ac,$88,$04,$57,$cb
                                    +      $04,$57,$22,$57,$d7,$77,$11,$aa,$ba,$03,$04,$57,$18,$be,$a8,$04
                                    +      $57,$04,$1f,$0e,$19,$ba,$04,$57,$04,$8b,$1b,$a7,$ba,$04,$57,$b8
                                    +      $03,$94,$03,$af,$a6,$ac,$88,$04,$57,$b7,$a2,$1f,$94,$18,$11,$77
                                    +      $33,$57,$b7,$ad,$77,$11,$aa,$77,$33,$57,$11,$18,$18,$13,$77,$15
                                    +      $b2,$19,$13,$a3,$04,$57,$03,$8e,$05,$1e,$89,$04,$57,$07,$18,$8a
                                    +      $05,$0e,$57,$a6,$04,$14,$18,$04,$57,$3b,$57,$00,$b3,$1c,$94,$c9
                                    +      $57,$14,$af,$15,$57,$15,$a2,$57,$b7,$15,$89,$57,$45,$57,$a0,$04
                                    +      $8a,$57,$07,$ae,$10,$02,$ab,$57,$af,$01,$16,$10,$ab,$57,$14,$02
                                    +      $05,$04,$ab,$57,$04,$14,$8e,$05,$10,$ab,$57,$26,$77,$14,$1e,$01
                                    +      $8b,$77,$00,$b9,$57,$3f,$77,$08,$77,$37,$04,$57,$16,$77,$3f,$77
                                    +      $a6,$8d,$16,$8d,$57,$26,$77,$12,$b9,$b5,$a9,$16,$1c,$ba,$57,$26
                                    +      $77,$bc,$ae,$05,$77,$16,$14,$ac,$01,$8c,$0e,$57,$f8,$0a,$77,$09
                                    +      $57,$c4,$46,$77,$08,$77,$37,$57,$f8,$96,$04,$70,$77,$35,$77,$34
                                    +      $57,$55,$2d,$5a,$57,$f8,$3c,$77,$3b,$57,$1d,$02,$1e,$be,$57,$15
                                    +      $af,$19,$13,$0e,$57,$00,$a2,$a3,$57,$15,$a5,$00,$57,$10,$b9,$10
                                    +      $b2,$77,$15,$ae,$89,$a3,$04,$57,$45,$57,$46,$77,$37,$57,$46,$77
                                    +      $45,$57,$46,$77,$3f,$57,$3f,$77,$45,$57,$11,$8f,$02,$b7,$bb,$57
                                    +      $12,$0f,$18,$ac,$14,$57,$1f,$18,$18,$07,$0e,$57,$02,$b6,$04,$02
                                    +      $b3,$57,$12,$0f,$14,$8c,$a7,$10,$57,$14,$02,$1e,$04,$a7,$12,$57
                                    +      $19,$1e,$10,$1f,$03,$77,$1b,$1e,$11,$12,$57,$14,$16,$04,$1e,$b4
                                    +      $04,$57,$04,$8c,$77,$14,$18,$1a,$04,$57,$55,$2d,$5a,$57,$54,$57
                                    +      $c4,$c6,$77,$54,$57,$c4,$c5,$77,$54,$57,$c3,$c6,$57,$c3,$c5,$57
                                    +      $04,$88,$77,$18,$11,$87,$15,$8c,$14,$1f,$57,$04,$14,$8e,$19,$13
                                    +      $a5,$1b,$57,$15,$ae,$14,$1c,$10,$02,$b9,$13,$57,$05,$18,$10,$02
                                    +      $12,$57,$00,$1f,$aa,$ba,$88,$77,$a0,$8a,$b2,$77,$1f,$12,$16,$13
                                    +      $93,$11,$ae,$07,$77,$12,$b9,$70,$13,$77,$1c,$19,$16,$ad,$57,$19
                                    +      $77,$02,$19,$a5,$b8,$05,$1c,$8f,$b2,$57,$77,$15,$aa,$a7,$10,$57
                                    +      $77,$13,$02,$1b,$1b,$57,$77,$03,$12,$a6,$18,$bb,$57,$77,$a5,$01
                                    +      $18,$1b,$03,$a7,$10,$57,$c6,$57,$c5,$57,$07,$ae,$be,$57,$1b,$8c
                                    +      $03,$b2,$77,$c6,$57,$13,$02,$1a,$07,$57,$1e,$77,$1f,$12,$b9,$87
                                    +      $25,$77,$b7,$18,$1c,$94,$98,$77,$16,$07,$07,$12,$b9,$93,$a2,$86
                                    +      $57,$0e,$12,$16,$1f,$7b,$77,$1e,$77,$1f,$12,$b9,$87,$25,$77,$98
                                    +      $77,$b2,$11,$03,$86,$87,$77,$00,$1f,$1e,$b2,$77,$15,$16,$14,$1c
                                    +      $57,$10,$8a,$77,$e4,$05,$77,$1e,$05,$88,$77,$16,$04,$04,$77,$18
                                    +      $01,$a3,$77,$03,$18,$86,$57,$bc,$1a,$12,$77,$24,$85,$98,$77,$00
                                    +      $16,$04,$77,$8d,$a1,$77,$a2,$86,$57,$03,$05,$0e,$86,$57,$57,$57
                                    +      $57,$57,$00,$16,$04,$07,$57,$1a,$18,$b5,$57,$10,$05,$02,$15,$57
                                    +      $a8,$03,$57,$45,$57,$07,$18,$8a,$57,$b9,$03,$04,$77,$10,$af,$13
                                    +      $02,$a2,$12,$57,$0e,$16,$1c,$57,$04,$19,$16,$8b,$57,$04,$1b,$02
                                    +      $10,$57,$03,$05,$18,$07,$1e,$14,$b3,$57,$13,$a1,$8d,$57,$af,$a7
                                    +      $57,$1e,$1a,$07,$a1,$8a,$af,$15,$b2,$57,$12,$0f,$02,$a0,$af,$19
                                    +      $03,$57,$11,$02,$19,$19,$0e,$57,$00,$12,$1e,$05,$13,$57,$02,$b6
                                    +      $04,$02,$b3,$57,$89,$af,$19,$b0,$57,$07,$12,$14,$02,$1b,$1e,$b9
                                    +      $57,$11,$a5,$a9,$a1,$03,$57,$18,$14,$14,$16,$04,$1e,$88,$b3,$57
                                    +      $02,$19,$07,$a5,$a6,$14,$03,$8f,$b2,$57,$13,$a5,$16,$13,$11,$02
                                    +      $1b,$57,$fc,$57,$0b,$77,$0c,$77,$11,$aa,$77,$32,$57,$db,$e5,$32
                                    +      $57,$31,$77,$15,$0e,$77,$30,$57,$db,$77,$15,$02,$03,$77,$d9,$57
                                    +      $77,$16,$38,$77,$27,$57,$07,$1b,$a8,$8a,$57,$00,$aa,$1b,$13,$57
                                    +      $b5,$12,$77,$57,$b5,$1e,$04,$77,$57,$b7,$16,$13,$85,$cd,$57,$5e
                                    +      $5c,$56,$5f,$57,$13,$05,$1e,$ad,$57,$77,$14,$a2,$16,$b7,$10,$02
                                    +      $12,$57,$1e,$a8,$57,$44,$14,$18,$1a,$1a,$a8,$13,$a3,$57,$3f,$57
                                    +      $1a,$8e,$19,$03,$16,$a7,$57,$ab,$1e,$15,$b2,$57,$03,$a5,$12,$57
                                    +      $04,$07,$18,$03,$03,$ab,$57,$2f,$57,$2e,$57,$36,$18,$1e,$13,$57
                                    +      $28,$57,$29,$57,$a8,$14,$1e,$a1,$03,$57,$12,$0f,$be,$07,$ac,$88
                                    +      $b3,$57,$12,$14,$be,$19,$03,$05,$1e,$14,$57,$a7,$10,$af,$a7,$ab
                                    +      $57,$25,$57,$1c,$8b,$1b,$a3,$57,$13,$12,$16,$13,$1b,$0e,$57,$12
                                    +      $01,$8b,$57,$b2,$b5,$b3,$57,$01,$1e,$14,$1e,$18,$bb,$57,$8c,$04
                                    +      $77,$57,$5a,$59,$44,$57,$79,$5b,$58,$57,$77,$a8,$13,$77,$57,$0e
                                    +      $8e,$57,$07,$b9,$1c,$94,$1a,$8a,$a3,$04,$57,$13,$bb,$03,$77,$14
                                    +      $b7,$02,$13,$04,$57,$1e,$be,$77,$a0,$05,$10,$04,$57,$05,$18,$14
                                    +      $1c,$77,$11,$aa,$b8,$ac,$88,$04,$57,$01,$18,$1b,$14,$16,$b4,$ba
                                    +      $57,$07,$1b,$a8,$03,$57,$03,$02,$1b,$1e,$07,$57,$15,$a8,$a8,$16
                                    +      $57,$14,$aa,$19,$57,$45,$00,$12,$ab,$57,$45,$57,$46,$77,$45,$57
                                    +      $46,$77,$3f,$57,$a7,$1f,$16,$bd,$03,$a8,$03,$57,$e8,$57,$a7,$10
                                    +      $77,$57,$ab,$77,$57,$77,$13,$79,$15,$af,$a0,$19,$77,$71,$77,$1e
                                    +      $79,$a0,$1b,$1b,$57,$57,$57,$77,$19,$16,$1a,$12,$68,$77,$57,$77
                                    +      $03,$18,$77,$57,$77,$1e,$04,$77,$57,$00,$16,$04,$77,$ae,$89,$77
                                    +      $8d,$a1,$77,$a2,$77,$44,$57,$79,$5b,$77,$44,$57,$13,$18,$14,$1c
                                    +      $ab,$57,$56,$7f,$0e,$78,$19,$7e,$68,$57,$04,$1f,$1e,$07,$57,$77
                                    +      $16,$77,$57,$77,$a3,$05,$1e,$bb,$57,$77,$19,$12,$00,$77,$57,$55
                                    +      $77,$1f,$a3,$77,$b8,$1d,$ba,$03,$0e,$70,$04,$77,$04,$07,$16,$be
                                    +      $77,$19,$16,$01,$0e,$5a,$57,$e6,$5f,$56,$77,$77,$1a,$ba,$04,$16
                                    +      $b0,$77,$a1,$13,$04,$57,$77,$cd,$77,$53,$7b,$77,$1e,$77,$5a,$16
                                    +      $1a,$55,$77,$14,$16,$07,$03,$16,$a7,$77,$4c,$77,$5a,$18,$11,$84
                                    +      $57,$57,$58,$77,$02,$19,$1c,$b4,$00,$19,$77,$c6,$57,$5e,$5f,$40
                                    +      $56,$77,$a7,$14,$18,$1a,$94,$1a,$ba,$04,$16,$b0,$57,$14,$02,$05
                                    +      $05,$02,$b5,$a3,$04,$57,$11,$18,$04,$13,$0e,$1c,$12,$77,$04,$1a
                                    +      $0e,$b5,$12,$57,$11,$aa,$03,$ba,$a9,$12,$57,$9c,$a5,$ba,$a6,$be
                                    +      $57,$1e,$04,$77,$a0,$1b,$1e,$12,$01,$ab,$9e,$1f,$16,$ad,$77,$1d
                                    +      $02,$1a,$07,$ab,$9e,$c3,$10,$b3,$16,$0f,$0e,$57,$4e,$5e,$4a,$59
                                    +      $55,$10,$18,$18,$13,$77,$13,$16,$0e,$77,$cd,$77,$53,$9b,$1e,$5a
                                    +      $77,$16,$1a,$77,$44,$16,$10,$a1,$03,$77,$44,$15,$ae,$1c,$12,$77
                                    +      $18,$11,$77,$44,$19,$16,$01,$b3,$77,$44,$a7,$03,$12,$1b,$b2,$10
                                    +      $a1,$be,$9b,$16,$04,$77,$e4,$77,$1c,$b4,$00,$7b,$77,$c4,$44,$19
                                    +      $16,$01,$0e,$77,$1f,$16,$ad,$77,$a0,$a1,$77,$1c,$12,$12,$07,$94
                                    +      $c4,$44,$b5,$b9,$10,$18,$1e,$13,$04,$77,$18,$11,$11,$77,$e4,$05
                                    +      $77,$16,$04,$04,$77,$8e,$03,$77,$a7,$77,$13,$12,$12,$07,$77,$04
                                    +      $07,$16,$be,$77,$11,$aa,$77,$b8,$19,$0e,$77,$0e,$12,$b9,$04,$77
                                    +      $b4,$00,$79,$77,$44,$00,$12,$1b,$1b,$77,$c4,$04,$8c,$02,$16,$ac
                                    +      $88,$77,$1f,$16,$04,$77,$14,$1f,$a8,$10,$ab,$9b,$8e,$05,$77,$15
                                    +      $18,$0e,$04,$77,$b9,$12,$77,$a5,$16,$13,$0e,$77,$11,$aa,$87,$07
                                    +      $02,$04,$1f,$77,$05,$1e,$10,$1f,$03,$9e,$c4,$1f,$18,$1a,$12,$77
                                    +      $04,$0e,$04,$03,$12,$1a,$77,$18,$11,$77,$b5,$18,$8d,$77,$1a,$02
                                    +      $05,$13,$a3,$a3,$04,$9b,$4f,$5e,$4a,$1e,$5a,$77,$1f,$16,$ad,$77
                                    +      $18,$15,$03,$16,$a7,$93,$c4,$13,$12,$11,$a1,$be,$77,$07,$ae,$19
                                    +      $04,$77,$11,$aa,$77,$b5,$12,$1e,$05,$77,$44,$1f,$1e,$ad,$77,$44
                                    +      $00,$aa,$1b,$13,$04,$9b,$c4,$a0,$8a,$b2,$04,$77,$1c,$b4,$00,$77
                                    +      $00,$12,$70,$ad,$77,$10,$18,$03,$77,$bc,$1a,$12,$b5,$94,$15,$02
                                    +      $03,$77,$b4,$03,$77,$00,$1f,$a2,$9b,$1e,$11,$77,$44,$1e,$77,$03
                                    +      $af,$19,$04,$1a,$8c,$77,$c4,$07,$ae,$19,$04,$9e,$8e,$05,$77,$15
                                    +      $16,$8d,$77,$88,$77,$44,$bd,$a5,$af,$77,$b5,$12,$0e,$70,$1b,$1b
                                    +      $77,$a7,$03,$a3,$be,$07,$03,$77,$c4,$03,$05,$a8,$04,$1a,$1e,$04
                                    +      $04,$1e,$88,$79,$77,$44,$1e,$77,$19,$12,$ab,$87,$98,$9e,$b8,$1c
                                    +      $12,$77,$c4,$05,$02,$19,$9b,$e4,$70,$a5,$77,$12,$b2,$14,$03,$ab
                                    +      $9b,$c4,$07,$ae,$19,$04,$77,$16,$a5,$77,$02,$19,$1e,$07,$02,$1b
                                    +      $8d,$77,$14,$18,$13,$93,$00,$1e,$b5,$a7,$77,$c3,$03,$05,$a8,$04
                                    +      $1a,$1e,$04,$04,$1e,$88,$9b,$5f,$e4,$77,$00,$8b,$1b,$77,$a0,$77
                                    +      $07,$16,$1e,$13,$9b,$77,$77,$77,$77,$44,$10,$18,$18,$13,$77,$1b
                                    +      $02,$14,$1c,$77,$cd,$83,$4f,$57,$4e,$5e,$4a,$5f,$59,$5a,$44,$00
                                    +      $12,$1b,$1b,$77,$13,$88,$12,$77,$cd,$9b,$e4,$77,$1f,$16,$ad,$77
                                    +      $8d,$05,$01,$93,$02,$04,$77,$00,$12,$1b,$1b,$e5,$00,$12,$77,$04
                                    +      $1f,$b3,$1b,$77,$a5,$1a,$12,$1a,$15,$a3,$9b,$00,$12,$77,$13,$1e
                                    +      $13,$77,$b4,$03,$77,$12,$0f,$07,$12,$14,$03,$77,$c4,$44,$b5,$b9
                                    +      $10,$18,$1e,$13,$04,$9e,$11,$a7,$13,$77,$8e,$03,$77,$16,$15,$8e
                                    +      $03,$77,$e4,$9b,$11,$aa,$77,$c4,$1a,$18,$1a,$a1,$03,$77,$07,$b2
                                    +      $16,$8d,$77,$16,$14,$be,$07,$03,$77,$c3,$44,$19,$16,$01,$0e,$77
                                    +      $51,$25,$52,$77,$16,$04,$77,$07,$16,$0e,$1a,$a1,$03,$83,$4f,$57
                                    +      $16,$a5,$77,$e4,$77,$04,$02,$a5,$68,$57,$04,$1f,$a5,$00,$57,$a0
                                    +      $16,$89,$57,$15,$1e,$04,$88,$57,$04,$19,$16,$1c,$12,$57,$00,$18
                                    +      $1b,$11,$57,$b2,$18,$07,$b9,$13,$57,$14,$a2,$57,$1a,$88,$1c,$12
                                    +      $0e,$57,$10,$18,$a2,$57,$11,$1e,$04,$1f,$57,$3d,$77,$3e,$57,$46
                                    +      $77,$2f,$77,$2c,$57,$f8,$3c,$77,$2e,$77,$2c,$57,$2b,$77,$2a,$57
                                    +      $3d,$77,$3e,$57,$1a,$12,$a2,$57,$14,$02,$03,$1b,$8a,$57,$89,$12
                                    +      $16,$1c,$57,$15,$02,$05,$10,$a3,$04,$57,$bc,$02,$07,$57,$1e,$be
                                    +      $57,$1a,$02,$13,$57,$0d,$a3,$18,$7a,$44,$10,$57,$01,$16,$14,$02
                                    +      $02,$1a,$57,$46,$77,$02,$1b,$03,$af,$57,$1f,$18,$14,$1c,$12,$0e
                                    +      $57,$14,$05,$1e,$14,$1c,$8a,$57,$1c,$b9,$a2,$12,$57,$07,$18,$b7
                                    +      $57,$03,$a1,$19,$1e,$04,$57,$5b,$49,$77,$a3,$05,$aa,$57
1a5e: d3 96 24 1c+ text_stuff1?    .bulk   $d3,$96,$24,$1c,$fd,$4f,$35,$76,$64,$20,$44,$a4,$dc,$6a,$10,$a2
                                    +      $03,$6b,$1a,$c0,$b8,$05,$65,$c1,$29
1a77: 01 80 00 00+ text_stuff2?    .bulk   $01,$80,$00,$00,$00,$01,$01,$01,$01,$82,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01
                                    +      $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$02,$01,$82,$90
                   ; More strings in "docked" format.  Index 0-26.
1a92: 57 c4 14 18+ ext_docked_text .bulk   $57,$c4,$14,$18,$b7,$19,$1e,$89,$04,$77,$1f,$12,$a5,$77,$1f,$16
                                    +      $ad,$77,$01,$1e,$18,$1b,$a2,$ab,$55,$77,$a7,$03,$a3,$10,$b3,$16
                                    +      $14,$ac,$14,$77,$14,$b7,$19,$94,$07,$05,$18,$03,$18,$14,$18,$1b
                                    +      $5a,$e5,$04,$1f,$8e,$1b,$13,$77,$a0,$77,$16,$01,$18,$1e,$13,$ab
                                    +      $57,$c4,$14,$88,$89,$05,$1e,$14,$03,$aa,$77,$9c,$a5,$ba,$a6,$be
                                    +      $7b,$77,$cd,$57,$16,$77,$25,$77,$b7,$18,$1c,$94,$98,$77,$b2,$11
                                    +      $03,$77,$1f,$12,$a5,$87,$00,$1f,$1e,$b2,$77,$15,$16,$14,$1c,$79
                                    +      $77,$1b,$18,$18,$1c,$93,$15,$8e,$19,$13,$77,$11,$aa,$77,$b9,$12
                                    +      $b1,$57,$0e,$12,$07,$7b,$87,$25,$85,$98,$77,$1f,$16,$13,$87,$10
                                    +      $b3,$16,$14,$ac,$14,$77,$1f,$0e,$07,$a3,$13,$05,$1e,$ad,$77,$11
                                    +      $8c,$03,$93,$1f,$12,$a5,$79,$77,$bb,$93,$8c,$77,$03,$18,$18,$57
                                    +      $c3,$77,$25,$77,$98,$77,$13,$12,$1f,$0e,$07,$93,$1f,$12,$a5,$77
                                    +      $11,$05,$18,$1a,$77,$b4,$00,$1f,$12,$a5,$7b,$77,$04,$02,$19,$77
                                    +      $04,$1c,$1e,$1a,$1a,$ab,$e5,$1d,$02,$1a,$07,$ab,$79,$77,$1e,$77
                                    +      $1f,$12,$b9,$77,$8c,$77,$00,$a1,$03,$9e,$a7,$bd,$a0,$57,$24,$77
                                    +      $98,$77,$00,$a1,$03,$77,$11,$aa,$77,$1a,$12,$77,$a2,$77,$16,$bb
                                    +      $b9,$79,$77,$1a,$0e,$77,$ae,$04,$a3,$04,$77,$13,$1e,$13,$19,$70
                                    +      $03,$77,$12,$01,$a1,$77,$04,$14,$af,$03,$14,$1f,$77,$c4,$24,$57
                                    +      $18,$1f,$77,$13,$12,$b9,$77,$1a,$12,$77,$0e,$ba,$79,$87,$11,$05
                                    +      $1e,$10,$1f,$03,$11,$02,$1b,$77,$05,$18,$10,$02,$12,$77,$00,$1e
                                    +      $b5,$77,$00,$1f,$a2,$77,$1e,$77,$a0,$1b,$1e,$12,$ad,$77,$e4,$77
                                    +      $07,$12,$18,$07,$b2,$77,$14,$b3,$1b,$87,$b2,$16,$13,$77,$07,$18
                                    +      $89,$a3,$1e,$aa,$77,$04,$1f,$18,$03,$77,$02,$07,$77,$b7,$03,$04
                                    +      $77,$18,$11,$77,$b5,$18,$8d,$77,$a0,$16,$89,$1b,$0e,$77,$07,$1e
                                    +      $af,$03,$ba,$e5,$00,$a1,$03,$9e,$bb,$b2,$05,$1e,$57,$e4,$77,$14
                                    +      $a8,$77,$03,$16,$14,$1c,$b2,$77,$c4,$3f,$77,$24,$77,$1e,$11,$77
                                    +      $e4,$77,$1b,$1e,$1c,$12,$79,$77,$1f,$12,$70,$04,$77,$a2,$77,$aa
                                    +      $b9,$af,$57,$56,$14,$18,$1a,$94,$bc,$88,$6d,$77,$12,$1b,$8c,$12
                                    +      $77,$1e,$1e,$57,$23,$57,$23,$57,$23,$57,$23,$57,$23,$57,$23,$57
                                    +      $23,$57,$23,$57,$23,$57,$23,$57,$23,$57,$23,$57,$23,$57,$15,$18
                                    +      $0e,$77,$16,$a5,$77,$e4,$77,$a7,$77,$c4,$00,$05,$88,$10,$77,$10
                                    +      $b3,$16,$0f,$0e,$76,$57,$b5,$a3,$12,$70,$04,$87,$a5,$b3,$77,$24
                                    +      $77,$07,$1e,$af,$03,$12,$77,$8e,$03,$77,$b5,$a3,$12,$57,$c4,$96
                                    +      $04,$77,$18,$11,$77,$3a,$77,$16,$a5,$77,$bc,$77,$16,$b8,$0d,$a7
                                    +      $10,$1b,$0e,$77,$07,$05,$1e,$1a,$1e,$ac,$ad,$77,$b5,$a2,$77,$b5
                                    +      $12,$0e,$77,$89,$8b,$1b,$77,$b5,$a7,$1c,$77,$44,$7d,$7d,$7d,$7d
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1cf9: 2e 54 72 69+                 .str    ‘.Tribbl’         ;trouble?

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                                    +      $1f,$33,$33,$1f,$0f,$1b,$33,$00,$1e,$33,$03,$1e,$30,$33,$1e,$00
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                                    +      $03,$03,$1f,$33,$33,$33,$33,$00,$0c,$00,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$00
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                                    +      $00,$00,$1e,$33,$33,$33,$33,$00,$00,$00,$1e,$33,$33,$33,$1e,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$1e,$33,$33,$1f,$03,$03,$00,$00,$1e,$33,$33,$3e,$30,$30
                                    +      $00,$00,$1e,$33,$03,$03,$03,$00,$00,$00,$3e,$03,$1e,$30,$1f,$00
                                    +      $06,$06,$1f,$06,$06,$36,$1c,$00,$00,$00,$33,$33,$33,$33,$1e,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$33,$33,$33,$1e,$0c,$00,$00,$00,$63,$63,$6b,$6b,$3e,$00
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                   ; The title screen remains for the entire game -- only the viewport is erased.
2000: c0 aa d5 aa+ title_screen    .bulk   $c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
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                                    +      $c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
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                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80
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                                    +      $00,$04,$00,$00,$00,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
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                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80
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                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$88,$00,$90,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$10,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
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                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$c5,$a8,$d1,$a2,$c5,$88,$d1,$a2,$c4,$a8,$d1,$aa
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                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$88,$00,$00,$00,$90,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$10,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
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                                    +      $aa,$95,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$8a,$d5,$aa,$c4,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$8a,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d4,$a8,$d5,$a2,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
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                                    +      $20,$45,$00,$51,$22,$05,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$90,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$11,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
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                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$d5,$aa,$f5
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                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$00,$00,$80,$00
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                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$c0,$aa,$f5
                                    +      $ee,$dd,$bb,$94,$8a,$c5,$bb,$f7,$ee,$9d,$aa,$d5,$ec,$dd,$bb,$f7
                                    +      $a2,$d1,$a8,$f6,$ee,$dd,$bb,$d5,$aa,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$28,$51,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$91,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
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                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$81,$80,$d0,$80,$85,$a8,$81
                                    +      $a0,$95,$88,$d0,$8a,$84,$a0,$85,$a0,$d1,$82,$90,$aa,$81,$80,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
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                                    +      $c0,$08,$11,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$88,$a2,$90,$92,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$c0,$82,$a1,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$f0,$e7,$8c,$f8,$f3,$c7,$fc,$ff
                                    +      $f2,$f9,$a3,$fd,$fc,$81,$f8,$d7,$f0,$81,$8f,$f9,$f0,$c7,$82,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
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                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d4,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$90,$88,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$90,$00,$00,$00,$81
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$88,$a0,$81,$00,$91,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$c0,$88,$a1,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$d4,$aa,$d5,$ae,$d5,$bb,$f5,$aa,$dd,$bb,$f7
                                    +      $ea,$dd,$bb,$d7,$ee,$dd,$aa,$f7,$aa,$dd,$ab,$f7,$ea,$dd,$aa,$95
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
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                                    +      $c1,$88,$d4,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$90,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$90,$00,$00,$00,$c0,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$82,$00,$00,$00,$88,$00,$90,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$05,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$aa,$d5,$bb,$d7,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ee,$9d,$80,$e5
                                    +      $c8,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ee,$91,$a3,$81,$ec,$c1,$bb,$f7,$ee,$dd,$bb,$d5
                                    +      $aa,$95,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
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                                    +      $c0,$90,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$90,$00,$00,$a0,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$84,$00,$00,$88,$00,$90,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$15,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$aa,$d5,$ba,$f7,$ee,$dd,$bb,$c7,$a2,$c4,$a2,$c5
                                    +      $8a,$c5,$bb,$f7,$a2,$d1,$a2,$c5,$a2,$c4,$b2,$f7,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7
                                    +      $aa,$81,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
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                                    +      $95,$a2,$c4,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$90,$a2,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$c0,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$c0,$82,$00,$00,$00,$90,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$15,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$aa,$d5,$bb,$f7,$ee,$dd,$a3,$d4,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5
                                    +      $aa,$94,$a2,$c5,$a8,$d4,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$e4,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7
                                    +      $aa,$85,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
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                                    +      $c0,$30,$7e,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $20,$40,$00,$41,$20,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$90,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$11,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
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                                    +      $ab,$f7,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ee,$dd,$bb,$87,$aa,$d5,$b0,$f7,$ee,$dd
                                    +      $bb,$f7,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ee,$dd,$aa,$d5,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
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                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$d0,$82,$80,$aa,$80,$a0,$80
                                    +      $a0,$81,$80,$d0,$80,$80,$80,$81,$80,$d4,$82,$c0,$80,$81,$80,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$aa,$dd
                                    +      $bb,$f7,$ae,$84,$82,$e1,$ee,$dd,$bb,$97,$aa,$d5,$b8,$f7,$ee,$dd
                                    +      $83,$c1,$a0,$dc,$bb,$f7,$ae,$d5,$8a,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$08,$10,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$85,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$a8,$00,$85,$95,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$c0,$a0,$a4,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$81,$80,$d0,$80,$85,$a8,$81
                                    +      $a0,$95,$88,$d0,$8a,$84,$a0,$85,$a0,$c1,$82,$90,$aa,$80,$80,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
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                                    +      $c0,$08,$51,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
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                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$c0,$88,$a1,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$c0,$ff,$8c,$f9,$7f,$c7,$fc,$ff
                                    +      $f2,$f9,$a3,$fd,$fc,$81,$f8,$d7,$f2,$81,$8f,$f9,$f3,$c7,$82,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
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                                    +      $81,$80,$d4,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$d0,$88,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$85,$a2,$c4,$88,$91
                                    +      $a2,$c4,$88,$90,$a2,$c4,$88,$90,$a2,$c4,$a0,$81,$81,$85,$91,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$c0,$88,$a1,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$d5,$aa,$d5,$bb,$d5,$ee,$dd,$ab,$f7,$ee,$dd
                                    +      $aa,$d7,$ee,$dd,$ba,$f7,$ee,$dd,$ab,$f5,$ae,$dd,$bb,$d7,$ae,$95
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
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                                    +      $c1,$88,$d4,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$90,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$84,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$a0,$00,$90,$00
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                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$aa,$d5,$ee,$dd,$ba,$f7,$ee,$dd,$83,$96,$82,$85
                                    +      $88,$f7,$ee,$dd,$bb,$91,$a0,$c1,$b8,$e0,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ee,$d5
                                    +      $aa,$d5,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
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                                    +      $c0,$90,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$c0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$8a,$00,$90,$00
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                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$c0,$aa,$d5,$ea,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ae,$c0,$a2,$c4,$a2,$d5
                                    +      $8a,$e5,$ee,$dd,$a3,$d1,$aa,$c5,$a2,$c4,$82,$dc,$bb,$f7,$ee,$dd
                                    +      $aa,$81,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
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                                    +      $c0,$d0,$a2,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$00,$a8,$00,$00,$00
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                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$a8,$d5,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7,$a2,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5
                                    +      $aa,$c5,$a2,$c5,$a2,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$c5,$bb,$f7,$ee,$dd
                                    +      $ab,$85,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
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                                    +      $d4,$8a,$91,$a2,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$d0,$aa,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $20,$41,$00,$41,$20,$01,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$90,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$15,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80
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                                    +      $ee,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ee,$9d,$aa,$d5,$ec,$dd,$bb,$f7
                                    +      $ee,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7,$aa,$95,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
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                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$d4,$82,$c0,$aa,$81,$a8,$81
                                    +      $a0,$91,$80,$d0,$88,$80,$80,$81,$80,$d5,$82,$d0,$a2,$85,$80,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$aa,$f5
                                    +      $ee,$dd,$bb,$84,$82,$d9,$bb,$f7,$ee,$9d,$aa,$d5,$ec,$dd,$bb,$f7
                                    +      $8e,$c1,$a0,$f6,$ee,$dd,$ab,$d5,$8a,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$28,$51,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$a8,$00,$00,$94,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$c0,$a2,$a4,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$c1,$82,$d0,$80,$85,$a8,$81
                                    +      $a0,$95,$88,$d0,$8a,$84,$a0,$85,$a0,$c5,$8a,$90,$88,$80,$80,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
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                                    +      $c0,$28,$41,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$c0
                                    +      $a8,$c4,$a2,$95,$a2,$91,$82,$00,$00,$00,$00,$88,$00,$00,$90,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$c0,$8a,$a1,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$c0,$9f,$83,$e5,$ff,$d1,$fe,$ff
                                    +      $f2,$99,$a8,$fd,$8c,$80,$ca,$d1,$c2,$ff,$83,$f9,$f3,$d7,$8a,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
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                                    +      $81,$80,$d4,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$90,$88,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$a0,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$00,$84,$00,$00,$00,$84,$85,$a0,$90,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$c0,$88,$a1,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$ee,$d5,$bb,$f7,$ea,$dd,$bb,$f7
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                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
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                                    +      $c1,$8a,$d4,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$90,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$c4,$88,$91,$a2,$c4,$88,$91
                                    +      $a2,$c4,$c8,$90,$a2,$c4,$88,$91,$a2,$c4,$88,$91,$82,$00,$90,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$04,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$a8,$d5,$bb,$f7,$ea,$dd,$bb,$f7,$a2,$9c,$82,$85
                                    +      $ca,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ee,$d1,$a0,$c1,$ac,$c4,$bb,$f7,$ee,$dd,$bb,$d5
                                    +      $aa,$d5,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
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                                    +      $c0,$90,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$c0,$00,$00,$88,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$90,$00,$00,$82,$00,$90,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$15,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$f7,$ee,$dd,$bb,$c4,$a2,$c4,$aa,$d5
                                    +      $8a,$85,$b8,$97,$a0,$d1,$aa,$d5,$a2,$c4,$a2,$f6,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7
                                    +      $aa,$95,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d1,$aa,$d4,$a8,$d1,$a2,$c5,$a8,$d1,$a2,$c5,$8a
                                    +      $95,$aa,$c5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$90,$a2,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$85,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$a8,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$90,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$15,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$a8,$d5,$bb,$f7,$ee,$dd,$83,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5
                                    +      $aa,$c5,$a8,$95,$a2,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$e1,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7
                                    +      $aa,$85,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$88,$d1,$a2,$d4,$88,$d5,$a2,$c4,$88,$d1,$a2,$d4,$88
                                    +      $d1,$a2,$c4,$a8,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$90,$aa,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$85,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $20,$40,$00,$41,$20,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$94,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$10,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$d0,$aa,$dd
                                    +      $bb,$f7,$ee,$81,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$85,$80,$80,$80,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$c0,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ee,$dd,$aa,$85,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$d5,$8a,$d0,$aa,$85,$a8,$81
                                    +      $a0,$d1,$80,$d0,$a8,$80,$a0,$85,$80,$95,$8a,$d0,$a2,$85,$80,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a8,$d5
                                    +      $bb,$f7,$ae,$84,$82,$f1,$ee,$dd,$bb,$97,$aa,$d5,$b8,$f7,$ee,$dd
                                    +      $8b,$c1,$a0,$dc,$bb,$f7,$ae,$d5,$8a,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$08,$40,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$a8,$00,$85,$94,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$a2,$a5,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$b0,$d1,$8a,$d8,$80,$85,$ac,$81
                                    +      $f0,$95,$88,$f8,$8a,$84,$b0,$85,$80,$85,$8a,$98,$aa,$80,$80,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$95,$a9,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$08,$51,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$85
                                    +      $02,$00,$00,$00,$00,$40,$88,$85,$00,$00,$00,$88,$00,$85,$90,$00
                                    +      $00,$04,$00,$c0,$82,$a1,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$9f,$a3,$95,$bf,$d5,$fa,$df
                                    +      $c2,$81,$aa,$e5,$a8,$c1,$ea,$d5,$82,$fe,$a3,$e5,$c0,$d1,$8a,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$00,$a0,$c0,$80,$c0,$80,$c0,$80,$c0,$80,$81,$80
                                    +      $81,$80,$d4,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$90,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$88,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$90,$d4,$aa,$95,$00
                                    +      $00,$04,$00,$c0,$82,$a4,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$aa,$f5,$aa,$d5,$ba,$d5,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ee,$dd
                                    +      $bb,$d7,$ee,$dd,$ba,$f7,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f5,$ae,$dd,$bb,$d7,$ae,$d5
                                    +      $80,$84,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$c0,$aa,$d0,$a0,$d0,$a0,$c5,$a0,$c1,$a0,$c1,$a0
                                    +      $c1,$8a,$d4,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$d0,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$90,$83,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$a0,$00,$90,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$15,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$d5,$ee,$dd,$ba,$f7,$ee,$dd,$a3,$96,$8a,$85
                                    +      $8a,$f7,$ee,$dd,$bb,$d1,$a0,$d1,$b0,$e4,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ae,$d5
                                    +      $aa,$95,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$d0,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$8a,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$c0,$00,$00,$90,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$c0,$aa,$f5,$ae,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ae,$c4,$a2,$d5,$aa,$d5
                                    +      $aa,$85,$ec,$9d,$a0,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$c5,$a2,$dc,$bb,$f7,$ee,$dd
                                    +      $ab,$d5,$82,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d4,$8a,$d5,$aa,$d4,$a8,$d5,$a2,$c5,$a8,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d4,$88,$95,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$90,$a2,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$c0,$82,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$d0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$90,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$d5,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7,$8e,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5
                                    +      $aa,$d1,$a8,$95,$8a,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d9,$bb,$f7,$ee,$dd
                                    +      $aa,$81,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$a2,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$90,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$91,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $20,$45,$0a,$41,$20,$05,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$91,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$c0,$aa,$f7
                                    +      $ee,$dd,$bb,$d1,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$82,$c1,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5
                                    +      $aa,$d5,$8a,$f7,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7,$aa,$85,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$95,$8a,$d0,$a2,$85,$a8,$81
                                    +      $a0,$d1,$80,$d0,$a8,$80,$a0,$85,$80,$81,$8a,$d0,$a0,$85,$80,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$d5
                                    +      $ee,$dd,$bb,$84,$82,$d9,$bb,$f7,$ee,$9d,$a8,$95,$ec,$dd,$bb,$f7
                                    +      $8e,$c1,$a0,$f6,$ee,$dd,$ab,$d5,$8a,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$08,$50,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$a8,$00,$00,$90,$44
                                    +      $08,$11,$22,$c0,$a2,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$b0,$c1,$8a,$d8,$80,$85,$ac,$81
                                    +      $f0,$95,$88,$f8,$8a,$84,$b0,$85,$80,$95,$8a,$98,$aa,$81,$80,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$95,$a9,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$90,$8a,$90
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$88,$c0,$82,$00,$00,$88,$00,$00,$90,$00
                                    +      $22,$44,$08,$c0,$88,$a5,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$00,$a0,$95,$a8,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5
                                    +      $8a,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$82,$d5,$a0,$d5,$aa,$dd,$aa,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d0,$aa,$c5,$aa,$d5,$a0,$d1,$a0,$d5,$8a
                                    +      $c1,$8a,$d4,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$00,$00,$10,$08,$04,$02,$41,$81,$00,$82,$00,$00,$00,$88,$00
                                    +      $00,$40,$00,$81,$02,$00,$00,$90,$00,$00,$00,$c0,$00,$00,$90,$00
                                    +      $22,$44,$08,$00,$00,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$c0,$aa,$dd,$ab,$d5,$ee,$dd,$ba,$f7,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7
                                    +      $ee,$dd,$bb,$d7,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ae,$dd,$bb,$f5,$ee,$dd,$bb,$d5
                                    +      $82,$85,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$c0,$aa,$d0,$a0,$c1,$80,$c0,$a0,$c1,$a0,$c1,$82
                                    +      $c1,$8a,$d4,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$00,$00,$10,$20,$40,$00,$01,$81,$84,$00,$00,$00,$84,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$60,$0f,$00,$00,$00,$00,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$90,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$d5,$bb,$f7,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7,$a2,$80,$8a,$85
                                    +      $ca,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ee,$d1,$a0,$d1,$80,$c4,$bb,$f7,$ee,$dd,$ab,$d5
                                    +      $ae,$85,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$00,$00,$10,$08,$04,$02,$01,$81,$00,$88,$91,$a2,$c4,$88,$91
                                    +      $a2,$c4,$88,$91,$a2,$c4,$88,$91,$a2,$c4,$88,$91,$00,$00,$90,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$aa,$d5,$bb,$f7,$ee,$dd,$bb,$c4,$a2,$d5,$aa,$d5
                                    +      $aa,$c1,$88,$90,$82,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$c5,$a2,$f6,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7
                                    +      $aa,$d5,$82,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$8a,$d1,$aa,$d4,$a8,$d1,$a2,$d5,$a8,$d1,$a2,$c5,$88
                                    +      $95,$aa,$c4,$a8,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$00,$00,$10,$08,$10,$20,$00,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$a0,$91
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$81,$00,$00,$a2,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$90,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$d5,$bb,$f7,$ee,$dd,$8b,$d4,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5
                                    +      $aa,$d1,$aa,$d5,$8a,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$f0,$ee,$dd,$ba,$d7
                                    +      $aa,$81,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$8a,$d5,$a2,$d5,$a2,$d5,$aa,$d4,$8a,$d5,$8a,$d5,$8a
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$88,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$c1,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$a0,$90,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$aa,$dd
                                    +      $bb,$f7,$ee,$d1,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5
                                    +      $aa,$d5,$ca,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ee,$dd,$aa,$85,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$85,$88,$d0,$a2,$85,$a8,$81
                                    +      $a0,$d1,$82,$d0,$a8,$81,$a0,$85,$a0,$91,$88,$d0,$a8,$85,$80,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$d5
                                    +      $ba,$f7,$ae,$84,$82,$f1,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7,$a8,$95,$bb,$f7,$ee,$dd
                                    +      $8b,$c1,$a0,$dc,$bb,$f7,$aa,$d5,$82,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$00,$00,$50,$2a,$55,$2a,$55,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$88,$00,$85,$90,$55
                                    +      $2a,$55,$2a,$05,$00,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$b0,$81,$8b,$d8,$c0,$85,$bc,$81
                                    +      $f0,$9f,$8a,$f8,$8f,$85,$70,$c5,$80,$9e,$8a,$f8,$ac,$81,$80,$80
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$95,$a9,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$00,$00,$50,$2a,$55,$2a,$55,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$85,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$a0,$81,$00,$a8,$00,$85,$90,$55
                                    +      $2a,$55,$2a,$05,$00,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$d4,$aa,$d5,$ae,$d5,$aa,$f5,$aa,$dd
                                    +      $aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$ea,$d5,$8a,$d5,$aa,$dd,$aa,$d7,$aa,$81
                                    +      $80,$80,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d0,$aa,$c5,$aa,$d5,$a0,$d1,$a0,$d5,$8a
                                    +      $c1,$8a,$d4,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$00,$00,$50,$2a,$55,$2a,$55,$81,$c0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$82,$00,$90,$55
                                    +      $2a,$55,$2a,$05,$00,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$d0,$aa,$f7,$ae,$d5,$ba,$f7,$ea,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ae,$dc
                                    +      $bb,$d7,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ee,$d5,$bb,$f7,$ae,$d5
                                    +      $aa,$85,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$c0,$a0,$d4,$a0,$c1,$80,$c0,$a0,$c1,$a8,$c1,$82
                                    +      $81,$00,$d4,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$00,$00,$50,$2a,$55,$2a,$55,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$a0,$00,$90,$55
                                    +      $2a,$55,$2a,$05,$00,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$d5,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ee,$85,$a0,$c0,$8a,$c5
                                    +      $8a,$e0,$ee,$dd,$83,$d0,$a2,$d1,$82,$84,$e0,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ae,$d5
                                    +      $ab,$85,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$00,$00,$50,$2a,$55,$2a,$55,$81,$00,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$84,$00,$00,$90,$55
                                    +      $2a,$55,$2a,$05,$00,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$aa,$d5,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ae,$c4,$a2,$d5,$aa,$d5
                                    +      $aa,$d1,$8c,$99,$8a,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$c5,$a2,$dc,$bb,$f7,$ee,$dd
                                    +      $ab,$d5,$82,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$c4,$88,$95,$a2,$d4,$88,$d1,$a2,$c4,$8a,$95,$a2
                                    +      $d4,$a8,$95,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$00,$00,$50,$2a,$55,$2a,$55,$81,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $8a,$d1,$88,$c5,$a8,$c4,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$90,$55
                                    +      $2a,$55,$2a,$05,$01,$a0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $c0,$80,$80,$80,$80,$d5,$ee,$dd,$bb,$f7,$ae,$d4,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5
                                    +      $aa,$d1,$aa,$d5,$8a,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$dc,$bb,$f7,$ea,$d5
                                    +      $aa,$85,$80,$80,$80,$a0,$80,$00,$c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$80,$00
                                    +      $c0,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa
                                    +      $d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$d5,$aa,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00

                   ; Original game entry point.
4000: 4c 6d 45     OriginalEntry   jmp     EarlyInit

                   ; Three 256-byte tables, used to compute multiplication and division.
4003: 08 00 20 32+ math_table1     .bulk   $08,$00,$20,$32,$40,$4a,$52,$59,$60,$65,$6a,$6e,$72,$76,$79,$7d
                                    +      $80,$82,$85,$87,$8a,$8c,$8e,$90,$92,$94,$96,$98,$99,$9b,$9d,$9e
                                    +      $a0,$a1,$a2,$a4,$a5,$a6,$a7,$a9,$aa,$ab,$ac,$ad,$ae,$af,$b0,$b1
                                    +      $b2,$b3,$b4,$b5,$b6,$b7,$b8,$b9,$b9,$ba,$bb,$bc,$bd,$bd,$be,$bf
                                    +      $c0,$c0,$c1,$c2,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c4,$c5,$c6,$c6,$c7,$c7,$c8,$c9,$c9
                                    +      $ca,$ca,$cb,$cc,$cc,$cd,$cd,$ce,$ce,$cf,$cf,$d0,$d0,$d1,$d1,$d2
                                    +      $d2,$d3,$d3,$d4,$d4,$d5,$d5,$d5,$d6,$d6,$d7,$d7,$d8,$d8,$d9,$d9
                                    +      $d9,$da,$da,$db,$db,$db,$dc,$dc,$dd,$dd,$dd,$de,$de,$de,$df,$df
                                    +      $e0,$e0,$e0,$e1,$e1,$e1,$e2,$e2,$e2,$e3,$e3,$e3,$e4,$e4,$e4,$e5
                                    +      $e5,$e5,$e6,$e6,$e6,$e7,$e7,$e7,$e7,$e8,$e8,$e8,$e9,$e9,$e9,$ea
                                    +      $ea,$ea,$ea,$eb,$eb,$eb,$ec,$ec,$ec,$ec,$ed,$ed,$ed,$ed,$ee,$ee
                                    +      $ee,$ee,$ef,$ef,$ef,$ef,$f0,$f0,$f0,$f1,$f1,$f1,$f1,$f1,$f2,$f2
                                    +      $f2,$f2,$f3,$f3,$f3,$f3,$f4,$f4,$f4,$f4,$f5,$f5,$f5,$f5,$f5,$f6
                                    +      $f6,$f6,$f6,$f7,$f7,$f7,$f7,$f7,$f8,$f8,$f8,$f8,$f9,$f9,$f9,$f9
                                    +      $f9,$fa,$fa,$fa,$fa,$fa,$fb,$fb,$fb,$fb,$fb,$fc,$fc,$fc,$fc,$fc
                                    +      $fd,$fd,$fd,$fd,$fd,$fd,$fe,$fe,$fe,$fe,$fe,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff,$ff
4103: 03 00 00 b8+ math_table2     .bulk   $03,$00,$00,$b8,$00,$4d,$b8,$d6,$00,$70,$4d,$b4,$b8,$6a,$d6,$05
                                    +      $00,$cc,$70,$ef,$4d,$8e,$b4,$c1,$b8,$9a,$6a,$28,$d6,$75,$05,$89
                                    +      $00,$6c,$cc,$23,$70,$b4,$ef,$22,$4d,$71,$8e,$a4,$b4,$bd,$c1,$bf
                                    +      $b8,$ac,$9a,$85,$6a,$4b,$28,$01,$d6,$a7,$75,$3f,$05,$c9,$89,$46
                                    +      $00,$b7,$6c,$1d,$cc,$79,$23,$cb,$70,$13,$b4,$52,$ef,$8a,$22,$b9
                                    +      $4d,$e0,$71,$00,$8e,$1a,$a4,$2d,$b4,$39,$bd,$40,$c1,$41,$bf,$3c
                                    +      $b8,$32,$ac,$24,$9a,$10,$85,$f8,$6a,$db,$4b,$ba,$28,$95,$01,$6c
                                    +      $d6,$3f,$a7,$0e,$75,$da,$3f,$a2,$05,$67,$c9,$29,$89,$e8,$46,$a3
                                    +      $00,$5c,$b7,$12,$6c,$c5,$1d,$75,$cc,$23,$79,$ce,$23,$77,$cb,$1e
                                    +      $70,$c2,$13,$64,$b4,$03,$52,$a1,$ef,$3d,$8a,$d6,$22,$6e,$b9,$03
                                    +      $4d,$97,$e0,$29,$71,$b9,$00,$47,$8e,$d4,$1a,$5f,$a4,$e8,$2d,$70
                                    +      $b4,$f7,$39,$7b,$bd,$ff,$40,$81,$c1,$01,$41,$80,$bf,$fe,$3c,$7a
                                    +      $b8,$f5,$32,$6f,$ac,$e8,$24,$5f,$9a,$d5,$10,$4a,$85,$be,$f8,$31
                                    +      $6a,$a3,$db,$13,$4b,$83,$ba,$f1,$28,$5f,$95,$cb,$01,$36,$6c,$a1
                                    +      $d6,$0a,$3f,$73,$a7,$db,$0e,$42,$75,$a7,$da,$0c,$3f,$71,$a2,$d4
                                    +      $05,$36,$67,$98,$c9,$f9,$29,$59,$89,$b8,$e8,$17,$46,$75,$a3,$d2
4203: 01 01 01 01+ math_table3     .bulk   $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01
                                    +      $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01
                                    +      $02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02
                                    +      $02,$02,$02,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03,$03
                                    +      $04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05
                                    +      $05,$05,$05,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07
                                    +      $08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0b
                                    +      $0b,$0b,$0b,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0e,$0e,$0e,$0e,$0f,$0f
                                    +      $10,$10,$10,$11,$11,$11,$12,$12,$13,$13,$13,$14,$14,$15,$15,$16
                                    +      $16,$17,$17,$18,$18,$19,$19,$1a,$1a,$1b,$1c,$1c,$1d,$1d,$1e,$1f
                                    +      $20,$20,$21,$22,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$26,$27,$28,$29,$2a,$2b,$2c
                                    +      $2d,$2e,$2f,$30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$38,$39,$3a,$3b,$3d,$3e
                                    +      $40,$41,$42,$44,$45,$47,$48,$4a,$4c,$4d,$4f,$51,$52,$54,$56,$58
                                    +      $5a,$5c,$5e,$60,$62,$64,$67,$69,$6b,$6d,$70,$72,$75,$77,$7a,$7d
                                    +      $80,$82,$85,$88,$8b,$8e,$91,$94,$98,$9b,$9e,$a2,$a5,$a9,$ad,$b1
                                    +      $b5,$b8,$bd,$c1,$c5,$c9,$ce,$d2,$d7,$db,$e0,$e5,$ea,$ef,$f5,$fa
4303: 01 02 03 04+ mod7_table      .bulk   $01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02
                                    +      $03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04
                                    +      $05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06
                                    +      $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01
                                    +      $02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03
                                    +      $04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05
                                    +      $06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00
                                    +      $01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02
                                    +      $03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04
                                    +      $05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06
                                    +      $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01
                                    +      $02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03
                                    +      $04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05
                                    +      $06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00
                                    +      $01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02
                                    +      $03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$00,$01,$02,$03,$04
4403: 01 01 01 01+ div7_table      .bulk   $01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$01,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$02,$03,$03,$03
                                    +      $03,$03,$03,$03,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$04,$05,$05,$05,$05,$05
                                    +      $05,$05,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$06,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07
                                    +      $08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$09,$0a,$0a
                                    +      $0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0a,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0b,$0c,$0c,$0c,$0c
                                    +      $0c,$0c,$0c,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0d,$0e,$0e,$0e,$0e,$0e,$0e
                                    +      $0e,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$0f,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$10,$11
                                    +      $11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$11,$12,$12,$12,$12,$12,$12,$12,$13,$13,$13
                                    +      $13,$13,$13,$13,$14,$14,$14,$14,$14,$14,$14,$15,$15,$15,$15,$15
                                    +      $15,$15,$16,$16,$16,$16,$16,$16,$16,$17,$17,$17,$17,$17,$17,$17
                                    +      $18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$18,$19,$19,$19,$19,$19,$19,$19,$1a,$1a
                                    +      $1a,$1a,$1a,$1a,$1a,$1b,$1b,$1b,$1b,$1b,$1b,$1b,$1c,$1c,$1c,$1c
                                    +      $1c,$1c,$1c,$1d,$1d,$1d,$1d,$1d,$1d,$1d,$1e,$1e,$1e,$1e,$1e,$1e
                                    +      $1e,$1f,$1f,$1f,$1f,$1f,$1f,$1f,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$20,$21
                                    +      $21,$21,$21,$21,$21,$21,$22,$22,$22,$22,$22,$22,$22,$23,$23,$23
                                    +      $23,$23,$23,$23,$24,$24,$24,$24,$24,$24,$24,$25,$25,$25,$25,$25
                   ; For custom RWTS: convert 6-bit value to 8-bit disk byte.
4503: 96 97 9a 9b+ rwts_encode62   .bulk   $96,$97,$9a,$9b,$9d,$9e,$9f,$a6,$a7,$ab,$ac,$ad,$ae,$af,$b2,$b3
                                    +      $b4,$b5,$b6,$b7,$b9,$ba,$bb,$bc,$bd,$be,$bf,$cb,$cd,$ce,$cf,$d3
                                    +      $d6,$d7,$d9,$da,$db,$dc,$dd,$de,$df,$e5,$e6,$e7,$e9,$ea,$eb,$ec
                                    +      $ed,$ee,$ef,$f2,$f3,$f4,$f5,$f6,$f7,$f9,$fa,$fb,$fc,$fd,$fe,$ff
4543: 00 00 00 00+ L4543           .fill   14,$00            ;? (read/write)
4551: 00 00 00 00+ color_indices   .fill   6,$00
4557: 00                           .dd1    $00               ;bool 00/ff: is sound disabled?
                   ; Game settings toggled during pause mode.
4558: 00                           .dd1    $00               ;bool 00/ff: pause 'D': keyboard dampening enabled?
4559: 00           ptb_kbd_recent  .dd1    $00               ;bool 00/ff: pause 'A': disable recentering
455a: 00           ptb_pausecmd_x? .dd1    $00               ;bool 00/ff: pause 'X': ? odd things
455b: 00           ptb_kbd_flash   .dd1    $00               ;bool 00/ff: pause 'F': flash hostiles on radar
455c: 00           ptb_joy_y_flip  .dd1    $00               ;bool 00/ff: pause 'Y': joy y_axis flipped?
455d: 00                           .dd1    $00               ;bool 00/ff: pause 'J': joy both axes flipped?
455e: 00           ptb_joy_enab    .dd1    $00               ;bool 00/ff: pause 'K': joystick enabled?
455f: 00           ptb_lower_case  .dd1    $00               ;bool 00/ff: pause 'U': lower-case allowed?
4560: 00           ptb_pausecmd_t  .dd1    $00               ;bool 00/ff: pause 'T': disk vs. tape (not for A2)
4561: 00           unused_thing1   .dd1    $00               ;written twice, never read
4562: 0b                           .dd1    $0b               ;set to $FF if paddles exist by unref'd SEC3 code
                   ; Key commands.  These map 1:1 with the state toggles above, starting at $4558.
4563: 44           pause_key_cmds  .dd1    ‘D’
4564: 41                           .dd1    ‘A’
4565: 58                           .dd1    ‘X’
4566: 46                           .dd1    ‘F’
4567: 59                           .dd1    ‘Y’
4568: 4a                           .dd1    ‘J’
4569: 4b                           .dd1    ‘K’
456a: 55                           .dd1    ‘U’
456b: 54                           .dd1    ‘T’
456c: 60                           .junk   1                 ;unused

                   ; Early initialization, no longer needed.
                   • Clear variables
                   ]src_ptr        .var    $0a    {addr/2}
                   ]dst_ptr        .var    $31    {addr/2}
                   ]XX12           .var    $74    {addr/6}
                   ]des_sub        .var    $d0    {addr/1}

456d: a9 00        EarlyInit       lda     #$00              ;copy SCRN from $200-9ff to $2000-27ff
456f: 85 0a                        sta     ]src_ptr
4571: a9 02                        lda     #$02
4573: 85 0b                        sta     ]src_ptr+1
4575: a9 00                        lda     #$00
4577: 85 31                        sta     ]dst_ptr
4579: a9 20                        lda     #$20
457b: 85 32                        sta     ]dst_ptr+1
457d: a2 07                        ldx     #$07
457f: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
4581: b1 0a        L4581           lda     (]src_ptr),y
4583: 91 31                        sta     (]dst_ptr),y
4585: c8                           iny
4586: d0 f9                        bne     L4581
4588: e6 0b                        inc     ]src_ptr+1
458a: e6 32                        inc     ]dst_ptr+1
458c: ca                           dex
458d: 10 f2                        bpl     L4581
458f: 20 9f 45                     jsr     Descramble        ;descramble the code
                   NOTE: START HERE
                   ; Start here to bypass the no-longer-needed copy of SCRN and the descrambler. 
                   ; (The original start is $4000.)
4592: a9 30        NewEntry        lda     #$30              ;late patch to joystick code?
4594: 8d 42 83                     sta     _set_by_init+1
4597: ea                           nop
4598: ea                           nop
4599: 20 0f 96                     jsr     InitSystem
459c: 4c b9 7e                     jmp     InitGame

                   ; Most of the code is scrambled when loaded from disk.  This de-scrambles it.
459f: a9 e9        Descramble      lda     #$e9              ;check for end when Y=E9
45a1: 8d 41 02                     sta     PLAYER_STATE?     ; so last byte we tweak is $xxEA
45a4: a9 45                        lda     #$45              ;stop when we hit $45E9
45a6: 8d 42 02                     sta     PLAYER_STATE?+1
45a9: a9 bf                        lda     #$bf              ;first byte is $BFFE
45ab: a0 fe                        ldy     #$fe
45ad: a2 15                        ldx     #$15              ;initial sub value
45af: 20 c2 45                     jsr     :DoDescram
45b2: a9 5f                        lda     #$5f
45b4: 8d 41 02                     sta     PLAYER_STATE?
45b7: a9 0b                        lda     #$0b              ;stop when we hit $B5F
45b9: 8d 42 02                     sta     PLAYER_STATE?+1
45bc: a9 1f                        lda     #$1f              ;start at $1FFF
45be: a0 ff                        ldy     #$ff
45c0: a2 69                        ldx     #$69              ;initial value
45c2: 86 d0        :DoDescram      stx     ]des_sub
45c4: 85 0b                        sta     ]src_ptr+1
45c6: a9 00                        lda     #$00
45c8: 85 0a                        sta     ]src_ptr
45ca: b1 0a        :DesLoop        lda     (]src_ptr),y      ;get old value
45cc: 38                           sec
45cd: e5 d0                        sbc     ]des_sub          ;subtract rolling sub
45cf: 91 0a                        sta     (]src_ptr),y      ;store it
45d1: 85 d0                        sta     ]des_sub          ;update rolling sub
45d3: 98                           tya                       ;Y == 0?
45d4: d0 02                        bne     :NoDec            ;not yet
45d6: c6 0b                        dec     ]src_ptr+1        ;yes, dec high byte
45d8: 88           :NoDec          dey                       ;advance
45d9: cc 41 02                     cpy     PLAYER_STATE?     ;do we need to check for done?
45dc: d0 ec                        bne     :DesLoop          ;not here
45de: a5 0b                        lda     ]src_ptr+1        ;check the ptr high byte
45e0: cd 42 02                     cmp     PLAYER_STATE?+1   ;reached the end?
45e3: d0 e5                        bne     :DesLoop          ;not yet
45e5: 60                           rts

45e6: b7 aa 45 23                  .junk   4

45ea: 20 c4 7a     GOIN            jsr     RES2              ;BBC .GOIN
45ed: 20 41 5d                     jsr     DrawOctagonRings
45f0: a9 00                        lda     #$00
45f2: 85 a9                        sta     player_speed
45f4: 8d 74 02                     sta     player_laser_temp
45f7: 85 69                        sta     $69
45f9: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
45fb: 85 d4                        sta     $d4
45fd: 85 d5                        sta     $d5
45ff: 85 d6                        sta     $d6
4601: a0 2c                        ldy     #$2c
4603: 20 96 63                     jsr     LongDelay
4606: ad 8f 02                     lda     $028f
4609: 29 03                        and     #$03
460b: d0 0e                        bne     L461B
460d: ad d7 02                     lda     kill_score+1
4610: f0 54                        beq     L4666
4612: ad 9e 02                     lda     ship_state2?
4615: 4a                           lsr     A
4616: d0 4e                        bne     L4666
4618: 4c fa 62                     jmp     L62FA

461b: c9 03        L461B           cmp     #$03
461d: d0 03                        bne     L4622
461f: 4c e9 62                     jmp     L62E9

4622: ad 9e 02     L4622           lda     ship_state2?
4625: c9 02                        cmp     #$02
4627: d0 3d                        bne     L4666
4629: ad 8f 02                     lda     $028f
462c: 29 0f                        and     #$0f
462e: c9 02                        cmp     #$02
4630: d0 0a                        bne     L463C
4632: ad d7 02                     lda     kill_score+1
4635: c9 05                        cmp     #$05
4637: 90 2d                        bcc     L4666
4639: 4c b7 62                     jmp     L62B7

463c: c9 06        L463C           cmp     #$06
463e: d0 11                        bne     L4651
4640: ad 90 02                     lda     $0290
4643: c9 d7                        cmp     #$d7
4645: d0 1f                        bne     L4666
4647: ad 91 02                     lda     $0291
464a: c9 54                        cmp     #$54
464c: d0 18                        bne     L4666
464e: 4c c7 62                     jmp     L62C7

4651: c9 0a        L4651           cmp     #$0a
4653: d0 11                        bne     L4666
4655: ad 90 02                     lda     $0290
4658: c9 3f                        cmp     #$3f
465a: d0 0a                        bne     L4666
465c: ad 91 02                     lda     $0291
465f: c9 48                        cmp     #$48
4661: d0 03                        bne     L4666
4663: 4c d5 62                     jmp     L62D5

4666: 4c 2d 7f     L4666           jmp     L7F2D

4669: a9 28 78 8d+                 .junk   25                ;unreferenced code?

                   ; Updates pitch / roll.
4682: ad 00 08                     lda     data_buffer
4685: 85 02                        sta     rng_state
4687: a6 d1                        ldx     roll_velocity
4689: 20 da 61                     jsr     L61DA
468c: 20 da 61                     jsr     L61DA
468f: 8a                           txa
4690: 49 80                        eor     #$80
4692: a8                           tay
4693: 29 80                        and     #$80
4695: 85 6c                        sta     $6c
4697: 86 d1                        stx     roll_velocity
4699: 49 80                        eor     #$80
469b: 85 6d                        sta     $6d
469d: 98                           tya
469e: 10 05                        bpl     L46A5
46a0: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
46a2: 18                           clc
46a3: 69 01                        adc     #$01
46a5: 4a           L46A5           lsr     A
46a6: 4a                           lsr     A
46a7: c9 08                        cmp     #$08
46a9: b0 01                        bcs     L46AC
46ab: 4a                           lsr     A
46ac: 85 6b        L46AC           sta     $6b
46ae: 05 6c                        ora     $6c
46b0: 85 b9                        sta     $b9
46b2: a6 d2                        ldx     pitch_velocity
46b4: 20 da 61                     jsr     L61DA
46b7: 8a                           txa
46b8: 49 80                        eor     #$80
46ba: a8                           tay
46bb: 29 80                        and     #$80
46bd: 86 d2                        stx     pitch_velocity
46bf: 85 a8                        sta     $a8
46c1: 49 80                        eor     #$80
46c3: 85 a7                        sta     $a7
46c5: 98                           tya
46c6: 10 02                        bpl     L46CA
46c8: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
                   NOTE: C64 $1f15 (code_1D81.asm)
46ca: 69 04        L46CA           adc     #$04
46cc: 4a                           lsr     A
46cd: 4a                           lsr     A
46ce: 4a                           lsr     A
46cf: 4a                           lsr     A
46d0: c9 03                        cmp     #$03
46d2: b0 01                        bcs     L46D5
46d4: 4a                           lsr     A
46d5: 85 67        L46D5           sta     $67
46d7: 05 a7                        ora     $a7
46d9: 85 66                        sta     $66
46db: a5 82                        lda     cmd_throttle_up
46dd: f0 08                        beq     :NotThrotUp
46df: a5 a9                        lda     player_speed
46e1: c9 28                        cmp     #$28
46e3: b0 02                        bcs     :NotThrotUp
46e5: e6 a9                        inc     player_speed
46e7: a5 81        :NotThrotUp     lda     cmd_throttle_down
46e9: f0 06                        beq     :NotThrotDn
46eb: c6 a9                        dec     player_speed
46ed: d0 02                        bne     :NotThrotDn
46ef: e6 a9                        inc     player_speed
46f1: a5 8b        :NotThrotDn     lda     cmd_unarm_mssl
46f3: 2d c2 02                     and     missile_armed_flag?
46f6: f0 0d                        beq     :NotUnarmMsl
46f8: a0 08                        ldy     #$08
46fa: 20 e6 75                     jsr     L75E6
46fd: 20 52 95                     jsr     Noise1?
4700: a9 00                        lda     #$00
4702: 8d 71 02                     sta     PLAYER_STATE?+48
4705: a5 7f        :NotUnarmMsl    lda     missile_thing?
4707: 10 11                        bpl     :NotTargMsl
4709: a5 8a                        lda     cmd_targ_mssl
470b: f0 0d                        beq     :NotTargMsl
470d: ae c2 02                     ldx     missile_armed_flag?
4710: f0 08                        beq     :NotTargMsl
4712: 8d 71 02                     sta     PLAYER_STATE?+48
4715: a0 0c                        ldy     #$0c
4717: 20 35 a0                     jsr     DrawIndicator?
471a: a5 8c        :NotTargMsl     lda     cmd_fire_mssl
471c: f0 07                        beq     :NotFireMsl
471e: a5 7f                        lda     missile_thing?
4720: 30 44                        bmi     :NotEcm
4722: 20 3a 5c                     jsr     L5C3A
4725: a5 88        :NotFireMsl     lda     cmd_energy_bomb
4727: f0 0d                        beq     :NoBomb
4729: ad b9 02                     lda     have_energy_bomb
472c: 30 08                        bmi     :NoBomb
472e: 0e b9 02                     asl     have_energy_bomb
4731: f0 03                        beq     :NoBomb
4733: 20 0c 4b                     jsr     DetonateBomb?
4736: a5 90        :NoBomb         lda     cmd_dock_off
4738: f0 05                        beq     :NotDockOff
473a: a9 00                        lda     #$00
473c: 8d 6c 02                     sta     computer_dock_flag
473f: a5 89        :NotDockOff     lda     cmd_escape_cap    ;trying to eject?
4741: 2d bd 02                     and     have_escape_pod   ;...with the appropriate equipment?
4744: f0 08                        beq     :InWitch          ;nope
4746: ad 6e 02                     lda     witch_space_flag  ;are we in witch space?
4749: d0 03                        bne     :InWitch          ;yes, no escape
474b: 4c 24 57                     jmp     EjectEscape

474e: a5 8e        :InWitch        lda     cmd_local_jump    ;check 'J' key
4750: f0 03                        beq     :NotJump
4752: 20 8f 83                     jsr     LocalJump
4755: a5 8d        :NotJump        lda     cmd_ecm           ;check 'E' key
4757: 2d b7 02                     and     have_ecm          ;do we have an ECM?
475a: f0 0a                        beq     :NotEcm           ;no
475c: a5 6a                        lda     ecm_active_flag?  ;any ECM active?
475e: d0 06                        bne     :NotEcm           ;yes
4760: ce 6d 02                     dec     player_ecm_active?
4763: 20 0f a0                     jsr     ActivateEcm
4766: a5 8f        :NotEcm         lda     cmd_dock_on       ;check 'C' key
4768: 2d bb 02                     and     have_docking_comp
476b: f0 03                        beq     L4770
476d: 8d 6c 02                     sta     computer_dock_flag
4770: a9 00        L4770           lda     #$00
4772: 85 7e                        sta     $7e
4774: 85 aa                        sta     $aa
4776: a5 a9                        lda     player_speed
4778: 4a                           lsr     A
4779: 66 aa                        ror     $aa
477b: 4a                           lsr     A
477c: 66 aa                        ror     $aa
477e: 85 ab                        sta     $ab
4780: ad 73 02                     lda     main_dec2_thing?
4783: d0 2b                        bne     L47B0
4785: a5 87                        lda     cmd_fire_laser
4787: f0 27                        beq     L47B0
4789: ad 74 02                     lda     player_laser_temp
478c: c9 f2                        cmp     #$f2
478e: b0 20                        bcs     L47B0
4790: ae 72 02                     ldx     PLAYER_STATE?+49
4793: bd 9f 02                     lda     $029f,x
4796: f0 18                        beq     L47B0
4798: 48                           pha
4799: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
479b: 85 7e                        sta     $7e
479d: 8d 70 02                     sta     PLAYER_STATE?+47
47a0: 20 c7 95                     jsr     MakeNoise5?
47a3: 20 17 62                     jsr     L6217
47a6: 68                           pla
47a7: 10 02                        bpl     L47AB
47a9: a9 00                        lda     #$00
47ab: 29 fa        L47AB           and     #$fa
47ad: 8d 73 02                     sta     main_dec2_thing?
47b0: a2 00        L47B0           ldx     #$00
47b2: 86 b0        L47B2           stx     $b0
47b4: bd 41 02                     lda     PLAYER_STATE?,x
47b7: d0 03                        bne     L47BC
47b9: 4c 7a 49                     jmp     L497A

47bc: 85 b8        L47BC           sta     $b8
47be: 20 7d 63                     jsr     GetInfo
47c1: a0 24                        ldy     #$24
47c3: b1 5c        L47C3           lda     (polyobj_ptr),y
47c5: 99 0c 00                     sta     polyobj_xpos_lo,y
47c8: 88                           dey
47c9: 10 f8                        bpl     L47C3
47cb: a5 b8                        lda     $b8
47cd: 30 2d                        bmi     L47FC
47cf: 0a                           asl     A
47d0: a8                           tay
47d1: b9 fe a2                     lda     hull_addr_lo,y
47d4: 85 5a                        sta     hull_ptr
47d6: b9 ff a2                     lda     hull_addr_hi,y
47d9: 85 5b                        sta     hull_ptr+1
47db: ad b9 02                     lda     have_energy_bomb
47de: 10 1c                        bpl     L47FC
47e0: c0 04                        cpy     #$04
47e2: f0 18                        beq     L47FC
47e4: c0 3a                        cpy     #$3a
47e6: f0 14                        beq     L47FC
47e8: c0 3e                        cpy     #$3e
47ea: b0 10                        bcs     L47FC
47ec: a5 2b                        lda     polyobj_vis
47ee: 29 20                        and     #$20
47f0: d0 0a                        bne     L47FC
47f2: 06 2b                        asl     polyobj_vis
47f4: 38                           sec
47f5: 66 2b                        ror     polyobj_vis
47f7: a6 b8                        ldx     $b8
47f9: 20 2d 95                     jsr     CountKill
47fc: 20 5e 90     L47FC           jsr     MVEIT
47ff: a0 24                        ldy     #$24
4801: b9 0c 00     L4801           lda     polyobj_xpos_lo,y
4804: 91 5c                        sta     (polyobj_ptr),y
4806: 88                           dey
4807: 10 f8                        bpl     L4801
4809: a5 2b                        lda     polyobj_vis
480b: 29 a0                        and     #$a0
480d: 20 20 7e                     jsr     L7E20
4810: d0 51                        bne     L4863
4812: a5 0c                        lda     polyobj_xpos_lo
4814: 05 0f                        ora     polyobj_ypos_lo
4816: 05 12                        ora     polyobj_zpos_lo
4818: 30 49                        bmi     L4863
481a: a6 b8                        ldx     $b8
481c: 30 45                        bmi     L4863
481e: e0 02                        cpx     #$02
4820: f0 44                        beq     L4866
4822: 29 c0                        and     #$c0
4824: d0 3d                        bne     L4863
4826: e0 01                        cpx     #$01
4828: f0 39                        beq     L4863
482a: ad b8 02                     lda     have_fuel_scoop
482d: 25 11                        and     INWK+5
482f: 10 71                        bpl     L48A2
4831: e0 05                        cpx     #$05
4833: f0 0e                        beq     L4843
4835: a0 00                        ldy     #$00              ;fuel scoop / debris info in hull def
4837: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
4839: 4a                           lsr     A                 ;get high nibble (fuel scoop info)
483a: 4a                           lsr     A
483b: 4a                           lsr     A
483c: 4a                           lsr     A
483d: f0 63                        beq     L48A2
483f: 69 01                        adc     #$01
4841: d0 05                        bne     L4848
4843: 20 7c 7b     L4843           jsr     GetRandom
4846: 29 07                        and     #$07
4848: 20 e3 63     L4848           jsr     L63E3
484b: a0 4e                        ldy     #$4e
484d: b0 41                        bcs     L4890
484f: ac f0 02                     ldy     $02f0
4852: 79 a6 02                     adc     player_cargo,y
4855: 99 a6 02                     sta     player_cargo,y
4858: 98                           tya
4859: 69 d0                        adc     #$d0              ;Food, Textiles, ...
485b: 20 05 85                     jsr     PrintMessageBriefly
485e: 06 30                        asl     $30
4860: 38                           sec
4861: 66 30                        ror     $30
4863: 4c b1 48     L4863           jmp     L48B1

4866: ad 49 08     L4866           lda     data_buffer+73
4869: 29 04                        and     #$04
486b: d0 1a                        bne     L4887
486d: a5 1a                        lda     polyobj_mox2_hi
486f: c9 d6                        cmp     #$d6
4871: 90 14                        bcc     L4887
4873: 20 74 82                     jsr     L8274
4876: a5 70                        lda     $70
4878: c9 59                        cmp     #$59
487a: 90 0b                        bcc     L4887
487c: a5 1c                        lda     $1c
487e: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
4880: c9 50                        cmp     #$50
4882: 90 03                        bcc     L4887
4884: 4c ea 45     GOIN_jmp        jmp     GOIN

4887: a5 a9        L4887           lda     player_speed
4889: c9 05                        cmp     #$05
488b: 90 0d                        bcc     L489A
488d: 4c 3f 7e                     jmp     GameOver?

4890: 20 6f 95     L4890           jsr     MakeNoise2?
4893: 06 2b                        asl     polyobj_vis
4895: 38                           sec
4896: 66 2b                        ror     polyobj_vis
4898: d0 17                        bne     L48B1

489a: a9 01        L489A           lda     #$01
489c: 85 a9                        sta     player_speed
489e: a9 05                        lda     #$05
48a0: d0 09                        bne     L48AB

48a2: 06 2b        L48A2           asl     polyobj_vis
48a4: 38                           sec
48a5: 66 2b                        ror     polyobj_vis
48a7: a5 2f                        lda     $2f
48a9: 38                           sec
48aa: 6a                           ror     A
48ab: 20 b4 74     L48AB           jsr     L74B4
48ae: 20 6f 95                     jsr     MakeNoise2?
48b1: a5 30        L48B1           lda     $30
48b3: 10 03                        bpl     L48B8
48b5: 20 83 a2                     jsr     SCAN
48b8: a5 b3        L48B8           lda     displayed_screen
48ba: d0 6f                        bne     L492B
48bc: 20 c2 93                     jsr     L93C2
48bf: 20 d3 5b                     jsr     L5BD3
48c2: 90 64                        bcc     L4928
48c4: ad 71 02                     lda     PLAYER_STATE?+48
48c7: f0 0a                        beq     L48D3
48c9: 20 94 95                     jsr     MakeNoise3?
48cc: a6 b0                        ldx     $b0
48ce: a0 14                        ldy     #$14
48d0: 20 e8 75                     jsr     L75E8
48d3: a5 7e        L48D3           lda     $7e
48d5: f0 51                        beq     L4928
48d7: a2 0f                        ldx     #$0f
48d9: 20 4e 95                     jsr     L954E
48dc: a5 b8                        lda     $b8
48de: c9 02                        cmp     #$02
48e0: f0 41                        beq     L4923
48e2: c9 1f                        cmp     #$1f
48e4: 90 0a                        bcc     L48F0
48e6: a5 7e                        lda     $7e
48e8: c9 17                        cmp     #$17
48ea: d0 37                        bne     L4923
48ec: 46 7e                        lsr     $7e
48ee: 46 7e                        lsr     $7e
48f0: a5 2f        L48F0           lda     $2f
48f2: 38                           sec
48f3: e5 7e                        sbc     $7e
48f5: b0 2a                        bcs     L4921
48f7: 06 2b                        asl     polyobj_vis
48f9: 38                           sec
48fa: 66 2b                        ror     polyobj_vis
48fc: a5 b8                        lda     $b8
48fe: c9 07                        cmp     #$07
4900: d0 10                        bne     L4912
4902: a5 7e                        lda     $7e
4904: c9 32                        cmp     #$32
4906: d0 0a                        bne     L4912
4908: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
490b: a2 08                        ldx     #$08
490d: 29 03                        and     #$03
490f: 20 c0 4a                     jsr     L4AC0
4912: a0 04        L4912           ldy     #$04
4914: 20 b3 4a                     jsr     L4AB3
4917: a0 05                        ldy     #$05
4919: 20 b3 4a                     jsr     L4AB3
491c: a6 b8                        ldx     $b8
491e: 20 2d 95                     jsr     CountKill
4921: 85 2f        L4921           sta     $2f
4923: a5 b8        L4923           lda     $b8
4925: 20 59 5c                     jsr     L5C59
4928: 20 3e 88     L4928           jsr     DrawObject
492b: a0 23        L492B           ldy     #$23
492d: a5 2f                        lda     $2f
492f: 91 5c                        sta     (polyobj_ptr),y
4931: a5 30                        lda     $30
4933: 30 2d                        bmi     :NoBounty
4935: a5 2b                        lda     polyobj_vis
4937: 10 2c                        bpl     L4965
4939: 29 20                        and     #$20
493b: f0 28                        beq     L4965
493d: a5 30                        lda     $30
493f: 29 40                        and     #$40
4941: 0d c3 02                     ora     player_fug_inno
4944: 8d c3 02                     sta     player_fug_inno
4947: ad 77 02                     lda     PLAYER_STATE?+54
494a: 0d 6e 02                     ora     witch_space_flag  ;no bounties in witch space
494d: d0 13                        bne     :NoBounty
494f: a0 0a                        ldy     #$0a              ;bounty value, low
4951: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
4953: f0 0d                        beq     :NoBounty         ;(shouldn't we check the high byte?)
4955: aa                           tax
4956: c8                           iny                       ;bounty value, high
4957: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
4959: a8                           tay
495a: 20 57 6e                     jsr     AddCredits
495d: a9 00                        lda     #$00              ;invalid token?
495f: 20 05 85                     jsr     PrintMessageBriefly ;(should display current cash)
4962: 4c 7d 79     :NoBounty       jmp     L797D

4965: a5 b8        L4965           lda     $b8
4967: 30 05                        bmi     L496E
4969: 20 13 7e                     jsr     L7E13
496c: 90 f4                        bcc     :NoBounty
496e: a0 1f        L496E           ldy     #$1f
4970: a5 2b                        lda     polyobj_vis
4972: 91 5c                        sta     (polyobj_ptr),y
4974: a6 b0                        ldx     $b0
4976: e8                           inx
4977: 4c b2 47                     jmp     L47B2

497a: ad b9 02     L497A           lda     have_energy_bomb
497d: 10 0b                        bpl     L498A
497f: 20 00 4b                     jsr     L4B00
4982: 0e b9 02                     asl     have_energy_bomb
4985: 30 03                        bmi     L498A
4987: 20 ce 4a                     jsr     DrawBombAnim
498a: a5 b6        L498A           lda     $b6
498c: 29 07                        and     #$07
498e: d0 66                        bne     L49F6
4990: a6 d6                        ldx     $d6
4992: 10 0e                        bpl     L49A2
4994: a6 d5                        ldx     $d5
4996: 20 39 74                     jsr     L7439
4999: 86 d5                        stx     $d5
499b: a6 d4                        ldx     $d4
499d: 20 39 74                     jsr     L7439
49a0: 86 d4                        stx     $d4
49a2: 38           L49A2           sec
49a3: ad ba 02                     lda     have_energy_unit
49a6: 65 d6                        adc     $d6
49a8: b0 02                        bcs     L49AC
49aa: 85 d6                        sta     $d6
49ac: ad 6e 02     L49AC           lda     witch_space_flag
49af: d0 42                        bne     L49F3
49b1: a5 b6                        lda     $b6
49b3: 29 1f                        and     #$1f
49b5: d0 48                        bne     L49FF
49b7: ad 4c 02                     lda     PLAYER_STATE?+11
49ba: d0 37                        bne     L49F3
49bc: a8                           tay
49bd: 20 61 52                     jsr     L5261
49c0: d0 31                        bne     L49F3
49c2: a2 1c                        ldx     #$1c
49c4: bd 00 08     L49C4           lda     data_buffer,x
49c7: 95 0c                        sta     polyobj_xpos_lo,x
49c9: ca                           dex
49ca: 10 f8                        bpl     L49C4
49cc: e8                           inx
49cd: a0 09                        ldy     #$09
49cf: 20 3e 52                     jsr     L523E
49d2: d0 1f                        bne     L49F3
49d4: a2 03                        ldx     #$03
49d6: a0 0b                        ldy     #$0b
49d8: 20 3e 52                     jsr     L523E
49db: d0 16                        bne     L49F3
49dd: a2 06                        ldx     #$06
49df: a0 0d                        ldy     #$0d
49e1: 20 3e 52                     jsr     L523E
49e4: d0 0d                        bne     L49F3
49e6: a9 c0                        lda     #$c0
49e8: 20 15 7e                     jsr     L7E15
49eb: 90 06                        bcc     L49F3
49ed: 20 5b 78                     jsr     L785B
49f0: 20 fe 74                     jsr     L74FE
49f3: 4c 7b 4a     L49F3           jmp     L4A7B

49f6: ad 6e 02     L49F6           lda     witch_space_flag
49f9: d0 f8                        bne     L49F3
49fb: a5 b6                        lda     $b6
49fd: 29 1f                        and     #$1f
49ff: c9 0a        L49FF           cmp     #$0a
4a01: d0 2d                        bne     L4A30
4a03: a9 32                        lda     #$32
4a05: c5 d6                        cmp     $d6
4a07: 90 04                        bcc     L4A0D
4a09: 0a                           asl     A
4a0a: 20 05 85                     jsr     PrintMessageBriefly
4a0d: a0 ff        L4A0D           ldy     #$ff
4a0f: 8c 7c 02                     sty     lcoord_swap_flag-1
4a12: c8                           iny
4a13: 20 5f 52                     jsr     L525F
4a16: d0 63                        bne     L4A7B
4a18: 20 6d 52                     jsr     L526D
4a1b: b0 5e                        bcs     L4A7B
4a1d: e9 24                        sbc     #$24
4a1f: 90 0c                        bcc     L4A2D
4a21: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
4a23: 20 45 87                     jsr     TwoByteSqrt
4a26: a5 ad                        lda     $ad
4a28: 8d 7c 02                     sta     lcoord_swap_flag-1
4a2b: d0 4e                        bne     L4A7B
4a2d: 4c 3f 7e     L4A2D           jmp     GameOver?

4a30: c9 0f        L4A30           cmp     #$0f
4a32: d0 09                        bne     L4A3D
4a34: ad 6c 02                     lda     computer_dock_flag
4a37: f0 42                        beq     L4A7B
4a39: a9 7b                        lda     #$7b
4a3b: d0 3b                        bne     L4A78

4a3d: c9 14        L4A3D           cmp     #$14
4a3f: d0 3a                        bne     L4A7B
4a41: a9 1e                        lda     #$1e
4a43: 8d 6f 02                     sta     PLAYER_STATE?+46
4a46: ad 4c 02                     lda     PLAYER_STATE?+11
4a49: d0 30                        bne     L4A7B
4a4b: a0 25                        ldy     #$25
4a4d: 20 61 52                     jsr     L5261
4a50: d0 29                        bne     L4A7B
4a52: 20 6d 52                     jsr     L526D
4a55: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
4a57: 69 1e                        adc     #$1e
4a59: 8d 6f 02                     sta     PLAYER_STATE?+46
4a5c: b0 cf                        bcs     L4A2D
4a5e: c9 e0                        cmp     #$e0
4a60: 90 19                        bcc     L4A7B
4a62: ad b8 02                     lda     have_fuel_scoop
4a65: f0 14                        beq     L4A7B
4a67: a5 ab                        lda     $ab
4a69: 4a                           lsr     A
4a6a: 6d 9c 02                     adc     player_fuel
4a6d: c9 46                        cmp     #$46
4a6f: 90 02                        bcc     L4A73
4a71: a9 46                        lda     #$46
4a73: 8d 9c 02     L4A73           sta     player_fuel
4a76: a9 a0                        lda     #$a0              ;"Fuel Scoops On"
4a78: 20 05 85     L4A78           jsr     PrintMessageBriefly
4a7b: ad 70 02     L4A7B           lda     PLAYER_STATE?+47
4a7e: f0 0f                        beq     L4A8F
4a80: ad 73 02                     lda     main_dec2_thing?
4a83: c9 08                        cmp     #$08
4a85: b0 08                        bcs     L4A8F
4a87: 20 36 62                     jsr     L6236
4a8a: a9 00                        lda     #$00
4a8c: 8d 70 02                     sta     PLAYER_STATE?+47
4a8f: ad 6d 02     L4A8F           lda     player_ecm_active?
4a92: f0 05                        beq     L4A99
4a94: 20 3c 74                     jsr     L743C
4a97: f0 10                        beq     L4AA9
4a99: a5 6a        L4A99           lda     ecm_active_flag?
4a9b: f0 0f                        beq     L4AAC
4a9d: a0 14                        ldy     #$14
4a9f: 09 c0                        ora     #$c0
4aa1: aa                           tax
4aa2: 20 ae 95                     jsr     MakeNoise4?
4aa5: c6 6a                        dec     ecm_active_flag?
4aa7: d0 03                        bne     L4AAC
4aa9: 20 12 95     L4AA9           jsr     L9512
4aac: a5 b3        L4AAC           lda     displayed_screen
4aae: d0 1d                        bne     L4ACD
4ab0: 4c 45 50                     jmp     L5045

4ab3: 20 7c 7b     L4AB3           jsr     GetRandom
4ab6: 10 15                        bpl     L4ACD
4ab8: 98                           tya
4ab9: aa                           tax
4aba: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
4abc: 31 5a                        and     (hull_ptr),y
4abe: 29 0f                        and     #$0f
4ac0: 85 bd        L4AC0           sta     $bd
4ac2: f0 09                        beq     L4ACD
4ac4: a9 00        L4AC4           lda     #$00
4ac6: 20 9e 5c                     jsr     LaunchObject1
4ac9: c6 bd                        dec     $bd
4acb: d0 f7                        bne     L4AC4
4acd: 60           L4ACD           rts

                   ; Energy bomb detonations draw a jagged horizontal line several times while
                   ; making noises.
4ace: a5 b3        DrawBombAnim    lda     displayed_screen  ;check which view we're showing
4ad0: d0 2d                        bne     :NotSpace         ;not space, bail
4ad2: a0 01                        ldy     #$01
4ad4: ad 3c 4b                     lda     L4B3C
4ad7: 85 74                        sta     ]XX12
4ad9: ad 46 4b                     lda     L4B46
4adc: 85 75                        sta     ]XX12+1
4ade: 20 06 96     :Loop           jsr     MakeNoise7?
4ae1: a5 74                        lda     ]XX12
4ae3: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
4ae5: a5 75                        lda     ]XX12+1
4ae7: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
4ae9: b9 3c 4b                     lda     L4B3C,y
4aec: 85 70                        sta     $70
4aee: 85 74                        sta     ]XX12
4af0: b9 46 4b                     lda     L4B46,y
4af3: 85 71                        sta     $71
4af5: 85 75                        sta     ]XX12+1
4af7: 20 64 9c                     jsr     DrawLine
4afa: c8                           iny
4afb: c0 0a                        cpy     #$0a
4afd: 90 df                        bcc     :Loop
4aff: 60           :NotSpace       rts

4b00: 20 03 4b     L4B00           jsr     L4B03
4b03: 20 06 4b     L4B03           jsr     L4B06
4b06: 20 e9 95     L4B06           jsr     MakeNoise6?
4b09: 20 ce 4a                     jsr     DrawBombAnim
4b0c: a0 00        DetonateBomb?   ldy     #$00
4b0e: 20 7c 7b     :Loop           jsr     GetRandom
4b11: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
4b13: 69 03                        adc     #$03
4b15: 99 46 4b                     sta     L4B46,y
4b18: 8a                           txa
4b19: 29 1f                        and     #$1f
4b1b: 18                           clc
4b1c: 79 32 4b                     adc     L4B32,y
4b1f: 99 3c 4b                     sta     L4B3C,y
4b22: c8                           iny
4b23: c0 0a                        cpy     #$0a              ;set 10 values
4b25: 90 e7                        bcc     :Loop
4b27: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
4b29: 8e 45 4b                     stx     L4B3C+9
4b2c: ca                           dex
4b2d: 8e 3c 4b                     stx     L4B3C
4b30: b0 9c                        bcs     DrawBombAnim

4b32: e0 e0 c0 a0+ L4B32           .bulk   $e0,$e0,$c0,$a0,$80,$60,$40,$20,$00,$00
4b3c: 00 00 00 00+ L4B3C           .bulk   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
4b46: 00 00 00 00+ L4B46           .bulk   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00

4b50: a9 d9                        lda     #$d9              ;Curruthers, Fosdyke Smythe, Fortesque
4b52: d0 02                        bne     L4B56

4b54: a9 dc        PrintDockDcPlus lda     #$dc              ;"last seen" / "believed to have jumped"
4b56: 18           L4B56           clc
4b57: 6d 9e 02                     adc     ship_state2?
4b5a: d0 12                        bne     PrintDockedStr
                   ; Prints a string from the extended set of docked messages.
                   • Clear variables
                   ]token_ptr      .var    $5e    {addr/2}

4b5c: 48                           pha                       ;preserve A-reg
4b5d: aa                           tax
4b5e: 98                           tya
4b5f: 48                           pha                       ;preserve Y-reg
4b60: a5 5e                        lda     ]token_ptr
4b62: 48                           pha
4b63: a5 5f                        lda     ]token_ptr+1
4b65: 48                           pha
4b66: a9 92                        lda     #<ext_docked_text
4b68: 85 5e                        sta     ]token_ptr
4b6a: a9 1a                        lda     #>ext_docked_text
4b6c: d0 10                        bne     PrintDocked2

                   NOTE: C64 $2390 (code_1D81.asm)
                   BBC .DETOK3 (docked code)
                   ; Print a message from a tokenized string while docked.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   A-reg: message index
                   ; On exit:
                   ;   A-reg and Y-reg preserved
4b6e: 48           PrintDockedStr  pha                       ;preserve A-reg
4b6f: aa                           tax
4b70: 98                           tya                       ;preserve Y-reg
4b71: 48                           pha
4b72: a5 5e                        lda     ]token_ptr        ;preserve pointer
4b74: 48                           pha                       ;(because of recursion)
4b75: a5 5f                        lda     ]token_ptr+1
4b77: 48                           pha
4b78: a9 40                        lda     #<docked_text     ;search docked text table
4b7a: 85 5e                        sta     ]token_ptr
4b7c: a9 0f                        lda     #>docked_text
                   ; X-reg has message index.
4b7e: 85 5f        PrintDocked2    sta     ]token_ptr+1
4b80: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
4b82: b1 5e        L4B82           lda     (]token_ptr),y    ;get data
4b84: 49 57                        eor     #EOR_DOCKED       ;decrypt it
4b86: d0 03                        bne     :NotEnd           ;not end of string, branch
4b88: ca                           dex                       ;dec index
4b89: f0 07                        beq     :GotString        ;found the one we want
4b8b: c8           :NotEnd         iny
4b8c: d0 f4                        bne     L4B82
4b8e: e6 5f                        inc     ]token_ptr+1
4b90: d0 f0                        bne     L4B82
4b92: c8           :GotString      iny                       ;move to start of string
4b93: d0 02                        bne     :NoInc
4b95: e6 5f                        inc     ]token_ptr+1
4b97: b1 5e        :NoInc          lda     (]token_ptr),y    ;get token
4b99: 49 57                        eor     #EOR_DOCKED       ;decrypt
4b9b: f0 06                        beq     :StrEnd           ;end of string, branch
4b9d: 20 ad 4b                     jsr     PrintDockedToken
4ba0: 4c 92 4b                     jmp     :GotString

4ba3: 68           :StrEnd         pla                       ;restore pointer
4ba4: 85 5f                        sta     ]token_ptr+1
4ba6: 68                           pla
4ba7: 85 5e                        sta     ]token_ptr
4ba9: 68                           pla
4baa: a8                           tay                       ;restore Y-reg
4bab: 68                           pla                       ;restore A-reg
4bac: 60                           rts

                   ; Print a "docked" text token:
                   ;   $00: invalid
                   ;   $01-1f: format token (invokes function)
                   ;   $20-5a: ASCII
                   ;   $5b-80: planet description tokens
                   ;   $81-d6: message index 0-55
                   ;   $d7-ff: digrams
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   A-reg: token to print
                   ; Y-reg is preserved.
4bad: c9 20                        cmp     #$20
4baf: 90 48                        bcc     PrintDockedFmt
4bb1: 2c 29 55                     bit     txt_flight_flag   ;flight string mode on?
4bb4: 10 10                        bpl     :DoDocked         ;no
4bb6: aa                           tax                       ;yes, handle as flight string
4bb7: 98                           tya
4bb8: 48                           pha
4bb9: a5 5e                        lda     ]token_ptr
4bbb: 48                           pha
4bbc: a5 5f                        lda     ]token_ptr+1
4bbe: 48                           pha
4bbf: 8a                           txa
4bc0: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
4bc3: 4c 16 4c                     jmp     Restore5ePtr

4bc6: c9 5b        :DoDocked       cmp     #‘[’              ;<= 'Z'?
4bc8: 90 18                        bcc     PrintDockedChar   ;yes, print plain character
4bca: c9 81                        cmp     #$81
4bcc: 90 51                        bcc     PrintPlanetDescToken?
4bce: c9 d7                        cmp     #$d7              ;is it a digram?
4bd0: 90 9c                        bcc     PrintDockedStr    ;no, canned string
4bd2: e9 d7                        sbc     #$d7              ;get digram index
4bd4: 0a                           asl     A
4bd5: 48                           pha
4bd6: aa                           tax
4bd7: bd 26 4d                     lda     docked_digram_tab,x
4bda: 20 e2 4b                     jsr     PrintDockedChar
4bdd: 68                           pla
4bde: aa                           tax
4bdf: bd 27 4d                     lda     docked_digram_tab+1,x
4be2: c9 41        PrintDockedChar cmp     #‘A’              ;is it a number or punctuation?
4be4: 90 10                        bcc     :DoPrintChar      ;yes, don't mess with it
4be6: 2c 2c 55                     bit     text_ucase_flag   ;upper-case flag set?
4be9: 30 05                        bmi     :MakeUpper        ;yes, make it upper
4beb: 2c 28 55                     bit     txt_lcase_flag    ;lower-case flag set?
4bee: 30 03                        bmi     :MakeLower        ;yes, make it lower
4bf0: 0d 27 55     :MakeUpper      ora     text_ucase_mask
4bf3: 2d 2d 55     :MakeLower      and     text_lcase_mask
4bf6: 4c 33 55     :DoPrintChar    jmp     PrintChar

4bf9: aa           PrintDockedFmt  tax                       ;A-reg holds $01-1f
4bfa: 98                           tya                       ;preserve Y-reg
4bfb: 48                           pha
4bfc: a5 5e                        lda     ]token_ptr        ;preserve $5e/5f
4bfe: 48                           pha
4bff: a5 5f                        lda     ]token_ptr+1
4c01: 48                           pha
4c02: 8a                           txa
4c03: 0a                           asl     A                 ;double it
4c04: aa                           tax
4c05: bd e4 4c                     lda     token_print_funcs-2,x ;get address of function to call
4c08: 8d 14 4c                     sta     :_CallAddr+1
4c0b: bd e5 4c                     lda     token_print_funcs-1,x
4c0e: 8d 15 4c                     sta     :_CallAddr+2
4c11: 8a                           txa
4c12: 4a                           lsr     A
4c13: 20 33 55     :_CallAddr      jsr     PrintChar         ;call it
4c16: 68           Restore5ePtr    pla                       ;restore $5e/5f
4c17: 85 5f                        sta     ]token_ptr+1
4c19: 68                           pla
4c1a: 85 5e                        sta     ]token_ptr
4c1c: 68                           pla                       ;restore Y-reg
4c1d: a8                           tay
4c1e: 60                           rts

4c1f: 85 0a                        sta     $0a               ;$5b-80
4c21: 98                           tya
4c22: 48                           pha
4c23: a5 5e                        lda     ]token_ptr
4c25: 48                           pha
4c26: a5 5f                        lda     ]token_ptr+1
4c28: 48                           pha
4c29: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
4c2c: aa                           tax
4c2d: a9 00                        lda     #$00
4c2f: e0 33                        cpx     #$33
4c31: 69 00                        adc     #$00
4c33: e0 66                        cpx     #$66
4c35: 69 00                        adc     #$00
4c37: e0 99                        cpx     #$99
4c39: 69 00                        adc     #$00
4c3b: e0 cc                        cpx     #$cc
4c3d: a6 0a                        ldx     $0a
4c3f: 7d 42 63                     adc     planet_desc_adj-91,x
4c42: 20 6e 4b                     jsr     PrintDockedStr
4c45: 4c 16 4c                     jmp     Restore5ePtr

4c48: a9 00        ClearUcaseMask  lda     #$00
4c4a: 2c                           bit ▼   title_screen+169
4c4b: a9 20        SetUcaseMask    lda     #$20
4c4d: 8d 27 55                     sta     text_ucase_mask
4c50: a9 00                        lda     #$00
4c52: 8d 2c 55                     sta     text_ucase_flag
4c55: 60                           rts

4c56: a9 06        T4C56           lda     #$06
4c58: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
4c5a: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
4c5c: 8d 28 55                     sta     txt_lcase_flag
4c5f: 60                           rts

4c60: a9 01        T4C60           lda     #$01
4c62: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
4c64: 4c b9 94                     jmp     PrintFlightHud?

4c67: a9 80        SetUpperMask?   lda     #$80
4c69: 8d 2c 55                     sta     text_ucase_flag
4c6c: a9 20                        lda     #$20
4c6e: 8d 27 55                     sta     text_ucase_mask
4c71: 60                           rts

4c72: a9 80                        lda     #$80
4c74: 85 37                        sta     text_mod_flags
4c76: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
4c78: 2c                           bit: ▼  player_speed
4c79: a9 00                        lda     #$00
4c7b: 8d 29 55                     sta     txt_flight_flag
4c7e: 60                           rts

4c7f: a9 80        SetBufferFlag   lda     #$80
4c81: 2c                           bit: ▼  player_speed
4c82: a9 00        ClearBufferFlag lda     #$00
4c84: 8d 2a 55                     sta     txt_buffer_flag
4c87: 0a                           asl     A                 ;now A-reg=0 either way
4c88: 8d 2b 55                     sta     txt_buffer_index  ;set index=0
4c8b: 60                           rts

4c8c: a5 37        PrintSpeciesIan lda     text_mod_flags
4c8e: 29 bf                        and     #$bf
4c90: 85 37                        sta     text_mod_flags
4c92: a9 03                        lda     #$03              ;selected planet
4c94: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
4c97: ae 2b 55                     ldx     txt_buffer_index
4c9a: b5 ff                        lda     <BUFFER_0100-1,x  ;check the last letter
4c9c: 20 ce 4c                     jsr     IsVowel           ;is it a vowel?
4c9f: 90 03                        bcc     :NotVowel         ;no
4ca1: ce 2b 55                     dec     txt_buffer_index  ;yes, back up one
4ca4: a9 99        :NotVowel       lda     #$99              ;"-ian" suffix, e.g. "fubarian"
4ca6: 4c 6e 4b                     jmp     PrintDockedStr

4ca9: 20 c8 4c     RandomName?     jsr     LcaseDF?
4cac: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom         ;random number of digrams
4caf: 29 03                        and     #$03
4cb1: a8                           tay
4cb2: 20 7c 7b     :More           jsr     GetRandom         ;random digram
4cb5: 29 3e                        and     #$3e
4cb7: aa                           tax
4cb8: bd 28 4d                     lda     docked_digram_tab+2,x
4cbb: 20 e2 4b                     jsr     PrintDockedChar
4cbe: bd 29 4d                     lda     docked_digram_tab+3,x
4cc1: 20 e2 4b                     jsr     PrintDockedChar
4cc4: 88                           dey
4cc5: 10 eb                        bpl     :More
4cc7: 60                           rts

4cc8: a9 df        LcaseDF?        lda     #$df
4cca: 8d 2d 55                     sta     text_lcase_mask
4ccd: 60                           rts

                   ; Returns with carry set if A-reg holds A/E/I/O/U.
4cce: 09 20        IsVowel         ora     #$20              ;convert to lower
4cd0: c9 61                        cmp     #‘a’
4cd2: f0 11                        beq     L4CE5
4cd4: c9 65                        cmp     #‘e’
4cd6: f0 0d                        beq     L4CE5
4cd8: c9 69                        cmp     #‘i’
4cda: f0 09                        beq     L4CE5
4cdc: c9 6f                        cmp     #‘o’
4cde: f0 05                        beq     L4CE5
4ce0: c9 75                        cmp     #‘u’
4ce2: f0 01                        beq     L4CE5
4ce4: 18                           clc
4ce5: 60           L4CE5           rts

4ce6: 48 4c                        .dd2    ClearUcaseMask    ;$01
4ce8: 4b 4c                        .dd2    SetUcaseMask      ;$02
4cea: 44 71                        .dd2    PrintFlightToken  ;$03 - print flight token $03
4cec: 44 71                        .dd2    PrintFlightToken  ;$04 - print flight token $04
4cee: 79 4c                        .dd2    ClearFlightTokFlag ;$05
4cf0: 72 4c                        .dd2    SetFlightTokFlag  ;$06
4cf2: 33 55                        .dd2    PrintChar         ;$07 [beep]
4cf4: 56 4c                        .dd2    T4C56             ;$08 - htab 6, set lcase flag
4cf6: 60 4c                        .dd2    T4C60             ;$09 - print flight HUD text?
4cf8: 33 55                        .dd2    PrintChar         ;$0a (LF)
4cfa: a9 4e                        .dd2    T4EA9             ;$0b - clears screen??  (first part of disk access menu str)
4cfc: 33 55                        .dd2    PrintChar         ;$0c (FF)
4cfe: 67 4c                        .dd2    SetUpperMask?     ;$0d
4d00: 7f 4c                        .dd2    SetBufferFlag     ;$0e
4d02: 82 4c                        .dd2    ClearBufferFlag   ;$0f
4d04: 31 55                        .dd2    PrintCharA        ;$10 - print 'A'
4d06: 8c 4c                        .dd2    PrintSpeciesIan   ;$11 - print species + "-ian"
4d08: a9 4c                        .dd2    RandomName?       ;$12 - random set of digrams
4d0a: c8 4c                        .dd2    LcaseDF?          ;$13
4d0c: 33 55                        .dd2    PrintChar         ;$14 (Ctrl+T)
4d0e: 1e a2                        .dd2    ClearLines?       ;$15
4d10: 60 63                        .dd2    WaitKeyDrawHud    ;$16
4d12: 68 63                        .dd2    Vposn9_SetMask    ;$17
4d14: 72 63                        .dd2    WaitForKey        ;$18 - wait for key
4d16: 56 63                        .dd2    PrintIncomingMessage ;$19
4d18: b4 80                        .dd2    InputName         ;$1a
4d1a: 50 4b                        .dd2    PrintNavyCapName  ;$1b
4d1c: 54 4b                        .dd2    PrintDockDcPlus   ;$1c
4d1e: 6b 63                        .dd2    Vposn5_SetMask    ;$1d
4d20: ff 80                        .dd2    PrintDiskTape
4d22: 08 81                        .dd2    PrintTapeDisk
4d24: 33 55                        .dd2    PrintChar         ;$20
                   ; Digrams used in docked string construction and planet descriptions.  This
                   ; defines 13 pairs, although the planet description code skips the first one. 
                   ; The code accepts a value from $00-28, so we use entries $00-1a in the flight
                   ; digram table as well.
                   ; 00 fflf  04 IT   08 ON   0c NO
                   ; 01 AB    05 IL   09 LO
                   ; 02 OU    06 ET   0a NU
                   ; 03 SE    07 ST   0b TH
4d26: 0c                           .dd1    $0c
4d27: 0a                           .dd1    $0a
4d28: 41 42 4f 55+                 .str    ‘ABOUSEITILETSTONLONUTHNO’
                   ; Digrams used in flight string construction:
                   ; 00 AL   08 US   10 ER   18 ED
                   ; 01 LE   09 ES   11 AT   19 OR
                   ; 02 XE   0a AR   12 EN   1a QU
                   ; 03 GE   0b MA   13 BE   1b AN
                   ; 04 ZA   0c IN   14 RA   1c TE
                   ; 05 CE   0d DI   15 LA   1d IS
                   ; 06 BI   0e RE   16 VE   1e RI
                   ; 07 SO   0f A?   17 TI   1f ON
                   ; For example, "HARMLESS" would be 48 8a 4d 81 53 53 (H AR M LE S S).  Strings
                   ; are EORed with $23 (to make them harder to find?).
                                    +      ‘ON’
4d80: 3a 30 2e 45+ L4D80           .str    ‘:0.E.’
4d85: 6a 61 6d 65+ commander_name  .str    ‘jameson’
4d8c: 0d 00 00 00+ save_game_state .bulk   $0d,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$10,$0f,$11,$00,$03,$1c,$0e,$00,$00,$0a
                                    +      $00,$11,$3a,$07,$09,$08,$00,$00,$00,$00,$80,$00
4dd8: 00 00 00 00+ scramble_thing? .fill   22,$00
                   ; Default save-game data.
4dee: 3a 30 2e 45+                 .str    ‘:0.E.’
4df3: 4a 41 4d 45+                 .str    ‘JAMESON’,$0d
4dfb: 00                           .dd1    $00
4dfc: 14                           .dd1    $14
4dfd: ad                           .dd1    $ad
4dfe: 4a                           .dd1    $4a
4dff: 5a                           .dd1    $5a
4e00: 48                           .dd1    $48
4e01: 02                           .dd1    $02
4e02: 53                           .dd1    $53
4e03: b7                           .dd1    $b7
4e04: 00                           .dd1    $00
4e05: 00                           .dd1    $00
4e06: 03                           .dd1    $03
4e07: e8                           .dd1    $e8
4e08: 46                           .dd1    $46
4e09: 00                           .dd1    $00
4e0a: 00                           .dd1    $00
4e0b: 0f                           .dd1    $0f
4e0c: 00 00 00 00+                 .fill   5,$00
4e11: 16                           .dd1    $16
4e12: 00 00 00 00+                 .fill   28,$00
4e2e: 03                           .dd1    $03
4e2f: 00                           .dd1    $00
4e30: 10                           .dd1    $10
4e31: 0f                           .dd1    $0f
4e32: 11                           .dd1    $11
4e33: 00                           .dd1    $00
4e34: 03                           .dd1    $03
4e35: 1c                           .dd1    $1c
4e36: 0e                           .dd1    $0e
4e37: 00                           .dd1    $00
4e38: 00                           .dd1    $00
4e39: 0a                           .dd1    $0a
4e3a: 00                           .dd1    $00
4e3b: 11                           .dd1    $11
4e3c: 3a                           .dd1    $3a
4e3d: 07                           .dd1    $07
4e3e: 09                           .dd1    $09
4e3f: 08                           .dd1    $08
4e40: 00                           .dd1    $00
4e41: 00                           .dd1    $00
4e42: 00                           .dd1    $00
4e43: 00                           .dd1    $00
4e44: 80                           .dd1    $80
4e45: aa                           .dd1    $aa
4e46: 27                           .dd1    $27
4e47: 03                           .dd1    $03
4e48: 00 00 00 00+                 .fill   13,$00
                   ; end of data
4e55: 00                           .dd1    $00
4e56: 00                           .dd1    $00
4e57: 00                           .dd1    $00
4e58: 00           L4E58           .dd1    $00
4e59: 10                           .dd1    $10
4e5a: 10                           .dd1    $10
4e5b: 14 14 14 14+                 .fill   6,$14
4e61: 0c 0c 0c 0c+                 .fill   6,$0c
4e67: 14                           .dd1    $14
4e68: 0c 0c 0c 0c+                 .fill   7,$0c
4e6f: 10                           .dd1    $10
4e70: 0c 0c 0c 0c+                 .fill   5,$0c
4e75: 18                           .dd1    $18
4e76: 0c                           .dd1    $0c
4e77: 0c                           .dd1    $0c
4e78: 00                           .dd1    $00
4e79: 0c                           .dd1    $0c
4e7a: 00                           .dd1    $00
4e7b: 00                           .dd1    $00
4e7c: 00                           .dd1    $00
4e7d: 00                           .dd1    $00
4e7e: 00           L4E7E           .dd1    $00
4e7f: 08           L4E7F           .dd1    $08
4e80: 25                           .dd1    $25
4e81: 08                           .dd1    $08
4e82: 4a                           .dd1    $4a
4e83: 08                           .dd1    $08
4e84: 6f                           .dd1    $6f
4e85: 08                           .dd1    $08
4e86: 94                           .dd1    $94
4e87: 08                           .dd1    $08
4e88: b9                           .dd1    $b9
4e89: 08                           .dd1    $08
4e8a: de                           .dd1    $de
4e8b: 08                           .dd1    $08
4e8c: 03                           .dd1    $03
4e8d: 09                           .dd1    $09
4e8e: 28                           .dd1    $28
4e8f: 09                           .dd1    $09

4e90: a2 27        L4E90           ldx     #$27
4e92: bd 80 04     L4E92           lda     xcoords?+128,x
4e95: c9 a0                        cmp     #$a0
4e97: f0 05                        beq     L4E9E
4e99: a9 ad                        lda     #$ad
4e9b: 9d 00 05                     sta     ycoords?,x
4e9e: ca           L4E9E           dex
4e9f: 10 f1                        bpl     L4E92
4ea1: 60                           rts

4ea2: 2c 10 c0     ClearKbdStrb    bit     KBDSTRB
4ea5: 60                           rts

4ea6: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
4ea9: a5 cd        T4EA9           lda     display_mode_flag ;text or hi-res?
4eab: 30 e3                        bmi     L4E90             ;text, branch
4ead: a9 13                        lda     #19
4eaf: d0 05                        bne     :DrawHorizontalLine

4eb1: a9                           .dd1    $a9
4eb2: 17                           .dd1    $17

4eb3: 20 0e 64     IncTextDrawLine jsr     IncTextVposn
4eb6: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
4eb8: a9 10                        lda     #$10
4eba: 85 35                        sta     $35
4ebc: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
4ebe: 86 6e                        stx     $6e
4ec0: ca                           dex
4ec1: 86 70                        stx     $70
4ec3: 4c 90 9e                     jmp     DrawHorizLine     ;draw horizontal line

4ec6: 20 78 78     L4EC6           jsr     L7878
4ec9: 84 6f                        sty     $6f
4ecb: a9 00                        lda     #$00
4ecd: 99 00 06                     sta     $0600,y
4ed0: 4c 90 9e                     jmp     DrawHorizLine

                   NOTE: this
                   • Clear variables
                   ]saved_y        .var    $06    {addr/1}
                   ]row_mod8       .var    $07    {addr/1}
                   ]row_div8       .var    $08    {addr/1}
                   ]hptr           .var    $0a    {addr/2}
                   ]what_is_this?  .var    $b4    {addr/1}

4ed3: 20 68 60     L4ED3           jsr     ADD
4ed6: 85 63                        sta     $63
4ed8: 8a                           txa
4ed9: 99 ef 06                     sta     $06ef,y
4edc: a5 6e        L4EDC           lda     $6e
4ede: 10 05                        bpl     L4EE5
4ee0: 49 7f                        eor     #$7f
4ee2: 18                           clc
4ee3: 69 01                        adc     #$01
4ee5: 49 80        L4EE5           eor     #$80
4ee7: aa                           tax
4ee8: a5 6f                        lda     $6f
4eea: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
4eec: c9 44                        cmp     #$44
4eee: b0 6b                        bcs     :Return
4ef0: a5 6f                        lda     $6f
4ef2: 10 04                        bpl     L4EF8
4ef4: 49 7f                        eor     #$7f
4ef6: 69 01                        adc     #$01
4ef8: 85 d0        L4EF8           sta     $d0
4efa: a9 45                        lda     #$45
4efc: e5 d0                        sbc     $d0
                   ; Draws a 2x2 white block, i.e a rect that covers xc,yc to xc+1,yc-1.
                   ; Seems to be used to draw the stars on the galactic chart.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   A-reg: Y-coord
                   ;   X-reg: X-coord
                   ;   $b4: ?
                   ; On exit:
                   ;   Y-reg preserved
4efe: 84 06        DrawStar?       sty     ]saved_y          ;preserve Y-reg
4f00: 85 0b                        sta     ]hptr+1           ;store row here temporarily
4f02: 4a                           lsr     A                 ;divide by 8
4f03: 4a                           lsr     A
4f04: 4a                           lsr     A
4f05: 85 08                        sta     ]row_div8
4f07: a8                           tay
4f08: b9 14 9c                     lda     hires_line_lo,y   ;set hi-res row address, low byte
4f0b: 85 0a                        sta     ]hptr
4f0d: a5 0b                        lda     ]hptr+1           ;now fix the high byte
4f0f: 29 07                        and     #$07              ;compute mod 8
4f11: 85 07                        sta     ]row_mod8
4f13: 0a                           asl     A                 ;multiply by 4
4f14: 0a                           asl     A
4f15: 79 2c 9c                     adc     hires_line_hi,y   ;set hi-res address, high byte
4f18: 85 0b                        sta     ]hptr+1
4f1a: bd 03 43                     lda     mod7_table,x      ;get col pixel
4f1d: 0a                           asl     A                 ;x2
4f1e: a4 b4                        ldy     ]what_is_this?
4f20: 30 02                        bmi     :NegB4
4f22: 69 0e                        adc     #14
4f24: c0 50        :NegB4          cpy     #80
4f26: bc 03 44                     ldy     div7_table,x      ;get col byte
4f29: aa                           tax
4f2a: b0 1c                        bcs     :DrawLast
4f2c: bd 6f 4f                     lda     hi_res_2pixel2,x  ;blend first byte
4f2f: 51 0a                        eor     (]hptr),y
4f31: 91 0a                        sta     (]hptr),y
4f33: bd 70 4f                     lda     hi_res_2pixel2+1,x ;anything in second byte?
4f36: f0 06                        beq     :Skip2            ;no, skip that one
4f38: c8                           iny                       ;yes, blend second byte
4f39: 51 0a                        eor     (]hptr),y
4f3b: 91 0a                        sta     (]hptr),y
4f3d: 88                           dey                       ;back up
4f3e: a5 07        :Skip2          lda     ]row_mod8         ;at top of 8-row section?
4f40: f0 1a                        beq     :CalcRow          ;yes, do the bigger calculation
4f42: a5 0b                        lda     ]hptr+1           ;move up one row
4f44: e9 03                        sbc     #$03
4f46: 85 0b                        sta     ]hptr+1
4f48: bd 6f 4f     :DrawLast       lda     hi_res_2pixel2,x  ;blend first byte
4f4b: 51 0a                        eor     (]hptr),y
4f4d: 91 0a                        sta     (]hptr),y
4f4f: bd 70 4f                     lda     hi_res_2pixel2+1,x ;anything in second byte?
4f52: f0 05                        beq     :Done             ;no, done
4f54: c8                           iny                       ;yes, blend second byte
4f55: 51 0a                        eor     (]hptr),y
4f57: 91 0a                        sta     (]hptr),y
4f59: a4 06        :Done           ldy     ]saved_y
4f5b: 60           :Return         rts

4f5c: 86 07        :CalcRow        stx     ]row_mod8         ;preserve X-reg
4f5e: a6 08                        ldx     ]row_div8         ;move up one row
4f60: bd 13 9c                     lda     hires_line_lo-1,x
4f63: 85 0a                        sta     ]hptr
4f65: bd 4b 9c                     lda     hires_line_hi2-1,x
4f68: 85 0b                        sta     ]hptr+1
4f6a: a6 07                        ldx     ]row_mod8         ;restore X-reg
4f6c: 4c 48 4f                     jmp     :DrawLast

                   ; Two pixels, stored in two bytes so we don't have to special-case the ends.
4f6f: 03 00        hi_res_2pixel2  .bulk   $03,$00
4f71: 06 00                        .bulk   $06,$00
4f73: 0c 00                        .bulk   $0c,$00
4f75: 18 00                        .bulk   $18,$00
4f77: 30 00                        .bulk   $30,$00
4f79: 60 00                        .bulk   $60,$00
4f7b: 40 01                        .bulk   $40,$01
                   ; Same thing, but three pixels.
4f7d: 07 00                        .bulk   $07,$00
4f7f: 0e 00                        .bulk   $0e,$00
4f81: 1c 00                        .bulk   $1c,$00
4f83: 38 00                        .bulk   $38,$00
4f85: 70 00                        .bulk   $70,$00
4f87: 60 01                        .bulk   $60,$01
4f89: 40 03                        .bulk   $40,$03

4f8b: 8a           L4F8B           txa
4f8c: 65 46                        adc     $46
4f8e: 85 9e                        sta     $9e
4f90: a5 47                        lda     $47
4f92: 65 d0                        adc     $d0
4f94: 85 9f                        sta     $9f
4f96: a5 bc                        lda     $bc
4f98: f0 12                        beq     L4FAC
4f9a: e6 bc                        inc     $bc
4f9c: a4 91        L4F9C           ldy     $91
4f9e: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
4fa0: d9 ff 04                     cmp     ycoords?-1,y
4fa3: f0 69                        beq     L500E
4fa5: 99 00 05                     sta     ycoords?,y
4fa8: e6 91                        inc     $91
4faa: d0 62                        bne     L500E
4fac: a5 98        L4FAC           lda     $98
4fae: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
4fb0: a5 99                        lda     $99
4fb2: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
4fb4: a5 9a                        lda     $9a
4fb6: 85 70                        sta     $70
4fb8: a5 9b                        lda     $9b
4fba: 85 71                        sta     $71
4fbc: a5 9c                        lda     $9c
4fbe: 85 72                        sta     $72
4fc0: a5 9d                        lda     $9d
4fc2: 85 73                        sta     $73
4fc4: a5 9e                        lda     $9e
4fc6: 85 74                        sta     $74
4fc8: a5 9f                        lda     $9f
4fca: 85 75                        sta     $75
4fcc: 20 d2 8e                     jsr     ClipLine
4fcf: b0 cb                        bcs     L4F9C
4fd1: ad 7d 02                     lda     lcoord_swap_flag
4fd4: f0 10                        beq     :NoSwap
4fd6: a5 6e                        lda     $6e
4fd8: a4 70                        ldy     $70
4fda: 85 70                        sta     $70
4fdc: 84 6e                        sty     $6e
4fde: a5 6f                        lda     $6f
4fe0: a4 71                        ldy     $71
4fe2: 85 71                        sta     $71
4fe4: 84 6f                        sty     $6f
4fe6: a4 91        :NoSwap         ldy     $91
4fe8: b9 ff 04                     lda     ycoords?-1,y
4feb: c9 ff                        cmp     #$ff
4fed: d0 0b                        bne     L4FFA
4fef: a5 6e                        lda     $6e
4ff1: 99 00 04                     sta     xcoords?,y
4ff4: a5 6f                        lda     $6f
4ff6: 99 00 05                     sta     ycoords?,y
4ff9: c8                           iny
4ffa: a5 70        L4FFA           lda     $70
4ffc: 99 00 04                     sta     xcoords?,y
4fff: a5 71                        lda     $71
5001: 99 00 05                     sta     ycoords?,y
5004: c8                           iny
5005: 84 91                        sty     $91
5007: 20 64 9c                     jsr     DrawLine
500a: a5 b5                        lda     $b5
500c: d0 8e                        bne     L4F9C
500e: a5 9c        L500E           lda     $9c
5010: 85 98                        sta     $98
5012: a5 9d                        lda     $9d
5014: 85 99                        sta     $99
5016: a5 9e                        lda     $9e
5018: 85 9a                        sta     $9a
501a: a5 9f                        lda     $9f
501c: 85 9b                        sta     $9b
501e: a5 bd                        lda     $bd
5020: 18                           clc
5021: 65 bf                        adc     $bf
5023: 85 bd                        sta     $bd
5025: 60                           rts

5026: a4 e2        L5026           ldy     $e2
5028: be e2 06     L5028           ldx     $06e2,y
502b: b9 c8 06                     lda     $06c8,y
502e: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
5030: 99 e2 06                     sta     $06e2,y
5033: 8a                           txa
5034: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
5036: 99 c8 06                     sta     $06c8,y
5039: b9 fc 06                     lda     SCRNHOLE5+4,y
503c: 85 b4                        sta     ]what_is_this?
503e: 20 dc 4e                     jsr     L4EDC
5041: 88                           dey
5042: d0 e4                        bne     L5028
5044: 60                           rts

5045: ae 72 02     L5045           ldx     PLAYER_STATE?+49
5048: f0 09                        beq     L5053
504a: ca                           dex
504b: d0 03                        bne     L5050
504d: 4c 3f 51                     jmp     L513F

5050: 4c 94 5d     L5050           jmp     L5D94

5053: a4 e2        L5053           ldy     $e2
5055: 20 c7 60     L5055           jsr     DV42
5058: a5 ae                        lda     $ae
505a: 46 31                        lsr     $31
505c: 6a                           ror     A
505d: 46 31                        lsr     $31
505f: 6a                           ror     A
5060: 09 01                        ora     #$01
5062: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
5064: b9 09 07                     lda     $0709,y
5067: e5 aa                        sbc     $aa
5069: 99 09 07                     sta     $0709,y
506c: b9 fc 06                     lda     SCRNHOLE5+4,y
506f: 85 b4                        sta     ]what_is_this?
5071: e5 ab                        sbc     $ab
5073: 99 fc 06                     sta     SCRNHOLE5+4,y
5076: 20 3c 5f                     jsr     L5F3C
5079: 85 63                        sta     $63
507b: a5 31                        lda     $31
507d: 79 ef 06                     adc     $06ef,y
5080: 85 62                        sta     $62
5082: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
5084: a5 6f                        lda     $6f
5086: 65 63                        adc     $63
5088: 85 63                        sta     $63
508a: 85 af                        sta     $af
508c: b9 c8 06                     lda     $06c8,y
508f: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
5091: 20 41 5f                     jsr     L5F41
5094: 85 61                        sta     $61
5096: a5 31                        lda     $31
5098: 79 d5 06                     adc     $06d5,y
509b: 85 60                        sta     $60
509d: a5 6e                        lda     $6e
509f: 65 61                        adc     $61
50a1: 85 61                        sta     $61
50a3: 45 6d                        eor     $6d
50a5: 20 e6 5e                     jsr     MLS1
50a8: 20 68 60                     jsr     ADD
50ab: 85 63                        sta     $63
50ad: 86 62                        stx     $62
50af: 45 6c                        eor     $6c
50b1: 20 de 5e                     jsr     MLS2
50b4: 20 68 60                     jsr     ADD
50b7: 85 61                        sta     $61
50b9: 86 60                        stx     $60
50bb: a6 67                        ldx     $67
50bd: a5 63                        lda     $63
50bf: 45 a8                        eor     $a8
50c1: 20 e8 5e                     jsr     MULTS
50c4: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
50c6: 20 e3 5f                     jsr     MUT2
50c9: 06 31                        asl     $31
50cb: 2a                           rol     A
50cc: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
50ce: a9 00                        lda     #$00
50d0: 6a                           ror     A
50d1: 05 d0                        ora     $d0
50d3: 20 68 60                     jsr     ADD
50d6: 85 61                        sta     $61
50d8: 8a                           txa
50d9: 99 d5 06                     sta     $06d5,y
50dc: a5 62                        lda     $62
50de: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
50e0: a5 63                        lda     $63
50e2: 85 af                        sta     $af
50e4: a9 00                        lda     #$00
50e6: 85 31                        sta     $31
50e8: a5 66                        lda     $66
50ea: 49 80                        eor     #$80
50ec: 20 d3 4e                     jsr     L4ED3
50ef: a5 61                        lda     $61
50f1: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
50f3: 99 c8 06                     sta     $06c8,y
50f6: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
50f8: c9 78                        cmp     #$78
50fa: b0 20                        bcs     L511C
50fc: a5 63                        lda     $63
50fe: 99 e2 06                     sta     $06e2,y
5101: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
5103: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
5105: c9 78                        cmp     #$78
5107: b0 13                        bcs     L511C
5109: b9 fc 06                     lda     SCRNHOLE5+4,y
510c: c9 10                        cmp     #$10
510e: 90 0c                        bcc     L511C
5110: 85 b4                        sta     ]what_is_this?
5112: 20 dc 4e     L5112           jsr     L4EDC
5115: 88                           dey
5116: f0 03                        beq     L511B
5118: 4c 55 50                     jmp     L5055

511b: 60           L511B           rts

511c: 20 7c 7b     L511C           jsr     GetRandom
511f: 09 04                        ora     #$04
5121: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
5123: 99 e2 06                     sta     $06e2,y
5126: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
5129: 09 08                        ora     #$08
512b: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
512d: 99 c8 06                     sta     $06c8,y
5130: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
5133: 09 90                        ora     #$90
5135: 99 fc 06                     sta     SCRNHOLE5+4,y
5138: 85 b4                        sta     ]what_is_this?
513a: a5 6f                        lda     $6f
513c: 4c 12 51                     jmp     L5112

513f: a4 e2        L513F           ldy     $e2
5141: 20 c7 60     L5141           jsr     DV42
5144: a5 ae                        lda     $ae
5146: 46 31                        lsr     $31
5148: 6a                           ror     A
5149: 46 31                        lsr     $31
514b: 6a                           ror     A
514c: 09 01                        ora     #$01
514e: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
5150: b9 c8 06                     lda     $06c8,y
5153: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
5155: 20 41 5f                     jsr     L5F41
5158: 85 61                        sta     $61
515a: b9 d5 06                     lda     $06d5,y
515d: e5 31                        sbc     $31
515f: 85 60                        sta     $60
5161: a5 6e                        lda     $6e
5163: e5 61                        sbc     $61
5165: 85 61                        sta     $61
5167: 20 3c 5f                     jsr     L5F3C
516a: 85 63                        sta     $63
516c: b9 ef 06                     lda     $06ef,y
516f: e5 31                        sbc     $31
5171: 85 62                        sta     $62
5173: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
5175: a5 6f                        lda     $6f
5177: e5 63                        sbc     $63
5179: 85 63                        sta     $63
517b: 85 af                        sta     $af
517d: b9 09 07                     lda     $0709,y
5180: 65 aa                        adc     $aa
5182: 99 09 07                     sta     $0709,y
5185: b9 fc 06                     lda     SCRNHOLE5+4,y
5188: 85 b4                        sta     ]what_is_this?
518a: 65 ab                        adc     $ab
518c: 99 fc 06                     sta     SCRNHOLE5+4,y
518f: a5 61                        lda     $61
5191: 45 6c                        eor     $6c
5193: 20 e6 5e                     jsr     MLS1
5196: 20 68 60                     jsr     ADD
5199: 85 63                        sta     $63
519b: 86 62                        stx     $62
519d: 45 6d                        eor     $6d
519f: 20 de 5e                     jsr     MLS2
51a2: 20 68 60                     jsr     ADD
51a5: 85 61                        sta     $61
51a7: 86 60                        stx     $60
51a9: a5 63                        lda     $63
51ab: 45 a8                        eor     $a8
51ad: a6 67                        ldx     $67
51af: 20 e8 5e                     jsr     MULTS
51b2: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
51b4: a5 61                        lda     $61
51b6: 85 af                        sta     $af
51b8: 49 80                        eor     #$80
51ba: 20 e7 5f                     jsr     MUT1
51bd: 06 31                        asl     $31
51bf: 2a                           rol     A
51c0: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
51c2: a9 00                        lda     #$00
51c4: 6a                           ror     A
51c5: 05 d0                        ora     $d0
51c7: 20 68 60                     jsr     ADD
51ca: 85 61                        sta     $61
51cc: 8a                           txa
51cd: 99 d5 06                     sta     $06d5,y
51d0: a5 62                        lda     $62
51d2: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
51d4: a5 63                        lda     $63
51d6: 85 af                        sta     $af
51d8: a9 00                        lda     #$00
51da: 85 31                        sta     $31
51dc: a5 66                        lda     $66
51de: 20 d3 4e                     jsr     L4ED3
51e1: a5 61                        lda     $61
51e3: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
51e5: 99 c8 06                     sta     $06c8,y
51e8: a5 63                        lda     $63
51ea: 99 e2 06                     sta     $06e2,y
51ed: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
51ef: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
51f1: c9 6e                        cmp     #$6e
51f3: b0 13                        bcs     L5208
51f5: b9 fc 06                     lda     SCRNHOLE5+4,y
51f8: c9 a0                        cmp     #$a0
51fa: b0 0c                        bcs     L5208
51fc: 85 b4                        sta     ]what_is_this?
51fe: 20 dc 4e     L51FE           jsr     L4EDC
5201: 88                           dey
5202: f0 03                        beq     L5207
5204: 4c 41 51                     jmp     L5141

5207: 60           L5207           rts

5208: 20 7c 7b     L5208           jsr     GetRandom
520b: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
520d: 69 0a                        adc     #$0a
520f: 99 fc 06                     sta     SCRNHOLE5+4,y
5212: 85 b4                        sta     ]what_is_this?
5214: 4a                           lsr     A
5215: b0 14                        bcs     L522B
5217: 4a                           lsr     A
5218: a9 fc                        lda     #$fc
521a: 6a                           ror     A
521b: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
521d: 99 c8 06                     sta     $06c8,y
5220: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
5223: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
5225: 99 e2 06                     sta     $06e2,y
5228: 4c fe 51                     jmp     L51FE

522b: 20 7c 7b     L522B           jsr     GetRandom
522e: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
5230: 99 c8 06                     sta     $06c8,y
5233: 4a                           lsr     A
5234: a9 e6                        lda     #$e6
5236: 6a                           ror     A
5237: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
5239: 99 e2 06                     sta     $06e2,y
523c: d0 c0                        bne     L51FE
523e: b9 0c 00     L523E           lda     polyobj_xpos_lo,y
5241: 0a                           asl     A
5242: 85 7b                        sta     $7b
5244: b9 0d 00                     lda     INWK+1,y
5247: 2a                           rol     A
5248: 85 7c                        sta     $7c
524a: a9 00                        lda     #$00
524c: 6a                           ror     A
524d: 85 7d                        sta     $7d
524f: 20 78 53                     jsr     L5378
5252: 95 0e                        sta     INWK+2,x
5254: a4 7b                        ldy     $7b
5256: 94 0c                        sty     polyobj_xpos_lo,x
5258: a4 7c                        ldy     $7c
525a: 94 0d                        sty     INWK+1,x
525c: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
525e: 60                           rts

525f: a9 00        L525F           lda     #$00
5261: 19 02 08     L5261           ora     data_buffer+2,y
5264: 19 05 08                     ora     data_buffer+5,y
5267: 19 08 08                     ora     data_buffer+8,y
526a: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
526c: 60                           rts

526d: b9 01 08     L526D           lda     data_buffer+1,y
5270: 20 32 5f                     jsr     L5F32
5273: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
5275: b9 04 08                     lda     data_buffer+4,y
5278: 20 32 5f                     jsr     L5F32
527b: 65 ae                        adc     $ae
527d: b0 0c                        bcs     L528B
527f: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
5281: b9 07 08                     lda     data_buffer+7,y
5284: 20 32 5f                     jsr     L5F32
5287: 65 ae                        adc     $ae
5289: 90 02                        bcc     L528D
528b: a9 ff        L528B           lda     #$ff
528d: 60           L528D           rts

528e: a9 cd        L528E           lda     #$cd              ;"DOCKED"
5290: 20 6e 4b                     jsr     PrintDockedStr
5293: 20 e4 a0                     jsr     OutputFF
5296: 4c d6 52                     jmp     L52D6

5299: a2 09        :HiKillScore    ldx     #$09              ;start at "Elite"
529b: c9 19                        cmp     #$19              ;>= $1900?
529d: b0 5e                        bcs     :PrintRating2     ;yes, done
529f: ca                           dex
52a0: c9 0a                        cmp     #$0a              ;>= $0a00?
52a2: b0 59                        bcs     :PrintRating2     ;yes, Deadly
52a4: ca                           dex
52a5: c9 02                        cmp     #$02              ;>= $0200?
52a7: b0 54                        bcs     :PrintRating2     ;yes, Dangerous
52a9: ca                           dex                       ;reduce to merely "Competent"
52aa: d0 51                        bne     :PrintRating2     ;(always)
52ac: a9 08                        lda     #$08
52ae: 20 11 64                     jsr     L6411
52b1: 20 9e 6a                     jsr     L6A9E
52b4: a9 07                        lda     #$07
52b6: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
52b8: a9 7e                        lda     #$7e              ;(multi-line commander / system / "condition:")
52ba: 20 a6 4e                     jsr     PrintFlightTokLine
52bd: a9 0f                        lda     #$0f              ;?
52bf: a4 ba                        ldy     docked_flag
52c1: d0 cb                        bne     L528E
52c3: a9 e6                        lda     #$e6              ;"Green"
52c5: ac 6b 02                     ldy     PLAYER_STATE?+42
52c8: be 43 02                     ldx     PLAYER_STATE?+2,y
52cb: f0 06                        beq     L52D3
52cd: a4 d6                        ldy     $d6
52cf: c0 80                        cpy     #$80
52d1: 69 01                        adc     #$01              ;"Red"
52d3: 20 39 71     L52D3           jsr     PrintTokFF
52d6: a9 7d        L52D6           lda     #$7d              ;"$$$$$$.0 Cr Legal Status:"
52d8: 20 73 64                     jsr     PrintTokSpc
52db: a9 13                        lda     #$13              ;"Clean"
52dd: ac c3 02                     ldy     player_fug_inno
52e0: f0 04                        beq     L52E6
52e2: c0 32                        cpy     #$32
52e4: 69 01                        adc     #$01              ;"Offender"
52e6: 20 39 71     L52E6           jsr     PrintTokFF
52e9: a9 10                        lda     #$10              ;"Rating:"
52eb: 20 73 64                     jsr     PrintTokSpc
                   ; Compute player rating.
52ee: ad d7 02                     lda     kill_score+1      ;kill score >= 256?
52f1: d0 a6                        bne     :HiKillScore      ;yes, use different function
52f3: aa                           tax                       ;X-reg=0
52f4: ad d6 02                     lda     kill_score        ;set X-reg to log2(score)-2
52f7: 4a                           lsr     A                 ;divide by 4
52f8: 4a                           lsr     A
52f9: e8           L52F9           inx                       ;inc result until dividing by 2 yields zero
52fa: 4a                           lsr     A                 ;$00-07=1, $08-0F=2, $10-$1f=3, etc.
52fb: d0 fc                        bne     L52F9             ;Harmless to Competent
52fd: 8a           :PrintRating2   txa
52fe: 18                           clc
52ff: 69 15                        adc     #$15              ;"Harmless" - 1
5301: 20 39 71                     jsr     PrintTokFF
5304: a9 12                        lda     #$12              ;"EQUIPMENT:"
5306: 20 70 53                     jsr     PrintTokFFHposn
5309: ad bd 02                     lda     have_escape_pod
530c: f0 05                        beq     L5313
530e: a9 70                        lda     #$70              ;"Escape Pod"
5310: 20 70 53                     jsr     PrintTokFFHposn
5313: ad b8 02     L5313           lda     have_fuel_scoop
5316: f0 05                        beq     L531D
5318: a9 6f                        lda     #$6f              ;"Fuel Scoops"
531a: 20 70 53                     jsr     PrintTokFFHposn
531d: ad b7 02     L531D           lda     have_ecm
5320: f0 05                        beq     L5327
5322: a9 6c                        lda     #$6c              ;"E.C.M. System"
5324: 20 70 53                     jsr     PrintTokFFHposn
5327: a9 71        L5327           lda     #$71
5329: 85 c0                        sta     $c0
532b: a8           L532B           tay
532c: be 48 02                     ldx     PLAYER_STATE?+7,y
532f: f0 03                        beq     L5334
5331: 20 70 53                     jsr     PrintTokFFHposn
5334: e6 c0        L5334           inc     $c0
5336: a5 c0                        lda     $c0
5338: c9 75                        cmp     #$75
533a: 90 ef                        bcc     L532B
533c: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
533e: 86 bd        L533E           stx     $bd
5340: bc 9f 02                     ldy     $029f,x
5343: f0 23                        beq     L5368
5345: 8a                           txa
5346: 18                           clc
5347: 69 60                        adc     #$60
5349: 20 73 64                     jsr     PrintTokSpc
534c: a9 67                        lda     #$67
534e: a6 bd                        ldx     $bd
5350: bc 9f 02                     ldy     $029f,x
5353: c0 8f                        cpy     #$8f
5355: d0 02                        bne     L5359
5357: a9 68                        lda     #$68
5359: c0 97        L5359           cpy     #$97
535b: d0 02                        bne     L535F
535d: a9 75                        lda     #$75
535f: c0 32        L535F           cpy     #$32
5361: d0 02                        bne     L5365
5363: a9 76                        lda     #$76
5365: 20 70 53     L5365           jsr     PrintTokFFHposn
5368: a6 bd        L5368           ldx     $bd
536a: e8                           inx
536b: e0 04                        cpx     #$04
536d: 90 cf                        bcc     L533E
536f: 60                           rts

5370: 20 39 71     PrintTokFFHposn jsr     PrintTokFF
5373: a9 06                        lda     #$06
5375: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
5377: 60                           rts

5378: a5 7d        L5378           lda     $7d
537a: 85 af                        sta     $af
537c: 29 80                        and     #$80
537e: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
5380: 55 0e                        eor     INWK+2,x
5382: 30 18                        bmi     L539C
5384: a5 7b                        lda     $7b
5386: 18                           clc
5387: 75 0c                        adc     polyobj_xpos_lo,x
5389: 85 7b                        sta     $7b
538b: a5 7c                        lda     $7c
538d: 75 0d                        adc     INWK+1,x
538f: 85 7c                        sta     $7c
5391: a5 7d                        lda     $7d
5393: 75 0e                        adc     INWK+2,x
5395: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
5397: 05 d0                        ora     $d0
5399: 85 7d                        sta     $7d
539b: 60                           rts

539c: a5 af        L539C           lda     $af
539e: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
53a0: 85 af                        sta     $af
53a2: b5 0c                        lda     polyobj_xpos_lo,x
53a4: 38                           sec
53a5: e5 7b                        sbc     $7b
53a7: 85 7b                        sta     $7b
53a9: b5 0d                        lda     INWK+1,x
53ab: e5 7c                        sbc     $7c
53ad: 85 7c                        sta     $7c
53af: b5 0e                        lda     INWK+2,x
53b1: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
53b3: e5 af                        sbc     $af
53b5: 09 80                        ora     #$80
53b7: 45 d0                        eor     $d0
53b9: 85 7d                        sta     $7d
53bb: b0 16                        bcs     L53D3
53bd: a9 01                        lda     #$01
53bf: e5 7b                        sbc     $7b
53c1: 85 7b                        sta     $7b
53c3: a9 00                        lda     #$00
53c5: e5 7c                        sbc     $7c
53c7: 85 7c                        sta     $7c
53c9: a9 00                        lda     #$00
53cb: e5 7d                        sbc     $7d
53cd: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
53cf: 05 d0                        ora     $d0
53d1: 85 7d                        sta     $7d
53d3: 60           L53D3           rts

53d4: b5 0d        L53D4           lda     INWK+1,x
53d6: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
53d8: 4a                           lsr     A
53d9: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
53db: b5 0c                        lda     polyobj_xpos_lo,x
53dd: 38                           sec
53de: e5 d0                        sbc     $d0
53e0: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
53e2: b5 0d                        lda     INWK+1,x
53e4: e9 00                        sbc     #$00
53e6: 85 af                        sta     $af
53e8: b9 0c 00                     lda     polyobj_xpos_lo,y
53eb: 85 31                        sta     $31
53ed: b9 0d 00                     lda     INWK+1,y
53f0: 29 80                        and     #$80
53f2: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
53f4: b9 0d 00                     lda     INWK+1,y
53f7: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
53f9: 4a                           lsr     A
53fa: 66 31                        ror     $31
53fc: 4a                           lsr     A
53fd: 66 31                        ror     $31
53ff: 4a                           lsr     A
5400: 66 31                        ror     $31
5402: 4a                           lsr     A
5403: 66 31                        ror     $31
5405: 05 d0                        ora     $d0
5407: 45 c5                        eor     $c5
5409: 86 ad                        stx     $ad
540b: 20 68 60                     jsr     ADD
540e: 85 7b                        sta     $7b
5410: 86 7a                        stx     $7a
5412: a6 ad                        ldx     $ad
5414: b9 0d 00                     lda     INWK+1,y
5417: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
5419: 4a                           lsr     A
541a: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
541c: b9 0c 00                     lda     polyobj_xpos_lo,y
541f: 38                           sec
5420: e5 d0                        sbc     $d0
5422: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
5424: b9 0d 00                     lda     INWK+1,y
5427: e9 00                        sbc     #$00
5429: 85 af                        sta     $af
542b: b5 0c                        lda     polyobj_xpos_lo,x
542d: 85 31                        sta     $31
542f: b5 0d                        lda     INWK+1,x
5431: 29 80                        and     #$80
5433: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
5435: b5 0d                        lda     INWK+1,x
5437: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
5439: 4a                           lsr     A
543a: 66 31                        ror     $31
543c: 4a                           lsr     A
543d: 66 31                        ror     $31
543f: 4a                           lsr     A
5440: 66 31                        ror     $31
5442: 4a                           lsr     A
5443: 66 31                        ror     $31
5445: 05 d0                        ora     $d0
5447: 49 80                        eor     #$80
5449: 45 c5                        eor     $c5
544b: 86 ad                        stx     $ad
544d: 20 68 60                     jsr     ADD
5450: 99 0d 00                     sta     INWK+1,y
5453: 96 0c                        stx     polyobj_xpos_lo,y
5455: a6 ad                        ldx     $ad
5457: a5 7a                        lda     $7a
5459: 95 0c                        sta     polyobj_xpos_lo,x
545b: a5 7b                        lda     $7b
545d: 95 0d                        sta     INWK+1,x
545f: 60                           rts

5460: 48 76 e8 00                  .bulk   $48,$76,$e8,$00

5464: a9 03        PrintNumInX?    lda     #$03
5466: a0 00        L5466           ldy     #$00
5468: 85 ac        L5468           sta     $ac
546a: a9 00                        lda     #$00
546c: 85 7a                        sta     $7a
546e: 85 7b                        sta     $7b
5470: 84 7c                        sty     $7c
5472: 86 7d                        stx     $7d
5474: a2 0b        PrintNumber?    ldx     #$0b
5476: 86 d0                        stx     $d0
5478: 08                           php
5479: 90 04                        bcc     L547F
547b: c6 d0                        dec     $d0
547d: c6 ac                        dec     $ac
547f: a9 0b        L547F           lda     #$0b
5481: 38                           sec
5482: 85 b2                        sta     $b2
5484: e5 ac                        sbc     $ac
5486: 85 ac                        sta     $ac
5488: e6 ac                        inc     $ac
548a: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
548c: 84 af                        sty     $af
548e: 4c d0 54                     jmp     L54D0

5491: 06 7d        L5491           asl     $7d
5493: 26 7c                        rol     $7c
5495: 26 7b                        rol     $7b
5497: 26 7a                        rol     $7a
5499: 26 af                        rol     $af
549b: a2 03                        ldx     #$03
549d: b5 7a        L549D           lda     $7a,x
549f: 95 6e                        sta     $6e,x
54a1: ca                           dex
54a2: 10 f9                        bpl     L549D
54a4: a5 af                        lda     $af
54a6: 85 72                        sta     $72
54a8: 06 7d                        asl     $7d
54aa: 26 7c                        rol     $7c
54ac: 26 7b                        rol     $7b
54ae: 26 7a                        rol     $7a
54b0: 26 af                        rol     $af
54b2: 06 7d                        asl     $7d
54b4: 26 7c                        rol     $7c
54b6: 26 7b                        rol     $7b
54b8: 26 7a                        rol     $7a
54ba: 26 af                        rol     $af
54bc: 18                           clc
54bd: a2 03                        ldx     #$03
54bf: b5 7a        L54BF           lda     $7a,x
54c1: 75 6e                        adc     $6e,x
54c3: 95 7a                        sta     $7a,x
54c5: ca                           dex
54c6: 10 f7                        bpl     L54BF
54c8: a5 72                        lda     $72
54ca: 65 af                        adc     $af
54cc: 85 af                        sta     $af
54ce: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
54d0: a2 03        L54D0           ldx     #$03
54d2: 38                           sec
54d3: b5 7a        L54D3           lda     $7a,x
54d5: fd 60 54                     sbc     num_format_thing?,x
54d8: 95 6e                        sta     $6e,x
54da: ca                           dex
54db: 10 f6                        bpl     L54D3
54dd: a5 af                        lda     $af
54df: e9 17                        sbc     #$17
54e1: 85 72                        sta     $72
54e3: 90 11                        bcc     L54F6
54e5: a2 03                        ldx     #$03
54e7: b5 6e        L54E7           lda     $6e,x
54e9: 95 7a                        sta     $7a,x
54eb: ca                           dex
54ec: 10 f9                        bpl     L54E7
54ee: a5 72                        lda     $72
54f0: 85 af                        sta     $af
54f2: c8                           iny
54f3: 4c d0 54                     jmp     L54D0

54f6: 98           L54F6           tya
54f7: d0 0c                        bne     L5505
54f9: a5 d0                        lda     $d0
54fb: f0 08                        beq     L5505
54fd: c6 ac                        dec     $ac
54ff: 10 0e                        bpl     L550F
5501: a9 20                        lda     #$20
5503: d0 07                        bne     L550C

5505: a0 00        L5505           ldy     #$00
5507: 84 d0                        sty     $d0
5509: 18                           clc
550a: 69 30                        adc     #$30
550c: 20 33 55     L550C           jsr     PrintChar
550f: c6 d0        L550F           dec     $d0
5511: 10 02                        bpl     L5515
5513: e6 d0                        inc     $d0
5515: c6 b2        L5515           dec     $b2
5517: 30 0d                        bmi     L5526
5519: d0 08                        bne     L5523
551b: 28                           plp
551c: 90 05                        bcc     L5523
551e: a9 2e                        lda     #$2e
5520: 20 33 55                     jsr     PrintChar
5523: 4c 91 54     L5523           jmp     L5491

5526: 60           L5526           rts

5527: 20           text_ucase_mask .dd1    $20
5528: ff           txt_lcase_flag  .dd1    $ff
5529: 00           txt_flight_flag .dd1    $00
552a: 00           txt_buffer_flag .dd1    $00
552b: 00                           .dd1    $00
552c: 00           text_ucase_flag .dd1    $00
552d: ff           text_lcase_mask .dd1    $ff
552e: a9                           .dd1    $a9
552f: 0c                           .dd1    $0c
5530: 2c                           .dd1    $2c

5531: a9 41        PrintCharA      lda     #‘A’
                   NOTE: C64 $2f24 (code_2A84.asm)
                   ; Print a character.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   A-reg: ASCII value
                   • Clear variables
                   ]saved_x        .var    $0a    {addr/1}

5533: 86 0a        PrintChar       stx     ]saved_x          ;preserve X-reg
5535: a2 ff                        ldx     #$ff              ;disable lower-case transform
5537: 8e 2d 55                     stx     text_lcase_mask
553a: c9 2e                        cmp     #‘.’
553c: f0 11                        beq     :SetFlag
553e: c9 3a                        cmp     #‘:’
5540: f0 0d                        beq     :SetFlag
5542: c9 0a                        cmp     #$0a              ;LF
5544: f0 09                        beq     :SetFlag
5546: c9 0c                        cmp     #$0c              ;newline
5548: f0 05                        beq     :SetFlag
554a: c9 20                        cmp     #$20              ;space
554c: f0 01                        beq     :SetFlag
554e: e8                           inx                       ;X=0, clearing flag
554f: 8e 28 55     :SetFlag        stx     txt_lcase_flag
5552: a6 0a                        ldx     ]saved_x
5554: 2c 2a 55                     bit     txt_buffer_flag   ;using buffered printing?
5557: 30 03                        bmi     :Buffered         ;yes, write to buffer
5559: 4c e6 a0                     jmp     OutputChar        ;no, output directly

555c: 2c 2a 55     :Buffered       bit     txt_buffer_flag
555f: 70 04                        bvs     L5565
5561: c9 0c                        cmp     #$0c              ;newline?
5563: f0 0d                        beq     L5572
5565: ae 2b 55     L5565           ldx     txt_buffer_index
5568: 9d 00 01                     sta     BUFFER_0100,x     ;text buffer
556b: a6 0a                        ldx     ]saved_x
556d: ee 2b 55                     inc     txt_buffer_index
5570: 18                           clc
5571: 60                           rts

5572: 8a           L5572           txa
5573: 48                           pha
5574: 98                           tya
5575: 48                           pha
5576: ae 2b 55     L5576           ldx     txt_buffer_index
5579: f0 78                        beq     L55F3
557b: e0 1f                        cpx     #$1f
557d: 90 71                        bcc     L55F0
557f: 46 0b                        lsr     $0b
5581: a5 0b        L5581           lda     $0b
5583: 30 04                        bmi     L5589
5585: a9 40                        lda     #$40
5587: 85 0b                        sta     $0b
5589: a0 1d        L5589           ldy     #$1d
558b: ad 1e 01     L558B           lda     $011e
558e: c9 20                        cmp     #$20
5590: f0 2d                        beq     L55BF
5592: 88           L5592           dey
5593: 30 ec                        bmi     L5581
5595: f0 ea                        beq     L5581
5597: b9 00 01                     lda     BUFFER_0100,y
559a: c9 20                        cmp     #$20
559c: d0 f4                        bne     L5592
559e: 06 0b                        asl     $0b
55a0: 30 f0                        bmi     L5592
55a2: 84 0a                        sty     ]saved_x
55a4: ac 2b 55                     ldy     txt_buffer_index
55a7: b9 00 01     L55A7           lda     BUFFER_0100,y
55aa: 99 01 01                     sta     $0101,y
55ad: 88                           dey
55ae: c4 0a                        cpy     ]saved_x
55b0: b0 f5                        bcs     L55A7
55b2: ee 2b 55                     inc     txt_buffer_index
55b5: d9 00 01     L55B5           cmp     BUFFER_0100,y
55b8: d0 d1                        bne     L558B
55ba: 88                           dey
55bb: 10 f8                        bpl     L55B5
55bd: 30 c2                        bmi     L5581

55bf: a2 1e        L55BF           ldx     #$1e
55c1: 20 e3 55                     jsr     L55E3
55c4: a9 0c                        lda     #$0c
55c6: 20 e6 a0                     jsr     OutputChar
55c9: ad 2b 55                     lda     txt_buffer_index
55cc: e9 1e                        sbc     #$1e
55ce: 8d 2b 55                     sta     txt_buffer_index
55d1: aa                           tax
55d2: f0 1f                        beq     L55F3
55d4: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
55d6: e8                           inx
55d7: b9 1f 01     L55D7           lda     $011f,y
55da: 99 00 01                     sta     BUFFER_0100,y
55dd: c8                           iny
55de: ca                           dex
55df: d0 f6                        bne     L55D7
55e1: f0 93                        beq     L5576

55e3: a0 00        L55E3           ldy     #$00
55e5: b9 00 01     L55E5           lda     BUFFER_0100,y
55e8: 20 e6 a0                     jsr     OutputChar
55eb: c8                           iny
55ec: ca                           dex
55ed: d0 f6                        bne     L55E5
55ef: 60                           rts

55f0: 20 e3 55     L55F0           jsr     L55E3
55f3: 8e 2b 55     L55F3           stx     txt_buffer_index
55f6: 68                           pla
55f7: a8                           tay
55f8: 68                           pla
55f9: aa                           tax
55fa: a9 0c                        lda     #$0c
55fc: 2c                           bit ▼   $07a9
55fd: a9 07        PrintBell       lda     #$07
55ff: 4c e6 a0                     jmp     OutputChar

5602: a0 00        DrawHud?        ldy     #$00
5604: a9 d2                        lda     #$d2
5606: 85 7a                        sta     $7a
5608: a2 14                        ldx     #$14
560a: a5 b6                        lda     $b6
560c: 29 08                        and     #$08
560e: 2d 5b 45                     and     ptb_kbd_flash
5611: f0 02                        beq     L5615
5613: a2 0c                        ldx     #$0c
5615: 86 7c        L5615           stx     $7c
5617: a5 a9                        lda     player_speed
5619: 20 71 56                     jsr     L5671
561c: a9 0c                        lda     #$0c
561e: 85 35                        sta     $35
5620: a5 6b                        lda     $6b
5622: 4a                           lsr     A
5623: 24 6d                        bit     $6d
5625: 20 c4 56                     jsr     L56C4
5628: a5 67                        lda     $67
562a: 0a                           asl     A
562b: 24 a7                        bit     $a7
562d: 20 c4 56                     jsr     L56C4
5630: a5 d6                        lda     $d6
5632: 4a                           lsr     A
5633: 85 7b        L5633           sta     $7b
5635: 20 71 56                     jsr     L5671
5638: a5 7b                        lda     $7b
563a: 38                           sec
563b: e9 20                        sbc     #$20
563d: b0 02                        bcs     L5641
563f: a9 00                        lda     #$00
5641: c0 07        L5641           cpy     #$07
5643: d0 ee                        bne     L5633
5645: a9 10                        lda     #$10
5647: 85 7a                        sta     $7a
5649: a5 d4                        lda     $d4
564b: 20 6e 56                     jsr     L566E
564e: a5 d5                        lda     $d5
5650: 20 6e 56                     jsr     L566E
5653: ad 9c 02                     lda     player_fuel
5656: 20 70 56                     jsr     L5670
5659: ad 7c 02                     lda     lcoord_swap_flag-1
565c: 20 6e 56                     jsr     L566E
565f: ad 6f 02                     lda     PLAYER_STATE?+46
5662: 20 6e 56                     jsr     L566E
5665: ad 74 02                     lda     player_laser_temp
5668: 20 6e 56                     jsr     L566E
566b: 4c 45 74                     jmp     L7445

566e: 4a           L566E           lsr     A
566f: 4a                           lsr     A
5670: 4a           L5670           lsr     A
5671: c9 20        L5671           cmp     #$20
5673: 90 02                        bcc     L5677
5675: a9 1f                        lda     #$1f
5677: be 0a 57     L5677           ldx     L570A,y
567a: d9 fd 56                     cmp     L56FD,y
567d: 90 03                        bcc     L5682
567f: be 17 57                     ldx     L5717,y
5682: e0 ff        L5682           cpx     #$ff
5684: d0 03                        bne     L5689
5686: a6 7c                        ldx     $7c
5688: 18                           clc
5689: c8           L5689           iny
568a: 48                           pha
568b: d9 43 45                     cmp     L4543,y
568e: d0 06                        bne     L5696
5690: 8a                           txa
5691: d9 de 02                     cmp     $02de,y
5694: f0 2c                        beq     L56C2
5696: 8a           L5696           txa
5697: be de 02                     ldx     $02de,y
569a: 99 de 02                     sta     $02de,y
569d: b9 43 45                     lda     L4543,y
56a0: 20 aa 56                     jsr     L56AA
56a3: be de 02                     ldx     $02de,y
56a6: 68                           pla
56a7: 99 43 45                     sta     L4543,y
56aa: 86 35        L56AA           stx     $35
56ac: be ef 56                     ldx     L56F0-1,y
56af: 86 6f                        stx     $6f
56b1: a6 7a                        ldx     $7a
56b3: 86 6e                        stx     $6e
56b5: 18                           clc
56b6: 65 7a                        adc     $7a
56b8: 29 fe                        and     #$fe
56ba: 85 70                        sta     $70
56bc: 20 bf 56                     jsr     L56BF
56bf: 4c 8b 9e     L56BF           jmp     DrawDoubleHorizLine

56c2: 68           L56C2           pla
56c3: 60           L56C3           rts

56c4: 10 05        L56C4           bpl     L56CB
56c6: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
56c8: 18                           clc
56c9: 69 01                        adc     #$01
56cb: c8           L56CB           iny
56cc: 18                           clc
56cd: 69 e0                        adc     #$e0
56cf: d9 43 45                     cmp     L4543,y
56d2: f0 ef                        beq     L56C3
56d4: 48                           pha
56d5: b9 43 45                     lda     L4543,y
56d8: f0 03                        beq     L56DD
56da: 20 e1 56                     jsr     L56E1
56dd: 68           L56DD           pla
56de: 99 43 45                     sta     L4543,y
56e1: 85 6e        L56E1           sta     $6e
56e3: b9 ef 56                     lda     L56F0-1,y
56e6: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
56e8: 18                           clc
56e9: 69 06                        adc     #$06
56eb: 85 71                        sta     $71
56ed: 4c 62 9f                     jmp     DrawVerticalLine

56f0: 89           L56F0           .dd1    $89
56f1: 90                           .dd1    $90
56f2: 98                           .dd1    $98
56f3: b9 b1 a9 a1                  .str    “91)!”
56f7: 89                           .dd1    $89
56f8: 91                           .dd1    $91
56f9: 99                           .dd1    $99
56fa: b1                           .dd1    $b1
56fb: a1                           .dd1    $a1
56fc: a9                           .dd1    $a9
56fd: 1c           L56FD           .dd1    $1c
56fe: 00                           .dd1    $00
56ff: 00                           .dd1    $00
5700: 10                           .dd1    $10
5701: 00                           .dd1    $00
5702: 00                           .dd1    $00
5703: 00                           .dd1    $00
5704: 08                           .dd1    $08
5705: 08                           .dd1    $08
5706: 00                           .dd1    $00
5707: 08                           .dd1    $08
5708: 18                           .dd1    $18
5709: 18                           .dd1    $18
570a: 0c           L570A           .dd1    $0c
570b: 0c                           .dd1    $0c
570c: 0c                           .dd1    $0c
570d: ff                           .dd1    $ff
570e: 04                           .dd1    $04
570f: 04                           .dd1    $04
5710: 04                           .dd1    $04
5711: ff                           .dd1    $ff
5712: ff                           .dd1    $ff
5713: 08                           .dd1    $08
5714: ff                           .dd1    $ff
5715: 10                           .dd1    $10
5716: 10                           .dd1    $10
5717: ff           L5717           .dd1    $ff
5718: 0c                           .dd1    $0c
5719: 0c                           .dd1    $0c
571a: 04 04 04 04+                 .fill   6,$04
5720: 08                           .dd1    $08
5721: 08                           .dd1    $08
5722: ff                           .dd1    $ff
5723: ff                           .dd1    $ff

                   ; BBC .ESCAPE "your Escape capsule launch"
5724: 20 c4 7a     EjectEscape     jsr     RES2
5727: a2 0b                        ldx     #11               ;Cobra Mk III
5729: 86 b8                        stx     $b8
572b: 20 14 5c                     jsr     FRS1
572e: b0 05                        bcs     :Es1
5730: a2 18                        ldx     #$18
5732: 20 14 5c                     jsr     FRS1
5735: a9 08        :Es1            lda     #$08              ;"modest speed"
5737: 85 27                        sta     polyobj_vertex_lo
5739: a9 c2                        lda     #$c2              ;"rotz, pitch counter"
573b: 85 2a                        sta     polyobj_pitch
573d: 4a                           lsr     A
573e: 85 2c                        sta     polyobj_attack
5740: 20 5e 90     L5740           jsr     MVEIT
5743: 20 3e 88                     jsr     DrawObject
5746: c6 2c                        dec     polyobj_attack
5748: d0 f6                        bne     L5740
574a: 20 83 a2                     jsr     SCAN
574d: a9 00                        lda     #$00              ;"zero-out cargo, including gems"
574f: a2 10                        ldx     #$10              ;"start at alien items"
5751: 9d a6 02     L5751           sta     player_cargo,x
5754: ca                           dex
5755: 10 fa                        bpl     L5751
5757: 8d c3 02                     sta     player_fug_inno   ;zero out fugitive status
575a: 8d bd 02                     sta     have_escape_pod   ;no more escape pod
575d: a9 46                        lda     #70               ;max fuel allowed = 70
575f: 8d 9c 02                     sta     player_fuel
5762: 4c 84 48                     jmp     GOIN_jmp

5765: a9 0e        L5765           lda     #$0e
5767: 20 6e 4b                     jsr     PrintDockedStr
576a: 20 60 69                     jsr     L6960
576d: 20 93 6a                     jsr     L6A93
5770: a9 00                        lda     #$00
5772: 85 c1                        sta     $c1
5774: 20 7f 4c     L5774           jsr     SetBufferFlag
5777: 20 af 70                     jsr     :PrintSelPlanet
577a: ae 2b 55                     ldx     txt_buffer_index
577d: b5 11                        lda     INWK+5,x
577f: c9 0d                        cmp     #$0d
5781: d0 0d                        bne     L5790
5783: ca           L5783           dex
5784: b5 11                        lda     INWK+5,x
5786: 09 20                        ora     #$20
5788: dd 00 01                     cmp     BUFFER_0100,x
578b: f0 f6                        beq     L5783
578d: 8a                           txa
578e: 30 15                        bmi     L57A5
5790: 20 18 64     L5790           jsr     L6418
5793: e6 c1                        inc     $c1
5795: d0 dd                        bne     L5774
5797: 20 9e 6a                     jsr     L6A9E
579a: 20 60 69                     jsr     L6960
579d: 20 52 95                     jsr     Noise1?
57a0: a9 d7                        lda     #$d7
57a2: 4c 6e 4b                     jmp     PrintDockedStr

57a5: a5 95        L57A5           lda     $95
57a7: 85 e0                        sta     $e0
57a9: a5 93                        lda     $93
57ab: 85 e1                        sta     $e1
57ad: 20 9e 6a                     jsr     L6A9E
57b0: 20 60 69                     jsr     L6960
57b3: 20 82 4c                     jsr     ClearBufferFlag
57b6: 4c ef 7d                     jmp     ShowDistToPlanet

57b9: a5 0c        L57B9           lda     polyobj_xpos_lo
57bb: 05 0f                        ora     polyobj_ypos_lo
57bd: 05 12                        ora     polyobj_zpos_lo
57bf: d0 05                        bne     L57C6
57c1: a9 50                        lda     #$50
57c3: 20 b4 74                     jsr     L74B4
57c6: a2 04        L57C6           ldx     #$04
57c8: d0 61                        bne     L582B

                   ; BBC .TA34 "Tactics, missile attacking player, from TA18"
57ca: a9 00        L57CA           lda     #$00
57cc: 20 20 7e                     jsr     L7E20
57cf: f0 03                        beq     L57D4
57d1: 4c 00 59                     jmp     L5900

57d4: 20 2e 58     L57D4           jsr     L582E
57d7: 20 6f 95                     jsr     MakeNoise2?
57da: a9 fa                        lda     #$fa
57dc: 4c b4 74                     jmp     L74B4

57df: a5 6a        L57DF           lda     ecm_active_flag?
57e1: d0 d6                        bne     L57B9
57e3: a5 2c                        lda     polyobj_attack
57e5: 0a                           asl     A
57e6: 30 e2                        bmi     L57CA
57e8: 4a                           lsr     A
57e9: aa                           tax
57ea: bd 7e 4e                     lda     L4E7E,x
57ed: 85 5e                        sta     $5e
57ef: bd 7f 4e                     lda     L4E7F,x
57f2: 20 15 5b                     jsr     L5B15
57f5: a5 3a                        lda     $3a
57f7: 05 3d                        ora     $3d
57f9: 05 40                        ora     $40
57fb: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
57fd: 05 39                        ora     $39
57ff: 05 3c                        ora     $3c
5801: 05 3f                        ora     $3f
5803: d0 2f                        bne     L5834
5805: a5 2c                        lda     polyobj_attack
5807: c9 82                        cmp     #$82
5809: f0 ae                        beq     L57B9
580b: a0 1f                        ldy     #$1f
580d: b1 5e                        lda     ($5e),y
580f: 2c 3c 58                     bit     L583B+1
5812: d0 04                        bne     L5818
5814: 09 80                        ora     #$80
5816: 91 5e                        sta     ($5e),y
5818: a5 0c        L5818           lda     polyobj_xpos_lo
581a: 05 0f                        ora     polyobj_ypos_lo
581c: 05 12                        ora     polyobj_zpos_lo
581e: d0 05                        bne     L5825
5820: a9 50                        lda     #$50
5822: 20 b4 74                     jsr     L74B4
5825: a5 2c        L5825           lda     polyobj_attack
5827: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
5829: 4a                           lsr     A
582a: aa                           tax
582b: 20 2d 95     L582B           jsr     CountKill
582e: 06 2b        L582E           asl     polyobj_vis
5830: 38                           sec
5831: 66 2b                        ror     polyobj_vis
5833: 60           L5833           rts

5834: 20 7c 7b     L5834           jsr     GetRandom
5837: c9 10                        cmp     #$10
5839: b0 07                        bcs     L5842
583b: a0 20        L583B           ldy     #$20
583d: b1 5e                        lda     ($5e),y
583f: 4a                           lsr     A
5840: b0 03                        bcs     L5845
5842: 4c 09 59     L5842           jmp     L5909

5845: 4c 0f a0     L5845           jmp     ActivateEcm

                   ; BBC .TACTICS
5848: a9 03        TACTICS         lda     #$03
584a: 85 c4                        sta     $c4
584c: a9 04                        lda     #$04
584e: 85 c5                        sta     $c5
5850: a9 16                        lda     #$16
5852: 85 be                        sta     $be
5854: e0 01                        cpx     #$01
5856: f0 87                        beq     L57DF
5858: e0 02                        cpx     #$02
585a: d0 2e                        bne     L588A
585c: a5 30                        lda     $30
585e: 29 04                        and     #$04
5860: d0 13                        bne     L5875
5862: ad 54 02                     lda     PLAYER_STATE?+19
5865: d0 cc                        bne     L5833
5867: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
586a: c9 fd                        cmp     #$fd
586c: 90 c5                        bcc     L5833
586e: 29 01                        and     #$01
5870: 69 08                        adc     #$08
5872: aa                           tax
5873: d0 10                        bne     L5885
5875: 20 7c 7b     L5875           jsr     GetRandom
5878: c9 f0                        cmp     #$f0
587a: 90 b7                        bcc     L5833
587c: ad 5a 02                     lda     PLAYER_STATE?+25
587f: c9 04                        cmp     #$04
5881: b0 40                        bcs     L58C3
5883: a2 10                        ldx     #$10
5885: a9 f1        L5885           lda     #$f1
5887: 4c 9e 5c                     jmp     LaunchObject1

588a: e0 0f        L588A           cpx     #$0f
588c: d0 1c                        bne     L58AA
588e: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
5891: c9 c8                        cmp     #$c8
5893: 90 2e                        bcc     L58C3
5895: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
5897: 86 2c                        stx     polyobj_attack
5899: a2 24                        ldx     #$24
589b: 86 30                        stx     $30
589d: 29 03                        and     #$03
589f: 69 11                        adc     #$11
58a1: aa                           tax
58a2: 20 85 58                     jsr     L5885
58a5: a9 00                        lda     #$00
58a7: 85 2c                        sta     polyobj_attack
58a9: 60                           rts

58aa: a0 0e        L58AA           ldy     #$0e
58ac: a5 2f                        lda     $2f
58ae: d1 5a                        cmp     (hull_ptr),y
58b0: b0 02                        bcs     L58B4
58b2: e6 2f                        inc     $2f
58b4: e0 1e        L58B4           cpx     #$1e
58b6: d0 0c                        bne     L58C4
58b8: ad 67 02                     lda     PLAYER_STATE?+38
58bb: d0 07                        bne     L58C4
58bd: 46 2c                        lsr     polyobj_attack
58bf: 06 2c                        asl     polyobj_attack
58c1: 46 27                        lsr     polyobj_vertex_lo
58c3: 60           L58C3           rts

58c4: 20 7c 7b     L58C4           jsr     GetRandom
58c7: a5 30                        lda     $30
58c9: 4a                           lsr     A
58ca: 90 04                        bcc     L58D0
58cc: e0 32                        cpx     #$32
58ce: b0 f3                        bcs     L58C3
58d0: 4a           L58D0           lsr     A
58d1: 90 0f                        bcc     L58E2
58d3: ae c3 02                     ldx     player_fug_inno
58d6: e0 28                        cpx     #$28
58d8: 90 08                        bcc     L58E2
58da: a5 30                        lda     $30
58dc: 09 04                        ora     #$04
58de: 85 30                        sta     $30
58e0: 4a                           lsr     A
58e1: 4a                           lsr     A
58e2: 4a           L58E2           lsr     A
58e3: b0 0d                        bcs     L58F2
58e5: 4a                           lsr     A
58e6: 4a                           lsr     A
58e7: 90 03                        bcc     L58EC
58e9: 4c 50 5a                     jmp     L5A50

58ec: 20 74 82     L58EC           jsr     L8274
58ef: 4c 40 5a                     jmp     L5A40

58f2: 4a           L58F2           lsr     A
58f3: 90 0b                        bcc     L5900
58f5: ad 4c 02                     lda     PLAYER_STATE?+11
58f8: f0 06                        beq     L5900
58fa: a5 2c                        lda     polyobj_attack
58fc: 29 81                        and     #$81
58fe: 85 2c                        sta     polyobj_attack
5900: a2 08        L5900           ldx     #$08
5902: b5 0c        L5902           lda     polyobj_xpos_lo,x
5904: 95 38                        sta     $38,x
5906: ca                           dex
5907: 10 f9                        bpl     L5902
5909: 20 83 82     L5909           jsr     L8283
590c: a0 0a                        ldy     #$0a
590e: 20 49 60                     jsr     TAS3
5911: 85 bd                        sta     $bd
5913: a5 b8                        lda     $b8
5915: c9 01                        cmp     #$01
5917: d0 03                        bne     L591C
5919: 4c df 59                     jmp     L59DF

591c: c9 0e        L591C           cmp     #$0e
591e: d0 15                        bne     L5935
5920: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
5923: c9 c8                        cmp     #$c8
5925: 90 0e                        bcc     L5935
5927: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
592a: a2 17                        ldx     #$17
592c: c9 64                        cmp     #$64
592e: b0 02                        bcs     L5932
5930: a2 11                        ldx     #$11
5932: 4c 85 58     L5932           jmp     L5885

5935: 20 7c 7b     L5935           jsr     GetRandom
5938: c9 fa                        cmp     #$fa
593a: 90 07                        bcc     L5943
593c: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
593f: 09 68                        ora     #$68
5941: 85 29                        sta     polyobj_roll
5943: a0 0e        L5943           ldy     #$0e
5945: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
5947: 4a                           lsr     A
5948: c5 2f                        cmp     $2f
594a: 90 4c                        bcc     L5998
594c: 4a                           lsr     A
594d: 4a                           lsr     A
594e: c5 2f                        cmp     $2f
5950: 90 1f                        bcc     L5971
5952: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
5955: c9 e6                        cmp     #$e6
5957: 90 18                        bcc     L5971
5959: a6 b8                        ldx     $b8
595b: bd 3f a3                     lda     hull_NEWB-1,x     ;has escape pod?
595e: 10 11                        bpl     L5971             ;no
5960: a5 30                        lda     $30
5962: 29 f0                        and     #$f0
5964: 85 30                        sta     $30
5966: a0 24                        ldy     #$24
5968: 91 5c                        sta     (polyobj_ptr),y
596a: a9 00                        lda     #$00
596c: 85 2c                        sta     polyobj_attack
596e: 4c 9a 5c                     jmp     LaunchEscape

5971: a5 2b        L5971           lda     polyobj_vis
5973: 29 07                        and     #$07
5975: f0 21                        beq     L5998
5977: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
5979: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
597c: 29 1f                        and     #$1f
597e: c5 d0                        cmp     $d0
5980: b0 16                        bcs     L5998
5982: a5 6a                        lda     ecm_active_flag?
5984: d0 12                        bne     L5998
5986: c6 2b                        dec     polyobj_vis
5988: a5 b8                        lda     $b8               ;check ship type
598a: c9 1d                        cmp     #29               ;Thargoid?
598c: d0 07                        bne     :NotThargoid
598e: a2 1e                        ldx     #30               ;launch Thargon
5990: a5 2c                        lda     polyobj_attack
5992: 4c 9e 5c                     jmp     LaunchObject1

5995: 4c 1c 95     :NotThargoid    jmp     LaunchMissile

                   NOTE: BBC .TA3
                   ; "Good energy > max/2"
5998: a9 00        L5998           lda     #$00
599a: 20 20 7e                     jsr     L7E20
599d: 29 e0                        and     #$e0
599f: d0 27                        bne     :NoLaser
59a1: a6 bd                        ldx     $bd
59a3: e0 a0                        cpx     #$a0
59a5: 90 21                        bcc     :NoLaser
59a7: a0 13                        ldy     #$13              ;00LLLMMM laser/missile data for hull
59a9: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
59ab: 29 f8                        and     #$f8              ;keep laser power
59ad: f0 19                        beq     :NoLaser
59af: a5 2b                        lda     polyobj_vis
59b1: 09 40                        ora     #$40              ;set bit 6 (laser firing at player)
59b3: 85 2b                        sta     polyobj_vis
59b5: e0 a3                        cpx     #$a3
59b7: 90 0f                        bcc     :NoLaser
59b9: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
59bb: 4a                           lsr     A
59bc: 20 b4 74                     jsr     L74B4
59bf: c6 28                        dec     $28
59c1: a5 6a                        lda     ecm_active_flag?
59c3: d0 68                        bne     L5A2D
59c5: 20 c7 95                     jsr     MakeNoise5?
59c8: a5 13        :NoLaser        lda     polyobj_zpos_mi
59ca: c9 03                        cmp     #$03
59cc: b0 08                        bcs     L59D6
59ce: a5 0d                        lda     INWK+1
59d0: 05 10                        ora     INWK+4
59d2: 29 fe                        and     #$fe
59d4: f0 12                        beq     L59E8
59d6: 20 7c 7b     L59D6           jsr     GetRandom
59d9: 09 80                        ora     #$80
59db: c5 2c                        cmp     polyobj_attack
59dd: b0 09                        bcs     L59E8
59df: 20 69 5b     L59DF           jsr     L5B69
59e2: a5 bd                        lda     $bd
59e4: 49 80                        eor     #$80
59e6: 85 bd        L59E6           sta     $bd
59e8: a0 10        L59E8           ldy     #$10
59ea: 20 49 60                     jsr     TAS3
59ed: aa                           tax
59ee: 49 80                        eor     #$80
59f0: 29 80                        and     #$80
59f2: 85 2a                        sta     polyobj_pitch
59f4: 8a                           txa
59f5: 0a                           asl     A
59f6: c5 c5                        cmp     $c5
59f8: 90 06                        bcc     L5A00
59fa: a5 c4                        lda     $c4
59fc: 05 2a                        ora     polyobj_pitch
59fe: 85 2a                        sta     polyobj_pitch
5a00: a5 29        L5A00           lda     polyobj_roll
5a02: 0a                           asl     A
5a03: c9 20                        cmp     #$20
5a05: b0 1a                        bcs     L5A21
5a07: a0 16                        ldy     #$16
5a09: 20 49 60                     jsr     TAS3
5a0c: aa                           tax
5a0d: 45 2a                        eor     polyobj_pitch
5a0f: 29 80                        and     #$80
5a11: 49 80                        eor     #$80
5a13: 85 29                        sta     polyobj_roll
5a15: 8a                           txa
5a16: 0a                           asl     A
5a17: c5 c5                        cmp     $c5
5a19: 90 06                        bcc     L5A21
5a1b: a5 c4                        lda     $c4
5a1d: 05 29                        ora     polyobj_roll
5a1f: 85 29                        sta     polyobj_roll
5a21: a5 bd        L5A21           lda     $bd
5a23: 30 09                        bmi     L5A2E
5a25: c5 be                        cmp     $be
5a27: 90 05                        bcc     L5A2E
5a29: a9 03                        lda     #$03
5a2b: 85 28                        sta     $28
5a2d: 60           L5A2D           rts

5a2e: 29 7f        L5A2E           and     #$7f
5a30: c9 12                        cmp     #$12
5a32: 90 0b                        bcc     L5A3F
5a34: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
5a36: a6 b8                        ldx     $b8
5a38: e0 01                        cpx     #$01
5a3a: d0 01                        bne     L5A3D
5a3c: 0a                           asl     A
5a3d: 85 28        L5A3D           sta     $28
5a3f: 60           L5A3F           rts

5a40: a0 0a        L5A40           ldy     #$0a
5a42: 20 49 60                     jsr     TAS3
5a45: c9 98                        cmp     #$98
5a47: 90 04                        bcc     L5A4D
5a49: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
5a4b: 86 c5                        stx     $c5
5a4d: 4c e6 59     L5A4D           jmp     L59E6

5a50: a9 06        L5A50           lda     #$06
5a52: 85 c5                        sta     $c5
5a54: 4a                           lsr     A
5a55: 85 c4                        sta     $c4
5a57: a9 1d                        lda     #$1d
5a59: 85 be                        sta     $be
5a5b: ad 4c 02                     lda     PLAYER_STATE?+11
5a5e: d0 03                        bne     L5A63
5a60: 4c ec 58     L5A60           jmp     L58EC

5a63: 20 0f 5b     L5A63           jsr     L5B0F
5a66: a5 3a                        lda     $3a
5a68: 05 3d                        ora     $3d
5a6a: 05 40                        ora     $40
5a6c: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
5a6e: d0 f0                        bne     L5A60
5a70: 20 a6 82                     jsr     L82A6
5a73: a5 ad                        lda     $ad
5a75: 85 7a                        sta     $7a
5a77: 20 83 82                     jsr     L8283
5a7a: a0 0a                        ldy     #$0a
5a7c: 20 47 5b                     jsr     L5B47
5a7f: 30 25                        bmi     L5AA6
5a81: c9 23                        cmp     #$23
5a83: 90 21                        bcc     L5AA6
5a85: a0 0a                        ldy     #$0a
5a87: 20 49 60                     jsr     TAS3
5a8a: c9 a2                        cmp     #$a2
5a8c: b0 32                        bcs     L5AC0
5a8e: a5 7a                        lda     $7a
5a90: c9 9d                        cmp     #$9d
5a92: 90 04                        bcc     L5A98
5a94: a5 b8                        lda     $b8
5a96: 30 28                        bmi     L5AC0
5a98: 20 69 5b     L5A98           jsr     L5B69
5a9b: 20 40 5a                     jsr     L5A40
5a9e: a2 00        L5A9E           ldx     #$00
5aa0: 86 28                        stx     $28
5aa2: e8                           inx
5aa3: 86 27                        stx     polyobj_vertex_lo
5aa5: 60                           rts

5aa6: 20 0f 5b     L5AA6           jsr     L5B0F
5aa9: 20 7c 5b                     jsr     L5B7C
5aac: 20 7c 5b                     jsr     L5B7C
5aaf: 20 83 82                     jsr     L8283
5ab2: 20 69 5b                     jsr     L5B69
5ab5: 4c 40 5a                     jmp     L5A40

5ab8: e6 28        L5AB8           inc     $28
5aba: a9 7f                        lda     #$7f
5abc: 85 29                        sta     polyobj_roll
5abe: d0 45                        bne     L5B05

5ac0: a2 00        L5AC0           ldx     #$00
5ac2: 86 c5                        stx     $c5
5ac4: 86 2a                        stx     polyobj_pitch
5ac6: a5 b8                        lda     $b8
5ac8: 10 20                        bpl     L5AEA
5aca: 45 6e                        eor     $6e
5acc: 45 6f                        eor     $6f
5ace: 0a                           asl     A
5acf: a9 02                        lda     #$02
5ad1: 6a                           ror     A
5ad2: 85 29                        sta     polyobj_roll
5ad4: a5 6e                        lda     $6e
5ad6: 0a                           asl     A
5ad7: c9 0c                        cmp     #$0c
5ad9: b0 c3                        bcs     L5A9E
5adb: a5 6f                        lda     $6f
5add: 0a                           asl     A
5ade: a9 02                        lda     #$02
5ae0: 6a                           ror     A
5ae1: 85 2a                        sta     polyobj_pitch
5ae3: a5 6f                        lda     $6f
5ae5: 0a                           asl     A
5ae6: c9 0c                        cmp     #$0c
5ae8: b0 b4                        bcs     L5A9E
5aea: 86 29        L5AEA           stx     polyobj_roll
5aec: a5 22                        lda     $22
5aee: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
5af0: a5 24                        lda     $24
5af2: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
5af4: a5 26                        lda     $26
5af6: 85 70                        sta     $70
5af8: a0 10                        ldy     #$10
5afa: 20 47 5b                     jsr     L5B47
5afd: 0a                           asl     A
5afe: c9 42                        cmp     #$42
5b00: b0 b6                        bcs     L5AB8
5b02: 20 9e 5a                     jsr     L5A9E
5b05: a5 42        L5B05           lda     $42
5b07: d0 05                        bne     L5B0E
5b09: 06 30                        asl     $30
5b0b: 38                           sec
5b0c: 66 30                        ror     $30
5b0e: 60           L5B0E           rts

5b0f: a9 25        L5B0F           lda     #$25
5b11: 85 5e                        sta     $5e
5b13: a9 08                        lda     #$08
5b15: 85 5f        L5B15           sta     $5f
5b17: a0 02                        ldy     #$02
5b19: 20 23 5b                     jsr     L5B23
5b1c: a0 05                        ldy     #$05
5b1e: 20 23 5b                     jsr     L5B23
5b21: a0 08                        ldy     #$08
5b23: b1 5e        L5B23           lda     ($5e),y
5b25: 49 80                        eor     #$80
5b27: 85 7d                        sta     $7d
5b29: 88                           dey
5b2a: b1 5e                        lda     ($5e),y
5b2c: 85 7c                        sta     $7c
5b2e: 88                           dey
5b2f: b1 5e                        lda     ($5e),y
5b31: 85 7b                        sta     $7b
5b33: 84 ac                        sty     $ac
5b35: a6 ac                        ldx     $ac
5b37: 20 78 53                     jsr     L5378
5b3a: a4 ac                        ldy     $ac
5b3c: 95 3a                        sta     $3a,x
5b3e: a5 7c                        lda     $7c
5b40: 95 39                        sta     $39,x
5b42: a5 7b                        lda     $7b
5b44: 95 38                        sta     $38,x
5b46: 60                           rts

5b47: be 25 08     L5B47           ldx     data_buffer+37,y
5b4a: 86 ad                        stx     $ad
5b4c: a5 6e                        lda     $6e
5b4e: 20 3f 60                     jsr     MULT12
5b51: be 27 08                     ldx     data_buffer+39,y
5b54: 86 ad                        stx     $ad
5b56: a5 6f                        lda     $6f
5b58: 20 65 60                     jsr     MAD
5b5b: 85 af                        sta     $af
5b5d: 86 ae                        stx     $ae
5b5f: be 29 08                     ldx     data_buffer+41,y
5b62: 86 ad                        stx     $ad
5b64: a5 70                        lda     $70
5b66: 4c 65 60                     jmp     MAD

5b69: a5 6e        L5B69           lda     $6e
5b6b: 49 80                        eor     #$80
5b6d: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
5b6f: a5 6f                        lda     $6f
5b71: 49 80                        eor     #$80
5b73: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
5b75: a5 70                        lda     $70
5b77: 49 80                        eor     #$80
5b79: 85 70                        sta     $70
5b7b: 60                           rts

5b7c: 20 7f 5b     L5B7C           jsr     L5B7F
5b7f: ad 2f 08     L5B7F           lda     data_buffer+47
5b82: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
5b84: 20 94 5b                     jsr     L5B94
5b87: ad 31 08                     lda     data_buffer+49
5b8a: a2 03                        ldx     #$03
5b8c: 20 94 5b                     jsr     L5B94
5b8f: ad 33 08                     lda     data_buffer+51
5b92: a2 06                        ldx     #$06
5b94: 0a           L5B94           asl     A
5b95: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
5b97: a9 00                        lda     #$00
5b99: 6a                           ror     A
5b9a: 49 80                        eor     #$80
5b9c: 55 3a                        eor     $3a,x
5b9e: 30 0b                        bmi     L5BAB
5ba0: a5 ae                        lda     $ae
5ba2: 75 38                        adc     $38,x
5ba4: 95 38                        sta     $38,x
5ba6: 90 02                        bcc     L5BAA
5ba8: f6 39                        inc     $39,x
5baa: 60           L5BAA           rts

5bab: b5 38        L5BAB           lda     $38,x
5bad: 38                           sec
5bae: e5 ae                        sbc     $ae
5bb0: 95 38                        sta     $38,x
5bb2: b5 39                        lda     $39,x
5bb4: e9 00                        sbc     #$00
5bb6: 95 39                        sta     $39,x
5bb8: b0 f0                        bcs     L5BAA
5bba: b5 38                        lda     $38,x
5bbc: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
5bbe: 69 01                        adc     #$01
5bc0: 95 38                        sta     $38,x
5bc2: b5 39                        lda     $39,x
5bc4: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
5bc6: 69 00                        adc     #$00
5bc8: 95 39                        sta     $39,x
5bca: b5 3a                        lda     $3a,x
5bcc: 49 80                        eor     #$80
5bce: 95 3a                        sta     $3a,x
5bd0: 4c aa 5b                     jmp     L5BAA

5bd3: 18           L5BD3           clc
5bd4: a5 14                        lda     polyobj_zpos_hi
5bd6: d0 39                        bne     L5C11
5bd8: a5 b8                        lda     $b8
5bda: 30 35                        bmi     L5C11
5bdc: a5 2b                        lda     polyobj_vis
5bde: 29 20                        and     #$20
5be0: 05 0d                        ora     INWK+1
5be2: 05 10                        ora     INWK+4
5be4: d0 2b                        bne     L5C11
5be6: a5 0c                        lda     polyobj_xpos_lo
5be8: 20 32 5f                     jsr     L5F32
5beb: 85 af                        sta     $af
5bed: a5 31                        lda     $31
5bef: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
5bf1: a5 0f                        lda     polyobj_ypos_lo
5bf3: 20 32 5f                     jsr     L5F32
5bf6: aa                           tax
5bf7: a5 31                        lda     $31
5bf9: 65 ae                        adc     $ae
5bfb: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
5bfd: 8a                           txa
5bfe: 65 af                        adc     $af
5c00: b0 10                        bcs     L5C12
5c02: 85 af                        sta     $af
5c04: a0 02                        ldy     #$02
5c06: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
5c08: c5 af                        cmp     $af
5c0a: d0 05                        bne     L5C11
5c0c: 88                           dey
5c0d: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
5c0f: c5 ae                        cmp     $ae
5c11: 60           L5C11           rts

5c12: 18           L5C12           clc
5c13: 60                           rts

                   ; BBC .FRS1 "escape capsule Launched, see Cobra Mk3 ahead, or player missile
                   ; launch."
5c14: 20 14 7b     FRS1            jsr     ZeroInfo
5c17: a9 1c                        lda     #$1c
5c19: 85 0f                        sta     polyobj_ypos_lo
5c1b: 4a                           lsr     A
5c1c: 85 12                        sta     polyobj_zpos_lo
5c1e: a9 80                        lda     #$80
5c20: 85 11                        sta     INWK+5
5c22: a5 7f                        lda     missile_thing?
5c24: 0a                           asl     A
5c25: 09 80                        ora     #$80
5c27: 85 2c                        sta     polyobj_attack
5c29: a9 60        L5C29           lda     #$60
5c2b: 85 1a                        sta     polyobj_mox2_hi
5c2d: 09 80                        ora     #$80
5c2f: 85 22                        sta     $22
5c31: a5 a9                        lda     player_speed
5c33: 2a                           rol     A
5c34: 85 27                        sta     polyobj_vertex_lo
5c36: 8a                           txa
5c37: 4c 45 75                     jmp     L7545

5c3a: a2 01        L5C3A           ldx     #$01
5c3c: 20 14 5c                     jsr     FRS1
5c3f: 90 54                        bcc     PrintMslJammed
5c41: a6 7f                        ldx     missile_thing?
5c43: 20 7d 63                     jsr     GetInfo
5c46: bd 41 02                     lda     PLAYER_STATE?,x
5c49: 20 59 5c                     jsr     L5C59
5c4c: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
5c4e: 20 e6 75                     jsr     L75E6
5c51: ce c2 02                     dec     missile_armed_flag?
5c54: a0 78                        ldy     #$78
5c56: 20 58 95                     jsr     MakeNoise1?
5c59: c9 02        L5C59           cmp     #$02
5c5b: f0 2f                        beq     L5C8C
5c5d: a0 24                        ldy     #$24
5c5f: b1 5c                        lda     (polyobj_ptr),y
5c61: 29 20                        and     #$20
5c63: f0 03                        beq     L5C68
5c65: 20 8c 5c                     jsr     L5C8C
5c68: a0 20        L5C68           ldy     #$20
5c6a: b1 5c                        lda     (polyobj_ptr),y
5c6c: f0 a3                        beq     L5C11
5c6e: 09 80                        ora     #$80
5c70: 91 5c                        sta     (polyobj_ptr),y
5c72: a0 1c                        ldy     #$1c
5c74: a9 02                        lda     #$02
5c76: 91 5c                        sta     (polyobj_ptr),y
5c78: 0a                           asl     A
5c79: a0 1e                        ldy     #$1e
5c7b: 91 5c                        sta     (polyobj_ptr),y
5c7d: a5 b8                        lda     $b8
5c7f: c9 0b                        cmp     #$0b
5c81: 90 08                        bcc     L5C8B
5c83: a0 24                        ldy     #$24
5c85: b1 5c                        lda     (polyobj_ptr),y
5c87: 09 04                        ora     #$04
5c89: 91 5c                        sta     (polyobj_ptr),y
5c8b: 60           L5C8B           rts

5c8c: ad 49 08     L5C8C           lda     data_buffer+73
5c8f: 09 04                        ora     #$04
5c91: 8d 49 08                     sta     data_buffer+73
5c94: 60                           rts

5c95: a9 c9        PrintMslJammed  lda     #$c9              ;"Missile Jammed"
5c97: 4c 05 85                     jmp     PrintMessageBriefly

5c9a: a2 03        LaunchEscape    ldx     #3                ;Escape Capsule
5c9c: a9 fe        LaunchObject    lda     #$fe
5c9e: 85 06        LaunchObject1   sta     $06
5ca0: 8a                           txa                       ;X-reg = ship type (e.g. #30 = Thargon)
5ca1: 48                           pha
5ca2: a5 5a                        lda     hull_ptr
5ca4: 48                           pha
5ca5: a5 5b                        lda     hull_ptr+1
5ca7: 48                           pha
5ca8: a5 5c                        lda     polyobj_ptr
5caa: 48                           pha
5cab: a5 5d                        lda     polyobj_ptr+1
5cad: 48                           pha
5cae: a0 24                        ldy     #$24
5cb0: b9 0c 00     L5CB0           lda     polyobj_xpos_lo,y
5cb3: 99 00 01                     sta     BUFFER_0100,y
5cb6: b1 5c                        lda     (polyobj_ptr),y
5cb8: 99 0c 00                     sta     polyobj_xpos_lo,y
5cbb: 88                           dey
5cbc: 10 f2                        bpl     L5CB0
5cbe: a5 b8                        lda     $b8
5cc0: c9 02                        cmp     #$02
5cc2: d0 1d                        bne     L5CE1
5cc4: 8a                           txa
5cc5: 48                           pha
5cc6: a9 20                        lda     #$20
5cc8: 85 27                        sta     polyobj_vertex_lo
5cca: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
5ccc: a5 16                        lda     $16
5cce: 20 20 5d                     jsr     L5D20
5cd1: a2 03                        ldx     #$03
5cd3: a5 18                        lda     $18
5cd5: 20 20 5d                     jsr     L5D20
5cd8: a2 06                        ldx     #$06
5cda: a5 1a                        lda     polyobj_mox2_hi
5cdc: 20 20 5d                     jsr     L5D20
5cdf: 68                           pla
5ce0: aa                           tax
5ce1: a5 06        L5CE1           lda     $06
5ce3: 85 2c                        sta     polyobj_attack
5ce5: 46 29                        lsr     polyobj_roll
5ce7: 06 29                        asl     polyobj_roll
5ce9: 8a                           txa
5cea: c9 09                        cmp     #$09
5cec: b0 16                        bcs     L5D04
5cee: c9 04                        cmp     #$04
5cf0: 90 12                        bcc     L5D04
5cf2: 48                           pha
5cf3: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
5cf6: 0a                           asl     A
5cf7: 85 2a                        sta     polyobj_pitch
5cf9: 8a                           txa
5cfa: 29 0f                        and     #$0f
5cfc: 85 27                        sta     polyobj_vertex_lo
5cfe: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
5d00: 6a                           ror     A
5d01: 85 29                        sta     polyobj_roll
5d03: 68                           pla
5d04: 20 45 75     L5D04           jsr     L7545
5d07: 68                           pla
5d08: 85 5d                        sta     polyobj_ptr+1
5d0a: 68                           pla
5d0b: 85 5c                        sta     polyobj_ptr
5d0d: a2 24                        ldx     #$24
5d0f: bd 00 01     L5D0F           lda     BUFFER_0100,x
5d12: 95 0c                        sta     polyobj_xpos_lo,x
5d14: ca                           dex
5d15: 10 f8                        bpl     L5D0F
5d17: 68                           pla
5d18: 85 5b                        sta     hull_ptr+1
5d1a: 68                           pla
5d1b: 85 5a                        sta     hull_ptr
5d1d: 68                           pla
5d1e: aa                           tax
5d1f: 60                           rts

5d20: 0a           L5D20           asl     A
5d21: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
5d23: a9 00                        lda     #$00
5d25: 6a                           ror     A
5d26: 4c 0a 92                     jmp     L920A

5d29: a9 ff        L5D29           lda     #$ff
5d2b: 85 07        :Loop           sta     $07
5d2d: aa                           tax
5d2e: a0 5a                        ldy     #$5a
5d30: 20 ae 95                     jsr     MakeNoise4?
5d33: a5 07                        lda     $07
5d35: e9 0a                        sbc     #$0a
5d37: c9 aa                        cmp     #$aa
5d39: b0 f0                        bcs     :Loop
5d3b: a9 04                        lda     #$04
5d3d: 20 4b 5d                     jsr     DrawRing
5d40: 60                           rts

                   ; Draws the octagon ring animation for dock / undock.
5d41: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
5d43: 20 58 95                     jsr     MakeNoise1?
5d46: 20 58 95                     jsr     MakeNoise1?
5d49: a9 08                        lda     #$08              ;octagon rings
5d4b: 85 bf        DrawRing        sta     $bf
5d4d: a5 b3                        lda     displayed_screen
5d4f: 48                           pha
5d50: a9 00                        lda     #$00
5d52: 20 b9 94                     jsr     PrintFlightHud?
5d55: 68                           pla
5d56: 85 b3                        sta     displayed_screen
5d58: a2 80        L5D58           ldx     #$80
5d5a: 86 38                        stx     $38
5d5c: a2 44                        ldx     #$44
5d5e: 86 46                        stx     $46
5d60: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
5d62: 86 c0                        stx     $c0
5d64: 86 39                        stx     $39
5d66: 86 47                        stx     $47
5d68: 20 74 5d     :RingLoop       jsr     :DrawOneRing
5d6b: e6 c0                        inc     $c0
5d6d: a6 c0                        ldx     $c0
5d6f: e0 08                        cpx     #$08
5d71: d0 f5                        bne     :RingLoop
5d73: 60                           rts

5d74: a5 c0        :DrawOneRing    lda     $c0
5d76: 29 07                        and     #$07
5d78: 18                           clc
5d79: 69 08                        adc     #$08
5d7b: 85 7a                        sta     $7a
5d7d: a0 0a        L5D7D           ldy     #$0a
5d7f: 20 58 95                     jsr     MakeNoise1?
5d82: a9 01                        lda     #$01
5d84: 85 91                        sta     $91
5d86: 20 ba 77                     jsr     L77BA
5d89: 06 7a                        asl     $7a
5d8b: b0 06                        bcs     :Return
5d8d: a5 7a                        lda     $7a
5d8f: c9 a0                        cmp     #$a0
5d91: 90 ea                        bcc     L5D7D
5d93: 60           :Return         rts

5d94: a9 00        L5D94           lda     #$00
5d96: e0 02                        cpx     #$02
5d98: 6a                           ror     A
5d99: 85 c4                        sta     $c4
5d9b: 49 80                        eor     #$80
5d9d: 85 c5                        sta     $c5
5d9f: 20 4d 5e                     jsr     L5E4D
5da2: a4 e2                        ldy     $e2
5da4: b9 fc 06     L5DA4           lda     SCRNHOLE5+4,y
5da7: 85 b4                        sta     $b4
5da9: 4a                           lsr     A
5daa: 4a                           lsr     A
5dab: 4a                           lsr     A
5dac: 20 ca 60                     jsr     L60CA
5daf: a5 31                        lda     $31
5db1: 85 cf                        sta     $cf
5db3: 45 c5                        eor     $c5
5db5: 85 af                        sta     $af
5db7: b9 d5 06                     lda     $06d5,y
5dba: 85 31                        sta     $31
5dbc: b9 c8 06                     lda     $06c8,y
5dbf: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
5dc1: 20 68 60                     jsr     ADD
5dc4: 85 af                        sta     $af
5dc6: 86 ae                        stx     $ae
5dc8: b9 e2 06                     lda     $06e2,y
5dcb: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
5dcd: 45 a7                        eor     $a7
5dcf: a6 67                        ldx     $67
5dd1: 20 e8 5e                     jsr     MULTS
5dd4: 20 68 60                     jsr     ADD
5dd7: 86 60                        stx     $60
5dd9: 85 61                        sta     $61
5ddb: be ef 06                     ldx     $06ef,y
5dde: 86 ae                        stx     $ae
5de0: a6 6f                        ldx     $6f
5de2: 86 af                        stx     $af
5de4: a6 67                        ldx     $67
5de6: 45 a8                        eor     $a8
5de8: 20 e8 5e                     jsr     MULTS
5deb: 20 68 60                     jsr     ADD
5dee: 86 62                        stx     $62
5df0: 85 63                        sta     $63
5df2: a6 6b                        ldx     $6b
5df4: 45 6c                        eor     $6c
5df6: 20 e8 5e                     jsr     MULTS
5df9: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
5dfb: a5 60                        lda     $60
5dfd: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
5dff: a5 61                        lda     $61
5e01: 85 af                        sta     $af
5e03: 49 80                        eor     #$80
5e05: 20 65 60                     jsr     MAD
5e08: 85 61                        sta     $61
5e0a: 8a                           txa
5e0b: 99 d5 06                     sta     $06d5,y
5e0e: a5 62                        lda     $62
5e10: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
5e12: a5 63                        lda     $63
5e14: 85 af                        sta     $af
5e16: 20 65 60                     jsr     MAD
5e19: 85 af                        sta     $af
5e1b: 86 ae                        stx     $ae
5e1d: a9 00                        lda     #$00
5e1f: 85 31                        sta     $31
5e21: a5 b9                        lda     $b9
5e23: 20 d3 4e                     jsr     L4ED3
5e26: a5 61                        lda     $61
5e28: 99 c8 06                     sta     $06c8,y
5e2b: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
5e2d: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
5e2f: 49 7f                        eor     #$7f
5e31: c5 cf                        cmp     $cf
5e33: 90 33                        bcc     L5E68
5e35: f0 31                        beq     L5E68
5e37: a5 63                        lda     $63
5e39: 99 e2 06                     sta     $06e2,y
5e3c: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
5e3e: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
5e40: c9 74                        cmp     #$74
5e42: b0 37                        bcs     L5E7B
5e44: 20 dc 4e     L5E44           jsr     L4EDC
5e47: 88                           dey
5e48: f0 03                        beq     L5E4D
5e4a: 4c a4 5d                     jmp     L5DA4

5e4d: a5 b9        L5E4D           lda     $b9
5e4f: 45 c4                        eor     $c4
5e51: 85 b9                        sta     $b9
5e53: a5 6c                        lda     $6c
5e55: 45 c4                        eor     $c4
5e57: 85 6c                        sta     $6c
5e59: 49 80                        eor     #$80
5e5b: 85 6d                        sta     $6d
5e5d: a5 a7                        lda     $a7
5e5f: 45 c4                        eor     $c4
5e61: 85 a7                        sta     $a7
5e63: 49 80                        eor     #$80
5e65: 85 a8                        sta     $a8
5e67: 60                           rts

5e68: 20 7c 7b     L5E68           jsr     GetRandom
5e6b: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
5e6d: 99 e2 06                     sta     $06e2,y
5e70: a9 73                        lda     #$73
5e72: 05 c4                        ora     $c4
5e74: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
5e76: 99 c8 06                     sta     $06c8,y
5e79: d0 11                        bne     L5E8C
5e7b: 20 7c 7b     L5E7B           jsr     GetRandom
5e7e: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
5e80: 99 c8 06                     sta     $06c8,y
5e83: a9 6e                        lda     #$6e
5e85: 05 6d                        ora     $6d
5e87: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
5e89: 99 e2 06                     sta     $06e2,y
5e8c: 20 7c 7b     L5E8C           jsr     GetRandom
5e8f: 09 08                        ora     #$08
5e91: 85 b4                        sta     $b4
5e93: 99 fc 06                     sta     SCRNHOLE5+4,y
5e96: d0 ac                        bne     L5E44

5e98: 85 7a        L5E98           sta     $7a
5e9a: 85 7b                        sta     $7b
5e9c: 85 7c                        sta     $7c
5e9e: 85 7d                        sta     $7d
5ea0: 18                           clc
5ea1: 60                           rts

5ea2: 85 ae        L5EA2           sta     $ae
5ea4: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
5ea6: 85 7c                        sta     $7c
5ea8: a5 ad                        lda     $ad
5eaa: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
5eac: f0 ea                        beq     L5E98
5eae: 38                           sec
5eaf: e9 01                        sbc     #$01
5eb1: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
5eb3: a5 32                        lda     $32
5eb5: 46 7c                        lsr     $7c
5eb7: 6a                           ror     A
5eb8: 85 7b                        sta     $7b
5eba: a5 31                        lda     $31
5ebc: 6a                           ror     A
5ebd: 85 7a                        sta     $7a
5ebf: a9 00                        lda     #$00
5ec1: a2 18                        ldx     #$18
5ec3: 90 02        L5EC3           bcc     L5EC7
5ec5: 65 d0                        adc     $d0
5ec7: 6a           L5EC7           ror     A
5ec8: 66 7c                        ror     $7c
5eca: 66 7b                        ror     $7b
5ecc: 66 7a                        ror     $7a
5ece: ca                           dex
5ecf: d0 f2                        bne     L5EC3
5ed1: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
5ed3: a5 ae                        lda     $ae
5ed5: 45 ad                        eor     $ad
5ed7: 29 80                        and     #$80
5ed9: 05 d0                        ora     $d0
5edb: 85 7d                        sta     $7d
5edd: 60                           rts

                   ; ".MLS2 &27BE assign from stars R.S = XX(0to1), and P.A = A.alp1 (alp1+<32)"
5ede: a6 60        MLS2            ldx     $60
5ee0: 86 ae                        stx     $ae
5ee2: a6 61                        ldx     $61
5ee4: 86 af                        stx     $af
5ee6: a6 6b        MLS1            ldx     $6b
                   ; ".MULTS &27CA P.A =A*P(P+<32)"
5ee8: 86 31        MULTS           stx     $31
5eea: aa                           tax
5eeb: 29 80                        and     #$80
5eed: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
5eef: 8a                           txa
5ef0: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
5ef2: f0 37                        beq     L5F2B
5ef4: aa                           tax
5ef5: ca                           dex
5ef6: 86 06                        stx     $06
5ef8: a9 00                        lda     #$00
5efa: 46 31                        lsr     $31
5efc: 90 02                        bcc     L5F00
5efe: 65 06                        adc     $06
5f00: 6a           L5F00           ror     A
5f01: 66 31                        ror     $31
5f03: 90 02                        bcc     L5F07
5f05: 65 06                        adc     $06
5f07: 6a           L5F07           ror     A
5f08: 66 31                        ror     $31
5f0a: 90 02                        bcc     L5F0E
5f0c: 65 06                        adc     $06
5f0e: 6a           L5F0E           ror     A
5f0f: 66 31                        ror     $31
5f11: 90 02                        bcc     L5F15
5f13: 65 06                        adc     $06
5f15: 6a           L5F15           ror     A
5f16: 66 31                        ror     $31
5f18: 90 02                        bcc     L5F1C
5f1a: 65 06                        adc     $06
5f1c: 6a           L5F1C           ror     A
5f1d: 66 31                        ror     $31
5f1f: 4a                           lsr     A
5f20: 66 31                        ror     $31
5f22: 4a                           lsr     A
5f23: 66 31                        ror     $31
5f25: 4a                           lsr     A
5f26: 66 31                        ror     $31
5f28: 05 d0                        ora     $d0
5f2a: 60                           rts

5f2b: 85 32        L5F2B           sta     $32
5f2d: 85 31                        sta     $31
5f2f: 60                           rts

5f30: 29 7f        L5F30           and     #$7f
5f32: 85 31        L5F32           sta     $31
5f34: aa                           tax
5f35: d0 12                        bne     L5F49
5f37: 18           L5F37           clc
5f38: 86 31                        stx     $31
5f3a: 8a                           txa
5f3b: 60                           rts

5f3c: b9 e2 06     L5F3C           lda     $06e2,y
5f3f: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
5f41: 29 7f        L5F41           and     #$7f
5f43: 85 31                        sta     $31
5f45: a6 ad        L5F45           ldx     $ad
5f47: f0 ee                        beq     L5F37
5f49: ca           L5F49           dex
5f4a: 86 d0                        stx     $d0
5f4c: a9 00                        lda     #$00
5f4e: aa                           tax
5f4f: 46 31                        lsr     $31
5f51: 90 02                        bcc     L5F55
5f53: 65 d0                        adc     $d0
5f55: 6a           L5F55           ror     A
5f56: 66 31                        ror     $31
5f58: 90 02                        bcc     L5F5C
5f5a: 65 d0                        adc     $d0
5f5c: 6a           L5F5C           ror     A
5f5d: 66 31                        ror     $31
5f5f: 90 02                        bcc     L5F63
5f61: 65 d0                        adc     $d0
5f63: 6a           L5F63           ror     A
5f64: 66 31                        ror     $31
5f66: 90 02                        bcc     L5F6A
5f68: 65 d0                        adc     $d0
5f6a: 6a           L5F6A           ror     A
5f6b: 66 31                        ror     $31
5f6d: 90 02                        bcc     L5F71
5f6f: 65 d0                        adc     $d0
5f71: 6a           L5F71           ror     A
5f72: 66 31                        ror     $31
5f74: 90 02                        bcc     L5F78
5f76: 65 d0                        adc     $d0
5f78: 6a           L5F78           ror     A
5f79: 66 31                        ror     $31
5f7b: 90 02                        bcc     L5F7F
5f7d: 65 d0                        adc     $d0
5f7f: 6a           L5F7F           ror     A
5f80: 66 31                        ror     $31
5f82: 90 02                        bcc     L5F86
5f84: 65 d0                        adc     $d0
5f86: 6a           L5F86           ror     A
5f87: 66 31                        ror     $31
5f89: 60                           rts

                   ; ".FMLTU2 &283D for CIRCLE2, A=K*sin(X)/256unsg"
5f8a: 29 1f        FMLTU2          and     #$1f
5f8c: aa                           tax
5f8d: bd 20 0f                     lda     sine_table,x
5f90: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
5f92: a5 7a                        lda     $7a
                   ; ".FMLTU &2847 A=A*Q/256unsg fast multiply"
5f94: 86 31        FMLTU           stx     $31
5f96: 85 ca                        sta     $ca
5f98: aa                           tax
5f99: f0 1e                        beq     L5FB9
5f9b: bd 03 41                     lda     math_table2,x
5f9e: a6 ad                        ldx     $ad
5fa0: f0 15                        beq     L5FB7
5fa2: 18                           clc
5fa3: 7d 03 41                     adc     math_table2,x
5fa6: bd 03 40                     lda     math_table1,x
5fa9: a6 ca                        ldx     $ca
5fab: 7d 03 40                     adc     math_table1,x
5fae: 90 07                        bcc     L5FB7
5fb0: aa                           tax
5fb1: bd 03 42                     lda     math_table3,x
5fb4: a6 31                        ldx     $31
5fb6: 60                           rts

5fb7: a9 00        L5FB7           lda     #$00
5fb9: a6 31        L5FB9           ldx     $31
5fbb: 60                           rts

                   ; ".MLTU  AP(2)= AP* Xunsg(EOR P)"
5fbc: 86 ad        MLTU2           stx     $ad
5fbe: 49 ff        MLTU2_2         eor     #$ff
5fc0: 4a                           lsr     A
5fc1: 85 32                        sta     $32
5fc3: a9 00                        lda     #$00
5fc5: a2 10                        ldx     #$10
5fc7: 66 31                        ror     $31
5fc9: b0 0b        L5FC9           bcs     :MU21
5fcb: 65 ad                        adc     $ad
5fcd: 6a                           ror     A
5fce: 66 32                        ror     $32
5fd0: 66 31                        ror     $31
5fd2: ca                           dex
5fd3: d0 f4                        bne     L5FC9
5fd5: 60                           rts

5fd6: 4a           :MU21           lsr     A
5fd7: 66 32                        ror     $32
5fd9: 66 31                        ror     $31
5fdb: ca                           dex
5fdc: d0 eb                        bne     L5FC9
5fde: 60                           rts

5fdf: a6 6b        unref_MUT3      ldx     $6b
5fe1: 86 31                        stx     $31
5fe3: a6 61        MUT2            ldx     $61
5fe5: 86 af                        stx     $af
5fe7: a6 60        MUT1            ldx     $60
5fe9: 86 ae                        stx     $ae
5feb: aa           MULT1           tax
5fec: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
5fee: 4a                           lsr     A
5fef: 85 31                        sta     $31
5ff1: 8a                           txa
5ff2: 45 ad                        eor     $ad
5ff4: 29 80                        and     #$80
5ff6: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
5ff8: a5 ad                        lda     $ad
5ffa: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
5ffc: f0 3e                        beq     L603C
5ffe: aa                           tax
5fff: ca                           dex
6000: 86 06                        stx     $06
6002: a9 00                        lda     #$00
6004: aa                           tax
6005: 90 02                        bcc     L6009
6007: 65 06                        adc     $06
6009: 6a           L6009           ror     A
600a: 66 31                        ror     $31
600c: 90 02                        bcc     L6010
600e: 65 06                        adc     $06
6010: 6a           L6010           ror     A
6011: 66 31                        ror     $31
6013: 90 02                        bcc     L6017
6015: 65 06                        adc     $06
6017: 6a           L6017           ror     A
6018: 66 31                        ror     $31
601a: 90 02                        bcc     L601E
601c: 65 06                        adc     $06
601e: 6a           L601E           ror     A
601f: 66 31                        ror     $31
6021: 90 02                        bcc     L6025
6023: 65 06                        adc     $06
6025: 6a           L6025           ror     A
6026: 66 31                        ror     $31
6028: 90 02                        bcc     L602C
602a: 65 06                        adc     $06
602c: 6a           L602C           ror     A
602d: 66 31                        ror     $31
602f: 90 02                        bcc     L6033
6031: 65 06                        adc     $06
6033: 6a           L6033           ror     A
6034: 66 31                        ror     $31
6036: 4a                           lsr     A
6037: 66 31                        ror     $31
6039: 05 d0                        ora     $d0
603b: 60                           rts

603c: 85 31        L603C           sta     $31
603e: 60                           rts

                   ; ".MULT12 &28D4  R.S = Q * A   visited quite often"
603f: 20 eb 5f     MULT12          jsr     MULT1
6042: 85 af                        sta     $af
6044: a5 31                        lda     $31
6046: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
6048: 60                           rts

6049: b6 0c        TAS3            ldx     polyobj_xpos_lo,y
604b: 86 ad                        stx     $ad
604d: a5 6e                        lda     $6e
604f: 20 3f 60                     jsr     MULT12
6052: b6 0e                        ldx     INWK+2,y
6054: 86 ad                        stx     $ad
6056: a5 6f                        lda     $6f
6058: 20 65 60                     jsr     MAD
605b: 85 af                        sta     $af
605d: 86 ae                        stx     $ae
605f: b6 10                        ldx     INWK+4,y
6061: 86 ad                        stx     $ad
6063: a5 70                        lda     $70
                   ; ".MAD &28FC  Multiply and Add  X.A = Q*A + R.S"
6065: 20 eb 5f     MAD             jsr     MULT1
                   ; ".ADD &28FF  X.A = P.A + R.S"
6068: 85 06        ADD             sta     $06
606a: 29 80                        and     #$80
606c: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
606e: 45 af                        eor     $af
6070: 30 0d                        bmi     MU8
6072: a5 ae                        lda     $ae
6074: 18                           clc
6075: 65 31                        adc     $31
6077: aa                           tax
6078: a5 af                        lda     $af
607a: 65 06                        adc     $06
607c: 05 d0                        ora     $d0
607e: 60                           rts

607f: a5 af        MU8             lda     $af
6081: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
6083: 85 ac                        sta     $ac
6085: a5 31                        lda     $31
6087: 38                           sec
6088: e5 ae                        sbc     $ae
608a: aa                           tax
608b: a5 06                        lda     $06
608d: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
608f: e5 ac                        sbc     $ac
6091: b0 0e                        bcs     :MU9
6093: 85 ac                        sta     $ac
6095: 8a                           txa
6096: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
6098: 69 01                        adc     #$01
609a: aa                           tax
609b: a9 00                        lda     #$00
609d: e5 ac                        sbc     $ac
609f: 09 80                        ora     #$80
60a1: 45 d0        :MU9            eor     $d0
60a3: 60                           rts

60a4: 86 ad        TIS1            stx     $ad
60a6: 49 80                        eor     #$80
60a8: 20 65 60                     jsr     MAD
60ab: aa                           tax
60ac: 29 80                        and     #$80
60ae: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
60b0: 8a                           txa
60b1: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
60b3: a2 fe                        ldx     #$fe
60b5: 86 06                        stx     $06
60b7: 0a           DVL3            asl     A
60b8: c9 60                        cmp     #$60
60ba: 90 02                        bcc     DV4
60bc: e9 60                        sbc     #$60
60be: 26 06        DV4             rol     $06
60c0: b0 f5                        bcs     DVL3
60c2: a5 06                        lda     $06
60c4: 05 d0                        ora     $d0
60c6: 60                           rts

                   ; ".DV42 &295E  travel step of dust particle front/rear"
60c7: b9 fc 06     DV42            lda     SCRNHOLE5+4,y
60ca: 85 ad        L60CA           sta     $ad
60cc: a5 a9                        lda     player_speed
60ce: 0a           L60CE           asl     A
60cf: 85 31                        sta     $31
60d1: a9 00                        lda     #$00
60d3: 2a                           rol     A
60d4: c5 ad                        cmp     $ad
60d6: 90 02                        bcc     L60DA
60d8: e5 ad                        sbc     $ad
60da: 26 31        L60DA           rol     $31
60dc: 2a                           rol     A
60dd: c5 ad                        cmp     $ad
60df: 90 02                        bcc     L60E3
60e1: e5 ad                        sbc     $ad
60e3: 26 31        L60E3           rol     $31
60e5: 2a                           rol     A
60e6: c5 ad                        cmp     $ad
60e8: 90 02                        bcc     L60EC
60ea: e5 ad                        sbc     $ad
60ec: 26 31        L60EC           rol     $31
60ee: 2a                           rol     A
60ef: c5 ad                        cmp     $ad
60f1: 90 02                        bcc     L60F5
60f3: e5 ad                        sbc     $ad
60f5: 26 31        L60F5           rol     $31
60f7: 2a                           rol     A
60f8: c5 ad                        cmp     $ad
60fa: 90 02                        bcc     L60FE
60fc: e5 ad                        sbc     $ad
60fe: 26 31        L60FE           rol     $31
6100: 2a                           rol     A
6101: c5 ad                        cmp     $ad
6103: 90 02                        bcc     L6107
6105: e5 ad                        sbc     $ad
6107: 26 31        L6107           rol     $31
6109: 2a                           rol     A
610a: c5 ad                        cmp     $ad
610c: 90 02                        bcc     L6110
610e: e5 ad                        sbc     $ad
6110: 26 31        L6110           rol     $31
6112: 2a                           rol     A
6113: c5 ad                        cmp     $ad
6115: 90 02                        bcc     L6119
6117: e5 ad                        sbc     $ad
6119: 26 31        L6119           rol     $31
611b: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
611d: 85 ca                        sta     $ca
611f: aa                           tax
6120: f0 19                        beq     L613B
6122: bd 03 41                     lda     math_table2,x
6125: a6 ad                        ldx     $ad
6127: 38                           sec
6128: fd 03 41                     sbc     math_table2,x
612b: a6 ca                        ldx     $ca
612d: bd 03 40                     lda     math_table1,x
6130: a6 ad                        ldx     $ad
6132: fd 03 40                     sbc     math_table1,x
6135: b0 07                        bcs     L613E
6137: aa                           tax
6138: bd 03 42                     lda     math_table3,x
613b: 85 ae        L613B           sta     $ae
613d: 60                           rts

613e: a9 ff        L613E           lda     #$ff
6140: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
6142: 60                           rts

6143: 85 33        L6143           sta     $33
6145: a5 12                        lda     polyobj_zpos_lo
6147: 09 01                        ora     #$01
6149: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
614b: a5 13                        lda     polyobj_zpos_mi
614d: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
614f: a5 14                        lda     polyobj_zpos_hi
6151: 85 af                        sta     $af
6153: a5 31                        lda     $31
6155: 09 01                        ora     #$01
6157: 85 31                        sta     $31
6159: a5 33                        lda     $33
615b: 45 af                        eor     $af
615d: 29 80                        and     #$80
615f: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
6161: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
6163: a5 33                        lda     $33
6165: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
6167: c9 40        L6167           cmp     #$40
6169: b0 08                        bcs     L6173
616b: 06 31                        asl     $31
616d: 26 32                        rol     $32
616f: 2a                           rol     A
6170: c8                           iny
6171: d0 f4                        bne     L6167
6173: 85 33        L6173           sta     $33
6175: a5 af                        lda     $af
6177: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
6179: 88           L6179           dey
617a: 06 ad                        asl     $ad
617c: 26 ae                        rol     $ae
617e: 2a                           rol     A
617f: 10 f8                        bpl     L6179
6181: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
6183: a9 fe                        lda     #$fe
6185: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
6187: a5 33                        lda     $33
6189: 0a           L6189           asl     A
618a: b0 0d                        bcs     L6199
618c: c5 ad                        cmp     $ad
618e: 90 02                        bcc     L6192
6190: e5 ad                        sbc     $ad
6192: 26 ae        L6192           rol     $ae
6194: b0 f3                        bcs     L6189
6196: 4c a2 61                     jmp     L61A2

6199: e5 ad        L6199           sbc     $ad
619b: 38                           sec
619c: 26 ae                        rol     $ae
619e: b0 e9                        bcs     L6189
61a0: a5 ae                        lda     $ae
61a2: a9 00        L61A2           lda     #$00
61a4: 85 7b                        sta     $7b
61a6: 85 7c                        sta     $7c
61a8: 85 7d                        sta     $7d
61aa: 98                           tya
61ab: 10 1e                        bpl     L61CB
61ad: a5 ae                        lda     $ae
61af: 0a           L61AF           asl     A
61b0: 26 7b                        rol     $7b
61b2: 26 7c                        rol     $7c
61b4: 26 7d                        rol     $7d
61b6: c8                           iny
61b7: d0 f6                        bne     L61AF
61b9: 85 7a                        sta     $7a
61bb: a5 7d                        lda     $7d
61bd: 05 d0                        ora     $d0
61bf: 85 7d                        sta     $7d
61c1: 60                           rts

61c2: a5 ae        L61C2           lda     $ae
61c4: 85 7a                        sta     $7a
61c6: a5 d0                        lda     $d0
61c8: 85 7d                        sta     $7d
61ca: 60                           rts

61cb: f0 f5        L61CB           beq     L61C2
61cd: a5 ae                        lda     $ae
61cf: 4a           L61CF           lsr     A
61d0: 88                           dey
61d1: d0 fc                        bne     L61CF
61d3: 85 7a                        sta     $7a
61d5: a5 d0                        lda     $d0
61d7: 85 7d                        sta     $7d
61d9: 60                           rts

                   ; ".cntr &29FF  center ship indicators"
61da: ad 6c 02     L61DA           lda     computer_dock_flag
61dd: d0 05                        bne     L61E4
61df: ad 58 45                     lda     ptb_kbd_dampening
61e2: d0 0c                        bne     L61F0
61e4: 8a           L61E4           txa
61e5: 10 03                        bpl     L61EA
61e7: ca                           dex
61e8: 30 06                        bmi     L61F0
61ea: e8           L61EA           inx
61eb: d0 03                        bne     L61F0
61ed: ca                           dex
61ee: f0 fa                        beq     L61EA
61f0: 60           L61F0           rts

61f1: 85 d0        L61F1           sta     $d0
61f3: 8a                           txa
61f4: 18                           clc
61f5: 65 d0                        adc     $d0
61f7: aa                           tax
61f8: 90 02                        bcc     L61FC
61fa: a2 ff                        ldx     #$ff
61fc: 10 10        L61FC           bpl     L620E
61fe: a5 d0        L61FE           lda     $d0
6200: 60                           rts

6201: 85 d0        REDU2           sta     $d0
6203: 8a                           txa
6204: 38                           sec
6205: e5 d0                        sbc     $d0
6207: aa                           tax
6208: b0 02                        bcs     L620C
620a: a2 01                        ldx     #$01
620c: 10 f0        L620C           bpl     L61FE
620e: ad 59 45     L620E           lda     ptb_kbd_recent
6211: d0 eb                        bne     L61FE
6213: a2 80                        ldx     #$80
6215: 30 e7                        bmi     L61FE

6217: 20 7c 7b     L6217           jsr     GetRandom
621a: 29 07                        and     #$07
621c: 69 40                        adc     #$40
621e: 8d 7a 02                     sta     $027a
6221: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
6224: 29 07                        and     #$07
6226: 69 7c                        adc     #$7c
6228: 8d 79 02                     sta     $0279
622b: ad 74 02                     lda     player_laser_temp
622e: 69 08                        adc     #$08
6230: 8d 74 02                     sta     player_laser_temp
6233: 20 3c 74                     jsr     L743C
6236: a5 b3        L6236           lda     displayed_screen
6238: d0 b6                        bne     L61F0
623a: a9 20                        lda     #$20
623c: a0 e0                        ldy     #$e0
623e: 20 45 62                     jsr     L6245
6241: a9 30                        lda     #$30
6243: a0 d0                        ldy     #$d0
6245: 85 70        L6245           sta     $70
6247: ad 79 02                     lda     $0279
624a: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
624c: ad 7a 02                     lda     $027a
624f: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
6251: a9 87                        lda     #$87
6253: 85 71                        sta     $71
6255: 20 64 9c                     jsr     DrawLine
6258: ad 79 02                     lda     $0279
625b: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
625d: ad 7a 02                     lda     $027a
6260: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
6262: 84 70                        sty     $70
6264: a9 87                        lda     #$87
6266: 85 71                        sta     $71
6268: 4c 64 9c                     jmp     DrawLine

626b: a5 de        L626B           lda     $de
626d: 05 df                        ora     $df
626f: d0 38                        bne     L62A9
6271: a5 ba                        lda     docked_flag
6273: 10 34                        bpl     L62A9
6275: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
6277: b9 5d 1a     L6277           lda     text_stuff1?-1,y
627a: c5 b4                        cmp     $b4
627c: d0 28                        bne     L62A6
627e: b9 77 1a                     lda     text_stuff2?,y
6281: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
6283: cd 9e 02                     cmp     ship_state2?
6286: d0 1e                        bne     L62A6
6288: b9 77 1a                     lda     text_stuff2?,y
628b: 30 0c                        bmi     L6299
628d: ad 8f 02                     lda     $028f
6290: 4a                           lsr     A
6291: 90 16                        bcc     L62A9
6293: 20 7f 4c                     jsr     SetBufferFlag
6296: a9 01                        lda     #$01
6298: 2c                           bit ▼   LB0A6+3
6299: a9 b0        L6299           lda     #$b0              ;0d 0e 13: set ucase flags; turn buffering on; ?
629b: 20 ad 4b                     jsr     PrintDockedToken
629e: 98                           tya
629f: 20 5c 4b                     jsr     PrintExtDockedStr
62a2: a9 b1                        lda     #$b1              ;. [ff], turn buffering off
62a4: d0 0e                        bne     :PrintStr

62a6: 88           L62A6           dey
62a7: d0 ce                        bne     L6277
62a9: a2 03        L62A9           ldx     #$03
62ab: b5 94        L62AB           lda     $94,x
62ad: 95 02                        sta     rng_state,x
62af: ca                           dex
62b0: 10 f9                        bpl     L62AB
62b2: a9 05                        lda     #$05
62b4: 4c 6e 4b     :PrintStr       jmp     PrintDockedStr    ;buffered: <thing> IS <thing>.

62b7: ad 8f 02     L62B7           lda     $028f
62ba: 09 04                        ora     #$04
62bc: 8d 8f 02                     sta     $028f
62bf: a9 0b                        lda     #$0b
62c1: 20 6e 4b     L62C1           jsr     PrintDockedStr
62c4: 4c 2d 7f                     jmp     L7F2D

62c7: ad 8f 02     L62C7           lda     $028f
62ca: 29 f0                        and     #$f0
62cc: 09 0a                        ora     #$0a
62ce: 8d 8f 02                     sta     $028f
62d1: a9 de                        lda     #$de
62d3: d0 ec                        bne     L62C1

62d5: ad 8f 02     L62D5           lda     $028f
62d8: 09 04                        ora     #$04
62da: 8d 8f 02                     sta     $028f
62dd: a9 02                        lda     #$02
62df: 8d ba 02                     sta     have_energy_unit
62e2: ee d7 02                     inc     kill_score+1
62e5: a9 df                        lda     #$df
62e7: d0 d8                        bne     L62C1

62e9: 4e 8f 02     L62E9           lsr     $028f
62ec: 0e 8f 02                     asl     $028f
62ef: a2 50                        ldx     #$50
62f1: a0 c3                        ldy     #$c3
62f3: 20 57 6e                     jsr     AddCredits
62f6: a9 0f                        lda     #$0f
62f8: d0 c7        L62F8           bne     L62C1

62fa: 4e 8f 02     L62FA           lsr     $028f
62fd: 38                           sec
62fe: 2e 8f 02                     rol     $028f
6301: 20 56 63                     jsr     PrintIncomingMessage
6304: 20 14 7b                     jsr     ZeroInfo
6307: a9 1f                        lda     #$1f
6309: 85 b8                        sta     $b8
630b: 20 45 75                     jsr     L7545
630e: a9 01                        lda     #$01
6310: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
6312: 85 13                        sta     polyobj_zpos_mi
6314: a9 0d                        lda     #$0d
6316: 20 b9 94                     jsr     PrintFlightHud?
6319: a9 40                        lda     #$40
631b: 85 b6                        sta     $b6
631d: a2 7f        L631D           ldx     #$7f
631f: 86 29                        stx     polyobj_roll
6321: 86 2a                        stx     polyobj_pitch
6323: 20 3e 88                     jsr     DrawObject
6326: 20 5e 90                     jsr     MVEIT
6329: c6 b6                        dec     $b6
632b: d0 f0                        bne     L631D
632d: 46 0c        L632D           lsr     polyobj_xpos_lo
632f: e6 12                        inc     polyobj_zpos_lo
6331: f0 1a                        beq     L634D
6333: e6 12                        inc     polyobj_zpos_lo
6335: f0 16                        beq     L634D
6337: a6 0f                        ldx     polyobj_ypos_lo
6339: e8                           inx
633a: e0 50                        cpx     #$50
633c: 90 02                        bcc     L6340
633e: a2 50                        ldx     #$50
6340: 86 0f        L6340           stx     polyobj_ypos_lo
6342: 20 3e 88                     jsr     DrawObject
6345: 20 5e 90                     jsr     MVEIT
6348: c6 b6                        dec     $b6
634a: 4c 2d 63                     jmp     L632D

634d: e6 13        L634D           inc     polyobj_zpos_mi
634f: 20 63 63                     jsr     L6363
6352: a9 0a                        lda     #$0a
6354: d0 a2                        bne     L62F8

6356: a9 d8                        lda     #$d8
6358: 20 6e 4b                     jsr     PrintDockedStr
635b: a0 64                        ldy     #$64
635d: 4c 96 63                     jmp     LongDelay

6360: 20 72 63     WaitKeyDrawHud  jsr     WaitForKey
6363: a9 01        L6363           lda     #$01
6365: 4c b9 94                     jmp     PrintFlightHud?

6368: a9 09        Vposn9_SetMask  lda     #$09
636a: 2c                           bit ▼   ycoords?+169
636b: a9 05        Vposn5_SetMask  lda     #$05
636d: 85 36                        sta     text_vposn
636f: 4c 67 4c                     jmp     SetUpperMask?

                   ; Wait until a key is hit.  Pending input will be discarded.
                   ; On exit:
                   ;   A-reg: key hit
                   ;   (commands set as well)
6372: 20 1f 83     WaitForKey      jsr     CheckForInput     ;check for pending input
6375: d0 fb                        bne     WaitForKey        ;if key available, discard and retry
6377: 20 1f 83                     jsr     CheckForInput     ;check for pending input
637a: f0 f6                        beq     WaitForKey        ;wait until one is available
637c: 60                           rts

637d: 8a           GetInfo         txa
637e: 0a                           asl     A
637f: a8                           tay
6380: b9 7e 4e                     lda     L4E7E,y
6383: 85 5c                        sta     polyobj_ptr
6385: b9 7f 4e                     lda     L4E7F,y
6388: 85 5d                        sta     polyobj_ptr+1
638a: 60                           rts

638b: a2 01        L638B           ldx     #$01
638d: bd 90 02     L638D           lda     $0290,x
6390: 95 e0                        sta     $e0,x
6392: ca                           dex
6393: 10 f8                        bpl     L638D
6395: 60                           rts

6396: 20 7e a0     LongDelay       jsr     Delay
6399: 88                           dey
639a: d0 fa                        bne     LongDelay
639c: 60                           rts

639d: 10 15 1a 1f+ planet_desc_adj .bulk   $10,$15,$1a,$1f,$9b,$a0,$2e,$a5,$24,$29,$3d,$33,$38,$aa,$42,$47
                                    +      $4c,$51,$56,$8c,$60,$65,$87,$82,$5b,$6a,$b4,$b9,$be,$e1,$e6,$eb
                                    +      $f0,$f5,$fa,$73,$78,$7d

63c3: 4a           L63C3           lsr     A
63c4: 85 08        L63C4           sta     $08
63c6: 4a                           lsr     A
63c7: 4a                           lsr     A
63c8: 38                           sec
63c9: e5 08                        sbc     $08
63cb: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
63cd: 69 01                        adc     #$01
63cf: 60                           rts

63d0: 20 c4 63     L63D0           jsr     L63C4
63d3: 69 20                        adc     #$20
63d5: 60                           rts

63d6: 85 6e        L63D6           sta     $6e
63d8: a9 13                        lda     #$13
63da: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
63dc: a9 73                        lda     #$73
63de: 85 71                        sta     $71
63e0: 4c 62 9f                     jmp     DrawVerticalLine

63e3: 8d f0 02     L63E3           sta     $02f0
63e6: a9 01                        lda     #$01
63e8: 48           L63E8           pha
63e9: a2 0c                        ldx     #$0c
63eb: ec f0 02                     cpx     $02f0
63ee: 90 0e                        bcc     L63FE
63f0: 7d a6 02     L63F0           adc     player_cargo,x
63f3: ca                           dex
63f4: 10 fa                        bpl     L63F0
63f6: 6d c0 02                     adc     kill_score_rem-1
63f9: cd a5 02                     cmp     cargo_capacity?
63fc: 68                           pla
63fd: 60                           rts

63fe: ac f0 02     L63FE           ldy     $02f0
6401: 79 a6 02                     adc     player_cargo,y
6404: c9 c8                        cmp     #$c8
6406: 68                           pla
6407: 60                           rts

6408: 85 34        L6408           sta     text_hposn
640a: 60                           rts

640b: 85 36        L640B           sta     text_vposn
640d: 60                           rts

640e: e6 36        IncTextVposn    inc     text_vposn
6410: 60                           rts

6411: 20 b9 94     L6411           jsr     PrintFlightHud?
6414: 4c a2 4e                     jmp     ClearKbdStrb

6417: 60                           .dd1    $60

6418: 20 1b 64     L6418           jsr     L641B
641b: 20 1e 64     L641B           jsr     L641E
641e: a5 92        L641E           lda     $92
6420: 18                           clc
6421: 65 94                        adc     $94
6423: aa                           tax
6424: a5 93                        lda     $93
6426: 65 95                        adc     $95
6428: a8                           tay
6429: a5 94                        lda     $94
642b: 85 92                        sta     $92
642d: a5 95                        lda     $95
642f: 85 93                        sta     $93
6431: a5 97                        lda     $97
6433: 85 95                        sta     $95
6435: a5 96                        lda     $96
6437: 85 94                        sta     $94
6439: 18                           clc
643a: 8a                           txa
643b: 65 94                        adc     $94
643d: 85 96                        sta     $96
643f: 98                           tya
6440: 65 95                        adc     $95
6442: 85 97                        sta     $97
6444: 60                           rts

6445: a5 de        L6445           lda     $de
6447: 05 df                        ora     $df
6449: d0 03                        bne     L644E
644b: e6 36                        inc     text_vposn
644d: 60                           rts

644e: a9 bf        L644E           lda     #$bf              ;"Distance"
6450: 20 3f 71                     jsr     PrintFlightTokCol
6453: a6 de                        ldx     $de
6455: a4 df                        ldy     $df
6457: 38                           sec
6458: 20 14 6c                     jsr     Print4XloYhi
645b: a9 c3                        lda     #$c3              ;"Light Years"
645d: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
6460: e6 36        IncTextVpos1    inc     text_vposn
6462: a9 80        L6462           lda     #$80
6464: 85 37                        sta     text_mod_flags
6466: a9 0c        PrintFF         lda     #$0c              ;newline (technically form feed)
6468: 4c 44 71                     jmp     PrintFlightToken

646b: a9 ad        L646B           lda     #$ad              ;"Mainly"
646d: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
6470: 4c a9 64                     jmp     L64A9

6473: 20 44 71     PrintTokSpc     jsr     PrintFlightToken
6476: 4c a1 6c                     jmp     PrintSpace

                   NOTE: C64 $6AA1 (code_6A00.asm)
                   ; Planetary information screen.
6479: a9 01                        lda     #$01
647b: 20 11 64                     jsr     L6411
647e: a9 09                        lda     #$09
6480: 20 08 64                     jsr     L6408
6483: a9 a3                        lda     #$a3
6485: 20 a6 4e                     jsr     PrintFlightTokLine
6488: 20 60 64                     jsr     IncTextVpos1
648b: 20 45 64                     jsr     L6445
648e: a9 c2                        lda     #$c2              ;"Economy"
6490: 20 3f 71                     jsr     PrintFlightTokCol
6493: a5 d7                        lda     $d7
6495: 18                           clc
6496: 69 01                        adc     #$01
6498: 4a                           lsr     A
6499: c9 02                        cmp     #$02
649b: f0 ce                        beq     L646B
649d: a5 d7                        lda     $d7
649f: 90 03                        bcc     L64A4
64a1: e9 05                        sbc     #$05
64a3: 18                           clc
64a4: 69 aa        L64A4           adc     #$aa              ;"Rich"
64a6: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
64a9: a5 d7        L64A9           lda     $d7
64ab: 4a                           lsr     A
64ac: 4a                           lsr     A
64ad: 18                           clc
64ae: 69 a8                        adc     #$a8
64b0: 20 5d 64                     jsr     PrintFlightTokNL
64b3: a9 a2                        lda     #$a2              ;"Government"
64b5: 20 3f 71                     jsr     PrintFlightTokCol
64b8: a5 d8                        lda     $d8
64ba: 18                           clc
64bb: 69 b1                        adc     #$b1
64bd: 20 5d 64                     jsr     PrintFlightTokNL
64c0: a9 c4                        lda     #$c4              ;"Tech Level"
64c2: 20 3f 71                     jsr     PrintFlightTokCol
64c5: a6 d9                        ldx     $d9
64c7: e8                           inx
64c8: 18                           clc
64c9: 20 64 54                     jsr     PrintNumInX?
64cc: 20 60 64                     jsr     IncTextVpos1
64cf: a9 c0                        lda     #$c0              ;"Population"
64d1: 20 3f 71                     jsr     PrintFlightTokCol
64d4: 38                           sec
64d5: a6 da                        ldx     $da
64d7: 20 64 54                     jsr     PrintNumInX?
64da: a9 c6                        lda     #$c6
64dc: 20 5d 64                     jsr     PrintFlightTokNL
64df: a9 28                        lda     #$28              ;"("
64e1: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
64e4: a5 96                        lda     $96
64e6: 30 08                        bmi     L64F0
64e8: a9 bc                        lda     #$bc              ;"Human Colonial"
64ea: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
64ed: 4c 2c 65                     jmp     L652C

64f0: a5 97        L64F0           lda     $97
64f2: 4a                           lsr     A
64f3: 4a                           lsr     A
64f4: 48                           pha
64f5: 29 07                        and     #$07
64f7: c9 03                        cmp     #$03
64f9: b0 05                        bcs     L6500
64fb: 69 e3                        adc     #$e3
64fd: 20 73 64                     jsr     PrintTokSpc
6500: 68           L6500           pla
6501: 4a                           lsr     A
6502: 4a                           lsr     A
6503: 4a                           lsr     A
6504: c9 06                        cmp     #$06
6506: b0 05                        bcs     L650D
6508: 69 e6                        adc     #$e6
650a: 20 73 64                     jsr     PrintTokSpc
650d: a5 95        L650D           lda     $95
650f: 45 93                        eor     $93
6511: 29 07                        and     #$07
6513: 85 a1                        sta     $a1
6515: c9 06                        cmp     #$06
6517: b0 05                        bcs     L651E
6519: 69 ec                        adc     #$ec
651b: 20 73 64                     jsr     PrintTokSpc
651e: a5 97        L651E           lda     $97
6520: 29 03                        and     #$03
6522: 18                           clc
6523: 65 a1                        adc     $a1
6525: 29 07                        and     #$07
6527: 69 f2                        adc     #$f2              ;Rodent, Frog, Lizard, ...
6529: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
652c: a9 53        L652C           lda     #$53              ;"S"
652e: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
6531: a9 29                        lda     #$29              ;")"
6533: 20 5d 64                     jsr     PrintFlightTokNL
6536: a9 c1                        lda     #$c1              ;"Gross Productivity"
6538: 20 3f 71                     jsr     PrintFlightTokCol
653b: a6 dc                        ldx     $dc
653d: a4 dd                        ldy     $dd
653f: 20 13 6c                     jsr     L6C13
6542: 20 a1 6c                     jsr     PrintSpace
6545: a9 00                        lda     #$00
6547: 85 37                        sta     text_mod_flags
6549: a9 4d                        lda     #$4d              ;"M"
654b: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
654e: a9 e2                        lda     #$e2              ;"Cr"
6550: 20 5d 64                     jsr     PrintFlightTokNL
6553: a9 fa                        lda     #$fa              ;"Average Radius"
6555: 20 3f 71                     jsr     PrintFlightTokCol
6558: a5 97                        lda     $97
655a: a6 95                        ldx     $95
655c: 29 0f                        and     #$0f
655e: 18                           clc
655f: 69 0b                        adc     #$0b
6561: a8                           tay
6562: 20 14 6c                     jsr     Print4XloYhi
6565: 20 a1 6c                     jsr     PrintSpace
6568: a9 6b                        lda     #‘k’
656a: 20 33 55                     jsr     PrintChar
656d: a9 6d                        lda     #‘m’
656f: 20 33 55                     jsr     PrintChar
6572: 20 60 64                     jsr     IncTextVpos1
6575: 4c 6b 62                     jmp     L626B

6578: 60                           .dd1    $60

                   ; BBC .TT24 "Calculate system Data"
6579: a5 93        L6579           lda     $93
657b: 29 07                        and     #$07
657d: 85 d7                        sta     $d7
657f: a5 94                        lda     $94
6581: 4a                           lsr     A
6582: 4a                           lsr     A
6583: 4a                           lsr     A
6584: 29 07                        and     #$07
6586: 85 d8                        sta     $d8
6588: 4a                           lsr     A
6589: d0 06                        bne     L6591
658b: a5 d7                        lda     $d7
658d: 09 02                        ora     #$02
658f: 85 d7                        sta     $d7
6591: a5 d7        L6591           lda     $d7
6593: 49 07                        eor     #$07
6595: 18                           clc
6596: 85 d9                        sta     $d9
6598: a5 95                        lda     $95
659a: 29 03                        and     #$03
659c: 65 d9                        adc     $d9
659e: 85 d9                        sta     $d9
65a0: a5 d8                        lda     $d8
65a2: 4a                           lsr     A
65a3: 65 d9                        adc     $d9
65a5: 85 d9                        sta     $d9
65a7: 0a                           asl     A
65a8: 0a                           asl     A
65a9: 65 d7                        adc     $d7
65ab: 65 d8                        adc     $d8
65ad: 69 01                        adc     #$01
65af: 85 da                        sta     $da
65b1: a5 d7                        lda     $d7
65b3: 49 07                        eor     #$07
65b5: 69 03                        adc     #$03
65b7: 85 31                        sta     $31
65b9: a5 d8                        lda     $d8
65bb: 69 04                        adc     #$04
65bd: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
65bf: 20 45 5f                     jsr     L5F45
65c2: a5 da                        lda     $da
65c4: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
65c6: 20 45 5f                     jsr     L5F45
65c9: 06 31                        asl     $31
65cb: 2a                           rol     A
65cc: 06 31                        asl     $31
65ce: 2a                           rol     A
65cf: 06 31                        asl     $31
65d1: 2a                           rol     A
65d2: 85 dd                        sta     $dd
65d4: a5 31                        lda     $31
65d6: 85 dc                        sta     $dc
65d8: 60                           rts

                   ; BBC .TT22 "Long range galactic chart"
65d9: a9 40                        lda     #$40
65db: 20 b9 94                     jsr     PrintFlightHud?
65de: a9 07                        lda     #$07
65e0: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
65e2: 20 93 6a                     jsr     L6A93
65e5: a9 c7                        lda     #$c7              ;"Galactic Chart #"
65e7: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
65ea: a9 12                        lda     #$12
65ec: 20 b3 4e                     jsr     IncTextDrawLine
65ef: a9 74                        lda     #$74
65f1: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
65f3: a9 1f                        lda     #$1f
65f5: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
65f7: a9 e4                        lda     #$e4
65f9: 85 70                        sta     $70
65fb: 20 90 9e                     jsr     DrawHorizLine
65fe: a9 1e                        lda     #$1e
6600: 20 d6 63                     jsr     L63D6
6603: a9 e2                        lda     #$e2
6605: 20 d6 63                     jsr     L63D6
6608: 20 c0 66                     jsr     L66C0
660b: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
660d: 86 b0        L660D           stx     $b0
660f: a5 95                        lda     $95
6611: 20 d0 63                     jsr     L63D0
6614: aa                           tax
6615: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
6617: 85 b4                        sta     $b4
6619: a5 93                        lda     $93
661b: 20 c3 63                     jsr     L63C3
661e: 18                           clc
661f: 69 13                        adc     #$13
6621: 20 fe 4e                     jsr     DrawStar?
6624: 20 18 64                     jsr     L6418
6627: a6 b0                        ldx     $b0
6629: e8                           inx
662a: d0 e1                        bne     L660D
662c: a5 e0                        lda     $e0
662e: 20 d0 63                     jsr     L63D0
6631: 85 a1                        sta     $a1
6633: a5 e1                        lda     $e1
6635: 20 c3 63                     jsr     L63C3
6638: 85 a2                        sta     $a2
663a: a9 04                        lda     #$04
663c: 85 a3                        sta     $a3
663e: a9 08                        lda     #$08
6640: 85 35                        sta     $35
6642: a9 13        L6642           lda     #$13
6644: a6 b3                        ldx     displayed_screen
6646: 10 02                        bpl     L664A
6648: a9 00                        lda     #$00
664a: 85 a6        L664A           sta     $a6
664c: a5 a1                        lda     $a1
664e: 38                           sec
664f: e5 a3                        sbc     $a3
6651: 24 b3                        bit     displayed_screen
6653: 30 06                        bmi     L665B
6655: c9 22                        cmp     #$22
6657: b0 02                        bcs     L665B
6659: a9 22                        lda     #$22
665b: 85 6e        L665B           sta     $6e
665d: a5 a1                        lda     $a1
665f: 18                           clc
6660: 69 02                        adc     #$02
6662: 65 a3                        adc     $a3
6664: 24 b3                        bit     displayed_screen
6666: 30 06                        bmi     L666E
6668: c9 e0                        cmp     #$e0
666a: 90 02                        bcc     L666E
666c: a9 e0                        lda     #$e0
666e: 85 70        L666E           sta     $70
6670: a5 a2                        lda     $a2
6672: 18                           clc
6673: 65 a6                        adc     $a6
6675: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
6677: 20 90 9e                     jsr     DrawHorizLine
667a: a5 a2                        lda     $a2
667c: 38                           sec
667d: e5 a3                        sbc     $a3
667f: b0 02                        bcs     L6683
6681: a9 00                        lda     #$00
6683: 18           L6683           clc
6684: 65 a6                        adc     $a6
6686: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
6688: a5 a2                        lda     $a2
668a: 18                           clc
668b: 65 a3                        adc     $a3
668d: 65 a6                        adc     $a6
668f: c9 73                        cmp     #$73
6691: 90 06                        bcc     L6699
6693: a6 b3                        ldx     displayed_screen
6695: 30 02                        bmi     L6699
6697: a9 73                        lda     #$73
6699: 85 71        L6699           sta     $71
669b: a5 a1                        lda     $a1
669d: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
669f: 4c 62 9f                     jmp     DrawVerticalLine

66a2: a9 69        L66A2           lda     #$69
66a4: 85 a1                        sta     $a1
66a6: a9 4b                        lda     #$4b
66a8: 85 a2                        sta     $a2
66aa: a9 10                        lda     #$10
66ac: 85 a3                        sta     $a3
66ae: a9 08                        lda     #$08
66b0: 85 35                        sta     $35
66b2: 20 42 66                     jsr     L6642
66b5: ad 9c 02                     lda     player_fuel
66b8: 20 c4 63                     jsr     L63C4
66bb: 85 7a                        sta     $7a
66bd: 4c ef 66                     jmp     L66EF

66c0: a5 b3        L66C0           lda     displayed_screen
66c2: 30 de                        bmi     L66A2
66c4: ad 9c 02                     lda     player_fuel
66c7: 4a                           lsr     A
66c8: 20 c3 63                     jsr     L63C3
66cb: 85 7a                        sta     $7a
66cd: ad 90 02                     lda     $0290
66d0: 20 d0 63                     jsr     L63D0
66d3: 85 a1                        sta     $a1
66d5: ad 91 02                     lda     $0291
66d8: 20 c3 63                     jsr     L63C3
66db: 85 a2                        sta     $a2
66dd: a9 07                        lda     #$07
66df: 85 a3                        sta     $a3
66e1: a9 08                        lda     #$08
66e3: 85 35                        sta     $35
66e5: 20 42 66                     jsr     L6642
66e8: a5 a2                        lda     $a2
66ea: 18                           clc
66eb: 69 13                        adc     #$13
66ed: 85 a2                        sta     $a2
66ef: a5 a1        L66EF           lda     $a1
66f1: 85 38                        sta     $38
66f3: a5 a2                        lda     $a2
66f5: 85 46                        sta     $46
66f7: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
66f9: 86 47                        stx     $47
66fb: 86 39                        stx     $39
66fd: e8                           inx
66fe: 86 91                        stx     $91
6700: a2 02                        ldx     #$02
6702: 86 bf                        stx     $bf
6704: 4c ba 77                     jmp     L77BA

6707: a9 02        DockBuyCargo    lda     #$02
6709: 20 11 64                     jsr     L6411
670c: 20 b7 6c                     jsr     L6CB7
670f: a9 80                        lda     #$80
6711: 85 37                        sta     text_mod_flags
6713: a9 00                        lda     #$00
6715: 8d f0 02                     sta     $02f0
6718: 20 25 6c     L6718           jsr     L6C25
671b: ad ee 02                     lda     $02ee
671e: d0 0f                        bne     L672F
6720: 4c 95 67                     jmp     L6795

6723: a0 b0        L6723           ldy     #$b0
6725: 20 a1 6c     L6725           jsr     PrintSpace
6728: 98                           tya
6729: 20 1b 6c                     jsr     PrintTokQu
672c: 20 f0 6f                     jsr     L6FF0
672f: 20 1e a2     L672F           jsr     ClearLines?
6732: a9 cc                        lda     #$cc              ;"Quantity Of"
6734: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
6737: ad f0 02                     lda     $02f0
673a: 18                           clc
673b: 69 d0                        adc     #$d0              ;Food, Textiles, Radioactives, ...
673d: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
6740: a9 2f                        lda     #$2f              ;"/"
6742: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
6745: 20 94 6c                     jsr     L6C94
6748: a9 3f                        lda     #$3f              ;"?"
674a: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
674d: 20 66 64                     jsr     PrintFF
6750: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
6752: 86 ae                        stx     $ae
6754: a2 0c                        ldx     #$0c
6756: 86 06                        stx     $06
6758: 20 b5 67                     jsr     L67B5
675b: b0 c6                        bcs     L6723
675d: 85 31                        sta     $31
675f: 20 e8 63                     jsr     L63E8
6762: a0 ce                        ldy     #$ce
6764: a5 ae                        lda     $ae
6766: f0 02                        beq     L676A
6768: b0 bb                        bcs     L6725
676a: ad ed 02     L676A           lda     $02ed
676d: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
676f: 20 78 6e                     jsr     L6E78
6772: 20 30 6e                     jsr     SubCredits
6775: a0 c5                        ldy     #$c5
6777: 90 ac                        bcc     L6725
6779: ac f0 02                     ldy     $02f0
677c: a5 ae                        lda     $ae
677e: 48                           pha
677f: 18                           clc
6780: 79 a6 02                     adc     player_cargo,y
6783: 99 a6 02                     sta     player_cargo,y
6786: b9 c4 02                     lda     $02c4,y
6789: 38                           sec
678a: e5 ae                        sbc     $ae
678c: 99 c4 02                     sta     $02c4,y
678f: 68                           pla
6790: f0 03                        beq     L6795
6792: 20 e8 6f                     jsr     L6FE8
6795: ad f0 02     L6795           lda     $02f0
6798: 18                           clc
6799: 69 05                        adc     #$05
679b: 20 0b 64                     jsr     L640B
679e: a9 00                        lda     #$00
67a0: 20 08 64                     jsr     L6408
67a3: ee f0 02                     inc     $02f0
67a6: ad f0 02                     lda     $02f0
67a9: c9 11                        cmp     #$11
67ab: b0 03                        bcs     L67B0
67ad: 4c 18 67                     jmp     L6718

67b0: a9 30        L67B0           lda     #$30
67b2: 4c 0d 7d                     jmp     FromGameInit

67b5: a2 00        L67B5           ldx     #$00
67b7: 86 ae                        stx     $ae
67b9: a2 0c                        ldx     #$0c
67bb: 86 06                        stx     $06
67bd: 20 e5 84     L67BD           jsr     GetInput1?
67c0: a6 ae                        ldx     $ae
67c2: d0 08                        bne     L67CC
67c4: c9 59                        cmp     #$59
67c6: f0 35                        beq     L67FD
67c8: c9 4e                        cmp     #$4e
67ca: f0 3c                        beq     L6808
67cc: 85 ad        L67CC           sta     $ad
67ce: 38                           sec
67cf: e9 30                        sbc     #$30
67d1: 90 27                        bcc     L67FA
67d3: c9 0a                        cmp     #$0a
67d5: b0 d9                        bcs     L67B0
67d7: 85 af                        sta     $af
67d9: a5 ae                        lda     $ae
67db: c9 1a                        cmp     #$1a
67dd: b0 1b                        bcs     L67FA
67df: 0a                           asl     A
67e0: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
67e2: 0a                           asl     A
67e3: 0a                           asl     A
67e4: 65 d0                        adc     $d0
67e6: 65 af                        adc     $af
67e8: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
67ea: cd ee 02                     cmp     $02ee
67ed: f0 02                        beq     L67F1
67ef: b0 09                        bcs     L67FA
67f1: a5 ad        L67F1           lda     $ad
67f3: 20 33 55                     jsr     PrintChar
67f6: c6 06                        dec     $06
67f8: d0 c3                        bne     L67BD
67fa: a5 ae        L67FA           lda     $ae
67fc: 60                           rts

67fd: 20 33 55     L67FD           jsr     PrintChar
6800: ad ee 02                     lda     $02ee
6803: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
6805: 4c fa 67                     jmp     L67FA

6808: 20 33 55     L6808           jsr     PrintChar
680b: a9 00                        lda     #$00
680d: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
680f: 4c fa 67                     jmp     L67FA

6812: 20 66 64     L6812           jsr     PrintFF
6815: a9 b0                        lda     #$b0
6817: 20 1b 6c                     jsr     PrintTokQu
681a: 20 f0 6f                     jsr     L6FF0
681d: ac f0 02                     ldy     $02f0
6820: 4c 3f 68                     jmp     L683F

6823: a9 04        DockSellCargo   lda     #$04
6825: 20 11 64                     jsr     L6411
6828: a9 0a                        lda     #$0a
682a: 20 08 64                     jsr     L6408
682d: a9 cd                        lda     #$cd              ;"Sell"
682f: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
6832: a9 ce                        lda     #$ce              ;"Cargo"
6834: 20 a6 4e                     jsr     PrintFlightTokLine
6837: 20 66 64                     jsr     PrintFF
683a: a0 00        L683A           ldy     #$00
683c: 8c f0 02     L683C           sty     $02f0
683f: be a6 02     L683F           ldx     player_cargo,y
6842: f0 68                        beq     L68AC
6844: 98                           tya
6845: 0a                           asl     A
6846: 0a                           asl     A
6847: a8                           tay
6848: b9 9c 85                     lda     MarketData+1,y
684b: 85 a2                        sta     $a2
684d: 8a                           txa
684e: 48                           pha
684f: 20 62 64                     jsr     L6462
6852: 18                           clc
6853: ad f0 02                     lda     $02f0
6856: 69 d0                        adc     #$d0              ;Food, Textiles, Radioactives, ...
6858: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
685b: a9 0e                        lda     #$0e
685d: 20 08 64                     jsr     L6408
6860: 68                           pla
6861: aa                           tax
6862: 8d ee 02                     sta     $02ee
6865: 18                           clc
6866: 20 64 54                     jsr     PrintNumInX?
6869: 20 94 6c                     jsr     L6C94
686c: a5 b3                        lda     displayed_screen
686e: c9 04                        cmp     #$04
6870: d0 3a                        bne     L68AC
6872: a9 cd                        lda     #$cd              ;"Sell"
6874: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
6877: a9 ce                        lda     #$ce              ;"(Y/N)?"
6879: 20 6e 4b                     jsr     PrintDockedStr
687c: 20 b5 67                     jsr     L67B5
687f: f0 2b                        beq     L68AC
6881: b0 8f                        bcs     L6812
6883: ad f0 02                     lda     $02f0
6886: a2 ff                        ldx     #$ff
6888: 86 37                        stx     text_mod_flags
688a: 20 25 6c                     jsr     L6C25
688d: ac f0 02                     ldy     $02f0
6890: b9 a6 02                     lda     player_cargo,y
6893: 38                           sec
6894: e5 ae                        sbc     $ae
6896: 99 a6 02                     sta     player_cargo,y
6899: a5 ae                        lda     $ae
689b: 85 31                        sta     $31
689d: ad ed 02                     lda     $02ed
68a0: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
68a2: 20 78 6e                     jsr     L6E78
68a5: 20 57 6e                     jsr     AddCredits
68a8: a9 00                        lda     #$00
68aa: 85 37                        sta     text_mod_flags
68ac: ac f0 02     L68AC           ldy     $02f0
68af: c8                           iny
68b0: c0 11                        cpy     #$11
68b2: 90 88                        bcc     L683C
68b4: a5 b3                        lda     displayed_screen
68b6: c9 04                        cmp     #$04
68b8: d0 06                        bne     L68C0
68ba: 20 f0 6f                     jsr     L6FF0
68bd: 4c b0 67                     jmp     L67B0

68c0: 20 62 64     L68C0           jsr     L6462
68c3: ad bf 02                     lda     $02bf
68c6: 0d c0 02                     ora     kill_score_rem-1
68c9: d0 01                        bne     L68CC
68cb: 60           L68CB           rts

68cc: 18           L68CC           clc
68cd: a9 00                        lda     #$00
68cf: ae bf 02                     ldx     $02bf
68d2: ac c0 02                     ldy     kill_score_rem-1
68d5: 20 68 54                     jsr     L5468
68d8: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
68db: 29 03                        and     #$03
68dd: 18                           clc
68de: 69 6f                        adc     #$6f
68e0: 20 6e 4b                     jsr     PrintDockedStr
68e3: a9 c6                        lda     #$c6
68e5: 20 6e 4b                     jsr     PrintDockedStr
68e8: ad c0 02                     lda     kill_score_rem-1
68eb: d0 06                        bne     L68F3
68ed: ae bf 02                     ldx     $02bf
68f0: ca                           dex
68f1: f0 d8                        beq     L68CB
68f3: a9 73        L68F3           lda     #$73
68f5: 4c 33 55                     jmp     PrintChar

68f8: a9 08        CargoListScreen lda     #$08
68fa: 20 11 64                     jsr     L6411
68fd: a9 0b                        lda     #$0b
68ff: 20 08 64                     jsr     L6408
6902: a9 a4                        lda     #$a4              ;"Inventory"
6904: 20 5d 64                     jsr     PrintFlightTokNL
6907: 20 a9 4e                     jsr     T4EA9
690a: 20 10 71                     jsr     :PrintFuelCash
690d: ad a5 02                     lda     cargo_capacity?   ;do we have the cargo bay expander?
6910: c9 1a                        cmp     #26
6912: 90 05                        bcc     L6919
6914: a9 6b                        lda     #$6b              ;"Large Cargo Bay"
6916: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
6919: 4c 3a 68     L6919           jmp     L683A

691c: 20 44 71     YN_unref        jsr     PrintFlightToken
691f: a9 ce                        lda     #$ce              ;"(Y/N)?"
6921: 20 6e 4b                     jsr     PrintDockedStr
6924: 20 e5 84                     jsr     GetInput1?
6927: 09 20                        ora     #$20
6929: c9 79                        cmp     #‘y’
692b: f0 05                        beq     L6932
692d: a9 6e                        lda     #‘n’
692f: 4c 33 55                     jmp     PrintChar

6932: 20 33 55     L6932           jsr     PrintChar
6935: 38                           sec
6936: 60                           rts

6937: 8a           L6937           txa
6938: 48                           pha
6939: 88                           dey
693a: 98                           tya
693b: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
693d: 48                           pha
693e: 20 7e a0                     jsr     Delay
6941: 20 60 69                     jsr     L6960
6944: 68                           pla
6945: 85 a4                        sta     $a4
6947: a5 e1                        lda     $e1
6949: 20 7d 69                     jsr     L697D
694c: a5 a5                        lda     $a5
694e: 85 e1                        sta     $e1
6950: 85 a2                        sta     $a2
6952: 68                           pla
6953: 85 a4                        sta     $a4
6955: a5 e0                        lda     $e0
6957: 20 7d 69                     jsr     L697D
695a: a5 a5                        lda     $a5
695c: 85 e0                        sta     $e0
695e: 85 a1                        sta     $a1
6960: a9 08        L6960           lda     #$08
6962: 85 35                        sta     $35
6964: a5 b3                        lda     displayed_screen
6966: 30 26                        bmi     L698E
6968: a5 e0                        lda     $e0
696a: 20 d0 63                     jsr     L63D0
696d: 85 a1                        sta     $a1
696f: a5 e1                        lda     $e1
6971: 20 c3 63                     jsr     L63C3
6974: 85 a2                        sta     $a2
6976: a9 04                        lda     #$04
6978: 85 a3                        sta     $a3
697a: 4c 42 66                     jmp     L6642

697d: 85 a5        L697D           sta     $a5
697f: 18                           clc
6980: 65 a4                        adc     $a4
6982: a6 a4                        ldx     $a4
6984: 30 03                        bmi     L6989
6986: 90 03                        bcc     L698B
6988: 60                           rts

6989: 90 02        L6989           bcc     L698D
698b: 85 a5        L698B           sta     $a5
698d: 60           L698D           rts

698e: a5 e0        L698E           lda     $e0
6990: 38                           sec
6991: ed 90 02                     sbc     $0290
6994: c9 1d                        cmp     #$1d
6996: 90 04                        bcc     L699C
6998: c9 e3                        cmp     #$e3
699a: 90 f1                        bcc     L698D
699c: 0a           L699C           asl     A
699d: 0a                           asl     A
699e: 18                           clc
699f: 69 8c                        adc     #$8c
69a1: 20 c4 63                     jsr     L63C4
69a4: 85 a1                        sta     $a1
69a6: a5 e1                        lda     $e1
69a8: 38                           sec
69a9: ed 91 02                     sbc     $0291
69ac: c9 23                        cmp     #$23
69ae: 90 04                        bcc     L69B4
69b0: c9 e6                        cmp     #$e6
69b2: 90 d9                        bcc     L698D
69b4: 0a           L69B4           asl     A
69b5: 18                           clc
69b6: 69 63                        adc     #$63
69b8: 20 c4 63                     jsr     L63C4
69bb: 85 a2                        sta     $a2
69bd: a9 08                        lda     #$08
69bf: 85 a3                        sta     $a3
69c1: a9 08                        lda     #$08
69c3: 85 35                        sta     $35
69c5: 4c 42 66                     jmp     L6642

69c8: a9 80                        lda     #$80
69ca: 20 b9 94                     jsr     PrintFlightHud?
69cd: a9 07                        lda     #$07
69cf: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
69d1: a9 be                        lda     #$be              ;"Short Range Chart"
69d3: 20 a6 4e                     jsr     PrintFlightTokLine
69d6: 20 c0 66                     jsr     L66C0
69d9: 20 60 69                     jsr     L6960
69dc: 20 93 6a                     jsr     L6A93
69df: a9 00                        lda     #$00
69e1: 85 c1                        sta     $c1
69e3: a2 18                        ldx     #$18
69e5: 95 0c        L69E5           sta     polyobj_xpos_lo,x
69e7: ca                           dex
69e8: 10 fb                        bpl     L69E5
69ea: a5 95        L69EA           lda     $95
69ec: 38                           sec
69ed: ed 90 02                     sbc     $0290
69f0: b0 04                        bcs     L69F6
69f2: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
69f4: 69 01                        adc     #$01
69f6: c9 1d        L69F6           cmp     #$1d
69f8: b0 63                        bcs     L6A5D
69fa: a5 93                        lda     $93
69fc: 38                           sec
69fd: ed 91 02                     sbc     $0291
6a00: b0 04                        bcs     L6A06
6a02: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
6a04: 69 01                        adc     #$01
6a06: c9 28        L6A06           cmp     #$28
6a08: b0 53                        bcs     L6A5D
6a0a: a5 95                        lda     $95
6a0c: 38                           sec
6a0d: ed 90 02                     sbc     $0290
6a10: 0a                           asl     A
6a11: 0a                           asl     A
6a12: 69 8c                        adc     #$8c
6a14: 20 c4 63                     jsr     L63C4
6a17: 85 74                        sta     $74
6a19: 4a                           lsr     A
6a1a: 4a                           lsr     A
6a1b: 4a                           lsr     A
6a1c: 18                           clc
6a1d: 69 01                        adc     #$01
6a1f: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
6a21: a5 93                        lda     $93
6a23: 38                           sec
6a24: ed 91 02                     sbc     $0291
6a27: 0a                           asl     A
6a28: 69 63                        adc     #$63
6a2a: 20 c4 63                     jsr     L63C4
6a2d: 85 46                        sta     $46
6a2f: 4a                           lsr     A
6a30: 4a                           lsr     A
6a31: 4a                           lsr     A
6a32: a8                           tay
6a33: b6 0c                        ldx     polyobj_xpos_lo,y
6a35: f0 0b                        beq     L6A42
6a37: c8                           iny
6a38: b6 0c                        ldx     polyobj_xpos_lo,y
6a3a: f0 06                        beq     L6A42
6a3c: 88                           dey
6a3d: 88                           dey
6a3e: b6 0c                        ldx     polyobj_xpos_lo,y
6a40: d0 29                        bne     L6A6B
6a42: 84 36        L6A42           sty     text_vposn
6a44: c0 03                        cpy     #$03
6a46: 90 40                        bcc     L6A88
6a48: c0 11                        cpy     #$11
6a4a: b0 3c                        bcs     L6A88
6a4c: 98                           tya
6a4d: 48                           pha
6a4e: a5 95                        lda     $95
6a50: 20 f1 6a                     jsr     L6AF1
6a53: 68                           pla
6a54: a8                           tay
6a55: a5 df                        lda     $df
6a57: d0 2f                        bne     L6A88
6a59: a5 de                        lda     $de
6a5b: c9 46                        cmp     #$46
6a5d: b0 29        L6A5D           bcs     L6A88
6a5f: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
6a61: 99 0c 00                     sta     polyobj_xpos_lo,y
6a64: a9 80                        lda     #$80
6a66: 85 37                        sta     text_mod_flags
6a68: 20 af 70                     jsr     :PrintSelPlanet
6a6b: a9 00        L6A6B           lda     #$00
6a6d: 85 39                        sta     $39
6a6f: 85 47                        sta     $47
6a71: 85 7b                        sta     $7b
6a73: a5 74                        lda     $74
6a75: 85 38                        sta     $38
6a77: a5 97                        lda     $97
6a79: 29 01                        and     #$01
6a7b: 69 02                        adc     #$02
6a7d: 85 7a                        sta     $7a
6a7f: 20 28 74                     jsr     L7428
6a82: 20 7b 76                     jsr     L767B
6a85: 20 28 74                     jsr     L7428
6a88: 20 18 64     L6A88           jsr     L6418
6a8b: e6 c1                        inc     $c1
6a8d: f0 03                        beq     L6A92
6a8f: 4c ea 69                     jmp     L69EA

6a92: 60           L6A92           rts

6a93: a2 05        L6A93           ldx     #$05
6a95: bd 92 02     L6A95           lda     $0292,x
6a98: 95 92                        sta     $92,x
6a9a: ca                           dex
6a9b: 10 f8                        bpl     L6A95
6a9d: 60                           rts

6a9e: 20 93 6a     L6A9E           jsr     L6A93
6aa1: a0 7f                        ldy     #$7f
6aa3: 84 d0                        sty     $d0
6aa5: a9 00                        lda     #$00
6aa7: 85 ac                        sta     $ac
6aa9: a5 95        L6AA9           lda     $95
6aab: 38                           sec
6aac: e5 e0                        sbc     $e0
6aae: b0 04                        bcs     L6AB4
6ab0: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
6ab2: 69 01                        adc     #$01
6ab4: 4a           L6AB4           lsr     A
6ab5: 85 af                        sta     $af
6ab7: a5 93                        lda     $93
6ab9: 38                           sec
6aba: e5 e1                        sbc     $e1
6abc: b0 04                        bcs     L6AC2
6abe: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
6ac0: 69 01                        adc     #$01
6ac2: 4a           L6AC2           lsr     A
6ac3: 18                           clc
6ac4: 65 af                        adc     $af
6ac6: c5 d0                        cmp     $d0
6ac8: b0 0f                        bcs     L6AD9
6aca: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
6acc: a2 05                        ldx     #$05
6ace: b5 92        L6ACE           lda     $92,x
6ad0: 95 a1                        sta     $a1,x
6ad2: ca                           dex
6ad3: 10 f9                        bpl     L6ACE
6ad5: a5 ac                        lda     $ac
6ad7: 85 b4                        sta     $b4
6ad9: 20 18 64     L6AD9           jsr     L6418
6adc: e6 ac                        inc     $ac
6ade: d0 c9                        bne     L6AA9
6ae0: a2 05                        ldx     #$05
6ae2: b5 a1        L6AE2           lda     $a1,x
6ae4: 95 92                        sta     $92,x
6ae6: ca                           dex
6ae7: 10 f9                        bpl     L6AE2
6ae9: a5 93                        lda     $93
6aeb: 85 e1                        sta     $e1
6aed: a5 95                        lda     $95
6aef: 85 e0                        sta     $e0
6af1: 38           L6AF1           sec
6af2: ed 90 02                     sbc     $0290
6af5: b0 04                        bcs     L6AFB
6af7: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
6af9: 69 01                        adc     #$01
6afb: 20 32 5f     L6AFB           jsr     L5F32
6afe: 85 7b                        sta     $7b
6b00: a5 31                        lda     $31
6b02: 85 7a                        sta     $7a
6b04: a5 93                        lda     $93
6b06: 38                           sec
6b07: ed 91 02                     sbc     $0291
6b0a: b0 04                        bcs     L6B10
6b0c: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
6b0e: 69 01                        adc     #$01
6b10: 4a           L6B10           lsr     A
6b11: 20 32 5f                     jsr     L5F32
6b14: 48                           pha
6b15: a5 31                        lda     $31
6b17: 18                           clc
6b18: 65 7a                        adc     $7a
6b1a: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
6b1c: 68                           pla
6b1d: 65 7b                        adc     $7b
6b1f: 90 02                        bcc     L6B23
6b21: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
6b23: 85 ae        L6B23           sta     $ae
6b25: 20 45 87                     jsr     TwoByteSqrt
6b28: a5 ad                        lda     $ad
6b2a: 0a                           asl     A
6b2b: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
6b2d: 86 df                        stx     $df
6b2f: 26 df                        rol     $df
6b31: 0a                           asl     A
6b32: 26 df                        rol     $df
6b34: 85 de                        sta     $de
6b36: 4c 79 65                     jmp     L6579

6b39: 20 1e a2     L6B39           jsr     ClearLines?
6b3c: a9 0f                        lda     #$0f
6b3e: 20 08 64                     jsr     L6408
6b41: a9 cd                        lda     #$cd
6b43: 4c 6e 4b                     jmp     PrintDockedStr

6b46: a5 ba        L6B46           lda     docked_flag
6b48: d0 ef                        bne     L6B39
6b4a: a5 69                        lda     $69
6b4c: f0 01                        beq     L6B4F
6b4e: 60                           rts

6b4f: a5 80        L6B4F           lda     input_raw_key
6b51: c9 47                        cmp     #$47
6b53: f0 5a                        beq     L6BAF
6b55: a5 b3                        lda     displayed_screen
6b57: f0 50                        beq     L6BA9
6b59: 29 c0                        and     #$c0
6b5b: d0 01                        bne     L6B5E
6b5d: 60                           rts

6b5e: 20 5b 70     L6B5E           jsr     L705B
6b61: a5 de        L6B61           lda     $de
6b63: 05 df                        ora     $df
6b65: d0 01                        bne     L6B68
6b67: 60                           rts

6b68: a2 05        L6B68           ldx     #$05
6b6a: b5 92        L6B6A           lda     $92,x
6b6c: 9d fb 02                     sta     $02fb,x
6b6f: ca                           dex
6b70: 10 f8                        bpl     L6B6A
6b72: a9 07                        lda     #$07
6b74: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
6b76: a9 16                        lda     #$16
6b78: a4 cd                        ldy     display_mode_flag
6b7a: 30 02                        bmi     L6B7E
6b7c: a9 10                        lda     #$10
6b7e: 85 36        L6B7E           sta     text_vposn
6b80: a9 00                        lda     #$00
6b82: 85 37                        sta     text_mod_flags
6b84: a9 bd                        lda     #$bd              ;"Hyperspace"
6b86: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
6b89: a5 df                        lda     $df
6b8b: d0 07                        bne     L6B94
6b8d: ad 9c 02                     lda     player_fuel
6b90: c5 de                        cmp     $de
6b92: b0 03                        bcs     L6B97
6b94: 4c 19 6c     L6B94           jmp     PrintRangeQu

6b97: a9 2d        L6B97           lda     #$2d              ;"-"
6b99: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
6b9c: 20 af 70                     jsr     :PrintSelPlanet
6b9f: a9 0f                        lda     #$0f
6ba1: 85 69        L6BA1           sta     $69
6ba3: 85 68                        sta     $68
6ba5: aa                           tax
6ba6: 4c 03 6c                     jmp     L6C03

6ba9: 20 9e 6a     L6BA9           jsr     L6A9E
6bac: 4c 61 6b                     jmp     L6B61

6baf: ae bc 02     L6BAF           ldx     have_galactic_hyper
6bb2: f0 24                        beq     L6BD8
6bb4: e8                           inx
6bb5: 8e bc 02                     stx     have_galactic_hyper
6bb8: 8e c3 02                     stx     player_fug_inno
6bbb: a9 02                        lda     #$02
6bbd: 20 a1 6b                     jsr     L6BA1
6bc0: a2 05                        ldx     #$05
6bc2: ee 9e 02                     inc     ship_state2?
6bc5: ad 9e 02                     lda     ship_state2?
6bc8: 29 f7                        and     #$f7
6bca: 8d 9e 02                     sta     ship_state2?
6bcd: bd 92 02     L6BCD           lda     $0292,x
6bd0: 0a                           asl     A
6bd1: 3e 92 02                     rol     $0292,x
6bd4: ca                           dex
6bd5: 10 f6                        bpl     L6BCD
6bd7: a9                           lda ▼   #$60
6bd8: 60           L6BD8           rts

6bd9: 85 e0                        sta     $e0
6bdb: 85 e1                        sta     $e1
6bdd: 20 f2 6d                     jsr     LaunchOrLook
6be0: 20 9e 6a                     jsr     L6A9E
6be3: a2 05                        ldx     #$05
6be5: b5 92        L6BE5           lda     $92,x
6be7: 9d fb 02                     sta     $02fb,x
6bea: ca                           dex
6beb: 10 f8                        bpl     L6BE5
6bed: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
6bef: 86 de                        stx     $de
6bf1: 86 df                        stx     $df
6bf3: a9 74                        lda     #$74              ;"Galactic Hyperspace"
6bf5: 20 05 85                     jsr     PrintMessageBriefly
6bf8: a5 e0        L6BF8           lda     $e0
6bfa: 8d 90 02                     sta     $0290
6bfd: a5 e1                        lda     $e1
6bff: 8d 91 02                     sta     $0291
6c02: 60                           rts

6c03: a9 01        L6C03           lda     #$01
6c05: 20 08 64                     jsr     L6408
6c08: 20 0b 64                     jsr     L640B
6c0b: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
6c0d: 18                           clc
6c0e: a9 03                        lda     #$03
6c10: 4c 68 54                     jmp     L5468

6c13: 18           L6C13           clc
6c14: a9 05        Print4XloYhi    lda     #$05
6c16: 4c 68 54                     jmp     L5468

6c19: a9 ca        PrintRangeQu    lda     #$ca              ;"Range"
6c1b: 20 44 71     PrintTokQu      jsr     PrintFlightToken
6c1e: a9 3f                        lda     #$3f              ;"?"
6c20: 4c 44 71                     jmp     PrintFlightToken

6c23: 68           L6C23           pla
6c24: 60                           rts

6c25: 48           L6C25           pha
6c26: 85 a5                        sta     $a5
6c28: 0a                           asl     A
6c29: 0a                           asl     A
6c2a: 85 a1                        sta     $a1
6c2c: ad 6e 02                     lda     witch_space_flag
6c2f: d0 f2                        bne     L6C23
6c31: a9 01                        lda     #$01
6c33: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
6c35: 68                           pla
6c36: 69 d0                        adc     #$d0              ;Food, Textiles, Radioactives, ...
6c38: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
6c3b: a9 0e                        lda     #$0e
6c3d: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
6c3f: a6 a1                        ldx     $a1
6c41: bd 9c 85                     lda     MarketData+1,x
6c44: 85 a2                        sta     $a2
6c46: ad d5 02                     lda     kill_score-1
6c49: 3d 9e 85                     and     MarketData+3,x
6c4c: 18                           clc
6c4d: 7d 9b 85                     adc     MarketData,x
6c50: 8d ed 02                     sta     $02ed
6c53: 20 94 6c                     jsr     L6C94
6c56: 20 f1 6c                     jsr     L6CF1
6c59: a5 a2                        lda     $a2
6c5b: 30 08                        bmi     L6C65
6c5d: ad ed 02                     lda     $02ed
6c60: 65 a4                        adc     $a4
6c62: 4c 6b 6c                     jmp     L6C6B

6c65: ad ed 02     L6C65           lda     $02ed
6c68: 38                           sec
6c69: e5 a4                        sbc     $a4
6c6b: 8d ed 02     L6C6B           sta     $02ed
6c6e: 85 31                        sta     $31
6c70: a9 00                        lda     #$00
6c72: 20 7b 6e                     jsr     L6E7B
6c75: 38                           sec
6c76: 20 14 6c                     jsr     Print4XloYhi
6c79: a4 a5                        ldy     $a5
6c7b: a9 05                        lda     #$05
6c7d: be c4 02                     ldx     $02c4,y
6c80: 8e ee 02                     stx     $02ee
6c83: 18                           clc
6c84: f0 06                        beq     L6C8C
6c86: 20 66 54                     jsr     L5466
6c89: 4c 94 6c                     jmp     L6C94

6c8c: a9 19        L6C8C           lda     #$19
6c8e: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
6c90: a9 2d                        lda     #$2d
6c92: d0 0f                        bne     L6CA3

6c94: a5 a2        L6C94           lda     $a2
6c96: 29 60                        and     #$60
6c98: f0 0c                        beq     L6CA6
6c9a: c9 20                        cmp     #$20
6c9c: f0 0f                        beq     L6CAD
6c9e: 20 b2 6c                     jsr     L6CB2
6ca1: a9 20        PrintSpace      lda     #$20              ;" "
6ca3: 4c 44 71     L6CA3           jmp     PrintFlightToken

6ca6: a9 74        L6CA6           lda     #$74
6ca8: 20 33 55                     jsr     PrintChar
6cab: 90 f4                        bcc     PrintSpace
6cad: a9 6b        L6CAD           lda     #$6b
6caf: 20 33 55                     jsr     PrintChar
6cb2: a9 67        L6CB2           lda     #$67
6cb4: 4c 33 55                     jmp     PrintChar

6cb7: a9 11        L6CB7           lda     #$11
6cb9: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
6cbb: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
6cbd: d0 e4                        bne     L6CA3

6cbf: a9 10                        lda     #$10
6cc1: 20 11 64                     jsr     L6411
6cc4: a9 05                        lda     #$05
6cc6: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
6cc8: a9 a7                        lda     #$a7              ;"[cur-planet] Market Prices"
6cca: 20 a6 4e                     jsr     PrintFlightTokLine
6ccd: a9 03                        lda     #$03
6ccf: 85 36                        sta     text_vposn
6cd1: 20 b7 6c                     jsr     L6CB7
6cd4: a9 06                        lda     #$06
6cd6: 85 36                        sta     text_vposn
6cd8: a9 00                        lda     #$00
6cda: 8d f0 02                     sta     $02f0
6cdd: a2 80        L6CDD           ldx     #$80
6cdf: 86 37                        stx     text_mod_flags
6ce1: 20 25 6c                     jsr     L6C25
6ce4: e6 36                        inc     text_vposn
6ce6: ee f0 02                     inc     $02f0
6ce9: ad f0 02                     lda     $02f0
6cec: c9 11                        cmp     #$11
6cee: 90 ed                        bcc     L6CDD
6cf0: 60                           rts

6cf1: a5 a2        L6CF1           lda     $a2
6cf3: 29 1f                        and     #$1f
6cf5: ac ef 02                     ldy     $02ef
6cf8: 85 a3                        sta     $a3
6cfa: 18                           clc
6cfb: a9 00                        lda     #$00
6cfd: 8d d4 02                     sta     $02d4
6d00: 88           L6D00           dey
6d01: 30 05                        bmi     L6D08
6d03: 65 a3                        adc     $a3
6d05: 4c 00 6d                     jmp     L6D00

6d08: 85 a4        L6D08           sta     $a4
6d0a: 60                           rts

6d0b: 20                           .dd1    $20
6d0c: 9e                           .dd1    $9e
6d0d: 6a                           .dd1    $6a

6d0e: 20 f8 6b     L6D0E           jsr     L6BF8
6d11: a2 05                        ldx     #$05
6d13: bd fb 02     L6D13           lda     $02fb,x
6d16: 9d f5 02                     sta     $02f5,x
6d19: ca                           dex
6d1a: 10 f7                        bpl     L6D13
6d1c: e8                           inx
6d1d: 8e 76 02                     stx     PLAYER_STATE?+53
6d20: a5 d7                        lda     $d7
6d22: 8d ef 02                     sta     $02ef
6d25: a5 d9                        lda     $d9
6d27: 8d f2 02                     sta     $02f2
6d2a: a5 d8                        lda     $d8
6d2c: 8d f1 02                     sta     $02f1
6d2f: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
6d32: 8d d5 02                     sta     kill_score-1
6d35: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
6d37: 86 c0                        stx     $c0
6d39: bd 9c 85     L6D39           lda     MarketData+1,x
6d3c: 85 a2                        sta     $a2
6d3e: 20 f1 6c                     jsr     L6CF1
6d41: bd 9e 85                     lda     MarketData+3,x
6d44: 2d d5 02                     and     kill_score-1
6d47: 18                           clc
6d48: 7d 9d 85                     adc     MarketData+2,x
6d4b: a4 a2                        ldy     $a2
6d4d: 30 06                        bmi     L6D55
6d4f: 38                           sec
6d50: e5 a4                        sbc     $a4
6d52: 4c 58 6d                     jmp     L6D58

6d55: 18           L6D55           clc
6d56: 65 a4                        adc     $a4
6d58: 10 02        L6D58           bpl     L6D5C
6d5a: a9 00                        lda     #$00
6d5c: a4 c0        L6D5C           ldy     $c0
6d5e: 29 3f                        and     #$3f
6d60: 99 c4 02                     sta     $02c4,y
6d63: c8                           iny
6d64: 98                           tya
6d65: 85 c0                        sta     $c0
6d67: 0a                           asl     A
6d68: 0a                           asl     A
6d69: aa                           tax
6d6a: c9 3f                        cmp     #$3f
6d6c: 90 cb                        bcc     L6D39
6d6e: 60                           rts

6d6f: 20 5a 7b     L6D6F           jsr     L7B5A
6d72: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
6d74: 85 2c                        sta     polyobj_attack
6d76: a9 1d                        lda     #$1d
6d78: 20 45 75                     jsr     L7545
6d7b: a9 1e                        lda     #$1e
6d7d: 4c 45 75                     jmp     L7545

6d80: 4e 9d 02     L6D80           lsr     ship_state1?
6d83: 38                           sec
6d84: 2e 9d 02                     rol     ship_state1?
6d87: a9 03        L6D87           lda     #$03
6d89: 20 b9 94                     jsr     PrintFlightHud?
6d8c: 20 29 5d                     jsr     L5D29
6d8f: 20 c4 7a                     jsr     RES2
6d92: 8c 6e 02                     sty     witch_space_flag
6d95: 20 6f 6d     L6D95           jsr     L6D6F
6d98: a9 02                        lda     #$02
6d9a: cd 67 02                     cmp     PLAYER_STATE?+38
6d9d: b0 f6                        bcs     L6D95
6d9f: 85 e2                        sta     $e2
6da1: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
6da3: 20 5e 94                     jsr     SetViewDirection
6da6: ad 91 02                     lda     $0291
6da9: 49 1f                        eor     #$1f
6dab: 8d 91 02                     sta     $0291
6dae: 60                           rts

6daf: 60           L6DAF           rts

6db0: ad 9c 02     L6DB0           lda     player_fuel
6db3: 38                           sec
6db4: e5 de                        sbc     $de
6db6: b0 02                        bcs     L6DBA
6db8: a9 00                        lda     #$00
6dba: 8d 9c 02     L6DBA           sta     player_fuel
6dbd: a5 b3                        lda     displayed_screen
6dbf: d0 06                        bne     L6DC7
6dc1: 20 b9 94                     jsr     PrintFlightHud?
6dc4: 20 29 5d                     jsr     L5D29
6dc7: 20 1f 83     L6DC7           jsr     CheckForInput
6dca: c9 09                        cmp     #$09
6dcc: d0 05                        bne     L6DD3
6dce: ad 5a 45                     lda     ptb_pausecmd_x?
6dd1: 30 ad                        bmi     L6D80
6dd3: 20 7c 7b     L6DD3           jsr     GetRandom
6dd6: c9 fd                        cmp     #$fd
6dd8: b0 ad                        bcs     L6D87
6dda: 20 0e 6d                     jsr     L6D0E
6ddd: 20 c4 7a                     jsr     RES2
6de0: 20 79 73                     jsr     L7379
6de3: a5 b3                        lda     displayed_screen
6de5: 29 3f                        and     #$3f
6de7: d0 c6                        bne     L6DAF
6de9: 20 bb 94                     jsr     L94BB
6dec: a5 b3                        lda     displayed_screen
6dee: d0 38                        bne     L6E28
6df0: e6 b3                        inc     displayed_screen
6df2: a6 ba        LaunchOrLook    ldx     docked_flag       ;are we docked?
6df4: f0 2b                        beq     :SetFrontView     ;no, branch
6df6: 20 41 5d                     jsr     DrawOctagonRings  ;launch from dock
6df9: 20 c4 7a                     jsr     RES2
6dfc: 20 9e 6a                     jsr     L6A9E
6dff: e6 14                        inc     polyobj_zpos_hi
6e01: 20 66 73                     jsr     L7366
6e04: a9 80                        lda     #$80
6e06: 85 14                        sta     polyobj_zpos_hi
6e08: e6 13                        inc     polyobj_zpos_mi
6e0a: 20 fe 74                     jsr     L74FE
6e0d: a9 0c                        lda     #$0c
6e0f: 85 a9                        sta     player_speed
6e11: 20 07 7e                     jsr     CountIllegalCargo
6e14: 0d c3 02                     ora     player_fug_inno
6e17: 8d c3 02                     sta     player_fug_inno
6e1a: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
6e1c: 85 b3                        sta     displayed_screen
6e1e: 20 58 5d                     jsr     L5D58
6e21: a2 00        :SetFrontView   ldx     #$00              ;clear docked flag
6e23: 86 ba                        stx     docked_flag
6e25: 4c 5e 94                     jmp     SetViewDirection  ;set view to forward

6e28: 30 03        L6E28           bmi     L6E2D
6e2a: 4c d9 65                     jmp     GalacticChartScreen

6e2d: 4c c8 69     L6E2D           jmp     LocalChartScreen

                   ; Subtract credits from player's account.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   X-reg: low part
                   ;   Y-reg: high part
6e30: 86 06        SubCredits      stx     $06
6e32: ad 9b 02                     lda     player_credits+3
6e35: 38                           sec
6e36: e5 06                        sbc     $06
6e38: 8d 9b 02                     sta     player_credits+3
6e3b: 84 06                        sty     $06
6e3d: ad 9a 02                     lda     player_credits+2
6e40: e5 06                        sbc     $06
6e42: 8d 9a 02                     sta     player_credits+2
6e45: ad 99 02                     lda     player_credits+1
6e48: e9 00                        sbc     #$00
6e4a: 8d 99 02                     sta     player_credits+1
6e4d: ad 98 02                     lda     player_credits
6e50: e9 00                        sbc     #$00
6e52: 8d 98 02                     sta     player_credits
6e55: b0 20                        bcs     :Return           ;always?
                   ; Add credits to player's account.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   X-reg: low part
                   ;   Y-reg: high part
6e57: 8a           AddCredits      txa
6e58: 18                           clc
6e59: 6d 9b 02                     adc     player_credits+3
6e5c: 8d 9b 02                     sta     player_credits+3
6e5f: 98                           tya
6e60: 6d 9a 02                     adc     player_credits+2
6e63: 8d 9a 02                     sta     player_credits+2
6e66: ad 99 02                     lda     player_credits+1
6e69: 69 00                        adc     #$00
6e6b: 8d 99 02                     sta     player_credits+1
6e6e: ad 98 02                     lda     player_credits
6e71: 69 00                        adc     #$00
6e73: 8d 98 02                     sta     player_credits
6e76: 18                           clc
6e77: 60           :Return         rts

6e78: 20 45 5f     L6E78           jsr     L5F45
6e7b: 06 31        L6E7B           asl     $31
6e7d: 2a                           rol     A
6e7e: 06 31                        asl     $31
6e80: 2a                           rol     A
6e81: a8                           tay
6e82: a6 31                        ldx     $31
6e84: 60                           rts

6e85: 4c 2d 7f     L6E85           jmp     L7F2D

6e88: a9 20        DockEquipShip   lda     #$20
6e8a: 20 11 64                     jsr     L6411
6e8d: a9 0c                        lda     #$0c
6e8f: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
6e91: a9 cf                        lda     #$cf
6e93: 20 73 64                     jsr     PrintTokSpc
6e96: a9 b9                        lda     #$b9              ;"Ship"
6e98: 20 a6 4e                     jsr     PrintFlightTokLine
6e9b: a9 80                        lda     #$80
6e9d: 85 37                        sta     text_mod_flags
6e9f: 20 0e 64                     jsr     IncTextVposn
6ea2: ad f2 02                     lda     $02f2
6ea5: 18                           clc
6ea6: 69 03                        adc     #$03
6ea8: c9 0c                        cmp     #$0c
6eaa: 90 02                        bcc     L6EAE
6eac: a9 0e                        lda     #$0e
6eae: 85 ad        L6EAE           sta     $ad
6eb0: 8d ee 02                     sta     $02ee
6eb3: e6 ad                        inc     $ad
6eb5: a9 46                        lda     #$46
6eb7: 38                           sec
6eb8: ed 9c 02                     sbc     player_fuel
6ebb: 0a                           asl     A
6ebc: 8d 93 70                     sta     equip_prices
6ebf: a2 01                        ldx     #$01
6ec1: 86 b5        L6EC1           stx     $b5
6ec3: 20 66 64                     jsr     PrintFF
6ec6: a6 b5                        ldx     $b5
6ec8: 18                           clc
6ec9: 20 64 54                     jsr     PrintNumInX?
6ecc: 20 a1 6c                     jsr     PrintSpace
6ecf: a5 b5                        lda     $b5
6ed1: 18                           clc
6ed2: 69 68                        adc     #$68              ;Beam Laser, Fuel, Missile, ...
6ed4: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
6ed7: a5 b5                        lda     $b5
6ed9: 20 08 70                     jsr     L7008
6edc: 38                           sec
6edd: a9 19                        lda     #$19
6edf: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
6ee1: a9 06                        lda     #$06
6ee3: 20 68 54                     jsr     L5468
6ee6: a6 b5                        ldx     $b5
6ee8: e8                           inx
6ee9: e4 ad                        cpx     $ad
6eeb: 90 d4                        bcc     L6EC1
6eed: 20 1e a2                     jsr     ClearLines?
6ef0: a9 7f                        lda     #$7f
6ef2: 20 1b 6c                     jsr     PrintTokQu
6ef5: 20 b5 67                     jsr     L67B5
6ef8: f0 8b                        beq     L6E85
6efa: b0 89                        bcs     L6E85
6efc: e9 00                        sbc     #$00
6efe: 48                           pha
6eff: a9 02                        lda     #$02
6f01: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
6f03: e6 36                        inc     text_vposn
6f05: 68                           pla
6f06: 48                           pha
6f07: 20 f8 6f                     jsr     L6FF8
6f0a: 68                           pla
6f0b: d0 05                        bne     :NotFuel
6f0d: a2 46                        ldx     #$46              ;A-reg=0 -> fuel
6f0f: 8e 9c 02                     stx     player_fuel
6f12: c9 01        :NotFuel        cmp     #$01              ;missile?
6f14: d0 12                        bne     :NotMissile
6f16: ae c2 02                     ldx     missile_armed_flag?
6f19: e8                           inx
6f1a: a0 7c                        ldy     #$7c
6f1c: e0 05                        cpx     #$05
6f1e: b0 4a                        bcs     L6F6A
6f20: 8e c2 02                     stx     missile_armed_flag?
6f23: 20 29 7b                     jsr     L7B29
6f26: a9 01                        lda     #$01
6f28: a0 6b        :NotMissile     ldy     #$6b
6f2a: c9 02                        cmp     #$02              ;large cargo bay?
6f2c: d0 0a                        bne     :NotLCB
6f2e: a2 25                        ldx     #$25
6f30: ec a5 02                     cpx     cargo_capacity?
6f33: f0 35                        beq     L6F6A
6f35: 8e a5 02                     stx     cargo_capacity?
6f38: c9 03        :NotLCB         cmp     #$03              ;ECM system?
6f3a: d0 09                        bne     :NotEcm
6f3c: c8                           iny
6f3d: ae b7 02                     ldx     have_ecm
6f40: d0 28                        bne     L6F6A
6f42: ce b7 02                     dec     have_ecm
6f45: c9 04        :NotEcm         cmp     #$04              ;extra pulse lasers?
6f47: d0 0a                        bne     :NotPulse
6f49: 20 15 70                     jsr     PrintLaserInfo?
6f4c: a9 0f                        lda     #$0f
6f4e: 20 67 70                     jsr     L7067
6f51: a9 04                        lda     #$04
6f53: c9 05        :NotPulse       cmp     #$05              ;extra beam lasers?
6f55: d0 08                        bne     :NotBeam
6f57: 20 15 70                     jsr     PrintLaserInfo?
6f5a: a9 8f                        lda     #$8f
6f5c: 20 67 70                     jsr     L7067
6f5f: a0 6f        :NotBeam        ldy     #$6f
6f61: c9 06                        cmp     #$06              ;fuel scoops?
6f63: d0 20                        bne     :NotScoop
6f65: ae b8 02                     ldx     have_fuel_scoop
6f68: f0 18                        beq     L6F82
6f6a: 84 7a        L6F6A           sty     $7a
6f6c: 20 0b 70                     jsr     L700B
6f6f: 20 57 6e                     jsr     AddCredits
6f72: a5 7a                        lda     $7a
6f74: 20 73 64                     jsr     PrintTokSpc
6f77: a9 1f                        lda     #$1f              ;"Present"
6f79: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
6f7c: 20 f0 6f     L6F7C           jsr     L6FF0
6f7f: 4c 2d 7f                     jmp     L7F2D

6f82: ce b8 02     L6F82           dec     have_fuel_scoop
6f85: c8           :NotScoop       iny
6f86: c9 07                        cmp     #$07              ;escape pod?
6f88: d0 08                        bne     :NotEscape
6f8a: ae bd 02                     ldx     have_escape_pod
6f8d: d0 db                        bne     L6F6A
6f8f: ce bd 02                     dec     have_escape_pod
6f92: c8           :NotEscape      iny
6f93: c9 08                        cmp     #$08              ;energy bomb?
6f95: d0 0a                        bne     :NotBomb
6f97: ae b9 02                     ldx     have_energy_bomb
6f9a: d0 ce                        bne     L6F6A
6f9c: a2 7f                        ldx     #$7f
6f9e: 8e b9 02                     stx     have_energy_bomb
6fa1: c8           :NotBomb        iny
6fa2: c9 09                        cmp     #$09              ;energy unit?
6fa4: d0 08                        bne     :NotEnergy
6fa6: ae ba 02                     ldx     have_energy_unit
6fa9: d0 bf                        bne     L6F6A
6fab: ee ba 02                     inc     have_energy_unit
6fae: c8           :NotEnergy      iny
6faf: c9 0a                        cmp     #$0a              ;docking computer?
6fb1: d0 08                        bne     :NotDockComp
6fb3: ae bb 02                     ldx     have_docking_comp
6fb6: d0 b2                        bne     L6F6A
6fb8: ce bb 02                     dec     have_docking_comp
6fbb: c8           :NotDockComp    iny
6fbc: c9 0b                        cmp     #$0b              ;galactic hyperspace?
6fbe: d0 08                        bne     :NotGalHyper
6fc0: ae bc 02                     ldx     have_galactic_hyper
6fc3: d0 a5                        bne     L6F6A
6fc5: ce bc 02                     dec     have_galactic_hyper
6fc8: c8           :NotGalHyper    iny
6fc9: c9 0c                        cmp     #$0c              ;military laser?
6fcb: d0 08                        bne     L6FD5
6fcd: 20 15 70                     jsr     PrintLaserInfo?
6fd0: a9 97                        lda     #$97
6fd2: 20 67 70                     jsr     L7067
6fd5: c8           L6FD5           iny
6fd6: c9 0d                        cmp     #$0d              ;mining laser?
6fd8: d0 08                        bne     L6FE2
6fda: 20 15 70                     jsr     PrintLaserInfo?
6fdd: a9 32                        lda     #$32
6fdf: 20 67 70                     jsr     L7067
6fe2: 20 e8 6f     L6FE2           jsr     L6FE8
6fe5: 4c 88 6e                     jmp     DockEquipShip

6fe8: 20 a1 6c     L6FE8           jsr     PrintSpace
6feb: a9 77                        lda     #$77              ;"Cash: $$$$$$.0 Cr"
6fed: 20 73 64                     jsr     PrintTokSpc
6ff0: 20 52 95     L6FF0           jsr     Noise1?
6ff3: a0 19                        ldy     #$19
6ff5: 4c 96 63                     jmp     LongDelay

6ff8: 20 0b 70     L6FF8           jsr     L700B
6ffb: 20 30 6e                     jsr     SubCredits
6ffe: b0 14                        bcs     L7014
7000: a9 c5                        lda     #$c5              ;"Cash"
7002: 20 1b 6c                     jsr     PrintTokQu
7005: 4c 7c 6f                     jmp     L6F7C

7008: 38           L7008           sec
7009: e9 01                        sbc     #$01
700b: 0a           L700B           asl     A
700c: a8                           tay
700d: be 93 70                     ldx     equip_prices,y
7010: b9 94 70                     lda     equip_prices+1,y
7013: a8                           tay
7014: 60           L7014           rts

7015: ad f2 02     PrintLaserInfo? lda     $02f2
7018: c9 08                        cmp     #$08
701a: 90 05                        bcc     L7021
701c: a9 20                        lda     #$20
701e: 20 b9 94                     jsr     PrintFlightHud?
7021: a9 10        L7021           lda     #$10
7023: a8                           tay
7024: 85 36                        sta     text_vposn
7026: a9 0c        L7026           lda     #$0c
7028: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
702a: 98                           tya
702b: 18                           clc
702c: 69 20                        adc     #$20
702e: 20 73 64                     jsr     PrintTokSpc
7031: a5 36                        lda     text_vposn
7033: 18                           clc
7034: 69 50                        adc     #$50              ;P, Q, R, ...
7036: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
7039: e6 36                        inc     text_vposn
703b: a4 36                        ldy     text_vposn
703d: c0 14                        cpy     #$14
703f: 90 e5                        bcc     L7026
7041: 20 1e a2                     jsr     ClearLines?
7044: a9 af        L7044           lda     #$af              ;"View"
7046: 20 1b 6c                     jsr     PrintTokQu
7049: 20 e5 84                     jsr     GetInput1?
704c: 38                           sec
704d: e9 30                        sbc     #$30
704f: c9 04                        cmp     #$04
7051: 90 06                        bcc     L7059
7053: 20 1e a2                     jsr     ClearLines?
7056: 4c 44 70                     jmp     L7044

7059: aa           L7059           tax
705a: 60                           rts

705b: 20 60 69     L705B           jsr     L6960
705e: 20 9e 6a                     jsr     L6A9E
7061: 20 60 69                     jsr     L6960
7064: 4c 1e a2                     jmp     ClearLines?

7067: 85 06        L7067           sta     $06
7069: bd 9f 02                     lda     $029f,x
706c: f0 1f                        beq     L708D
706e: a0 04                        ldy     #$04
7070: c9 0f                        cmp     #$0f
7072: f0 0e                        beq     L7082
7074: a0 05                        ldy     #$05
7076: c9 8f                        cmp     #$8f
7078: f0 08                        beq     L7082
707a: a0 0c                        ldy     #$0c
707c: c9 97                        cmp     #$97
707e: f0 02                        beq     L7082
7080: a0 0d                        ldy     #$0d
7082: 86 b4        L7082           stx     $b4
7084: 98                           tya
7085: 20 0b 70                     jsr     L700B
7088: 20 57 6e                     jsr     AddCredits
708b: a6 b4                        ldx     $b4
708d: a5 06        L708D           lda     $06
708f: 9d 9f 02                     sta     $029f,x
7092: 60                           rts

7093: 01 00        equip_prices    .dd2    1                 ;fuel (updated for quantity currently in ship)
7095: 2c 01                        .dd2    300               ;Missile (30.0 Cr)
7097: a0 0f                        .dd2    4000              ;Large Cargo Bay (400.0 Cr)
7099: 70 17                        .dd2    6000              ;E.C.M. System
709b: a0 0f                        .dd2    4000              ;Pulse Laser
709d: 10 27                        .dd2    10000             ;Beam Laser
709f: 82 14                        .dd2    5250              ;Fuel Scoop
70a1: 10 27                        .dd2    10000             ;Escape Pod
70a3: 28 23                        .dd2    9000              ;Energy Bomb
70a5: 98 3a                        .dd2    15000             ;Energy Unit
70a7: 10 27                        .dd2    10000             ;Docking Computers
70a9: 50 c3                        .dd2    50000             ;Galactic Hyperdrive
70ab: 60 ea                        .dd2    60000             ;Military Laser
70ad: 40 1f                        .dd2    8000              ;Mining Laser

70af: a2 05        :PrintSelPlanet ldx     #$05
70b1: b5 92        L70B1           lda     $92,x
70b3: 95 a1                        sta     $a1,x
70b5: ca                           dex
70b6: 10 f9                        bpl     L70B1
70b8: a0 03                        ldy     #$03
70ba: 24 92                        bit     $92
70bc: 70 01                        bvs     L70BF
70be: 88                           dey
70bf: 84 d0        L70BF           sty     $d0
70c1: a5 97        L70C1           lda     $97
70c3: 29 1f                        and     #$1f
70c5: f0 05                        beq     L70CC
70c7: 09 80                        ora     #$80
70c9: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
70cc: 20 1e 64     L70CC           jsr     L641E
70cf: c6 d0                        dec     $d0
70d1: 10 ee                        bpl     L70C1
70d3: a2 05                        ldx     #$05
70d5: b5 a1        L70D5           lda     $a1,x
70d7: 95 92                        sta     $92,x
70d9: ca                           dex
70da: 10 f9                        bpl     L70D5
70dc: 60                           rts

70dd: a0 00        :PrintCmdrName  ldy     #$00
70df: b9 87 02     L70DF           lda     $0287,y
70e2: c9 0d                        cmp     #$0d
70e4: f0 06                        beq     L70EC
70e6: 20 33 55                     jsr     PrintChar
70e9: c8                           iny
70ea: d0 f3                        bne     L70DF
70ec: 60           L70EC           rts

70ed: 2c 6e 02     :PrintCurPlanet bit     witch_space_flag
70f0: 30 15                        bmi     L7107
70f2: 20 f8 70                     jsr     L70F8
70f5: 20 af 70                     jsr     :PrintSelPlanet
70f8: a2 05        L70F8           ldx     #$05
70fa: b5 92        L70FA           lda     $92,x
70fc: bc f5 02                     ldy     $02f5,x
70ff: 9d f5 02                     sta     $02f5,x
7102: 94 92                        sty     $92,x
7104: ca                           dex
7105: 10 f3                        bpl     L70FA
7107: 60           L7107           rts

7108: 18           :PrintGalNum    clc
7109: ae 9e 02                     ldx     ship_state2?
710c: e8                           inx
710d: 4c 64 54                     jmp     PrintNumInX?

7110: a9 69        :PrintFuelCash  lda     #$69              ;"Fuel"
7112: 20 3f 71                     jsr     PrintFlightTokCol ;":"
7115: ae 9c 02                     ldx     player_fuel
7118: 38                           sec
7119: 20 64 54                     jsr     PrintNumInX?
711c: a9 c3                        lda     #$c3              ;" Light Years"
711e: 20 39 71                     jsr     PrintTokFF
7121: a9 77                        lda     #$77              ;"Cash:" + account balance
7123: d0 1f                        bne     PrintFlightToken

7125: a2 03        :PrintCash      ldx     #$03
7127: bd 98 02     L7127           lda     player_credits,x
712a: 95 7a                        sta     $7a,x
712c: ca                           dex
712d: 10 f8                        bpl     L7127
712f: a9 09                        lda     #$09
7131: 85 ac                        sta     $ac
7133: 38                           sec
7134: 20 74 54                     jsr     PrintNumber?
7137: a9 e2                        lda     #$e2              ;" Cr"
7139: 20 44 71     PrintTokFF      jsr     PrintFlightToken
713c: 4c 66 64                     jmp     PrintFF

                   ; Prints a flight token, followed by a ':'.
713f: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
7142: a9 3a        PrintColon      lda     #‘:’
                   NOTE: C64 $777e (code_6A00.asm)
                   BBC .TT27 (flight code)
                   ; Prints a flight string token.  This can be a single letter, a variable, a
                   ; string expansion, or a meta command.
                   ; See also
                   ; Values:
                   ;   $00-0d: special values, e.g. current cash on hand
                   ;   $0e-1f: canned messages 128-145
                   ;   $20-5f: ASCII
                   ;   $60-7f: canned messages 96-127
                   ;   $80-9f: flight digram
                   ;   $a0-ff: canned messages 0-95
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   A-reg: token (already "decrypted")
7144: aa                           tax
7145: f0 de                        beq     :PrintCash        ;token=0: print account balance
7147: 30 75                        bmi     :PrintCanOrDigram ;token >= 128, branch
7149: ca                           dex
714a: f0 bc                        beq     :PrintGalNum      ;token=1: print galaxy number
714c: ca                           dex
714d: f0 9e                        beq     :PrintCurPlanet   ;token=2: print current planet name
714f: ca                           dex
7150: d0 03                        bne     :Not0123
7152: 4c af 70                     jmp     :PrintSelPlanet   ;token=3: print selected planet name

7155: ca           :Not0123        dex
7156: f0 85                        beq     :PrintCmdrName    ;token=4: commander name
7158: ca                           dex
7159: f0 b5                        beq     :PrintFuelCash    ;token=5: fuel, followed by cash
715b: ca                           dex
715c: d0 05                        bne     :Not456
715e: a9 80                        lda     #$80              ;token=6: set text flags to $80
7160: 85 37                        sta     text_mod_flags
7162: 60                           rts

7163: ca           :Not456         dex
7164: ca                           dex
7165: d0 03                        bne     :Not8
7167: 86 37                        stx     text_mod_flags    ;token=8: set text flags to $00
7169: 60                           rts

716a: ca           :Not8           dex
716b: f0 38                        beq     :PrintMidColon    ;token=9: hposn to col 21, output ':'
716d: c9 60                        cmp     #$60              ;original token >= $60?
716f: b0 67                        bcs     PrintCannedMsg    ;yes, print canned message
7171: c9 0e                        cmp     #$0e              ;< $0e (7/9/a/b/c/d)?
7173: 90 04                        bcc     :HandleLo         ;yes, print as text (bell, LF, CR, etc)
7175: c9 20                        cmp     #$20              ;< $20 ($0e-$1f)?
7177: 90 28                        bcc     :Handle0e_1f      ;yes, print as canned
7179: a6 37        :HandleLo       ldx     text_mod_flags    ;get the flags
717b: f0 3e                        beq     :DoPrint2         ;none set, print it
717d: 30 11                        bmi     L7190             ;high bit set
717f: 24 37                        bit     text_mod_flags    ;check bit 6 (convert-to-lower)
7181: 70 31                        bvs     :PrintAndClear6   ;bit 7 clear, bit 6 set; print upper then clear bit 6
7183: c9 41        L7183           cmp     #‘A’              ;< 'A'?
7185: 90 06                        bcc     :DoPrint1
7187: c9 5b                        cmp     #‘[’              ;> 'Z'?
7189: b0 02                        bcs     :DoPrint1
718b: 69 20                        adc     #$20              ;convert to lower case
718d: 4c 33 55     :DoPrint1       jmp     PrintChar

7190: 24 37        L7190           bit     text_mod_flags
7192: 70 18                        bvs     :Bit76Set
7194: c9 41                        cmp     #‘A’              ;< 'A'?
7196: 90 23                        bcc     :DoPrint2         ;just print it
7198: 48                           pha
7199: 8a                           txa                       ;get text_mod_flags
719a: 09 40                        ora     #$40              ;set bit 6, so next char is lower case
719c: 85 37                        sta     text_mod_flags
719e: 68                           pla
719f: d0 ec                        bne     :DoPrint1         ;(always)
71a1: 69 72        :Handle0e_1f    adc     #$72              ;add $72 (now $80-91)
71a3: d0 33                        bne     PrintCannedMsg    ;(always)
71a5: a9 15        :PrintMidColon  lda     #21
71a7: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
71a9: 4c 42 71                     jmp     PrintColon

71ac: e0 ff        :Bit76Set       cpx     #$ff              ;both flags set; is it just $ff?
71ae: f0 63                        beq     :Done             ;yes, print nothing
71b0: c9 41                        cmp     #‘A’              ;>= 'A'?
71b2: b0 cf                        bcs     L7183             ;conv lower
71b4: 48           :PrintAndClear6 pha                       ;preserve A-reg
71b5: 8a                           txa                       ;get text_mod_flags
71b6: 29 bf                        and     #$bf              ;clear bit 6 in the text flags
71b8: 85 37                        sta     text_mod_flags
71ba: 68                           pla
71bb: 4c 33 55     :DoPrint2       jmp     PrintChar

71be: c9 a0                        cmp     #$a0              ;outside digram range?
71c0: b0 14                        bcs     :CannedStr        ;yes, it's a canned string
71c2: 29 7f                        and     #$7f              ;no, pull two chars out of digram table
71c4: 0a                           asl     A                 ; using token value -128 as index
71c5: a8                           tay
71c6: b9 40 4d                     lda     flight_digram_tab,y ;first char
71c9: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken  ;print (recursively)
71cc: b9 41 4d                     lda     flight_digram_tab+1,y ;second char
71cf: c9 3f                        cmp     #‘?’              ;one entry ends with '?'
71d1: f0 40                        beq     :Done             ;do nothing
71d3: 4c 44 71                     jmp     PrintFlightToken  ;print (tail recursion)

                   • Clear variables
                   ]data_ptr       .var    $5e    {addr/2}

71d6: e9 a0        :CannedStr      sbc     #$a0              ;reduce to canned message index
                   ; Prints a string from the canned flight message table.  The table is filled
                   ; with null-terminated strings, so we need to scan forward to find the one we
                   ; want.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   A-reg: message index
71d8: aa           PrintCannedMsg  tax                       ;save A-reg
71d9: a9 60                        lda     #<flight_text
71db: 85 5e                        sta     ]data_ptr
71dd: a9 0b                        lda     #>flight_text
71df: 85 5f                        sta     ]data_ptr+1
71e1: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
71e3: 8a                           txa                       ;restore A-reg
71e4: f0 13                        beq     :PrintStrLoop     ;special case entry 0
71e6: b1 5e        :ScanLoop       lda     (]data_ptr),y     ;get byte from compressed text
71e8: f0 07                        beq     :StringEnd        ;found zero terminator
71ea: c8                           iny                       ;advance ptr
71eb: d0 f9                        bne     :ScanLoop
71ed: e6 5f                        inc     ]data_ptr+1
71ef: d0 f5                        bne     :ScanLoop         ;(always)
71f1: c8           :StringEnd      iny                       ;advance string ptr
71f2: d0 02                        bne     :NoInc
71f4: e6 5f                        inc     ]data_ptr+1
71f6: ca           :NoInc          dex                       ;dec string index
71f7: d0 ed                        bne     :ScanLoop         ;haven't found the right one yet
71f9: 98           :PrintStrLoop   tya
71fa: 48                           pha                       ;save current data pointer
71fb: a5 5f                        lda     ]data_ptr+1
71fd: 48                           pha
71fe: b1 5e                        lda     (]data_ptr),y     ;get token
7200: 49 23                        eor     #EOR_FLIGHT       ;"decrypt" value
7202: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken  ;process it
7205: 68                           pla                       ;restore data ptr
7206: 85 5f                        sta     ]data_ptr+1
7208: 68                           pla
7209: a8                           tay
720a: c8                           iny                       ;advance to next char
720b: d0 02                        bne     :NoInc
720d: e6 5f                        inc     ]data_ptr+1
720f: b1 5e        :NoInc          lda     (]data_ptr),y     ;get next token
7211: d0 e6                        bne     :PrintStrLoop     ;if not end of string, loop
7213: 60           :Done           rts

7214: a2                           .dd1    $a2
7215: 39                           .dd1    $39
7216: b5                           .dd1    $b5
7217: 00                           .dd1    $00
7218: b4                           .dd1    $b4
7219: 00                           .dd1    $00
721a: 95                           .dd1    $95
721b: 00                           .dd1    $00
721c: 94                           .dd1    $94
721d: 00                           .dd1    $00
721e: e8                           .dd1    $e8
721f: d0                           .dd1    $d0
7220: f5                           .dd1    $f5
7221: 60                           .dd1    $60

7222: a5 2b        L7222           lda     polyobj_vis
7224: 09 a0                        ora     #$a0
7226: 85 2b                        sta     polyobj_vis
7228: 60                           rts

7229: a5 2b        DoExplosion?    lda     polyobj_vis
722b: 29 40                        and     #$40
722d: f0 03                        beq     L7232
722f: 20 8f 72                     jsr     L728F
7232: a5 12        L7232           lda     polyobj_zpos_lo
7234: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
7236: a5 13                        lda     polyobj_zpos_mi
7238: c9 20                        cmp     #$20
723a: 90 04                        bcc     L7240
723c: a9 fe                        lda     #$fe
723e: d0 08                        bne     L7248

7240: 06 d0        L7240           asl     $d0
7242: 2a                           rol     A
7243: 06 d0                        asl     $d0
7245: 2a                           rol     A
7246: 38                           sec
7247: 2a                           rol     A
7248: 85 ad        L7248           sta     $ad
724a: a0 01                        ldy     #$01
724c: b1 2d                        lda     (tmp_ptr2),y
724e: 8d 01 03                     sta     $0301
7251: 69 04                        adc     #$04
7253: b0 cd                        bcs     L7222
7255: 91 2d                        sta     (tmp_ptr2),y
7257: 20 ce 60                     jsr     L60CE
725a: a5 31                        lda     $31
725c: c9 1c                        cmp     #$1c
725e: 90 04                        bcc     L7264
7260: a9 fe                        lda     #$fe
7262: d0 09                        bne     L726D

7264: 06 ae        L7264           asl     $ae
7266: 2a                           rol     A
7267: 06 ae                        asl     $ae
7269: 2a                           rol     A
726a: 06 ae                        asl     $ae
726c: 2a                           rol     A
726d: 88           L726D           dey
726e: 91 2d                        sta     (tmp_ptr2),y
7270: a5 2b                        lda     polyobj_vis
7272: 29 bf                        and     #$bf
7274: 85 2b                        sta     polyobj_vis
7276: 29 08                        and     #$08
7278: f0 99                        beq     :Done
727a: a0 02                        ldy     #$02
727c: b1 2d                        lda     (tmp_ptr2),y
727e: a8                           tay
727f: b9 f9 00     L727F           lda     $00f9,y
7282: 91 2d                        sta     (tmp_ptr2),y
7284: 88                           dey
7285: c0 06                        cpy     #$06
7287: d0 f6                        bne     L727F
7289: a5 2b                        lda     polyobj_vis
728b: 09 40                        ora     #$40
728d: 85 2b                        sta     polyobj_vis
728f: a0 00        L728F           ldy     #$00
7291: b1 2d                        lda     (tmp_ptr2),y
7293: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
7295: c8                           iny
7296: b1 2d                        lda     (tmp_ptr2),y
7298: 10 02                        bpl     L729C
729a: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
729c: 4a           L729C           lsr     A
729d: 4a                           lsr     A
729e: 4a                           lsr     A
729f: 4a                           lsr     A
72a0: 09 01                        ora     #$01
72a2: 85 ac                        sta     $ac
72a4: c8                           iny
72a5: b1 2d                        lda     (tmp_ptr2),y
72a7: 85 bb                        sta     $bb
72a9: a5 03                        lda     rng_state+1
72ab: 48                           pha
72ac: a0 06                        ldy     #$06
72ae: a2 03        L72AE           ldx     #$03
72b0: c8           L72B0           iny
72b1: b1 2d                        lda     (tmp_ptr2),y
72b3: 95 38                        sta     $38,x
72b5: ca                           dex
72b6: 10 f8                        bpl     L72B0
72b8: 84 bd                        sty     $bd
72ba: a0 02                        ldy     #$02
72bc: c8           L72BC           iny
72bd: b1 2d                        lda     (tmp_ptr2),y
72bf: 45 bd                        eor     $bd
72c1: 99 ff ff                     sta     $ffff,y
72c4: c0 06                        cpy     #$06
72c6: d0 f4                        bne     L72BC
72c8: a4 ac                        ldy     $ac
72ca: 84 be                        sty     $be
72cc: 18           L72CC           clc
72cd: a5 02                        lda     rng_state
72cf: 2a                           rol     A
72d0: aa                           tax
72d1: 65 04                        adc     rng_state+2
72d3: 85 02                        sta     rng_state
72d5: 86 04                        stx     rng_state+2
72d7: a5 03                        lda     rng_state+1
72d9: aa                           tax
72da: 65 05                        adc     rng_state+3
72dc: 85 03                        sta     rng_state+1
72de: 86 05                        stx     rng_state+3
72e0: 29 0c                        and     #$0c
72e2: 09 10                        ora     #$10
72e4: 85 35                        sta     $35
72e6: a5 39                        lda     $39
72e8: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
72ea: a5 38                        lda     $38
72ec: 20 31 73                     jsr     L7331
72ef: d0 29                        bne     L731A
72f1: e0 87                        cpx     #$87
72f3: b0 25                        bcs     L731A
72f5: 86 6f                        stx     $6f
72f7: a5 3b                        lda     $3b
72f9: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
72fb: a5 3a                        lda     $3a
72fd: 20 31 73                     jsr     L7331
7300: d0 05                        bne     L7307
7302: a5 6f                        lda     $6f
7304: 20 bb 9f                     jsr     DrawColorPixel
7307: c6 be        L7307           dec     $be
7309: 10 c1                        bpl     L72CC
730b: a4 bd                        ldy     $bd
730d: c4 bb                        cpy     $bb
730f: 90 9d                        bcc     L72AE
7311: 68                           pla
7312: 85 03                        sta     rng_state+1
7314: ad 06 08                     lda     data_buffer+6
7317: 85 05                        sta     rng_state+3
7319: 60                           rts

731a: 18           L731A           clc
731b: a5 02                        lda     rng_state
731d: 2a                           rol     A
731e: aa                           tax
731f: 65 04                        adc     rng_state+2
7321: 85 02                        sta     rng_state
7323: 86 04                        stx     rng_state+2
7325: a5 03                        lda     rng_state+1
7327: aa                           tax
7328: 65 05                        adc     rng_state+3
732a: 85 03                        sta     rng_state+1
732c: 86 05                        stx     rng_state+3
732e: 4c 07 73                     jmp     L7307

7331: 85 af        L7331           sta     $af
7333: 18                           clc
7334: a5 02                        lda     rng_state
7336: 2a                           rol     A
7337: aa                           tax
7338: 65 04                        adc     rng_state+2
733a: 85 02                        sta     rng_state
733c: 86 04                        stx     rng_state+2
733e: a5 03                        lda     rng_state+1
7340: aa                           tax
7341: 65 05                        adc     rng_state+3
7343: 85 03                        sta     rng_state+1
7345: 86 05                        stx     rng_state+3
7347: 2a                           rol     A
7348: b0 0b                        bcs     L7355
734a: 20 94 5f                     jsr     FMLTU
734d: 65 ae                        adc     $ae
734f: aa                           tax
7350: a5 af                        lda     $af
7352: 69 00                        adc     #$00
7354: 60                           rts

7355: 20 94 5f     L7355           jsr     FMLTU
7358: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
735a: a5 ae                        lda     $ae
735c: e5 d0                        sbc     $d0
735e: aa                           tax
735f: a5 af                        lda     $af
7361: e9 00                        sbc     #$00
7363: 60                           rts

7364: 00                           .dd1    $00
7365: 02                           .dd1    $02

7366: 20 29 7b     L7366           jsr     L7B29
7369: a9 7f                        lda     #$7f
736b: 85 29                        sta     polyobj_roll
736d: 85 2a                        sta     polyobj_pitch
736f: ad f2 02                     lda     $02f2
7372: 29 02                        and     #$02
7374: 09 80                        ora     #$80
7376: 4c 45 75                     jmp     L7545

7379: ad bf 02     L7379           lda     $02bf
737c: f0 1e                        beq     L739C
737e: a9 00                        lda     #$00
7380: 8d a6 02                     sta     player_cargo
7383: 8d ac 02                     sta     player_cargo+6
7386: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
7389: 29 0f                        and     #$0f
738b: 6d bf 02                     adc     $02bf
738e: 09 04                        ora     #$04
7390: 2a                           rol     A
7391: 8d bf 02                     sta     $02bf
7394: 2e c0 02                     rol     kill_score_rem-1
7397: 10 03                        bpl     L739C
7399: 6e c0 02                     ror     kill_score_rem-1
739c: 4e c3 02     L739C           lsr     player_fug_inno
739f: 20 14 7b                     jsr     ZeroInfo
73a2: a5 93                        lda     $93
73a4: 29 03                        and     #$03
73a6: 69 03                        adc     #$03
73a8: 85 14                        sta     polyobj_zpos_hi
73aa: 6a                           ror     A
73ab: 85 0e                        sta     INWK+2
73ad: 85 11                        sta     INWK+5
73af: 20 66 73                     jsr     L7366
73b2: a5 95                        lda     $95
73b4: 29 07                        and     #$07
73b6: 09 81                        ora     #$81
73b8: 85 14                        sta     polyobj_zpos_hi
73ba: a5 97                        lda     $97
73bc: 29 03                        and     #$03
73be: 85 0e                        sta     INWK+2
73c0: 85 0d                        sta     INWK+1
73c2: a9 00                        lda     #$00
73c4: 85 29                        sta     polyobj_roll
73c6: 85 2a                        sta     polyobj_pitch
73c8: a9 81                        lda     #$81
73ca: 20 45 75                     jsr     L7545
73cd: a5 b3        L73CD           lda     displayed_screen
73cf: d0 22                        bne     L73F3
73d1: a4 e2        L73D1           ldy     $e2
73d3: 20 7c 7b     L73D3           jsr     GetRandom
73d6: 09 08                        ora     #$08
73d8: 99 fc 06                     sta     SCRNHOLE5+4,y
73db: 85 b4                        sta     $b4
73dd: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
73e0: 99 c8 06                     sta     $06c8,y
73e3: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
73e5: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
73e8: 99 e2 06                     sta     $06e2,y
73eb: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
73ed: 20 dc 4e                     jsr     L4EDC
73f0: 88                           dey
73f1: d0 e0                        bne     L73D3
73f3: a2 00        L73F3           ldx     #$00
73f5: bd 41 02     L73F5           lda     PLAYER_STATE?,x
73f8: f0 23                        beq     L741D
73fa: 30 1e                        bmi     L741A
73fc: 85 b8                        sta     $b8
73fe: 20 7d 63                     jsr     GetInfo
7401: a0 1f                        ldy     #$1f
7403: b1 5c        L7403           lda     (polyobj_ptr),y
7405: 99 0c 00                     sta     polyobj_xpos_lo,y
7408: 88                           dey
7409: 10 f8                        bpl     L7403
740b: 86 b0                        stx     $b0
740d: 20 83 a2                     jsr     SCAN
7410: a6 b0                        ldx     $b0
7412: a0 1f                        ldy     #$1f
7414: b1 5c                        lda     (polyobj_ptr),y
7416: 29 a7                        and     #$a7
7418: 91 5c                        sta     (polyobj_ptr),y
741a: e8           L741A           inx
741b: d0 d8                        bne     L73F5
741d: a2 00        L741D           ldx     #$00
741f: 86 91                        stx     $91
7421: ca                           dex
7422: 8e 00 04                     stx     xcoords?
7425: 8e 00 05                     stx     ycoords?
7428: a0 c7        L7428           ldy     #$c7
742a: a9 00                        lda     #$00
742c: 99 00 06     L742C           sta     $0600,y
742f: 88                           dey
7430: d0 fa                        bne     L742C
7432: 88                           dey
7433: 84 d3                        sty     $d3
7435: 60                           rts

7436: 60                           .dd1    $60

7437: ca           L7437           dex
7438: 60                           rts

7439: e8           L7439           inx
743a: f0 fb                        beq     L7437
743c: c6 d6        L743C           dec     $d6
743e: 08                           php
743f: d0 02                        bne     L7443
7441: e6 d6                        inc     $d6
7443: 28           L7443           plp
7444: 60                           rts

7445: 20 a4 74     L7445           jsr     L74A4
7448: ad 4c 02                     lda     PLAYER_STATE?+11
744b: d0 31                        bne     L747E
744d: 20 74 82                     jsr     L8274
7450: 4c 81 74                     jmp     L7481

7453: 0a           L7453           asl     A
7454: aa                           tax
7455: a9 00                        lda     #$00
7457: 6a                           ror     A
7458: a8                           tay
7459: a9 14                        lda     #$14
745b: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
745d: 8a                           txa
745e: 20 ce 60                     jsr     L60CE
7461: a6 31                        ldx     $31
7463: 98                           tya
7464: 30 03                        bmi     L7469
7466: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
7468: 60                           rts

7469: a0 ff        L7469           ldy     #$ff
746b: 8a                           txa
746c: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
746e: aa                           tax
746f: e8                           inx
7470: 60           L7470           rts

7471: a2 08        L7471           ldx     #$08
7473: bd 25 08     L7473           lda     data_buffer+37,x
7476: 95 38                        sta     $38,x
7478: ca                           dex
7479: 10 f8                        bpl     L7473
747b: 4c 83 82                     jmp     L8283

747e: 20 71 74     L747E           jsr     L7471
7481: a5 6e        L7481           lda     $6e
7483: 20 53 74                     jsr     L7453
7486: 8a                           txa
7487: 69 c3                        adc     #$c3
7489: 8d dd 02                     sta     $02dd
748c: a5 6f                        lda     $6f
748e: 20 53 74                     jsr     L7453
7491: 86 d0                        stx     $d0
7493: a9 94                        lda     #$94
7495: e5 d0                        sbc     $d0
7497: 8d de 02                     sta     $02de
749a: a9 60                        lda     #$60
749c: a6 70                        ldx     $70
749e: 10 01                        bpl     L74A1
74a0: 4a                           lsr     A
74a1: 8d 43 45     L74A1           sta     L4543
74a4: ad 43 45     L74A4           lda     L4543
74a7: f0 c7                        beq     L7470
74a9: 85 b4                        sta     $b4
74ab: ad de 02                     lda     $02de
74ae: ae dd 02                     ldx     $02dd
74b1: 4c fe 4e                     jmp     DrawStar?

74b4: 85 d0        L74B4           sta     $d0
74b6: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
74b8: a0 08                        ldy     #$08
74ba: b1 5c                        lda     (polyobj_ptr),y
74bc: 30 0f                        bmi     L74CD
74be: a5 d4                        lda     $d4
74c0: e5 d0                        sbc     $d0
74c2: 90 03                        bcc     L74C7
74c4: 85 d4                        sta     $d4
74c6: 60                           rts

74c7: a2 00        L74C7           ldx     #$00
74c9: 86 d4                        stx     $d4
74cb: 90 0d                        bcc     L74DA

74cd: a5 d5        L74CD           lda     $d5
74cf: e5 d0                        sbc     $d0
74d1: 90 03                        bcc     L74D6
74d3: 85 d5                        sta     $d5
74d5: 60                           rts

74d6: a2 00        L74D6           ldx     #$00
74d8: 86 d5                        stx     $d5
74da: 65 d6        L74DA           adc     $d6
74dc: 85 d6                        sta     $d6
74de: f0 02                        beq     L74E2
74e0: b0 03                        bcs     L74E5
74e2: 4c 3f 7e     L74E2           jmp     GameOver?

74e5: 20 6f 95     L74E5           jsr     MakeNoise2?
74e8: 4c 60 85                     jmp     OUCH

74eb: bd 01 08     L74EB           lda     data_buffer+1,x
74ee: 95 38                        sta     $38,x
74f0: bd 02 08                     lda     data_buffer+2,x
74f3: a8                           tay
74f4: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
74f6: 95 39                        sta     $39,x
74f8: 98                           tya
74f9: 29 80                        and     #$80
74fb: 95 3a                        sta     $3a,x
74fd: 60                           rts

74fe: 20 19 a0     L74FE           jsr     LA019
7501: a2 81                        ldx     #$81
7503: 86 2c                        stx     polyobj_attack
7505: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
7507: 86 2a                        stx     polyobj_pitch
7509: 86 30                        stx     $30
750b: 8e 42 02                     stx     PLAYER_STATE?+1
750e: ca                           dex
750f: 86 29                        stx     polyobj_roll
7511: a2 0a                        ldx     #$0a
7513: 20 dd 75                     jsr     L75DD
7516: 20 dd 75                     jsr     L75DD
7519: 20 dd 75                     jsr     L75DD
751c: ad b7 7e                     lda     saved_station_addr
751f: 8d 02 a3                     sta     station_addr
7522: ad b8 7e                     lda     saved_station_addr+1
7525: 8d 03 a3                     sta     station_addr+1
7528: ad f2 02                     lda     $02f2
752b: c9 0a                        cmp     #$0a
752d: 90 0c                        bcc     L753B
752f: ad 3e a3                     lda     dodo_addr
7532: 8d 02 a3                     sta     station_addr
7535: ad 3f a3                     lda     dodo_addr+1
7538: 8d 03 a3                     sta     station_addr+1
753b: a9 00        L753B           lda     #$00
753d: 85 2d                        sta     tmp_ptr2
753f: a9 06                        lda     #$06
7541: 85 2e                        sta     tmp_ptr2+1
7543: a9 02                        lda     #$02
7545: 85 d0        L7545           sta     $d0
7547: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
7549: bd 41 02     L7549           lda     PLAYER_STATE?,x
754c: f0 07                        beq     L7555
754e: e8                           inx
754f: e0 08                        cpx     #$08
7551: 90 f6                        bcc     L7549
7553: 18           L7553           clc
7554: 60           L7554           rts

                   NOTE: BBC .NW1
7555: 20 7d 63     L7555           jsr     GetInfo
7558: a5 d0                        lda     $d0               ;ship type
755a: 30 52                        bmi     L75AE
755c: 0a                           asl     A
755d: a8                           tay
755e: b9 ff a2                     lda     hull_addr_hi,y
7561: f0 f0                        beq     L7553
7563: 85 5b                        sta     hull_ptr+1
7565: b9 fe a2                     lda     hull_addr_lo,y
7568: 85 5a                        sta     hull_ptr
756a: c0 04                        cpy     #$04
756c: f0 30                        beq     L759E
756e: a0 05                        ldy     #$05
7570: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
7572: 85 06                        sta     $06
7574: ad f3 02                     lda     $02f3
7577: 38                           sec
7578: e5 06                        sbc     $06
757a: 85 2d                        sta     tmp_ptr2
757c: ad f4 02                     lda     $02f4
757f: e9 00                        sbc     #$00
7581: 85 2e                        sta     tmp_ptr2+1
7583: a5 2d                        lda     tmp_ptr2
7585: e5 5c                        sbc     polyobj_ptr
7587: a8                           tay
7588: a5 2e                        lda     tmp_ptr2+1
758a: e5 5d                        sbc     polyobj_ptr+1
758c: 90 c6                        bcc     L7554
758e: d0 04                        bne     L7594
7590: c0 25                        cpy     #$25
7592: 90 c0                        bcc     L7554
7594: a5 2d        L7594           lda     tmp_ptr2
7596: 8d f3 02                     sta     $02f3
7599: a5 2e                        lda     tmp_ptr2+1
759b: 8d f4 02                     sta     $02f4
759e: a0 0e        L759E           ldy     #$0e
75a0: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
75a2: 85 2f                        sta     $2f
75a4: a0 13                        ldy     #$13              ;00LLLMMM laser|missile from hull
75a6: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
75a8: 29 07                        and     #$07              ;lower 3 bits are number of missiles
75aa: 85 2b                        sta     polyobj_vis
75ac: a5 d0                        lda     $d0               ;get ship type
75ae: 9d 41 02     L75AE           sta     PLAYER_STATE?,x
75b1: aa                           tax
75b2: 30 12                        bmi     L75C6
75b4: e0 0f                        cpx     #$0f
75b6: f0 08                        beq     L75C0
75b8: e0 03                        cpx     #$03
75ba: 90 07                        bcc     L75C3
75bc: e0 0b                        cpx     #$0b
75be: b0 03                        bcs     L75C3
75c0: ee 6b 02     L75C0           inc     PLAYER_STATE?+42
75c3: fe 4a 02     L75C3           inc     PLAYER_STATE?+9,x
75c6: a4 d0        L75C6           ldy     $d0
75c8: b9 3f a3                     lda     hull_NEWB-1,y
75cb: 29 6f                        and     #$6f
75cd: 05 30                        ora     $30
75cf: 85 30                        sta     $30
75d1: a0 24                        ldy     #$24
75d3: b9 0c 00     L75D3           lda     polyobj_xpos_lo,y
75d6: 91 5c                        sta     (polyobj_ptr),y
75d8: 88                           dey
75d9: 10 f8                        bpl     L75D3
75db: 38                           sec
75dc: 60                           rts

75dd: b5 0c        L75DD           lda     polyobj_xpos_lo,x
75df: 49 80                        eor     #$80
75e1: 95 0c                        sta     polyobj_xpos_lo,x
75e3: e8                           inx
75e4: e8                           inx
75e5: 60                           rts

75e6: a2 ff        L75E6           ldx     #$ff
75e8: 86 7f        L75E8           stx     missile_thing?
75ea: ae c2 02                     ldx     missile_armed_flag?
75ed: 20 35 a0                     jsr     DrawIndicator?
75f0: 8c 71 02                     sty     PLAYER_STATE?+48
75f3: 60                           rts

75f4: 04                           .dd1    $04
75f5: 00                           .dd1    $00
75f6: 00                           .dd1    $00
75f7: 00                           .dd1    $00
75f8: 00                           .dd1    $00

75f9: a5 0c        L75F9           lda     polyobj_xpos_lo
75fb: 85 31                        sta     $31
75fd: a5 0d                        lda     INWK+1
75ff: 85 32                        sta     $32
7601: a5 0e                        lda     INWK+2
7603: 20 e3 78                     jsr     L78E3
7606: b0 28                        bcs     L7630
7608: a5 7a                        lda     $7a
760a: 69 80                        adc     #$80
760c: 85 38                        sta     $38
760e: 8a                           txa
760f: 69 00                        adc     #$00
7611: 85 39                        sta     $39
7613: a5 0f                        lda     polyobj_ypos_lo
7615: 85 31                        sta     $31
7617: a5 10                        lda     INWK+4
7619: 85 32                        sta     $32
761b: a5 11                        lda     INWK+5
761d: 49 80                        eor     #$80
761f: 20 e3 78                     jsr     L78E3
7622: b0 0c                        bcs     L7630
7624: a5 7a                        lda     $7a
7626: 69 44                        adc     #$44
7628: 85 46                        sta     $46
762a: 8a                           txa
762b: 69 00                        adc     #$00
762d: 85 47                        sta     $47
762f: 18                           clc
7630: 60           L7630           rts

7631: a5 b8        L7631           lda     $b8               ;ship type
7633: 4a                           lsr     A                 ;bit 0 -> carry
7634: b0 03                        bcs     L7639             ;sun has bit 0 set
7636: 4c 17 78                     jmp     DrawSunOrPlanet   ;wipe planet

7639: 4c 5b 78     L7639           jmp     L785B             ;wipe sun

                   ; Draw planet or sun.
                   ; BBC .PLANET (flight code).
763c: a5 14        Planet?         lda     polyobj_zpos_hi
763e: c9 30                        cmp     #$30
7640: b0 ef                        bcs     L7631             ;far away, branch
7642: 05 13                        ora     polyobj_zpos_mi
7644: f0 eb                        beq     L7631             ;very close, branch
7646: 20 f9 75                     jsr     L75F9             ;"Project K+INWK(x,y)/z to K3,K4 for center to screen"
7649: b0 e6                        bcs     L7631
764b: a9 60                        lda     #$60              ;radius hi
764d: 85 32                        sta     $32
764f: a9 00                        lda     #$00              ;radius lo
7651: 85 31                        sta     $31
7653: 20 43 61                     jsr     L6143             ;"divide 3bytes by 2, K = P(2).A/INWK_z"
7656: a5 7b                        lda     $7b
7658: f0 04                        beq     L765E
765a: a9 f8                        lda     #$f8
765c: 85 7a                        sta     $7a
765e: a5 b8        L765E           lda     $b8               ;ship type
7660: 4a                           lsr     A                 ;sun has bit 0 set
7661: 90 03                        bcc     :Planet           ;planet
7663: 4c 7b 76                     jmp     L767B             ;sun

7666: 20 17 78     :Planet         jsr     DrawSunOrPlanet
7669: 4c a0 77                     jmp     L77A0

766c: 4c 5b 78     L766C           jmp     L785B

766f: 8a           L766F           txa
7670: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
7672: 18                           clc
7673: 69 01                        adc     #$01
7675: aa                           tax
7676: a9 ff        L7676           lda     #$ff
7678: 4c c3 76                     jmp     L76C3

767b: a9 14        L767B           lda     #$14
767d: 85 35                        sta     $35
767f: a9 01                        lda     #$01
7681: 85 d3                        sta     $d3
7683: 20 a9 78                     jsr     L78A9
7686: b0 e4                        bcs     L766C
7688: a9 00                        lda     #$00
768a: a6 7a                        ldx     $7a
768c: e0 60                        cpx     #$60
768e: 2a                           rol     A
768f: e0 28                        cpx     #$28
7691: 2a                           rol     A
7692: e0 10                        cpx     #$10
7694: 2a                           rol     A
7695: 85 bd                        sta     $bd
7697: a5 cc                        lda     $cc
7699: a6 33                        ldx     $33
769b: d0 0a                        bne     L76A7
769d: c5 32                        cmp     $32
769f: 90 06                        bcc     L76A7
76a1: a5 32                        lda     $32
76a3: d0 02                        bne     L76A7
76a5: a9 01                        lda     #$01
76a7: 85 bb        L76A7           sta     $bb
76a9: a5 cc                        lda     $cc
76ab: 38                           sec
76ac: e5 46                        sbc     $46
76ae: aa                           tax
76af: a9 00                        lda     #$00
76b1: e5 47                        sbc     $47
76b3: 30 ba                        bmi     L766F
76b5: d0 08                        bne     L76BF
76b7: e8                           inx
76b8: ca                           dex
76b9: f0 bb                        beq     L7676
76bb: e4 7a                        cpx     $7a
76bd: 90 04                        bcc     L76C3
76bf: a6 7a        L76BF           ldx     $7a
76c1: a9 00                        lda     #$00
76c3: 86 5e        L76C3           stx     ]data_ptr
76c5: 85 5f                        sta     ]data_ptr+1
76c7: a5 7a                        lda     $7a
76c9: 20 32 5f                     jsr     L5F32
76cc: 85 c7                        sta     $c7
76ce: a5 31                        lda     $31
76d0: 85 c6                        sta     $c6
76d2: a4 cc                        ldy     $cc
76d4: a5 64                        lda     $64
76d6: 85 62                        sta     $62
76d8: a5 65                        lda     $65
76da: 85 63                        sta     $63
76dc: c4 bb        L76DC           cpy     $bb
76de: f0 0b                        beq     L76EB
76e0: b9 00 06                     lda     $0600,y
76e3: f0 03                        beq     L76E8
76e5: 20 c6 4e                     jsr     L4EC6
76e8: 88           L76E8           dey
76e9: d0 f1                        bne     L76DC
76eb: a5 5e        L76EB           lda     ]data_ptr
76ed: 20 32 5f                     jsr     L5F32
76f0: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
76f2: a5 c6                        lda     $c6
76f4: 38                           sec
76f5: e5 31                        sbc     $31
76f7: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
76f9: a5 c7                        lda     $c7
76fb: e5 d0                        sbc     $d0
76fd: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
76ff: 84 6f                        sty     $6f
7701: 20 45 87                     jsr     TwoByteSqrt
7704: a4 6f                        ldy     $6f
7706: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
7709: 25 bd                        and     $bd
770b: 18                           clc
770c: 65 ad                        adc     $ad
770e: 90 02                        bcc     L7712
7710: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
7712: be 00 06     L7712           ldx     $0600,y
7715: 99 00 06                     sta     $0600,y
7718: f0 4a                        beq     L7764
771a: a5 64                        lda     $64
771c: 85 62                        sta     $62
771e: a5 65                        lda     $65
7720: 85 63                        sta     $63
7722: 8a                           txa
7723: 20 78 78                     jsr     L7878
7726: a5 6e                        lda     $6e
7728: 85 60                        sta     $60
772a: a5 70                        lda     $70
772c: 85 61                        sta     $61
772e: a5 38                        lda     $38
7730: 85 62                        sta     $62
7732: a5 39                        lda     $39
7734: 85 63                        sta     $63
7736: b9 00 06                     lda     $0600,y
7739: 20 78 78                     jsr     L7878
773c: b0 0b                        bcs     L7749
773e: a5 70                        lda     $70
7740: a6 60                        ldx     $60
7742: 86 70                        stx     $70
7744: 85 60                        sta     $60
7746: 20 90 9e                     jsr     DrawHorizLine
7749: a5 60        L7749           lda     $60
774b: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
774d: a5 61                        lda     $61
774f: 85 70                        sta     $70
7751: 20 90 9e     L7751           jsr     DrawHorizLine
7754: 88           L7754           dey
7755: f0 3f                        beq     L7796
7757: a5 5f                        lda     ]data_ptr+1
7759: d0 1d                        bne     L7778
775b: c6 5e                        dec     ]data_ptr
775d: d0 8c                        bne     L76EB
775f: c6 5f                        dec     ]data_ptr+1
7761: 4c eb 76     L7761           jmp     L76EB

7764: a6 38        L7764           ldx     $38
7766: 86 62                        stx     $62
7768: a6 39                        ldx     $39
776a: 86 63                        stx     $63
776c: 20 78 78                     jsr     L7878
776f: 90 e0                        bcc     L7751
7771: a9 00                        lda     #$00
7773: 99 00 06                     sta     $0600,y
7776: f0 dc                        beq     L7754

7778: a6 5e        L7778           ldx     ]data_ptr
777a: e8                           inx
777b: 86 5e                        stx     ]data_ptr
777d: e4 7a                        cpx     $7a
777f: 90 e0                        bcc     L7761
7781: f0 de                        beq     L7761
7783: a5 64                        lda     $64
7785: 85 62                        sta     $62
7787: a5 65                        lda     $65
7789: 85 63                        sta     $63
778b: b9 00 06     L778B           lda     $0600,y
778e: f0 03                        beq     L7793
7790: 20 c6 4e                     jsr     L4EC6
7793: 88           L7793           dey
7794: d0 f5                        bne     L778B
7796: 18           L7796           clc
7797: a5 38                        lda     $38
7799: 85 64                        sta     $64
779b: a5 39                        lda     $39
779d: 85 65                        sta     $65
779f: 60           L779F           rts

77a0: 20 a9 78     L77A0           jsr     L78A9
77a3: b0 fa                        bcs     L779F
77a5: a9 00                        lda     #$00
77a7: 8d 00 04                     sta     xcoords?
77aa: a6 7a                        ldx     $7a
77ac: a9 08                        lda     #$08
77ae: e0 08                        cpx     #$08
77b0: 90 06                        bcc     L77B8
77b2: 4a                           lsr     A
77b3: e0 3c                        cpx     #$3c
77b5: 90 01                        bcc     L77B8
77b7: 4a                           lsr     A
77b8: 85 bf        L77B8           sta     $bf
77ba: a2 ff        L77BA           ldx     #$ff
77bc: 86 bc                        stx     $bc
77be: e8                           inx
77bf: 86 bd                        stx     $bd
77c1: a5 bd        L77C1           lda     $bd
77c3: 20 8a 5f                     jsr     FMLTU2
77c6: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
77c8: 86 d0                        stx     $d0
77ca: a6 bd                        ldx     $bd
77cc: e0 21                        cpx     #$21
77ce: 90 0d                        bcc     L77DD
77d0: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
77d2: 69 00                        adc     #$00
77d4: aa                           tax
77d5: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
77d7: 69 00                        adc     #$00
77d9: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
77db: 8a                           txa
77dc: 18                           clc
77dd: 65 38        L77DD           adc     $38
77df: 85 9c                        sta     $9c
77e1: a5 39                        lda     $39
77e3: 65 d0                        adc     $d0
77e5: 85 9d                        sta     $9d
77e7: a5 bd                        lda     $bd
77e9: 18                           clc
77ea: 69 10                        adc     #$10
77ec: 20 8a 5f                     jsr     FMLTU2
77ef: aa                           tax
77f0: a9 00                        lda     #$00
77f2: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
77f4: a5 bd                        lda     $bd
77f6: 69 0f                        adc     #$0f
77f8: 29 3f                        and     #$3f
77fa: c9 21                        cmp     #$21
77fc: 90 0d                        bcc     L780B
77fe: 8a                           txa
77ff: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
7801: 69 00                        adc     #$00
7803: aa                           tax
7804: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
7806: 69 00                        adc     #$00
7808: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
780a: 18                           clc
780b: 20 8b 4f     L780B           jsr     L4F8B
780e: c9 41                        cmp     #$41
7810: b0 03                        bcs     L7815
7812: 4c c1 77                     jmp     L77C1

7815: 18           L7815           clc
7816: 60                           rts

                   ; This is called by the code that draws big circles (sun / planet).
7817: ac 00 04     DrawSunOrPlanet ldy     xcoords?
781a: d0 35                        bne     L7851
781c: c4 91        :Loop           cpy     $91
781e: b0 31                        bcs     L7851
7820: b9 00 05                     lda     ycoords?,y
7823: c9 ff                        cmp     #$ff
7825: f0 1b                        beq     L7842
7827: 85 71                        sta     $71
7829: b9 00 04                     lda     xcoords?,y
782c: 85 70                        sta     $70
782e: 20 64 9c                     jsr     DrawLine
7831: c8                           iny
7832: ad 7d 02                     lda     lcoord_swap_flag
7835: d0 e5                        bne     :Loop
7837: a5 70                        lda     $70
7839: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
783b: a5 71                        lda     $71
783d: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
783f: 4c 1c 78                     jmp     :Loop

7842: c8           L7842           iny
7843: b9 00 04                     lda     xcoords?,y
7846: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
7848: b9 00 05                     lda     ycoords?,y
784b: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
784d: c8                           iny
784e: 4c 1c 78                     jmp     :Loop

7851: a9 01        L7851           lda     #$01
7853: 85 91                        sta     $91
7855: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
7857: 8d 00 04                     sta     xcoords?
785a: 60           L785A           rts

785b: a5 d3        L785B           lda     $d3
785d: 30 fb                        bmi     L785A
785f: a5 64                        lda     $64
7861: 85 62                        sta     $62
7863: a5 65                        lda     $65
7865: 85 63                        sta     $63
7867: a0 87                        ldy     #$87
7869: b9 00 06     L7869           lda     $0600,y
786c: f0 03                        beq     L7871
786e: 20 c6 4e                     jsr     L4EC6
7871: 88           L7871           dey
7872: d0 f5                        bne     L7869
7874: 88                           dey
7875: 84 d3                        sty     $d3
7877: 60                           rts

7878: 85 d0        L7878           sta     $d0
787a: 18                           clc
787b: 65 62                        adc     $62
787d: 85 70                        sta     $70
787f: a5 63                        lda     $63
7881: 69 00                        adc     #$00
7883: 30 1d                        bmi     L78A2
7885: f0 04                        beq     L788B
7887: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
7889: 85 70                        sta     $70
788b: a5 62        L788B           lda     $62
788d: 38                           sec
788e: e5 d0                        sbc     $d0
7890: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
7892: a5 63                        lda     $63
7894: e9 00                        sbc     #$00
7896: d0 02                        bne     L789A
7898: 18                           clc
7899: 60                           rts

789a: 10 06        L789A           bpl     L78A2
789c: a9 00                        lda     #$00
789e: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
78a0: 18                           clc
78a1: 60                           rts

78a2: a9 00        L78A2           lda     #$00
78a4: 99 00 06                     sta     $0600,y
78a7: 38                           sec
78a8: 60                           rts

78a9: a5 38        L78A9           lda     $38
78ab: 18                           clc
78ac: 65 7a                        adc     $7a
78ae: a5 39                        lda     $39
78b0: 69 00                        adc     #$00
78b2: 30 2d                        bmi     L78E1
78b4: a5 38                        lda     $38
78b6: 38                           sec
78b7: e5 7a                        sbc     $7a
78b9: a5 39                        lda     $39
78bb: e9 00                        sbc     #$00
78bd: 30 02                        bmi     L78C1
78bf: d0 20                        bne     L78E1
78c1: a5 46        L78C1           lda     $46
78c3: 18                           clc
78c4: 65 7a                        adc     $7a
78c6: 85 32                        sta     $32
78c8: a5 47                        lda     $47
78ca: 69 00                        adc     #$00
78cc: 30 13                        bmi     L78E1
78ce: 85 33                        sta     $33
78d0: a5 46                        lda     $46
78d2: 38                           sec
78d3: e5 7a                        sbc     $7a
78d5: aa                           tax
78d6: a5 47                        lda     $47
78d8: e9 00                        sbc     #$00
78da: 30 2a                        bmi     L7906
78dc: d0 03                        bne     L78E1
78de: e4 cc                        cpx     $cc
78e0: 60                           rts

78e1: 38           L78E1           sec
78e2: 60                           rts

78e3: 20 43 61     L78E3           jsr     L6143
78e6: a5 7d                        lda     $7d
78e8: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
78ea: 05 7c                        ora     $7c
78ec: d0 f3                        bne     L78E1
78ee: a6 7b                        ldx     $7b
78f0: e0 04                        cpx     #$04
78f2: b0 13                        bcs     L7907
78f4: a5 7d                        lda     $7d
78f6: 10 0f                        bpl     L7907
78f8: a5 7a                        lda     $7a
78fa: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
78fc: 69 01                        adc     #$01
78fe: 85 7a                        sta     $7a
7900: 8a                           txa
7901: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
7903: 69 00                        adc     #$00
7905: aa                           tax
7906: 18           L7906           clc
7907: 60           L7907           rts

7908: 20 e7 84     L7908           jsr     GetInput?
790b: c9 59                        cmp     #$59
790d: f0 f8                        beq     L7907
790f: c9 4e                        cmp     #$4e
7911: d0 f5                        bne     L7908
7913: 18                           clc
7914: 60                           rts

                   ; Processes all input.  Flight controls update appropriate values in zero page. 
                   ; Non-flight keys are returned in the caller.
                   ; On exit:
                   ;   A-reg: non-flight key hit, or $00 if none
7915: a5 b3        GetGameInput    lda     displayed_screen  ;looking at space?
7917: d0 05                        bne     L791E             ;no, branch
7919: 20 25 84                     jsr     HandleFlightInput
791c: 8a                           txa
791d: 60                           rts

791e: 20 25 84     L791E           jsr     HandleFlightInput
7921: ad 5e 45                     lda     ptb_joy_enab
7924: f0 11                        beq     L7937
7926: a5 d2                        lda     pitch_velocity
7928: 20 68 79                     jsr     L7968
792b: a8                           tay
792c: a5 d1                        lda     roll_velocity
792e: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
7930: 20 68 79                     jsr     L7968
7933: aa                           tax
7934: a5 80                        lda     input_raw_key
7936: 60                           rts

7937: a9 00        L7937           lda     #$00
7939: 85 8c                        sta     cmd_fire_mssl
793b: 85 8e                        sta     cmd_local_jump
793d: a5 80                        lda     input_raw_key
793f: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
7941: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
7943: c9 08                        cmp     #$08
7945: f0 04                        beq     L794B
7947: c9 4a                        cmp     #$4a
7949: d0 01                        bne     L794C
794b: ca           L794B           dex
794c: c9 15        L794C           cmp     #$15
794e: f0 04                        beq     L7954
7950: c9 4b                        cmp     #$4b
7952: d0 01                        bne     L7955
7954: e8           L7954           inx
7955: c9 0a        L7955           cmp     #$0a
7957: f0 04                        beq     L795D
7959: c9 4d                        cmp     #$4d
795b: d0 01                        bne     L795E
795d: 88           L795D           dey
795e: c9 0b        L795E           cmp     #$0b
7960: f0 04                        beq     L7966
7962: c9 49                        cmp     #$49
7964: d0 01                        bne     L7967
7966: c8           L7966           iny
7967: 60           L7967           rts

7968: 4a           L7968           lsr     A
7969: 4a                           lsr     A
796a: 4a                           lsr     A
796b: 4a                           lsr     A
796c: 4a                           lsr     A
796d: 69 00                        adc     #$00
796f: e9 03                        sbc     #$03
7971: 60                           rts

7972: a5 31        L7972           lda     $31
7974: 8d f3 02                     sta     $02f3
7977: a5 32                        lda     $32
7979: 8d f4 02                     sta     $02f4
797c: 60                           rts

797d: a6 b0        L797D           ldx     $b0
797f: 20 d6 79                     jsr     L79D6
7982: a6 b0                        ldx     $b0
7984: 4c b2 47                     jmp     L47B2

7987: 20 14 7b     L7987           jsr     ZeroInfo
798a: 20 28 74                     jsr     L7428
798d: 8d 42 02                     sta     PLAYER_STATE?+1
7990: 8d 4c 02                     sta     PLAYER_STATE?+11
7993: 20 19 a0                     jsr     LA019
7996: a9 06                        lda     #$06
7998: 85 11                        sta     INWK+5
799a: a9 81                        lda     #$81
799c: 4c 45 75                     jmp     L7545

799f: a2 ff        L799F           ldx     #$ff
79a1: e8           L79A1           inx
79a2: bd 41 02                     lda     PLAYER_STATE?,x
79a5: f0 cb                        beq     L7972
79a7: c9 01                        cmp     #$01
79a9: d0 f6                        bne     L79A1
79ab: 8a                           txa
79ac: 0a                           asl     A
79ad: a8                           tay
79ae: b9 7e 4e                     lda     L4E7E,y
79b1: 85 0a                        sta     $0a
79b3: b9 7f 4e                     lda     L4E7F,y
79b6: 85 0b                        sta     $0b
79b8: a0 20                        ldy     #$20
79ba: b1 0a                        lda     ($0a),y
79bc: 10 e3                        bpl     L79A1
79be: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
79c0: 4a                           lsr     A
79c1: c5 c0                        cmp     $c0
79c3: 90 dc                        bcc     L79A1
79c5: f0 09                        beq     L79D0
79c7: e9 01                        sbc     #$01
79c9: 0a                           asl     A
79ca: 09 80                        ora     #$80
79cc: 91 0a                        sta     ($0a),y
79ce: d0 d1                        bne     L79A1

79d0: a9 00        L79D0           lda     #$00
79d2: 91 0a                        sta     ($0a),y
79d4: f0 cb                        beq     L79A1

79d6: 86 c0        L79D6           stx     $c0
79d8: a5 7f                        lda     missile_thing?
79da: c5 c0                        cmp     $c0
79dc: d0 0a                        bne     L79E8
79de: a0 08                        ldy     #$08
79e0: 20 e6 75                     jsr     L75E6
79e3: a9 c8                        lda     #$c8              ;"Target Lost"
79e5: 20 05 85                     jsr     PrintMessageBriefly
79e8: a4 c0        L79E8           ldy     $c0
79ea: be 41 02                     ldx     PLAYER_STATE?,y
79ed: e0 02                        cpx     #$02
79ef: f0 96                        beq     L7987
79f1: e0 1f                        cpx     #$1f
79f3: d0 0b                        bne     L7A00
79f5: ad 8f 02                     lda     $028f
79f8: 09 02                        ora     #$02
79fa: 8d 8f 02                     sta     $028f
79fd: ee d7 02                     inc     kill_score+1
7a00: e0 0f        L7A00           cpx     #$0f
7a02: f0 08                        beq     L7A0C
7a04: e0 03                        cpx     #$03
7a06: 90 07                        bcc     L7A0F
7a08: e0 0b                        cpx     #$0b
7a0a: b0 03                        bcs     L7A0F
7a0c: ce 6b 02     L7A0C           dec     PLAYER_STATE?+42
7a0f: de 4a 02     L7A0F           dec     PLAYER_STATE?+9,x
7a12: a6 c0                        ldx     $c0
7a14: a0 05                        ldy     #$05
7a16: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
7a18: a0 21                        ldy     #$21
7a1a: 18                           clc
7a1b: 71 5c                        adc     (polyobj_ptr),y
7a1d: 85 31                        sta     $31
7a1f: c8                           iny
7a20: b1 5c                        lda     (polyobj_ptr),y
7a22: 69 00                        adc     #$00
7a24: 85 32                        sta     $32
7a26: e8           L7A26           inx
7a27: bd 41 02                     lda     PLAYER_STATE?,x
7a2a: 9d 40 02                     sta     PLAYER_STATE?-1,x
7a2d: d0 03                        bne     L7A32
7a2f: 4c 9f 79                     jmp     L799F

7a32: 0a           L7A32           asl     A
7a33: a8                           tay
7a34: b9 fe a2                     lda     hull_addr_lo,y
7a37: 85 0a                        sta     $0a
7a39: b9 ff a2                     lda     hull_addr_hi,y
7a3c: 85 0b                        sta     $0b
7a3e: a0 05                        ldy     #$05
7a40: b1 0a                        lda     ($0a),y
7a42: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
7a44: a5 31                        lda     $31
7a46: 38                           sec
7a47: e5 d0                        sbc     $d0
7a49: 85 31                        sta     $31
7a4b: a5 32                        lda     $32
7a4d: e9 00                        sbc     #$00
7a4f: 85 32                        sta     $32
7a51: 8a                           txa
7a52: 0a                           asl     A
7a53: a8                           tay
7a54: b9 7e 4e                     lda     L4E7E,y
7a57: 85 0a                        sta     $0a
7a59: b9 7f 4e                     lda     L4E7F,y
7a5c: 85 0b                        sta     $0b
7a5e: a0 24                        ldy     #$24
7a60: b1 0a                        lda     ($0a),y
7a62: 91 5c                        sta     (polyobj_ptr),y
7a64: 88                           dey
7a65: b1 0a                        lda     ($0a),y
7a67: 91 5c                        sta     (polyobj_ptr),y
7a69: 88                           dey
7a6a: b1 0a                        lda     ($0a),y
7a6c: 85 7b                        sta     $7b
7a6e: a5 32                        lda     $32
7a70: 91 5c                        sta     (polyobj_ptr),y
7a72: 88                           dey
7a73: b1 0a                        lda     ($0a),y
7a75: 85 7a                        sta     $7a
7a77: a5 31                        lda     $31
7a79: 91 5c                        sta     (polyobj_ptr),y
7a7b: 88                           dey
7a7c: b1 0a        L7A7C           lda     ($0a),y
7a7e: 91 5c                        sta     (polyobj_ptr),y
7a80: 88                           dey
7a81: 10 f9                        bpl     L7A7C
7a83: a5 0a                        lda     $0a
7a85: 85 5c                        sta     polyobj_ptr
7a87: a5 0b                        lda     $0b
7a89: 85 5d                        sta     polyobj_ptr+1
7a8b: a4 d0                        ldy     $d0
7a8d: 88           L7A8D           dey
7a8e: b1 7a                        lda     ($7a),y
7a90: 91 31                        sta     ($31),y
7a92: 98                           tya
7a93: d0 f8                        bne     L7A8D
7a95: f0 8f                        beq     L7A26

7a97: ae 9e 02     L7A97           ldx     ship_state2?
7a9a: ca                           dex
7a9b: d0 0e                        bne     L7AAB
7a9d: ad 90 02                     lda     $0290
7aa0: c9 90                        cmp     #$90
7aa2: d0 07                        bne     L7AAB
7aa4: ad 91 02                     lda     $0291
7aa7: c9 21                        cmp     #$21
7aa9: f0 01                        beq     L7AAC
7aab: 18           L7AAB           clc
7aac: 60           L7AAC           rts

                   ; C64 _83ca "clear ships slots and some other data?"
7aad: 20 11 81     ClearStuff?     jsr     ZeroPlayerState   ;leaves $00 in A-reg
7ab0: a2 06                        ldx     #$06
7ab2: 95 66        L7AB2           sta     $66,x             ;pitch, roll, ...
7ab4: ca                           dex
7ab5: 10 fb                        bpl     L7AB2
7ab7: 8e 5c 45                     stx     ptb_joy_y_flip    ;store $FF
7aba: 8a                           txa
7abb: 85 ba                        sta     docked_flag
7abd: a2 02                        ldx     #$02
7abf: 95 d4        L7ABF           sta     $d4,x
7ac1: ca                           dex
7ac2: 10 fb                        bpl     L7ABF
7ac4: a9 0c        RES2            lda     #$0c              ;BBC .RES2
7ac6: 85 e2                        sta     $e2
7ac8: a2 ff                        ldx     #$ff
7aca: 8e 00 04                     stx     xcoords?
7acd: 8e 00 05                     stx     ycoords?
7ad0: 86 7f                        stx     missile_thing?
7ad2: a9 80                        lda     #$80
7ad4: 85 d2                        sta     pitch_velocity
7ad6: 85 6c                        sta     $6c
7ad8: 85 a7                        sta     $a7
7ada: 0a                           asl     A
7adb: 85 66                        sta     $66
7add: 85 67                        sta     $67
7adf: 85 6d                        sta     $6d
7ae1: 85 a8                        sta     $a8
7ae3: 85 b6                        sta     $b6
7ae5: a9 03                        lda     #$03
7ae7: 85 a9                        sta     player_speed
7ae9: 85 b9                        sta     $b9
7aeb: 85 6b                        sta     $6b
7aed: a9 00                        lda     #$00
7aef: 85 cb                        sta     $cb
7af1: a9 87                        lda     #$87
7af3: 85 cc                        sta     $cc
7af5: ad 4c 02                     lda     PLAYER_STATE?+11
7af8: f0 03                        beq     L7AFD
7afa: 20 19 a0                     jsr     LA019
7afd: a5 6a        L7AFD           lda     ecm_active_flag?
7aff: f0 03                        beq     L7B04
7b01: 20 12 95                     jsr     L9512
7b04: 20 f3 73     L7B04           jsr     L73F3
7b07: 20 11 81                     jsr     ZeroPlayerState
7b0a: a9 5f                        lda     #$5f
7b0c: 8d f3 02                     sta     $02f3
7b0f: a9 0b                        lda     #$0b
7b11: 8d f4 02                     sta     $02f4
7b14: a0 24        ZeroInfo        ldy     #$24              ;BBC ZINF
7b16: a9 00                        lda     #$00
7b18: 99 0c 00     L7B18           sta     polyobj_xpos_lo,y
7b1b: 88                           dey
7b1c: 10 fa                        bpl     L7B18
7b1e: a9 60                        lda     #$60
7b20: 85 1e                        sta     $1e
7b22: 85 22                        sta     $22
7b24: 09 80                        ora     #$80
7b26: 85 1a                        sta     polyobj_mox2_hi
7b28: 60                           rts

7b29: a2 04        L7B29           ldx     #$04
7b2b: ec c2 02     L7B2B           cpx     missile_armed_flag?
7b2e: f0 09                        beq     L7B39
7b30: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
7b32: 20 35 a0                     jsr     DrawIndicator?
7b35: ca                           dex
7b36: d0 f3                        bne     L7B2B
7b38: 60                           rts

7b39: a0 08        L7B39           ldy     #$08
7b3b: 20 35 a0                     jsr     DrawIndicator?
7b3e: ca                           dex
7b3f: d0 f8                        bne     L7B39
7b41: 60                           rts

7b42: a5 b3        L7B42           lda     displayed_screen
7b44: d0 0e                        bne     L7B54
7b46: ad dc 02                     lda     in_flight_msg_token
7b49: 20 05 85                     jsr     PrintMessageBriefly
7b4c: a9 00                        lda     #$00
7b4e: 8d 77 02                     sta     PLAYER_STATE?+54
7b51: 4c c7 7b                     jmp     L7BC7

7b54: 20 1e a2     L7B54           jsr     ClearLines?
7b57: 4c c7 7b                     jmp     L7BC7

7b5a: 20 14 7b     L7B5A           jsr     ZeroInfo
7b5d: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
7b60: 85 06                        sta     $06
7b62: 29 80                        and     #$80
7b64: 85 0e                        sta     INWK+2
7b66: 8a                           txa
7b67: 29 80                        and     #$80
7b69: 85 11                        sta     INWK+5
7b6b: a9 19                        lda     #$19
7b6d: 85 0d                        sta     INWK+1
7b6f: 85 10                        sta     INWK+4
7b71: 85 13                        sta     polyobj_zpos_mi
7b73: 8a                           txa
7b74: c9 f5                        cmp     #$f5
7b76: 2a                           rol     A
7b77: 09 c0                        ora     #$c0
7b79: 85 2c                        sta     polyobj_attack
7b7b: 18           SaveScramble?   clc
                   NOTE: C64 $84AF (code_6A00.asm)
                   ; Generate a random number.
                   ; Used for various things, notably the programmatically generated planet data.
                   ; On exit:
                   ;   A-reg: random number (0-255)
7b7c: a5 02        GetRandom       lda     rng_state
7b7e: 2a                           rol     A
7b7f: aa                           tax
7b80: 65 04                        adc     rng_state+2
7b82: 85 02                        sta     rng_state
7b84: 86 04                        stx     rng_state+2
7b86: a5 03                        lda     rng_state+1
7b88: aa                           tax
7b89: 65 05                        adc     rng_state+3
7b8b: 85 03                        sta     rng_state+1
7b8d: 86 05                        stx     rng_state+3
7b8f: 60                           rts

7b90: 20 7c 7b     L7B90           jsr     GetRandom
7b93: 4a                           lsr     A
7b94: 85 2c                        sta     polyobj_attack
7b96: 85 29                        sta     polyobj_roll
7b98: 26 2b                        rol     polyobj_vis
7b9a: 29 1f                        and     #$1f
7b9c: 09 10                        ora     #$10
7b9e: 85 27                        sta     polyobj_vertex_lo
7ba0: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
7ba3: 30 0a                        bmi     L7BAF
7ba5: a5 2c                        lda     polyobj_attack
7ba7: 09 c0                        ora     #$c0              ;active | target
7ba9: 85 2c                        sta     polyobj_attack
7bab: a2 10                        ldx     #$10
7bad: 86 30                        stx     $30
7baf: 29 02        L7BAF           and     #$02
7bb1: 69 0b                        adc     #$0b
7bb3: c9 0f                        cmp     #$0f
7bb5: f0 03                        beq     L7BBA
7bb7: 20 45 75                     jsr     L7545
7bba: 20 82 46     L7BBA           jsr     UpdateShipControls
7bbd: ce 77 02                     dec     PLAYER_STATE?+54
7bc0: f0 80                        beq     L7B42
7bc2: 10 03                        bpl     L7BC7
7bc4: ee 77 02                     inc     PLAYER_STATE?+54
7bc7: c6 b6        L7BC7           dec     $b6
7bc9: f0 03                        beq     L7BCE
7bcb: 4c e1 7c     :MainLoop_jmp   jmp     MainLoop

7bce: ad 6e 02     L7BCE           lda     witch_space_flag  ;in witch space?
7bd1: d0 f8                        bne     :MainLoop_jmp     ;yes, skip this
7bd3: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
7bd6: c9 23                        cmp     #$23
7bd8: b0 55                        bcs     L7C2F
7bda: ad 6b 02                     lda     PLAYER_STATE?+42
7bdd: c9 03                        cmp     #$03
7bdf: b0 4e                        bcs     L7C2F
7be1: 20 14 7b                     jsr     ZeroInfo
7be4: a9 26                        lda     #$26
7be6: 85 13                        sta     polyobj_zpos_mi
7be8: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
7beb: 85 0c                        sta     polyobj_xpos_lo
7bed: 86 0f                        stx     polyobj_ypos_lo
7bef: 29 80                        and     #$80
7bf1: 85 0e                        sta     INWK+2
7bf3: 8a                           txa
7bf4: 29 80                        and     #$80
7bf6: 85 11                        sta     INWK+5
7bf8: 26 0d                        rol     INWK+1
7bfa: 26 0d                        rol     INWK+1
7bfc: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
7bff: 70 8f                        bvs     L7B90
7c01: 09 6f                        ora     #$6f
7c03: 85 29                        sta     polyobj_roll
7c05: ad 4c 02                     lda     PLAYER_STATE?+11
7c08: d0 25                        bne     L7C2F
7c0a: 8a                           txa
7c0b: b0 08                        bcs     L7C15
7c0d: 29 1f                        and     #$1f
7c0f: 09 10                        ora     #$10
7c11: 85 27                        sta     polyobj_vertex_lo
7c13: 90 04                        bcc     L7C19

7c15: 09 7f        L7C15           ora     #$7f
7c17: 85 2a                        sta     polyobj_pitch
7c19: 20 7c 7b     L7C19           jsr     GetRandom
7c1c: c9 fc                        cmp     #$fc
7c1e: 90 06                        bcc     L7C26
7c20: a9 0f                        lda     #$0f
7c22: 85 2c                        sta     polyobj_attack
7c24: d0 06                        bne     L7C2C

7c26: c9 0a        L7C26           cmp     #$0a
7c28: 29 01                        and     #$01
7c2a: 69 05                        adc     #$05
7c2c: 20 45 75     L7C2C           jsr     L7545
7c2f: ad 4c 02     L7C2F           lda     PLAYER_STATE?+11
7c32: f0 03                        beq     L7C37
7c34: 4c e1 7c     L7C34           jmp     MainLoop

7c37: 20 07 7e     L7C37           jsr     CountIllegalCargo
7c3a: 0a                           asl     A
7c3b: ae 5a 02                     ldx     PLAYER_STATE?+25
7c3e: f0 03                        beq     L7C43
7c40: 0d c3 02                     ora     player_fug_inno
7c43: 85 d0        L7C43           sta     $d0
7c45: 20 5a 7b                     jsr     L7B5A
7c48: c9 88                        cmp     #$88
7c4a: f0 26                        beq     L7C72
7c4c: c5 d0                        cmp     $d0
7c4e: b0 05                        bcs     L7C55
7c50: a9 10                        lda     #$10
7c52: 20 45 75                     jsr     L7545
7c55: ad 5a 02     L7C55           lda     PLAYER_STATE?+25
7c58: d0 da                        bne     L7C34
7c5a: ce 76 02                     dec     PLAYER_STATE?+53
7c5d: 10 d5                        bpl     L7C34
7c5f: ee 76 02                     inc     PLAYER_STATE?+53
7c62: ad 8f 02                     lda     $028f
7c65: 29 0c                        and     #$0c
7c67: c9 08                        cmp     #$08
7c69: d0 0a                        bne     L7C75
7c6b: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
7c6e: c9 c8                        cmp     #$c8
7c70: 90 03                        bcc     L7C75
7c72: 20 6f 6d     L7C72           jsr     L6D6F
7c75: 20 7c 7b     L7C75           jsr     GetRandom
7c78: ac f1 02                     ldy     $02f1
7c7b: f0 0b                        beq     L7C88
7c7d: c9 5a                        cmp     #$5a
7c7f: b0 b3                        bcs     L7C34
7c81: 29 07                        and     #$07
7c83: cd f1 02                     cmp     $02f1
7c86: 90 ac                        bcc     L7C34
7c88: 20 5a 7b     L7C88           jsr     L7B5A
7c8b: c9 64                        cmp     #$64
7c8d: b0 36                        bcs     L7CC5
7c8f: ee 76 02                     inc     PLAYER_STATE?+53
7c92: 29 03                        and     #$03
7c94: 69 18                        adc     #$18
7c96: a8                           tay
7c97: 20 97 7a                     jsr     L7A97
7c9a: 90 11                        bcc     L7CAD
7c9c: a9 f9                        lda     #$f9
7c9e: 85 2c                        sta     polyobj_attack
7ca0: ad 8f 02                     lda     $028f
7ca3: 29 03                        and     #$03
7ca5: 4a                           lsr     A
7ca6: 90 05                        bcc     L7CAD
7ca8: 0d 69 02                     ora     PLAYER_STATE?+40
7cab: f0 10                        beq     L7CBD
7cad: a9 04        L7CAD           lda     #$04
7caf: 85 30                        sta     $30
7cb1: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
7cb4: c9 c8                        cmp     #$c8
7cb6: 2a                           rol     A
7cb7: 09 c0                        ora     #$c0
7cb9: 85 2c                        sta     polyobj_attack
7cbb: 98                           tya
7cbc: 2c                           bit ▼   font_glyphs+$2a9
7cbd: a9 1f        L7CBD           lda     #$1f
7cbf: 20 45 75                     jsr     L7545
7cc2: 4c e1 7c                     jmp     MainLoop

7cc5: 29 03        L7CC5           and     #$03
7cc7: 8d 76 02                     sta     PLAYER_STATE?+53
7cca: 85 b5                        sta     $b5
7ccc: 20 7c 7b     L7CCC           jsr     GetRandom
7ccf: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
7cd1: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
7cd4: 25 d0                        and     $d0
7cd6: 29 07                        and     #$07
7cd8: 69 11                        adc     #$11
7cda: 20 45 75                     jsr     L7545
7cdd: c6 b5                        dec     $b5
7cdf: 10 eb                        bpl     L7CCC
                   NOTE: "main loop?"
                   C64 $8627 (code_6A00.asm)
                   BBC .MLOOP (flight)
                   ; This appears to be the main game play loop while in space.
                   ; The BBC Micro and C64 versions are similar but different.  For example, the
                   ; C64 version has additional code to handle "trumbles" (a non-infringing species
                   ; of tribble).
7ce1: a2 ff        MainLoop        ldx     #$ff              ;reset the stack pointer
7ce3: 9a                           txs
7ce4: ae 74 02                     ldx     player_laser_temp ;cool the lasers
7ce7: f0 03                        beq     :Cold
7ce9: ce 74 02                     dec     player_laser_temp
7cec: ae 73 02     :Cold           ldx     main_dec2_thing?
7cef: f0 07                        beq     :Was0
7cf1: ca                           dex
7cf2: f0 01                        beq     :Was1
7cf4: ca                           dex
7cf5: 8e 73 02     :Was1           stx     main_dec2_thing?
7cf8: 20 02 56     :Was0           jsr     DrawHud?
7cfb: a5 b3                        lda     displayed_screen  ;viewing space?
7cfd: f0 0b                        beq     :NoDelay          ;yes
7cff: 2d 5a 45                     and     ptb_pausecmd_x?
7d02: 4a                           lsr     A                 ;check the low bit (set for planet info screen?)
7d03: b0 05                        bcs     :NoDelay          ;set, don't delay
7d05: a0 02                        ldy     #$02              ;this seems to slow things down when you're in
7d07: 20 96 63                     jsr     LongDelay         ; space but not looking at space
7d0a: 20 15 79     :NoDelay        jsr     GetGameInput
7d0d: 20 1a 7d     FromGameInit    jsr     HandleNonFlightKey
7d10: a5 ba                        lda     docked_flag       ;docked?
7d12: f0 03                        beq     :CheckStuff       ;no, check some stuff
7d14: 4c e1 7c                     jmp     MainLoop

7d17: 4c ba 7b     :CheckStuff     jmp     L7BBA

                   NOTE: key handlers for screen selection
7d1a: c9 39                        cmp     #‘9’
7d1c: d0 03                        bne     :Not9
7d1e: 4c ac 52                     jmp     ShipStatusScreen

7d21: c9 35        :Not9           cmp     #‘5’
7d23: d0 03                        bne     :Not5
7d25: 4c d9 65                     jmp     GalacticChartScreen

7d28: c9 36        :Not5           cmp     #‘6’
7d2a: d0 03                        bne     :Not6
7d2c: 4c c8 69                     jmp     LocalChartScreen

7d2f: c9 37        :Not6           cmp     #‘7’
7d31: d0 06                        bne     :Not7
7d33: 20 9e 6a                     jsr     L6A9E
7d36: 4c 79 64                     jmp     SystemDataScreen

7d39: c9 30        :Not7           cmp     #‘0’
7d3b: d0 03                        bne     :Not0
7d3d: 4c f8 68                     jmp     CargoListScreen

7d40: c9 38        :Not0           cmp     #‘8’
7d42: d0 03                        bne     :Not8
7d44: 4c bf 6c                     jmp     LocalMarketScreen

7d47: c9 31        :Not8           cmp     #‘1’
7d49: d0 03                        bne     :Not1
7d4b: 4c f2 6d                     jmp     LaunchOrLook

7d4e: 24 ba        :Not1           bit     docked_flag       ;are we docked?
7d50: 10 24                        bpl     :NotDocked        ;no, skip these
7d52: c9 34                        cmp     #‘4’
7d54: d0 03                        bne     :Not4
7d56: 4c 88 6e                     jmp     DockEquipShip     ;equip ship

7d59: c9 32        :Not4           cmp     #‘2’
7d5b: d0 03                        bne     :Not2
7d5d: 4c 07 67                     jmp     DockBuyCargo

7d60: c9 49        :Not2           cmp     #‘I’
7d62: d0 0b                        bne     L7D6F
7d64: 20 31 81                     jsr     FileAccessMenu
7d67: 90 03                        bcc     L7D6C
7d69: 4c f8 7e                     jmp     L7EF8

7d6c: 4c 2d 7f     L7D6C           jmp     L7F2D

7d6f: c9 33        L7D6F           cmp     #‘3’
7d71: d0 1a                        bne     L7D8D
7d73: 4c 23 68                     jmp     DockSellCargo

7d76: c9 32        :NotDocked      cmp     #‘2’
7d78: f0 0e                        beq     :View2
7d7a: c9 33                        cmp     #‘3’
7d7c: f0 07                        beq     :View3
7d7e: c9 34                        cmp     #‘4’
7d80: d0 0b                        bne     L7D8D
7d82: a2 03                        ldx     #$03
7d84: 2c                           bit ▼   $02a2
7d85: a2 02        :View3          ldx     #$02
7d87: 2c                           bit ▼   $01a2
7d88: a2 01        :View2          ldx     #$01
7d8a: 4c 5e 94                     jmp     SetViewDirection

7d8d: a5 80        L7D8D           lda     input_raw_key
7d8f: c9 48                        cmp     #‘H’
7d91: d0 03                        bne     :NotH
7d93: 4c 46 6b                     jmp     L6B46             ;hyperspace

7d96: c9 47        :NotH           cmp     #‘G’
7d98: d0 03                        bne     :NotG
7d9a: 4c 46 6b                     jmp     L6B46             ;intergalactic travel

7d9d: c9 44        :NotG           cmp     #‘D’
7d9f: f0 4e                        beq     ShowDistToPlanet
7da1: c9 46                        cmp     #‘F’
7da3: d0 0d                        bne     :NotF
                   ; 'F': find planet by name (while looking at charts)
7da5: a5 ba                        lda     docked_flag
7da7: f0 45                        beq     L7DEE
7da9: a5 b3                        lda     displayed_screen
7dab: 29 c0                        and     #$c0
7dad: f0 3f                        beq     L7DEE
7daf: 4c 65 57                     jmp     L5765

7db2: 85 06        :NotF           sta     $06
7db4: a5 b3                        lda     displayed_screen
7db6: 29 c0                        and     #$c0
7db8: f0 16                        beq     L7DD0
7dba: a5 69                        lda     $69
7dbc: d0 12                        bne     L7DD0
7dbe: a5 06                        lda     $06
7dc0: c9 4f                        cmp     #$4f
7dc2: d0 09                        bne     L7DCD
7dc4: 20 60 69                     jsr     L6960
7dc7: 20 8b 63                     jsr     L638B
7dca: 4c 60 69                     jmp     L6960

7dcd: 20 37 69     L7DCD           jsr     L6937
7dd0: a5 69        L7DD0           lda     $69
7dd2: f0 1a                        beq     L7DEE
7dd4: c6 68                        dec     $68
7dd6: d0 16                        bne     L7DEE
7dd8: a6 69                        ldx     $69
7dda: ca                           dex
7ddb: 20 03 6c                     jsr     L6C03
7dde: a9 05                        lda     #$05
7de0: 85 68                        sta     $68
7de2: a6 69                        ldx     $69
7de4: 20 03 6c                     jsr     L6C03
7de7: c6 69                        dec     $69
7de9: d0 03                        bne     L7DEE
7deb: 4c b0 6d                     jmp     L6DB0

7dee: 60           L7DEE           rts

                   ; 'D' key hit (distance to system under crosshairs)
7def: a5 b3                        lda     displayed_screen
7df1: 29 c0                        and     #$c0
7df3: f0 f9                        beq     L7DEE
7df5: 20 5b 70                     jsr     L705B
7df8: 20 af 70                     jsr     :PrintSelPlanet
7dfb: a9 80                        lda     #$80
7dfd: 85 37                        sta     text_mod_flags
7dff: a9 0c                        lda     #$0c
7e01: 20 33 55                     jsr     PrintChar
7e04: 4c 45 64                     jmp     L6445

                   ; BBC .BAD "Legal status from Cargo scan"
7e07: ad a9 02                     lda     player_cargo+3    ;slaves
7e0a: 18                           clc
7e0b: 6d ac 02                     adc     player_cargo+6    ;narcotics
7e0e: 0a                           asl     A                 ;double penalty for slaves/narcotics
7e0f: 6d b0 02                     adc     player_cargo+10   ;firearms
7e12: 60                           rts

7e13: a9 e0        L7E13           lda     #$e0
7e15: c5 0d        L7E15           cmp     INWK+1
7e17: 90 06                        bcc     L7E1F
7e19: c5 10                        cmp     INWK+4
7e1b: 90 02                        bcc     L7E1F
7e1d: c5 13                        cmp     polyobj_zpos_mi
7e1f: 60           L7E1F           rts

7e20: 05 0d        L7E20           ora     INWK+1
7e22: 05 10                        ora     INWK+4
7e24: 05 13                        ora     polyobj_zpos_mi
7e26: 60                           rts

7e27: 00           L7E27           .dd1    $00
7e28: ce                           .dd1    $ce
7e29: 27                           .dd1    $27
7e2a: 7e                           .dd1    $7e
7e2b: a2                           .dd1    $a2
7e2c: ff                           .dd1    $ff
7e2d: 9a                           .dd1    $9a
7e2e: 20                           .dd1    $20
7e2f: 67                           .dd1    $67
7e30: 82                           .dd1    $82
7e31: a8                           .dd1    $a8
7e32: a9                           .dd1    $a9
7e33: 07                           .dd1    $07
7e34: 20                           .dd1    $20
7e35: e6 a0 c8 b1+                 .str    “f H1}Px”
7e3c: 4c                           .dd1    $4c
7e3d: de                           .dd1    $de
7e3e: 7e                           .dd1    $7e

7e3f: a0 d2        GameOver?       ldy     #$d2
7e41: 20 71 95                     jsr     L9571
7e44: 20 c4 7a                     jsr     RES2
7e47: 06 a9                        asl     player_speed
7e49: 06 a9                        asl     player_speed
7e4b: a9 00                        lda     #$00
7e4d: 20 b9 94                     jsr     PrintFlightHud?
7e50: 20 d1 73                     jsr     L73D1
7e53: a9 0c                        lda     #$0c
7e55: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
7e57: 85 36                        sta     text_vposn
7e59: a9 92                        lda     #$92              ;"GAME OVER"
7e5b: 20 d8 71                     jsr     PrintCannedMsg
7e5e: 20 5a 7b     L7E5E           jsr     L7B5A
7e61: 4a                           lsr     A
7e62: 4a                           lsr     A
7e63: 85 0c                        sta     polyobj_xpos_lo
7e65: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
7e67: 84 0d                        sty     INWK+1
7e69: 84 10                        sty     INWK+4
7e6b: 84 13                        sty     polyobj_zpos_mi
7e6d: 84 2c                        sty     polyobj_attack
7e6f: 88                           dey
7e70: 84 b6                        sty     $b6
7e72: 49 2a                        eor     #$2a
7e74: 85 0f                        sta     polyobj_ypos_lo
7e76: 09 50                        ora     #$50
7e78: 85 12                        sta     polyobj_zpos_lo
7e7a: 8a                           txa
7e7b: 29 8f                        and     #$8f
7e7d: 85 29                        sta     polyobj_roll
7e7f: a0 40                        ldy     #$40
7e81: 8c 73 02                     sty     main_dec2_thing?
7e84: 38                           sec
7e85: 6a                           ror     A
7e86: 29 87                        and     #$87
7e88: 85 2a                        sta     polyobj_pitch
7e8a: a2 05                        ldx     #$05
7e8c: ad 07 a3                     lda     plate_addr+1
7e8f: f0 03                        beq     L7E94
7e91: 90 01                        bcc     L7E94
7e93: ca                           dex
7e94: 20 29 5c     L7E94           jsr     L5C29
7e97: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
7e9a: 29 80                        and     #$80
7e9c: a0 1f                        ldy     #$1f
7e9e: 91 5c                        sta     (polyobj_ptr),y
7ea0: ad 45 02                     lda     PLAYER_STATE?+4
7ea3: f0 b9                        beq     L7E5E
7ea5: a9 00                        lda     #$00
7ea7: 85 a9                        sta     player_speed
7ea9: 20 82 46                     jsr     UpdateShipControls
7eac: 20 82 46     L7EAC           jsr     UpdateShipControls
7eaf: ce 73 02                     dec     main_dec2_thing?
7eb2: d0 f8                        bne     L7EAC
7eb4: 4c d8 7e                     jmp     RestartGame

7eb7: 88                           .dd1    $88
7eb8: 88                           .dd1    $88

                   NOTE: C64 $8863 (code_6A00.asm) - loader entry point
                   ; Finishes initialization and falls into the welcome screen.
7eb9: a2 1d        InitGame        ldx     #$1d
7ebb: a9 00                        lda     #$00
7ebd: 9d 43 45     :Loop           sta     L4543,x           ;zero out $4543-4560
7ec0: ca                           dex                       ;(pause-mode toggles + other stuff)
7ec1: 10 fa                        bpl     :Loop
7ec3: ad 02 a3                     lda     station_addr
7ec6: 8d b7 7e                     sta     saved_station_addr
7ec9: ad 03 a3                     lda     station_addr+1
7ecc: 8d b8 7e                     sta     saved_station_addr+1
7ecf: 20 4a 80                     jsr     InitPlayerData    ;reset player save data to default
7ed2: a2 ff                        ldx     #$ff              ;reset system stack
7ed4: 9a                           txs
7ed5: 20 ad 7a                     jsr     ClearStuff?
                   ; Welcome screen.  We get here after initialization completes, or when ESC is
                   ; hit in the pause menu.
7ed8: a2 ff        RestartGame     ldx     #$ff
7eda: 9a                           txs
7edb: 20 c4 7a                     jsr     RES2
7ede: 20 69 82                     jsr     ResetInputs
7ee1: a9 03                        lda     #$03
7ee3: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
                   NOTE: ship displayed at start set here
7ee5: a2 0b                        ldx     #11               ;11 == Cobra Mk III
7ee7: a9 06                        lda     #$06              ;"Load New Commander (Y/N)?"
7ee9: a0 fa                        ldy     #$fa
7eeb: 20 66 7f                     jsr     GameStartScreen
7eee: e0 59                        cpx     #‘Y’
7ef0: d0 06                        bne     L7EF8
7ef2: 20 36 7f                     jsr     L7F36
7ef5: 20 31 81                     jsr     FileAccessMenu
7ef8: 20 36 7f     L7EF8           jsr     L7F36
7efb: 20 29 7b                     jsr     L7B29
7efe: a9 07                        lda     #$07              ;"Press space or fire, commander."
7f00: a2 11                        ldx     #17               ;17 = Sidewinder
7f02: a0 4b                        ldy     #$4b
7f04: 20 66 7f                     jsr     GameStartScreen
7f07: 20 8b 63                     jsr     L638B
7f0a: 20 9e 6a                     jsr     L6A9E
7f0d: 20 f8 6b                     jsr     L6BF8
7f10: a2 05                        ldx     #$05
7f12: b5 92        L7F12           lda     $92,x
7f14: 9d f5 02                     sta     $02f5,x
7f17: ca                           dex
7f18: 10 f8                        bpl     L7F12
7f1a: e8                           inx
7f1b: 8e 76 02                     stx     PLAYER_STATE?+53
7f1e: a5 d7                        lda     $d7
7f20: 8d ef 02                     sta     $02ef
7f23: a5 d9                        lda     $d9
7f25: 8d f2 02                     sta     $02f2
7f28: a5 d8                        lda     $d8
7f2a: 8d f1 02                     sta     $02f1
7f2d: a9 ff        L7F2D           lda     #$ff
7f2f: 85 ba                        sta     docked_flag
7f31: a9 39                        lda     #$39
7f33: 4c 0d 7d                     jmp     FromGameInit

7f36: a2 54        L7F36           ldx     #$54
7f38: bd 84 4d     L7F38           lda     commander_name-1,x
7f3b: 9d 86 02                     sta     $0286,x
7f3e: ca                           dex
7f3f: d0 f7                        bne     L7F38
7f41: 86 b3                        stx     displayed_screen
7f43: 20 29 80     L7F43           jsr     L8029
7f46: cd d9 4d                     cmp     scramble_thing?+1
7f49: d0 f8                        bne     L7F43
7f4b: 49 a9                        eor     #$a9
7f4d: aa                           tax
7f4e: ad 9d 02                     lda     ship_state1?
7f51: ec d7 4d                     cpx     scramble_thing?-1
7f54: f0 02                        beq     L7F58
7f56: 09 80                        ora     #$80
7f58: 09 08        L7F58           ora     #$08
7f5a: 8d 9d 02                     sta     ship_state1?
7f5d: 20 37 80                     jsr     L8037
7f60: cd d8 4d                     cmp     scramble_thing?
7f63: d0 de                        bne     L7F43
7f65: 60                           rts

7f66: 8c 84 02     GameStartScreen sty     intro_parameter?  ;Z distance?
7f69: 48                           pha                       ;docked string token; save for later
7f6a: 86 b8                        stx     $b8               ;ship type
7f6c: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
7f6e: 8d 61 45                     sta     unused_thing1
7f71: 20 ad 7a                     jsr     ClearStuff?
7f74: a9 00                        lda     #$00
7f76: 8d 61 45                     sta     unused_thing1
7f79: 20 69 82                     jsr     ResetInputs
7f7c: a9 0d                        lda     #$0d
7f7e: 20 b9 94                     jsr     PrintFlightHud?
7f81: a9 00                        lda     #$00
7f83: 85 b3                        sta     displayed_screen
7f85: a9 60                        lda     #$60
7f87: 85 1a                        sta     polyobj_mox2_hi
7f89: a9 60                        lda     #$60
7f8b: 85 13                        sta     polyobj_zpos_mi
7f8d: a2 7f                        ldx     #$7f
7f8f: 86 29                        stx     polyobj_roll
7f91: 86 2a                        stx     polyobj_pitch
7f93: e8                           inx
7f94: 86 37                        stx     text_mod_flags    ;set to $80
7f96: a5 b8                        lda     $b8
7f98: 20 45 75                     jsr     L7545
7f9b: a9 06                        lda     #$06
7f9d: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
7f9f: a9 1e                        lda     #$1e              ;"---- E L I T E ----"
7fa1: 20 39 71                     jsr     PrintTokFF
7fa4: a9 0a                        lda     #$0a
7fa6: 20 33 55                     jsr     PrintChar
7fa9: a9 06                        lda     #$06
7fab: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
7fad: ad 5a 45                     lda     ptb_pausecmd_x?   ;check pause-X flag
7fb0: f0 05                        beq     :NotX             ;not set, branch
7fb2: a9 0d                        lda     #$0d              ;"By D.Braben & I.Bell"
7fb4: 20 6e 4b                     jsr     PrintDockedStr    ;draw a second copy of author's names
7fb7: ad 27 7e     :NotX           lda     L7E27
7fba: f0 15                        beq     L7FD1
7fbc: ee 27 7e                     inc     L7E27
7fbf: a9 07                        lda     #$07
7fc1: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
7fc3: a9 09                        lda     #$09
7fc5: 85 36                        sta     text_vposn
7fc7: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
7fc9: 20 e6 a0     :loop           jsr     OutputChar
7fcc: c8                           iny
7fcd: b1 fd                        lda     ($fd),y
7fcf: d0 f8                        bne     :loop
7fd1: a0 00        L7FD1           ldy     #$00
7fd3: 84 a9                        sty     player_speed
7fd5: 8c 5e 45                     sty     ptb_joy_enab
7fd8: a9 0e                        lda     #14
7fda: 85 36                        sta     text_vposn
7fdc: a9 01                        lda     #1
7fde: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
7fe0: 68                           pla                       ;A=reg = $06 or $07
7fe1: 20 6e 4b                     jsr     PrintDockedStr
7fe4: a9 03                        lda     #$03
7fe6: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
7fe8: a9 0c                        lda     #$0c              ;"(C) D.Braben & I.Bell 1985"
7fea: 20 6e 4b                     jsr     PrintDockedStr
7fed: a9 0c                        lda     #$0c
7fef: 85 be                        sta     $be
7ff1: a9 05                        lda     #$05
7ff3: 85 b6                        sta     $b6
                   ; Animate the ship.
7ff5: a5 13        :WaitLoop       lda     polyobj_zpos_mi
7ff7: c9 01                        cmp     #$01
7ff9: f0 02                        beq     :NoDec
7ffb: c6 13                        dec     polyobj_zpos_mi
7ffd: 20 5e 90     :NoDec          jsr     MVEIT
8000: ae 84 02                     ldx     intro_parameter?
8003: 86 12                        stx     polyobj_zpos_lo
8005: a5 b6                        lda     $b6               ;?
8007: 29 03                        and     #$03              ;?
8009: a9 00                        lda     #$00
800b: 85 0c                        sta     polyobj_xpos_lo
800d: 85 0f                        sta     polyobj_ypos_lo
800f: 20 3e 88                     jsr     DrawObject
8012: 20 1f 83                     jsr     CheckForInput
8015: c6 b6                        dec     $b6
8017: ad 61 c0                     lda     BUTN0             ;check to see if either joystick button was hit
801a: 0d 62 c0                     ora     BUTN1
801d: 2d 62 45                     and     joystick_found_nr ;ignore if joystick not found earlier (which it never
8020: 30 03                        bmi     EnableJoystick    ; (is, because the code to find it isn't called)
8022: 90 d1                        bcc     :WaitLoop         ;no key hit, loop
8024: 60                           rts

8025: ce 5e 45     EnableJoystick  dec     ptb_joy_enab
8028: 60                           rts

8029: a2 49        L8029           ldx     #$49
802b: 18                           clc
802c: 8a                           txa
802d: 7d 8c 4d     L802D           adc     save_game_state,x
8030: 5d 8d 4d                     eor     save_game_state+1,x
8033: ca                           dex
8034: d0 f7                        bne     L802D
8036: 60                           rts

8037: a2 49        L8037           ldx     #$49
8039: 18                           clc
803a: 8a                           txa
803b: 86 d0        L803B           stx     $d0
803d: 45 d0                        eor     $d0
803f: 6a                           ror     A
8040: 7d 8c 4d                     adc     save_game_state,x
8043: 5d 8d 4d                     eor     save_game_state+1,x
8046: ca                           dex
8047: d0 f2                        bne     L803B
8049: 60                           rts

804a: a0 61        InitPlayerData  ldy     #97
804c: b9 f3 4d     :Loop           lda     commander_jameson,y
804f: 99 85 4d                     sta     commander_name,y
8052: 88                           dey
8053: 10 f7                        bpl     :Loop
8055: a0 07                        ldy     #$07
8057: 8c ea 81                     sty     LoadSavedGame-1
805a: 60                           rts

805b: a2 00        L805B           ldx     #$00
805d: b5 11        L805D           lda     INWK+5,x
805f: c9 0d                        cmp     #$0d
8061: f0 08                        beq     L806B
8063: 9d 43 96                     sta     disk_filename,x
8066: e8                           inx
8067: e0 07                        cpx     #$07
8069: 90 f2                        bcc     L805D
806b: a9 20        L806B           lda     #$20
806d: 9d 43 96     L806D           sta     disk_filename,x
8070: e8                           inx
8071: e0 1e                        cpx     #$1e
8073: 90 f8                        bcc     L806D
8075: 60                           rts

8076: a2 07        L8076           ldx     #$07
8078: ad e9 81                     lda     L81E9
807b: 8d ea 81                     sta     LoadSavedGame-1
807e: b5 11        L807E           lda     INWK+5,x
8080: 9d 85 4d                     sta     commander_name,x
8083: ca                           dex
8084: 10 f8                        bpl     L807E
8086: a2 07        L8086           ldx     #$07
8088: bd 85 4d     L8088           lda     commander_name,x
808b: 95 11                        sta     INWK+5,x
808d: ca                           dex
808e: 10 f8                        bpl     L8088
8090: 60                           rts

8091: a2 04        L8091           ldx     #$04
8093: bd 80 4d     L8093           lda     L4D80,x
8096: 95 0c                        sta     polyobj_xpos_lo,x
8098: ca                           dex
8099: 10 f8                        bpl     L8093
809b: a9 07                        lda     #$07
809d: 8d fc 80                     sta     max_cmdr_name_len
80a0: a9 08                        lda     #$08
80a2: 20 6e 4b                     jsr     PrintDockedStr
80a5: 20 b4 80                     jsr     InputName
80a8: a9 09                        lda     #$09
80aa: 8d fc 80                     sta     max_cmdr_name_len
80ad: 98                           tya
80ae: f0 d6                        beq     L8086
80b0: 8c e9 81                     sty     L81E9
80b3: 60                           rts

                   ; Enter a name, for the commander or a planet.
80b4: a0 08        InputName       ldy     #$08
80b6: 20 96 63                     jsr     LongDelay
80b9: 20 a2 4e                     jsr     ClearKbdStrb
80bc: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
80be: 20 e5 84     :Loop           jsr     GetInput1?
80c1: c9 0d                        cmp     #$0d              ;enter
80c3: f0 23                        beq     :Accept
80c5: c9 1b                        cmp     #$1b              ;esc
80c7: f0 27                        beq     :Cancel
80c9: c9 7f                        cmp     #$7f              ;delete
80cb: f0 25                        beq     :Backspace
80cd: cc fc 80                     cpy     max_cmdr_name_len
80d0: b0 0f                        bcs     :BadKey
80d2: cd fd 80                     cmp     cmdr_name_min_char
80d5: 90 0a                        bcc     :BadKey
80d7: cd fe 80                     cmp     cmdr_name_max_char
80da: b0 05                        bcs     :BadKey
80dc: 99 11 00                     sta     INWK+5,y
80df: c8                           iny
80e0: 2c                           bit ▼   $07a9
80e1: a9 07        :BadKey         lda     #$07              ;bell
80e3: 20 e6 a0     L80E3           jsr     OutputChar
80e6: 90 d6                        bcc     :Loop             ;(always?)
80e8: 99 11 00     :Accept         sta     INWK+5,y
80eb: a9 0c                        lda     #$0c
80ed: 4c e6 a0                     jmp     OutputChar

80f0: 38           :Cancel         sec
80f1: 60                           rts

80f2: 98           :Backspace      tya                       ;already at start of name?
80f3: f0 ec                        beq     :BadKey           ;yes, just beep
80f5: 88                           dey
80f6: a9 7f                        lda     #$7f              ;print a DEL
80f8: d0 e9                        bne     L80E3             ;(always)

80fa: 11                           .dd1    $11
80fb: 00                           .dd1    $00
80fc: 09                           .dd1    $09               ;max 9 chars
80fd: 21                           .dd1    ‘!’
80fe: 7b                           .dd1    ‘{’

80ff: a9 03        PrintDiskTape   lda     #$03              ;"tape"
8101: 18                           clc
8102: 6d 60 45                     adc     ptb_pausecmd_t    ;--> 3 or 2
8105: 4c 6e 4b                     jmp     PrintDockedStr

8108: a9 02        PrintTapeDisk   lda     #$02              ;"disk"
810a: 38                           sec
810b: ed 60 45                     sbc     ptb_pausecmd_t    ;--> 2 or 3
810e: 4c 6e 4b                     jmp     PrintDockedStr

8111: a2 37        ZeroPlayerState ldx     #55
8113: a9 00                        lda     #$00
8115: 9d 41 02     :Loop           sta     PLAYER_STATE?,x
8118: ca                           dex
8119: 10 fa                        bpl     :Loop
811b: 60                           rts

811c: 60                           .dd1    $60
811d: a2                           .dd1    $a2
811e: 0c                           .dd1    $0c
811f: 20                           .dd1    $20
8120: 23                           .dd1    $23
8121: 81                           .dd1    $81
8122: ca                           .dd1    $ca
8123: a0                           .dd1    $a0
8124: 00                           .dd1    $00
8125: 84                           .dd1    $84
8126: 0a                           .dd1    $0a
8127: a9                           .dd1    $a9
8128: 00                           .dd1    $00
8129: 86                           .dd1    $86
812a: 0b                           .dd1    $0b
812b: 91                           .dd1    $91
812c: 0a                           .dd1    $0a
812d: c8                           .dd1    $c8
812e: d0                           .dd1    $d0
812f: fb                           .dd1    $fb
8130: 60                           .dd1    $60

                   NOTE: disk access menu
                   • Clear variables
                   ]txt_ptr        .var    $6e    {addr/2}

8131: a9 01        FileAccessMenu  lda     #$01              ;"disk access menu ..."
8133: 20 6e 4b                     jsr     PrintDockedStr
8136: 20 e7 84                     jsr     GetInput?
8139: c9 31                        cmp     #‘1’
813b: f0 1a                        beq     LoadGame
813d: c9 32                        cmp     #‘2’
813f: f0 21                        beq     SaveGame
8141: c9 33                        cmp     #‘3’
8143: d0 10                        bne     :Return
8145: a9 e0                        lda     #$e0              ;reset to default game
8147: 20 6e 4b                     jsr     PrintDockedStr
814a: 20 08 79                     jsr     L7908
814d: 90 06                        bcc     :Return
814f: 20 4a 80                     jsr     InitPlayerData
8152: 4c 36 7f                     jmp     L7F36

8155: 18           :Return         clc
8156: 60                           rts

8157: 20 91 80     LoadGame        jsr     L8091
815a: 20 eb 81                     jsr     LoadSavedGame
815d: 20 76 80                     jsr     L8076
8160: 38                           sec
8161: 60                           rts

8162: 20 91 80     SaveGame        jsr     L8091
8165: 20 76 80                     jsr     L8076
8168: 4e d8 02                     lsr     $02d8
816b: a9 04                        lda     #$04
816d: 20 6e 4b                     jsr     PrintDockedStr
8170: a2 4c                        ldx     #$4c
8172: bd 8f 02     :Loop           lda     $028f,x
8175: 9d 8d 4d                     sta     save_game_state+1,x
8178: ca                           dex
8179: 10 f7                        bpl     :Loop
817b: 20 37 80                     jsr     L8037
817e: 8d d8 4d                     sta     scramble_thing?
8181: 20 29 80                     jsr     L8029
8184: 8d d9 4d                     sta     scramble_thing?+1
8187: 48                           pha
8188: 09 80                        ora     #$80
818a: 85 7a                        sta     $7a
818c: 4d 9d 02                     eor     ship_state1?
818f: 85 7c                        sta     $7c
8191: 4d 9a 02                     eor     player_credits+2
8194: 85 7b                        sta     $7b
8196: 49 5a                        eor     #$5a
8198: 4d d7 02                     eor     kill_score+1
819b: 85 7d                        sta     $7d
819d: 18                           clc
819e: 20 74 54                     jsr     PrintNumber?
81a1: 20 66 64                     jsr     PrintFF
81a4: 20 66 64                     jsr     PrintFF
81a7: 68                           pla
81a8: 49 a9                        eor     #$a9
81aa: 8d d7 4d                     sta     scramble_thing?-1
81ad: 20 5b 80                     jsr     L805B
81b0: a0 4c                        ldy     #$4c
81b2: b9 8d 4d     :Loop           lda     save_game_state+1,y
81b5: 99 f0 0a                     sta     scram_save_data+20,y
81b8: 88                           dey
81b9: 10 f7                        bpl     :Loop
81bb: 20 81 96                     jsr     DiskSaveGame
81be: b0 08                        bcs     :SaveFail
81c0: 20 36 7f                     jsr     L7F36
81c3: 20 e7 84                     jsr     GetInput?
81c6: 18                           clc
81c7: 60                           rts

81c8: 0a           :SaveFail       asl     A                 ;error code in A-reg (1-5)
81c9: aa                           tax
81ca: bd 5b 82                     lda     disk_err_msgs-2,x
81cd: 85 6e                        sta     ]txt_ptr
81cf: bd 5c 82                     lda     disk_err_msgs-1,x
81d2: 85 6f                        sta     ]txt_ptr+1
81d4: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
81d6: b1 6e        :Loop           lda     (]txt_ptr),y
81d8: f0 06                        beq     :StrEnd
81da: 20 33 55                     jsr     PrintChar
81dd: c8                           iny
81de: d0 f6                        bne     :Loop
81e0: 20 52 95     :StrEnd         jsr     Noise1?
81e3: 20 e7 84                     jsr     GetInput?
81e6: 4c 31 81                     jmp     FileAccessMenu

81e9: 07           L81E9           .dd1    $07
81ea: 07                           .dd1    $07

81eb: 20 5b 80     LoadSavedGame   jsr     L805B
81ee: 20 61 96                     jsr     DiskLoadGame
81f1: b0 d5                        bcs     :SaveFail
81f3: 20 d3 9b                     jsr     UnscrambleSaveData
81f6: ad f0 0a                     lda     scram_save_data+20
81f9: 30 0d                        bmi     L8208
81fb: a0 4c                        ldy     #$4c
81fd: b9 f0 0a     :Loop           lda     scram_save_data+20,y
8200: 99 8d 4d                     sta     save_game_state+1,y
8203: 88                           dey
8204: 10 f7                        bpl     :Loop
8206: 38                           sec
8207: 60                           rts

8208: a9 09        L8208           lda     #$09
820a: 20 6e 4b                     jsr     PrintDockedStr
820d: 20 e7 84                     jsr     GetInput?
8210: 4c 31 81                     jmp     FileAccessMenu

8213: 44 49 53 4b+ T8213           .zstr   ‘DISK WRITE PROTECTED’
8228: 44 49 53 4b+ T8228           .zstr   ‘DISK FULL’
8232: 43 41 54 41+ T8232           .zstr   ‘CATALOG FULL’
823f: 44 49 53 4b+ T823F           .zstr   ‘DISK I/O ERROR’
824e: 46 49 4c 45+ T824E           .zstr   ‘FILE NOT FOUND’
825d: 13 82        disk_err_msgs   .dd2    T8213
825f: 28 82                        .dd2    T8228
8261: 32 82                        .dd2    T8232
8263: 3f 82                        .dd2    T823F
8265: 4e 82                        .dd2    T824E
8267: 60                           .dd1    $60
8268: 60                           .dd1    $60

8269: a9 00        ResetInputs     lda     #$00
826b: a2 10                        ldx     #$10
826d: 95 80        L826D           sta     input_raw_key,x
826f: ca                           dex
8270: 10 fb                        bpl     L826D
8272: 60                           rts

8273: 60                           .dd1    $60

8274: a2 00        L8274           ldx     #$00
8276: 20 eb 74                     jsr     L74EB
8279: a2 03                        ldx     #$03
827b: 20 eb 74                     jsr     L74EB
827e: a2 06                        ldx     #$06
8280: 20 eb 74                     jsr     L74EB
8283: a5 38        L8283           lda     $38
8285: 05 3b                        ora     $3b
8287: 05 3e                        ora     $3e
8289: 09 01                        ora     #$01
828b: 85 41                        sta     $41
828d: a5 39                        lda     $39
828f: 05 3c                        ora     $3c
8291: 05 3f                        ora     $3f
8293: 06 41        L8293           asl     $41
8295: 2a                           rol     A
8296: b0 0e                        bcs     L82A6
8298: 06 38                        asl     $38
829a: 26 39                        rol     $39
829c: 06 3b                        asl     $3b
829e: 26 3c                        rol     $3c
82a0: 06 3e                        asl     $3e
82a2: 26 3f                        rol     $3f
82a4: 90 ed                        bcc     L8293
82a6: a5 39        L82A6           lda     $39
82a8: 4a                           lsr     A
82a9: 05 3a                        ora     $3a
82ab: 85 6e                        sta     ]txt_ptr
82ad: a5 3c                        lda     $3c
82af: 4a                           lsr     A
82b0: 05 3d                        ora     $3d
82b2: 85 6f                        sta     ]txt_ptr+1
82b4: a5 3f                        lda     $3f
82b6: 4a                           lsr     A
82b7: 05 40                        ora     $40
82b9: 85 70                        sta     $70
82bb: a5 6e        L82BB           lda     ]txt_ptr
82bd: 20 30 5f                     jsr     L5F30
82c0: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
82c2: a5 31                        lda     $31
82c4: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
82c6: a5 6f                        lda     ]txt_ptr+1
82c8: 20 30 5f                     jsr     L5F30
82cb: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
82cd: a5 31                        lda     $31
82cf: 65 ad                        adc     $ad
82d1: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
82d3: a5 d0                        lda     $d0
82d5: 65 ae                        adc     $ae
82d7: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
82d9: a5 70                        lda     $70
82db: 20 30 5f                     jsr     L5F30
82de: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
82e0: a5 31                        lda     $31
82e2: 65 ad                        adc     $ad
82e4: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
82e6: a5 d0                        lda     $d0
82e8: 65 ae                        adc     $ae
82ea: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
82ec: 20 45 87                     jsr     TwoByteSqrt
82ef: a5 6e                        lda     ]txt_ptr
82f1: 20 81 86                     jsr     L8681
82f4: 85 6e                        sta     ]txt_ptr
82f6: a5 6f                        lda     ]txt_ptr+1
82f8: 20 81 86                     jsr     L8681
82fb: 85 6f                        sta     ]txt_ptr+1
82fd: a5 70                        lda     $70
82ff: 20 81 86                     jsr     L8681
8302: 85 70                        sta     $70
8304: 60                           rts

                   ; Reads a paddle.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   X-reg: paddle # (0 or 1)
                   ; On exit:
                   ;   X-reg: (unchanged)
                   ;   Y-reg: paddle reading
                   ;   A-reg: paddle reading (possibly modified)
8305: bd 64 c0     ReadPaddle      lda     PADDL0,x
8308: 30 fb                        bmi     ReadPaddle        ;let it settle
830a: ac 70 c0                     ldy     PTRIG             ;reset the timer
830d: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
830f: ea                           nop
8310: ea                           nop
8311: bd 64 c0     :Loop           lda     PADDL0,x          ;test current value
8314: 10 04                        bpl     :Done             ;done
8316: c8                           iny
8317: d0 f8                        bne     :Loop
8319: 88                           dey
831a: 98           :Done           tya
831b: 4d 5d 45                     eor     ptb_joy_axis_flip ;invert both axes
831e: 60                           rts

                   ; Checks for input from the keyboard and/or joystick.
                   ; On exit:
                   ;   $80: key hit, or $00 if none
                   ;   A-reg/X-reg: same as $80
                   ;   $81-90: bool 00/ff: command N issued
                   ;   P-flags set (N/V/Z) according to Acc, (C) set if key was hit
831f: 98           CheckForInput   tya
8320: 48                           pha
8321: 20 69 82                     jsr     ResetInputs
8324: 18                           clc
8325: ad 00 c0                     lda     KBD               ;was a key hit?
8328: 10 14                        bpl     :NoKeyHit         ;no, check the next thing
832a: 2c 10 c0                     bit     KBDSTRB           ;clear input
832d: 29 7f                        and     #$7f              ;clear hi bit
832f: 85 80                        sta     input_raw_key     ;save for later
8331: a2 10                        ldx     #$10
8333: dd e5 83     :CheckKey       cmp     flight_key_cmds-1,x ;does it match one of the flight control keys?
8336: d0 02                        bne     :NotMatch         ;no, branch
8338: d6 80                        dec     input_raw_key,x   ;set $8x to $FF to indicate key hit
833a: ca           :NotMatch       dex
833b: d0 f6                        bne     :CheckKey
833d: 38                           sec                       ;set carry to indicate key hit
833e: ad 5e 45     :NoKeyHit       lda     ptb_joy_enab
8341: 10 15        _set_by_init    bpl     :NoPaddle         ;init code changes branch to $30==$8373
8343: ae 6c 02                     ldx     computer_dock_flag ;is computer driving the ship?
8346: d0 10                        bne     :NoPaddle         ;yup, ignore the joystick
8348: 20 05 83                     jsr     ReadPaddle        ;read X axis
834b: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff              ;invert
834d: 85 d1                        sta     roll_velocity
834f: e8                           inx                       ;X-reg=1
8350: 20 05 83                     jsr     ReadPaddle        ;read Y axis
8353: 4d 5c 45                     eor     ptb_joy_y_flip
8356: 85 d2                        sta     pitch_velocity
8358: a9 ff        :NoPaddle       lda     #$ff
835a: 2c 61 c0                     bit     BUTN0             ;button 0 hit?
835d: 10 0b                        bpl     :NotBtn0          ;nope
835f: 2c 62 c0                     bit     BUTN1             ;button 1 hit?
8362: 10 04                        bpl     :OnlyBtn1         ;nope
8364: 85 81                        sta     cmd_throttle_down ;both buttons == throttle down
8366: 30 09                        bmi     :Cont             ;(always)

8368: 85 87        :OnlyBtn1       sta     cmd_fire_laser    ;fire lasers
836a: 2c 62 c0     :NotBtn0        bit     BUTN1             ;button 1 hit?
836d: 10 02                        bpl     :Cont
836f: 85 82                        sta     cmd_throttle_up   ;increase throttle
8371: a5 b3        :Cont           lda     displayed_screen  ;something that disables commands?
8373: f0 14                        beq     :Done             ;not set
8375: a9 00                        lda     #$00              ;clear all commands
8377: 85 88                        sta     cmd_energy_bomb
8379: 85 89                        sta     cmd_escape_cap
837b: 85 8a                        sta     cmd_targ_mssl
837d: 85 8b                        sta     cmd_unarm_mssl
837f: 85 8c                        sta     cmd_fire_mssl
8381: 85 8d                        sta     cmd_ecm
8383: 85 8e                        sta     cmd_local_jump
8385: 85 8f                        sta     cmd_dock_on
8387: 85 90                        sta     cmd_dock_off
8389: 68           :Done           pla
838a: a8                           tay
838b: a5 80                        lda     input_raw_key
838d: aa                           tax
838e: 60                           rts

838f: ae 6b 02     LocalJump       ldx     PLAYER_STATE?+42
8392: bd 43 02                     lda     PLAYER_STATE?+2,x
8395: 0d 4c 02                     ora     PLAYER_STATE?+11
8398: 0d 6e 02                     ora     witch_space_flag
839b: d0 45                        bne     L83E2
839d: ac 08 08                     ldy     data_buffer+8
83a0: 30 08                        bmi     L83AA
83a2: a8                           tay
83a3: 20 61 52                     jsr     L5261
83a6: c9 02                        cmp     #$02
83a8: 90 38                        bcc     L83E2
83aa: ac 2d 08     L83AA           ldy     data_buffer+45
83ad: 30 09                        bmi     L83B8
83af: a0 25                        ldy     #$25
83b1: 20 5f 52                     jsr     L525F
83b4: c9 02                        cmp     #$02
83b6: 90 2a                        bcc     L83E2
83b8: a9 81        L83B8           lda     #$81
83ba: 85 af                        sta     $af
83bc: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
83be: 85 31                        sta     $31
83c0: ad 08 08                     lda     data_buffer+8
83c3: 20 68 60                     jsr     ADD
83c6: 8d 08 08                     sta     data_buffer+8
83c9: ad 2d 08                     lda     data_buffer+45
83cc: 20 68 60                     jsr     ADD
83cf: 8d 2d 08                     sta     data_buffer+45
83d2: a9 01                        lda     #$01
83d4: 85 b3                        sta     displayed_screen
83d6: 85 b6                        sta     $b6
83d8: 4a                           lsr     A
83d9: 8d 76 02                     sta     PLAYER_STATE?+53
83dc: ae 72 02                     ldx     PLAYER_STATE?+49
83df: 4c 5e 94                     jmp     SetViewDirection

83e2: 4c 52 95     L83E2           jmp     Noise1?

83e5: 60                           .junk   1
                   ; Flight-control keys.  When pressed, the corresponding zero-page location is
                   ; set to true.
83e6: 2f           flight_key_cmds .dd1    ‘/’               ;$81 throttle down
83e7: 20                           .dd1    ‘ ’               ;$82 throttle up
83e8: 2c                           .dd1    ‘,’               ;$83 roll left
83e9: 2e                           .dd1    ‘.’               ;$84 roll right
83ea: 58                           .dd1    ‘X’               ;$85 pitch down
83eb: 53                           .dd1    ‘S’               ;$86 pitch up
83ec: 41                           .dd1    ‘A’               ;$87 fire lasers
83ed: 42                           .dd1    ‘B’               ;$88 energy bomb
83ee: 1b                           .dd1    $1b               ;$89 escape capsule
83ef: 54                           .dd1    ‘T’               ;$8a target missile
83f0: 55                           .dd1    ‘U’               ;$8b un-arm missile
83f1: 4d                           .dd1    ‘M’               ;$8c fire missile
83f2: 45                           .dd1    ‘E’               ;$8d ECM
83f3: 4a                           .dd1    ‘J’               ;$8e in-system jump
83f4: 43                           .dd1    ‘C’               ;$8f docking computer on
83f5: 50                           .dd1    ‘P’               ;$90 docking computer off
83f6: a2 00 2c 00+                 .junk   14                ;unreferenced code?

                   ; Check to see if a pause-mode key has been hit.  If so, update the toggle
                   ; value.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   Y-reg: entry to check (0-8)
8404: 8a                           txa
8405: d9 63 45                     cmp     pause_key_cmds,y  ;does it match the Nth entry?
8408: d0 19                        bne     :Bail             ;no
840a: b9 58 45                     lda     ptb_kbd_dampening,y ;yes, flip the state of that variable
840d: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
840f: 99 58 45                     sta     ptb_kbd_dampening,y
8412: 10 03                        bpl     :SwitchOff
8414: 20 fd 55                     jsr     PrintBell         ;chirp
8417: 20 fd 55     :SwitchOff      jsr     PrintBell         ;twice when enabled
841a: 98                           tya                       ;preserve Y-reg
841b: 48                           pha
841c: a0 14                        ldy     #$14
841e: 20 96 63                     jsr     LongDelay
8421: 68                           pla                       ;restore Y-reg
8422: a8                           tay
8423: 60           :Bail           rts

8424: 60                           .dd1    $60

                   NOTE: flight input handling
8425: 20 1f 83                     jsr     CheckForInput
8428: ad 6c 02                     lda     computer_dock_flag
842b: f0 5a                        beq     L8487
842d: 20 14 7b                     jsr     ZeroInfo
8430: a9 60                        lda     #$60
8432: 85 1a                        sta     polyobj_mox2_hi
8434: 09 80                        ora     #$80
8436: 85 22                        sta     $22
8438: 85 b8                        sta     $b8
843a: a5 a9                        lda     player_speed
843c: 85 27                        sta     polyobj_vertex_lo
843e: 20 50 5a                     jsr     L5A50
8441: a5 27                        lda     polyobj_vertex_lo
8443: c9 16                        cmp     #$16
8445: 90 02                        bcc     L8449
8447: a9 16                        lda     #$16
8449: 85 a9        L8449           sta     player_speed
844b: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
844d: a2 01                        ldx     #$01
844f: a4 28                        ldy     $28
8451: f0 06                        beq     L8459
8453: 30 02                        bmi     L8457
8455: a2 02                        ldx     #$02
8457: 95 80        L8457           sta     input_raw_key,x
8459: a9 80        L8459           lda     #$80
845b: a2 03                        ldx     #$03
845d: 06 29                        asl     polyobj_roll
845f: f0 12                        beq     L8473
8461: 90 02                        bcc     L8465
8463: a2 04                        ldx     #$04
8465: 24 29        L8465           bit     polyobj_roll
8467: 10 06                        bpl     L846F
8469: a9 40                        lda     #$40
846b: 85 d1                        sta     roll_velocity
846d: a9 00                        lda     #$00
846f: 95 80        L846F           sta     input_raw_key,x
8471: a5 d1                        lda     roll_velocity
8473: 85 d1        L8473           sta     roll_velocity
8475: a9 80                        lda     #$80
8477: a2 05                        ldx     #$05
8479: 06 2a                        asl     polyobj_pitch
847b: f0 08                        beq     L8485
847d: b0 02                        bcs     L8481
847f: a2 06                        ldx     #$06
8481: 95 80        L8481           sta     input_raw_key,x
8483: a5 d2                        lda     pitch_velocity
8485: 85 d2        L8485           sta     pitch_velocity
8487: a6 d1        L8487           ldx     roll_velocity
8489: a9 14                        lda     #$14
848b: a4 83                        ldy     cmd_roll_left
848d: f0 03                        beq     L8492
848f: 20 f1 61                     jsr     L61F1
8492: a4 84        L8492           ldy     cmd_roll_right
8494: f0 03                        beq     L8499
8496: 20 01 62                     jsr     REDU2
8499: 86 d1        L8499           stx     roll_velocity
849b: a6 d2                        ldx     pitch_velocity
849d: a4 85                        ldy     cmd_pitch_down
849f: f0 03                        beq     L84A4
84a1: 20 01 62                     jsr     REDU2
84a4: a4 86        L84A4           ldy     cmd_pitch_up
84a6: f0 03                        beq     L84AB
84a8: 20 f1 61                     jsr     L61F1
84ab: 86 d2        L84AB           stx     pitch_velocity
84ad: a6 80                        ldx     input_raw_key
84af: 86 80                        stx     input_raw_key
84b1: e0 3d                        cpx     #‘=’              ;pause key?
84b3: d0 2f                        bne     :Done
                   NOTE: pause key handler
84b5: 20 7e a0     :PauseMode      jsr     Delay
84b8: 20 1f 83                     jsr     CheckForInput
84bb: e0 51                        cpx     #‘Q’              ;is it a 'Q'?
84bd: d0 07                        bne     L84C6
84bf: a2 ff                        ldx     #$ff              ;yes, disable sound
84c1: 8e 57 45                     stx     sound_disab_flag
84c4: a2 51                        ldx     #‘Q’              ;continue with 'Q'
84c6: a0 00        L84C6           ldy     #$00
84c8: 20 04 84     :TogLoop        jsr     CheckPauseToggles ;DAXFYJKUT
84cb: c8                           iny
84cc: c0 09                        cpy     #$09
84ce: d0 f8                        bne     :TogLoop
84d0: e0 53                        cpx     #‘S’              ;is it 'S'?
84d2: d0 05                        bne     L84D9
84d4: a9 00                        lda     #$00              ;yes, enable sound
84d6: 8d 57 45                     sta     sound_disab_flag
84d9: e0 1b        L84D9           cpx     #$1b              ;ESC?
84db: d0 03                        bne     L84E0
84dd: 4c d8 7e                     jmp     RestartGame

84e0: e0 2d        L84E0           cpx     #‘-’              ;unpause?
84e2: d0 d1                        bne     :PauseMode        ;no, keep going
84e4: 60           :Done           rts

84e5: 84 b1        GetInput1?      sty     $b1
84e7: a0 02        GetInput?       ldy     #$02
84e9: 20 96 63                     jsr     LongDelay
84ec: 20 1f 83                     jsr     CheckForInput
84ef: d0 f6                        bne     GetInput?
84f1: 20 1f 83     L84F1           jsr     CheckForInput
84f4: f0 fb                        beq     L84F1
84f6: a4 b1                        ldy     $b1
84f8: aa                           tax
84f9: 60           :Return         rts

84fa: 8e 77 02     L84FA           stx     PLAYER_STATE?+54
84fd: 48                           pha
84fe: ad dc 02                     lda     in_flight_msg_token
8501: 20 53 85                     jsr     L8553
8504: 68                           pla
8505: 48                           pha
8506: a9 0f                        lda     #$0f
8508: a6 b3                        ldx     displayed_screen
850a: f0 06                        beq     L8512
850c: 20 1e a2                     jsr     ClearLines?
850f: a9 19                        lda     #$19
8511: 2c                           bit ▼   title_screen+$1685
8512: 85 36        L8512           sta     text_vposn
8514: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
8516: 86 37                        stx     text_mod_flags
8518: a5 ce                        lda     $ce
851a: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
851c: 68                           pla
851d: a0 14                        ldy     #$14
851f: ec 77 02                     cpx     PLAYER_STATE?+54
8522: d0 d6                        bne     L84FA
8524: 8c 77 02                     sty     PLAYER_STATE?+54
8527: 8d dc 02                     sta     in_flight_msg_token
852a: a9 c0                        lda     #$c0
852c: 8d 2a 55                     sta     txt_buffer_flag
852f: ad 78 02                     lda     $0278
8532: 4a                           lsr     A
8533: a9 00                        lda     #$00
8535: 90 02                        bcc     L8539
8537: a9 0a                        lda     #$0a
8539: 8d 2b 55     L8539           sta     txt_buffer_index
853c: ad dc 02                     lda     in_flight_msg_token
853f: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
8542: a9 20                        lda     #$20
8544: 38                           sec
8545: ed 2b 55                     sbc     txt_buffer_index
8548: 4a                           lsr     A
8549: 85 ce                        sta     $ce
854b: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
854d: 20 82 4c                     jsr     ClearBufferFlag
8550: ad dc 02                     lda     in_flight_msg_token
8553: 20 44 71     L8553           jsr     PrintFlightToken
8556: 4e 78 02                     lsr     $0278
8559: 90 9e                        bcc     :Return
855b: a9 fd                        lda     #$fd              ;"Destroyed"
855d: 4c 44 71                     jmp     PrintFlightToken

                   NOTE: C64 $906a (code_6A00.asm)
                   BBC .OUCH &45ea
                   ; Shield depleted, losing cargo / equipment.
8560: 20 7c 7b     OUCH            jsr     GetRandom
8563: 30 94                        bmi     :Return           ;50% chance of nothing lost
8565: e0 16                        cpx     #22               ;max equipment
8567: b0 90                        bcs     :Return           ;number too high, nothing lost
8569: bd a6 02                     lda     player_cargo,x    ;check cargo
856c: f0 8b                        beq     :Return           ;don't have that, nothing lost
856e: ad 77 02                     lda     PLAYER_STATE?+54  ;"delay printing already going on"
8571: d0 86                        bne     :Return
8573: a0 03                        ldy     #$03
8575: 8c 78 02                     sty     $0278
8578: 9d a6 02                     sta     player_cargo,x    ;A-reg=0 from above
857b: e0 11                        cpx     #17               ;cargo is 0-16, ECM=17 is first equipment
857d: b0 06                        bcs     :EquipLost
857f: 8a                           txa                       ;cargo is lost; get item name
8580: 69 d0                        adc     #$d0              ;token $d0 = "Food"
8582: 4c 05 85                     jmp     PrintMessageBriefly

8585: f0 0a        :EquipLost      beq     :LostEcm          ;X=17, ECM lost
8587: e0 12                        cpx     #18               ;is it a fuel scoop?
8589: f0 0b                        beq     :LostScoop        ;yes
858b: 8a                           txa
858c: 69 5d                        adc     #$5d              ;$5d+19 = $70 "Escape Pod"
858e: 4c 05 85                     jmp     PrintMessageBriefly

8591: a9 6c        :LostEcm        lda     #$6c              ;"E.C.M. System"
8593: 4c 05 85                     jmp     PrintMessageBriefly

8596: a9 6f        :LostScoop      lda     #$6f              ;"Fuel Scoops"
8598: 4c 05 85                     jmp     PrintMessageBriefly

                   ; Market price info.
                   ; BBC: "base_price, gradient sign+5bits, base_quantity, mask, units 2bits"
859b: 13 82 06 01  MarketData      .bulk   $13,$82,$06,$01   ;Food
859f: 14 81 0a 03                  .bulk   $14,$81,$0a,$03   ;Textiles
85a3: 41 83 02 07                  .bulk   $41,$83,$02,$07   ;Radioactives
85a7: 28 85 e2 1f                  .bulk   $28,$85,$e2,$1f   ;Slaves
85ab: 53 85 fb 0f                  .bulk   $53,$85,$fb,$0f   ;Liquor/Wines
85af: c4 08 36 03                  .bulk   $c4,$08,$36,$03   ;Luxuries
85b3: eb 1d 08 78                  .bulk   $eb,$1d,$08,$78   ;Narcotics
85b7: 9a 0e 38 03                  .bulk   $9a,$0e,$38,$03   ;Computers
85bb: 75 06 28 07                  .bulk   $75,$06,$28,$07   ;Machinery
85bf: 4e 01 11 1f                  .bulk   $4e,$01,$11,$1f   ;Alloys
85c3: 7c 0d 1d 07                  .bulk   $7c,$0d,$1d,$07   ;Firearms
85c7: b0 89 dc 3f                  .bulk   $b0,$89,$dc,$3f   ;Furs
85cb: 20 81 35 03                  .bulk   $20,$81,$35,$03   ;Minerals
85cf: 61 a1 42 07                  .bulk   $61,$a1,$42,$07   ;Gold
85d3: ab a2 37 1f                  .bulk   $ab,$a2,$37,$1f   ;Platinum
85d7: 2d c1 fa 0f                  .bulk   $2d,$c1,$fa,$0f   ;Gem-Stones
85db: 35 0f c0 07                  .bulk   $35,$0f,$c0,$07   ;Alien Items

85df: 98           L85DF           tya
85e0: a0 02                        ldy     #$02
85e2: 20 ae 86                     jsr     L86AE
85e5: 85 20                        sta     $20
85e7: 4c 27 86                     jmp     L8627

85ea: aa           L85EA           tax
85eb: a5 6f                        lda     ]txt_ptr+1
85ed: 29 60                        and     #$60
85ef: f0 ee                        beq     L85DF
85f1: a9 02                        lda     #$02
85f3: 20 ae 86                     jsr     L86AE
85f6: 85 1e                        sta     $1e
85f8: 4c 27 86                     jmp     L8627

85fb: a5 16        L85FB           lda     $16
85fd: 85 6e                        sta     ]txt_ptr
85ff: a5 18                        lda     $18
8601: 85 6f                        sta     ]txt_ptr+1
8603: a5 1a                        lda     polyobj_mox2_hi
8605: 85 70                        sta     $70
8607: 20 bb 82                     jsr     L82BB
860a: a5 6e                        lda     ]txt_ptr
860c: 85 16                        sta     $16
860e: a5 6f                        lda     ]txt_ptr+1
8610: 85 18                        sta     $18
8612: a5 70                        lda     $70
8614: 85 1a                        sta     polyobj_mox2_hi
8616: a0 04                        ldy     #$04
8618: a5 6e                        lda     ]txt_ptr
861a: 29 60                        and     #$60
861c: f0 cc                        beq     L85EA
861e: a2 02                        ldx     #$02
8620: a9 00                        lda     #$00
8622: 20 ae 86                     jsr     L86AE
8625: 85 1c                        sta     $1c
8627: a5 1c        L8627           lda     $1c
8629: 85 6e                        sta     ]txt_ptr
862b: a5 1e                        lda     $1e
862d: 85 6f                        sta     ]txt_ptr+1
862f: a5 20                        lda     $20
8631: 85 70                        sta     $70
8633: 20 bb 82                     jsr     L82BB
8636: a5 6e                        lda     ]txt_ptr
8638: 85 1c                        sta     $1c
863a: a5 6f                        lda     ]txt_ptr+1
863c: 85 1e                        sta     $1e
863e: a5 70                        lda     $70
8640: 85 20                        sta     $20
8642: a5 18                        lda     $18
8644: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
8646: a5 20                        lda     $20
8648: 20 3f 60                     jsr     MULT12
864b: a6 1a                        ldx     polyobj_mox2_hi
864d: a5 1e                        lda     $1e
864f: 20 a4 60                     jsr     TIS1
8652: 49 80                        eor     #$80
8654: 85 22                        sta     $22
8656: a5 1c                        lda     $1c
8658: 20 3f 60                     jsr     MULT12
865b: a6 16                        ldx     $16
865d: a5 20                        lda     $20
865f: 20 a4 60                     jsr     TIS1
8662: 49 80                        eor     #$80
8664: 85 24                        sta     $24
8666: a5 1e                        lda     $1e
8668: 20 3f 60                     jsr     MULT12
866b: a6 18                        ldx     $18
866d: a5 1c                        lda     $1c
866f: 20 a4 60                     jsr     TIS1
8672: 49 80                        eor     #$80
8674: 85 26                        sta     $26
8676: a9 00                        lda     #$00
8678: a2 0e                        ldx     #$0e
867a: 95 15        L867A           sta     $15,x
867c: ca                           dex
867d: ca                           dex
867e: 10 fa                        bpl     L867A
8680: 60                           rts

8681: a8           L8681           tay
8682: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
8684: c5 ad                        cmp     $ad
8686: b0 20                        bcs     L86A8
8688: a2 fe                        ldx     #$fe
868a: 86 d0                        stx     $d0
868c: 0a           L868C           asl     A
868d: c5 ad                        cmp     $ad
868f: 90 02                        bcc     L8693
8691: e5 ad                        sbc     $ad
8693: 26 d0        L8693           rol     $d0
8695: b0 f5                        bcs     L868C
8697: a5 d0                        lda     $d0
8699: 4a                           lsr     A
869a: 4a                           lsr     A
869b: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
869d: 4a                           lsr     A
869e: 65 d0                        adc     $d0
86a0: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
86a2: 98                           tya
86a3: 29 80                        and     #$80
86a5: 05 d0                        ora     $d0
86a7: 60                           rts

86a8: 98           L86A8           tya
86a9: 29 80                        and     #$80
86ab: 09 60                        ora     #$60
86ad: 60                           rts

86ae: 85 33        L86AE           sta     $33
86b0: b5 16                        lda     $16,x
86b2: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
86b4: b5 1c                        lda     $1c,x
86b6: 20 3f 60                     jsr     MULT12
86b9: b6 16                        ldx     $16,y
86bb: 86 ad                        stx     $ad
86bd: b9 1c 00                     lda     $001c,y
86c0: 20 65 60                     jsr     MAD
86c3: 86 31                        stx     $31
86c5: a4 33                        ldy     $33
86c7: b6 16                        ldx     $16,y
86c9: 86 ad                        stx     $ad
86cb: 49 80                        eor     #$80
86cd: 85 32                        sta     $32
86cf: 45 ad                        eor     $ad
86d1: 29 80                        and     #$80
86d3: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
86d5: a9 00                        lda     #$00
86d7: a2 10                        ldx     #$10
86d9: 06 31                        asl     $31
86db: 26 32                        rol     $32
86dd: 06 ad                        asl     $ad
86df: 46 ad                        lsr     $ad
86e1: 2a           L86E1           rol     A
86e2: c5 ad                        cmp     $ad
86e4: 90 02                        bcc     L86E8
86e6: e5 ad                        sbc     $ad
86e8: 26 31        L86E8           rol     $31
86ea: 26 32                        rol     $32
86ec: ca                           dex
86ed: d0 f2                        bne     L86E1
86ef: a5 31                        lda     $31
86f1: 05 d0                        ora     $d0
86f3: 60                           rts

86f4: 02                           .dd1    $02
86f5: 0f                           .dd1    $0f
86f6: 31 32 33 34+                 .str    ‘12345678901234567’

8707: 20 f9 75     DrawShipAsPoint jsr     L75F9
870a: 05 39                        ora     $39
870c: d0 1a                        bne     L8728
870e: a5 46                        lda     $46
8710: c9 86                        cmp     #$86
8712: b0 14                        bcs     L8728
8714: 20 31 87                     jsr     L8731
8717: a5 46                        lda     $46
8719: 18                           clc
871a: 69 01                        adc     #$01
871c: 20 31 87                     jsr     L8731
871f: a9 08                        lda     #$08
8721: 05 2b                        ora     polyobj_vis
8723: 85 2b                        sta     polyobj_vis
8725: 4c fa 8f                     jmp     DrawDot

8728: a9 f7        L8728           lda     #$f7
872a: 25 2b                        and     polyobj_vis
872c: 85 2b                        sta     polyobj_vis
872e: 4c fa 8f                     jmp     DrawDot

8731: 85 6f        L8731           sta     ]txt_ptr+1
8733: 85 71                        sta     $71
8735: a5 38                        lda     $38
8737: 85 6e                        sta     ]txt_ptr
8739: 18                           clc
873a: 69 03                        adc     #$03
873c: 90 02                        bcc     L8740
873e: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
8740: 85 70        L8740           sta     $70
8742: 4c 21 90                     jmp     DrawTwoThings?

                   ; "Q=SQR(RQ) two-byte square root, R is hi, Q is lo"
                   • Clear variables
                   ]XX16?          .var    $48    {addr/6}
                   ]XX15?          .var    $6e    {addr/6}
                   ]q_val          .var    $ad    {addr/1}
                   ]r_val          .var    $ae    {addr/1}
                   ]s_val          .var    $af    {addr/1}
                   ]t_val          .var    $d0    {addr/1}

8745: a4 ae        TwoByteSqrt     ldy     ]r_val
8747: a5 ad                        lda     ]q_val
8749: 85 af                        sta     ]s_val
874b: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
874d: 86 ad                        stx     ]q_val
874f: a9 08                        lda     #$08
8751: 85 d0                        sta     ]t_val
8753: e4 ad        L8753           cpx     ]q_val
8755: 90 0e                        bcc     L8765
8757: d0 04                        bne     L875D
8759: c0 40                        cpy     #$40
875b: 90 08                        bcc     L8765
875d: 98           L875D           tya
875e: e9 40                        sbc     #$40
8760: a8                           tay
8761: 8a                           txa
8762: e5 ad                        sbc     ]q_val
8764: aa                           tax
8765: 26 ad        L8765           rol     ]q_val
8767: 06 af                        asl     ]s_val
8769: 98                           tya
876a: 2a                           rol     A
876b: a8                           tay
876c: 8a                           txa
876d: 2a                           rol     A
876e: aa                           tax
876f: 06 af                        asl     ]s_val
8771: 98                           tya
8772: 2a                           rol     A
8773: a8                           tay
8774: 8a                           txa
8775: 2a                           rol     A
8776: aa                           tax
8777: c6 d0                        dec     ]t_val
8779: d0 d8                        bne     L8753
877b: 60                           rts

                   ; "R=A*256/Q   byte from remainder of division"
                   ; The BBC implementation was iterative.  It appears to have been replaced with a
                   ; table lookup.
877c: c5 ad        BFRDIV          cmp     ]q_val            ;"is A >= Q ?"
877e: b0 3f                        bcs     :TooBig           ;"if yes, answer too big for 1 byte, R=$FF"
8780: 85 ca                        sta     $ca
8782: aa                           tax
8783: f0 19                        beq     L879E
8785: bd 03 41                     lda     math_table2,x
8788: a6 ad                        ldx     ]q_val
878a: 38                           sec
878b: fd 03 41                     sbc     math_table2,x
878e: a6 ca                        ldx     $ca
8790: bd 03 40                     lda     math_table1,x
8793: a6 ad                        ldx     ]q_val
8795: fd 03 40                     sbc     math_table1,x
8798: b0 25                        bcs     :TooBig
879a: aa                           tax
879b: bd 03 42                     lda     math_table3,x
879e: 85 ae        L879E           sta     ]r_val
87a0: 60                           rts

                   ; Original implementation of BFRDIV, not referenced.
87a1: b0 1c        :unref_BFRDIV   bcs     :TooBig
87a3: a2 fe                        ldx     #$fe
87a5: 86 ae                        stx     ]r_val
87a7: 0a           L87A7           asl     A
87a8: b0 0b                        bcs     L87B5
87aa: c5 ad                        cmp     ]q_val
87ac: 90 02                        bcc     L87B0
87ae: e5 ad                        sbc     ]q_val
87b0: 26 ae        L87B0           rol     ]r_val
87b2: b0 f3                        bcs     L87A7
87b4: 60                           rts

87b5: e5 ad        L87B5           sbc     ]q_val
87b7: 38                           sec
87b8: 26 ae                        rol     ]r_val
87ba: b0 eb                        bcs     L87A7
87bc: a5 ae                        lda     ]r_val
87be: 60                           rts

87bf: a9 ff        :TooBig         lda     #$ff
87c1: 85 ae                        sta     ]r_val
87c3: 60                           rts

                   ; Single-byte add/subtract.
                   ; .LL38 BADD "(Sign S)A = R + Q*(Sign from A^S)"
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   $AE: R
                   ;   $AD: Q
                   ;   A-reg: sign bit to apply to Q
                   ; On exit:
                   ;   A-reg: result
                   ;   $AF: S (sign bit of result)
87c4: 45 af        ByteAddSub      eor     ]s_val            ;check A^S (subtracting neg value -> add)
87c6: 30 06                        bmi     :Subtract         ;negative, do subtraction
87c8: a5 ad                        lda     ]q_val            ;add values; sign in S is already correct
87ca: 18                           clc
87cb: 65 ae                        adc     ]r_val
87cd: 60                           rts

87ce: a5 ae        :Subtract       lda     ]r_val            ;compute R-Q
87d0: 38                           sec
87d1: e5 ad                        sbc     ]q_val
87d3: 90 02                        bcc     :FixSign          ;went negative
87d5: 18                           clc
87d6: 60                           rts

87d7: 48           :FixSign        pha
87d8: a5 af                        lda     ]s_val
87da: 49 80                        eor     #$80
87dc: 85 af                        sta     ]s_val
87de: 68                           pla
87df: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
87e1: 69 01                        adc     #$01
87e3: 60                           rts

                   ; Computes the dot product of two vectors.  Mathematically, the dot product of
                   ; [A,B,C] and [X,Y,Z] is A*X + B*Y + C*Z.  The value is the cosine of the angle
                   ; between the vectors.
                   ; "XX12=XX15.XX16  each vector is 16-bit x,y,z"
87e4: a2 00        DotProduct      ldx     #$00
87e6: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
87e8: a5 6e        L87E8           lda     ]XX15?
87ea: 85 ad                        sta     ]q_val
87ec: b5 48                        lda     ]XX16?,x
87ee: 20 94 5f                     jsr     FMLTU
87f1: 85 d0                        sta     ]t_val
87f3: a5 6f                        lda     ]XX15?+1
87f5: 55 49                        eor     ]XX16?+1,x
87f7: 85 af                        sta     ]s_val
87f9: a5 70                        lda     ]XX15?+2
87fb: 85 ad                        sta     ]q_val
87fd: b5 4a                        lda     ]XX16?+2,x
87ff: 20 94 5f                     jsr     FMLTU
8802: 85 ad                        sta     ]q_val
8804: a5 d0                        lda     ]t_val
8806: 85 ae                        sta     ]r_val
8808: a5 71                        lda     ]XX15?+3
880a: 55 4b                        eor     ]XX16?+3,x
880c: 20 c4 87                     jsr     ByteAddSub
880f: 85 d0                        sta     ]t_val
8811: a5 72                        lda     ]XX15?+4
8813: 85 ad                        sta     ]q_val
8815: b5 4c                        lda     ]XX16?+4,x
8817: 20 94 5f                     jsr     FMLTU
881a: 85 ad                        sta     ]q_val
881c: a5 d0                        lda     ]t_val
881e: 85 ae                        sta     ]r_val
8820: a5 73                        lda     ]XX15?+5
8822: 55 4d                        eor     ]XX16?+5,x
8824: 20 c4 87                     jsr     ByteAddSub
8827: 99 74 00                     sta     $0074,y
882a: a5 af                        lda     ]s_val
882c: 99 75 00                     sta     $0075,y
882f: c8                           iny
8830: c8                           iny
8831: 8a                           txa
8832: 18                           clc
8833: 69 06                        adc     #$06
8835: aa                           tax
8836: c9 11                        cmp     #$11
8838: 90 ae                        bcc     L87E8
883a: 60                           rts

883b: 4c 3c 76     :HandlePlanet   jmp     Planet?

                   NOTE: display object
                   C64 $9a86 (code_9900.asm)
                   BBC .LL9 $488C (flight code)
                   • Clear variables
                   ]INWK_xlo       .var    $0c    {addr/1}
                   ]INWK_xhi       .var    $0d    {addr/1}
                   ]INWK_ylo       .var    $0f    {addr/1}
                   ]INWK_yhi       .var    $10    {addr/1}
                   ]INWK_zlo       .var    $12    {addr/1}
                   ]INWK_zhi       .var    $13    {addr/1}
                   ]polyobj_face_vis .var  $38    {addr/9}
                   ]face_ptr       .var    $5e    {addr/2}
                   ]normal_x       .var    $74    {addr/1}
                   ]nx_sign_flag   .var    $75    {addr/1}
                   ]normal_y       .var    $76    {addr/1}
                   ]ny_sign_flag   .var    $77    {addr/1}
                   ]normal_z       .var    $78    {addr/1}
                   ]nz_sign_flag   .var    $79    {addr/1}
                   ]scale          .var    $b2    {addr/1}   ;XX17
                   ]ship_type      .var    $b8    {addr/1}
                   ]xx4_visibility .var    $c0    {addr/1}
                   ]item_xcount    .var    $c1    {addr/1}   ;BBC:XX20
                   ]tmp            .var    $d0    {addr/1}

883e: a5 b8        DrawObject      lda     ]ship_type        ;ship type
8840: 30 f9                        bmi     :HandlePlanet     ;planet has high bit set
8842: a9 1f                        lda     #$1f
8844: 85 c0                        sta     ]xx4_visibility   ;set visibility to max
8846: a0 01                        ldy     #$01
8848: 84 c2                        sty     $c2
884a: 88                           dey                       ;Y-reg=0
884b: a9 08                        lda     #$08
884d: 24 2b                        bit     polyobj_vis
884f: d0 03                        bne     L8854
8851: a9 00                        lda     #$00              ;visibility:display
8853: 2c                           bit ▼   title_screen+$db1
8854: b1 2d        L8854           lda     (tmp_ptr2),y
8856: 85 c3                        sta     $c3
8858: a5 30                        lda     $30
885a: 30 46                        bmi     CheckVisDrawDot
885c: a9 20                        lda     #$20              ;mask bit 5 (exploding)
885e: 24 2b                        bit     polyobj_vis
8860: d0 2d                        bne     :Explode?         ;bit 5 set, explosion ongoing
8862: 10 2b                        bpl     :Explode?         ;bit 7 clear, start blowing up
8864: 05 2b                        ora     polyobj_vis
8866: 29 3f                        and     #%00111111        ;visibility:(exploding|firing) ^ $FF
8868: 85 2b                        sta     polyobj_vis
886a: a9 00                        lda     #$00
886c: a0 1c                        ldy     #$1c
886e: 91 5c                        sta     (polyobj_ptr),y
8870: a0 1e                        ldy     #$1e
8872: 91 5c                        sta     (polyobj_ptr),y
8874: 20 a2 88                     jsr     CheckVisDrawDot
8877: a0 01                        ldy     #$01
8879: a9 12                        lda     #$12
887b: 91 2d                        sta     (tmp_ptr2),y
887d: a0 07                        ldy     #$07              ;hull explosion count
887f: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
8881: a0 02                        ldy     #$02
8883: 91 2d                        sta     (tmp_ptr2),y
8885: c8           L8885           iny
8886: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
8889: 91 2d                        sta     (tmp_ptr2),y
888b: c0 06                        cpy     #$06              ;"bytes 3to6 = random bytes for seed"
888d: d0 f6                        bne     L8885
888f: a5 14        :Explode?       lda     polyobj_zpos_hi   ;sign of Z coord
8891: 10 1d                        bpl     :ObjInFront
8893: a5 2b        :TestRemove?    lda     polyobj_vis
8895: 29 20                        and     #$20              ;ongoing explosion?
8897: f0 09                        beq     CheckVisDrawDot
8899: a5 2b                        lda     polyobj_vis
889b: 29 f7                        and     #$f7
889d: 85 2b                        sta     polyobj_vis
889f: 4c 29 72                     jmp     DoExplosion?

88a2: a9 08        CheckVisDrawDot lda     #$08
88a4: 24 2b                        bit     polyobj_vis
88a6: f0 07                        beq     L88AF
88a8: 45 2b                        eor     polyobj_vis
88aa: 85 2b                        sta     polyobj_vis
88ac: 4c fa 8f                     jmp     DrawDot

88af: 60           L88AF           rts

                   ; Object in front of player (.LL10).
                   ; (Looks like INWK has transformed center point of object?)
88b0: a5 13        :ObjInFront     lda     ]INWK_zhi
88b2: c9 c0                        cmp     #$c0              ;far in front?
88b4: b0 dd                        bcs     :TestRemove?      ;test to remove object
88b6: a5 0c                        lda     ]INWK_xlo
88b8: c5 12                        cmp     ]INWK_zlo
88ba: a5 0d                        lda     ]INWK_xhi
88bc: e5 13                        sbc     ]INWK_zhi         ;gives angle to object
88be: b0 d3                        bcs     :TestRemove?
88c0: a5 0f                        lda     ]INWK_ylo
88c2: c5 12                        cmp     ]INWK_zlo
88c4: a5 10                        lda     ]INWK_yhi
88c6: e5 13                        sbc     ]INWK_zhi
88c8: b0 c9                        bcs     :TestRemove?
88ca: a0 06                        ldy     #$06              ;+$06 gun vertex
88cc: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
88ce: aa                           tax                       ;vertex index in X-reg
88cf: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff              ;flag that vertex
88d1: 9d 00 01                     sta     BUFFER_0100,x
88d4: 9d 01 01                     sta     $0101,x
                   ; Compute XX4 visibility.
88d7: a5 12                        lda     ]INWK_zlo         ;take Z value
88d9: 85 d0                        sta     ]tmp              ;low in tmp, high in A-reg
88db: a5 13                        lda     ]INWK_zhi
88dd: 4a                           lsr     A                 ;divide by 4
88de: 66 d0                        ror     ]tmp
88e0: 4a                           lsr     A
88e1: 66 d0                        ror     ]tmp
88e3: 4a                           lsr     A
88e4: 66 d0                        ror     ]tmp
88e6: 4a                           lsr     A
88e7: d0 0a                        bne     :Far              ;still bits in high byte, it's far away
88e9: a5 d0                        lda     ]tmp              ;only bits in low byte now
88eb: 6a                           ror     A                 ;(plus one in the carry flag)
88ec: 4a                           lsr     A
88ed: 4a                           lsr     A
88ee: 4a                           lsr     A                 ;8 shifts, /256, == high byte?
88ef: 85 c0                        sta     ]xx4_visibility   ;update visibility
88f1: 10 11                        bpl     DrawWireframe?    ;(always)
88f3: a0 0d        :Far            ldy     #$0d              ;+13 LOD distance (becomes a dot)
88f5: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
88f7: c5 13                        cmp     ]INWK_zhi
88f9: b0 09                        bcs     DrawWireframe?
88fb: a9 20                        lda     #$20              ;mask exploding bit
88fd: 25 2b                        and     polyobj_vis
88ff: d0 03                        bne     DrawWireframe?    ;exploding do the draw
8901: 4c 07 87                     jmp     DrawShipAsPoint   ;too far, just draw a point

                   ; "Draw wireframe (including nodes exploding)" (.LL17)
8904: a2 05        DrawWireframe?  ldx     #$05              ;"load rotmat into XX16"
8906: b5 21        L8906           lda     $21,x
8908: 95 48                        sta     $48,x             ;"XX16,X"
890a: b5 1b                        lda     $1b,x
890c: 95 4e                        sta     $4e,x             ;"XX16+6,X"
890e: b5 15                        lda     $15,x
8910: 95 54                        sta     $54,x             ;"XX16+12,X"
8912: ca                           dex
8913: 10 f1                        bpl     L8906
8915: a9 c5                        lda     #197              ;"comment here about NORM"
8917: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
8919: a0 10                        ldy     #$10
891b: b9 48 00     L891B           lda     $0048,y
891e: 0a                           asl     A
891f: b9 49 00                     lda     $0049,y
8922: 2a                           rol     A
8923: 20 7c 87                     jsr     BFRDIV            ;R=A*256/197
8926: a6 ae                        ldx     $ae
8928: 96 48                        stx     $48,y
892a: 88                           dey
892b: 88                           dey
892c: 10 ed                        bpl     L891B
892e: a2 08                        ldx     #$08              ;"load craft coords into XX18"
8930: b5 0c        L8930           lda     ]INWK_xlo,x
8932: 95 98                        sta     $98,x
8934: ca                           dex
8935: 10 f9                        bpl     L8930
8937: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff              ;"last normal is always visible"
8939: 85 47                        sta     $47
893b: a0 0c                        ldy     #$0c              ;+$0c face count
893d: a5 2b                        lda     polyobj_vis
893f: 29 20                        and     #$20              ;are we exploding (bit 5)?
8941: f0 12                        beq     ComputeVis        ;no, not all faces are visible
8943: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y      ;get face count * 4
8945: 4a                           lsr     A                 ;divide by 4
8946: 4a                           lsr     A
8947: aa                           tax
8948: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff              ;mark visible
894a: 95 38        :Loop           sta     ]polyobj_face_vis,x ;on all faces
894c: ca                           dex
894d: 10 fb                        bpl     :Loop
894f: e8                           inx
8950: 86 c0                        stx     ]xx4_visibility   ;set to zero
8952: 4c c8 8a     :DoTranspose    jmp     TransposeMatrix?

                   NOTE: visibility test
                   C64 $9b8b (code_9900.asm)
                   BBC .EE29 (flight code)
                   ]scal_norm_x    .var    $6e    {addr/1}
                   ]scal_norm_y    .var    $70    {addr/1}
                   ]x_lo           .var    $98    {addr/1}
                   ]x_hi           .var    $99    {addr/1}
                   ]y_lo           .var    $9b    {addr/1}
                   ]y_hi           .var    $9c    {addr/1}
                   ]z_lo           .var    $9e    {addr/1}
                   ]z_hi           .var    $9f    {addr/1}
                   ]scal_norm_z    .var    $ae    {addr/1}
                   ]s_val          .var    $af    {addr/1}

8955: b1 5a        ComputeVis      lda     (hull_ptr),y      ;Y-reg=$0c: face count * 4
8957: f0 f9                        beq     :DoTranspose      ;no faces
8959: 85 c1                        sta     ]item_xcount
895b: a0 12                        ldy     #$12              ;+$12 "scaling of normals"
895d: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y      ;normals scaled by 2^Q%
895f: aa                           tax
8960: a5 9f                        lda     ]z_hi             ;get z_hi
8962: a8                           tay                       ;is high byte zero?
8963: f0 0f                        beq     :ObjClose         ;yes, object close/small
8965: e8           :ScaleLoop      inx
8966: 46 9c                        lsr     ]y_hi
8968: 66 9b                        ror     ]y_lo
896a: 46 99                        lsr     ]x_hi
896c: 66 98                        ror     ]x_lo
896e: 4a                           lsr     A
896f: 66 9e                        ror     ]z_lo
8971: a8                           tay                       ;have we reduced z_hi to 0?
8972: d0 f1                        bne     :ScaleLoop        ;no, keep going
8974: 86 b2        :ObjClose       stx     ]scale
8976: a5 a0                        lda     $a0
8978: 85 73                        sta     $73
897a: a5 98                        lda     ]x_lo
897c: 85 6e                        sta     ]scal_norm_x
897e: a5 9a                        lda     $9a
8980: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
8982: a5 9b                        lda     ]y_lo
8984: 85 70                        sta     ]scal_norm_y
8986: a5 9d                        lda     $9d
8988: 85 71                        sta     $71
898a: a5 9e                        lda     ]z_lo
898c: 85 72                        sta     $72
898e: 20 e4 87                     jsr     DotProduct
8991: a5 74                        lda     ]normal_x
8993: 85 98                        sta     ]x_lo
8995: a5 75                        lda     ]nx_sign_flag
8997: 85 9a                        sta     $9a
8999: a5 76                        lda     ]normal_y
899b: 85 9b                        sta     ]y_lo
899d: a5 77                        lda     ]ny_sign_flag
899f: 85 9d                        sta     $9d
89a1: a5 78                        lda     ]normal_z
89a3: 85 9e                        sta     ]z_lo
89a5: a5 79                        lda     ]nz_sign_flag
89a7: 85 a0                        sta     $a0
89a9: a0 04                        ldy     #$04              ;+4 face data offset low byte
89ab: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
89ad: 18                           clc
89ae: 65 5a                        adc     hull_ptr
89b0: 85 5e                        sta     ]face_ptr
89b2: a0 11                        ldy     #$11              ;+11 face data offset high byte
89b4: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
89b6: 65 5b                        adc     hull_ptr+1
89b8: 85 5f                        sta     ]face_ptr+1
                   ; Iterate through all normals (BBC .LL86).
89ba: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
89bc: b1 5e        :FaceLoop       lda     (]face_ptr),y     ;get 1st byte (flags) from face data
89be: 85 75                        sta     ]nx_sign_flag
89c0: 29 1f                        and     #%00011111        ;low 5 bits are the always-visible limit
89c2: c5 c0                        cmp     ]xx4_visibility   ;compare to distance
89c4: b0 0f                        bcs     :CheckNormVis     ;cutoff >= dist; might not be visible; check normal
89c6: 98                           tya                       ;face entry offset
89c7: 4a                           lsr     A                 ;divide by 4 to get face index
89c8: 4a                           lsr     A
89c9: aa                           tax
89ca: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
89cc: 95 38                        sta     ]polyobj_face_vis,x ;mark face as visible
89ce: 98                           tya                       ;advance to next face
89cf: 69 04                        adc     #$04
89d1: a8                           tay
89d2: 4c c1 8a                     jmp     :NearEnd

89d5: a5 75        :CheckNormVis   lda     ]nx_sign_flag     ;unpack sign flags
89d7: 0a                           asl     A
89d8: 85 77                        sta     ]ny_sign_flag
89da: 0a                           asl     A
89db: 85 79                        sta     ]nz_sign_flag
89dd: c8                           iny
89de: b1 5e                        lda     (]face_ptr),y     ;extract face normal vector
89e0: 85 74                        sta     ]normal_x
89e2: c8                           iny
89e3: b1 5e                        lda     (]face_ptr),y
89e5: 85 76                        sta     ]normal_y
89e7: c8                           iny
89e8: b1 5e                        lda     (]face_ptr),y
89ea: 85 78                        sta     ]normal_z
89ec: a6 b2                        ldx     ]scale
89ee: e0 04                        cpx     #$04
89f0: 90 23                        bcc     :Small
89f2: a5 98                        lda     ]x_lo
89f4: 85 6e                        sta     ]scal_norm_x
89f6: a5 9a                        lda     $9a
89f8: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
89fa: a5 9b                        lda     ]y_lo
89fc: 85 70                        sta     ]scal_norm_y
89fe: a5 9d                        lda     $9d
8a00: 85 71                        sta     $71
8a02: a5 9e                        lda     ]z_lo
8a04: 85 72                        sta     $72
8a06: a5 a0                        lda     $a0
8a08: 85 73                        sta     $73
8a0a: 4c 73 8a                     jmp     L8A73

8a0d: 46 98        :Ovflw          lsr     ]x_lo
8a0f: 46 9e                        lsr     ]z_lo
8a11: 46 9b                        lsr     ]y_lo
                   ; Divide normal vector components by 4.
8a13: a2 01                        ldx     #$01              ;scale=1
8a15: a5 74        :Small          lda     ]normal_x         ;BBC .LL92
8a17: 85 6e                        sta     ]scal_norm_x
8a19: a5 76                        lda     ]normal_y
8a1b: 85 70                        sta     ]scal_norm_y
8a1d: a5 78                        lda     ]normal_z
8a1f: ca                           dex                       ;scale--
8a20: 30 08                        bmi     :ScaleDone        ;scale done, branch
8a22: 46 6e        :DownShift      lsr     ]scal_norm_x
8a24: 46 70                        lsr     ]scal_norm_y
8a26: 4a                           lsr     A
8a27: ca                           dex
8a28: 10 f8                        bpl     :DownShift
8a2a: 85 ae        :ScaleDone      sta     ]scal_norm_z
8a2c: a5 79                        lda     ]nz_sign_flag
8a2e: 85 af                        sta     ]s_val
8a30: a5 9e                        lda     ]z_lo
8a32: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
8a34: a5 a0                        lda     $a0
8a36: 20 c4 87                     jsr     ByteAddSub
8a39: b0 d2                        bcs     :Ovflw
8a3b: 85 72                        sta     $72
8a3d: a5 af                        lda     ]s_val
8a3f: 85 73                        sta     $73
8a41: a5 6e                        lda     ]scal_norm_x
8a43: 85 ae                        sta     ]scal_norm_z
8a45: a5 75                        lda     ]nx_sign_flag
8a47: 85 af                        sta     ]s_val
8a49: a5 98                        lda     ]x_lo
8a4b: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
8a4d: a5 9a                        lda     $9a
8a4f: 20 c4 87                     jsr     ByteAddSub
8a52: b0 b9                        bcs     :Ovflw
8a54: 85 6e                        sta     ]scal_norm_x
8a56: a5 af                        lda     ]s_val
8a58: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
8a5a: a5 70                        lda     ]scal_norm_y
8a5c: 85 ae                        sta     ]scal_norm_z
8a5e: a5 77                        lda     ]ny_sign_flag
8a60: 85 af                        sta     ]s_val
8a62: a5 9b                        lda     ]y_lo
8a64: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
8a66: a5 9d                        lda     $9d
8a68: 20 c4 87                     jsr     ByteAddSub
8a6b: b0 a0                        bcs     :Ovflw
8a6d: 85 70                        sta     ]scal_norm_y
8a6f: a5 af                        lda     ]s_val
8a71: 85 71                        sta     $71
                   ; "calculate 3D dot product XX12 . XX15 for (x,y,z)" .LL89
8a73: a5 74        L8A73           lda     ]normal_x
8a75: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
8a77: a5 6e                        lda     ]scal_norm_x
8a79: 20 94 5f                     jsr     FMLTU             ;"A=A*Q/256unsg"
8a7c: 85 d0                        sta     ]tmp
8a7e: a5 75                        lda     ]nx_sign_flag
8a80: 45 6f                        eor     $6f
8a82: 85 af                        sta     ]s_val
8a84: a5 76                        lda     ]normal_y
8a86: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
8a88: a5 70                        lda     ]scal_norm_y
8a8a: 20 94 5f                     jsr     FMLTU
8a8d: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
8a8f: a5 d0                        lda     ]tmp
8a91: 85 ae                        sta     ]scal_norm_z
8a93: a5 77                        lda     ]ny_sign_flag
8a95: 45 71                        eor     $71
8a97: 20 c4 87                     jsr     ByteAddSub
8a9a: 85 d0                        sta     ]tmp
8a9c: a5 78                        lda     ]normal_z
8a9e: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
8aa0: a5 72                        lda     $72
8aa2: 20 94 5f                     jsr     FMLTU
8aa5: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
8aa7: a5 d0                        lda     ]tmp
8aa9: 85 ae                        sta     ]scal_norm_z
8aab: a5 73                        lda     $73
8aad: 45 79                        eor     ]nz_sign_flag
8aaf: 20 c4 87                     jsr     ByteAddSub
8ab2: 48                           pha                       ;"push xdot+ydot+zdot"
8ab3: 98                           tya
8ab4: 4a                           lsr     A
8ab5: 4a                           lsr     A
8ab6: aa                           tax                       ;normal index
8ab7: 68                           pla
8ab8: 24 af                        bit     ]s_val
8aba: 30 02                        bmi     L8ABE             ;"if -ve then keep acc"
8abc: a9 00                        lda     #$00              ;"else face not visible"
8abe: 95 38        L8ABE           sta     ]polyobj_face_vis,x
8ac0: c8                           iny
8ac1: c4 c1        :NearEnd        cpy     ]item_xcount      ;done with faces?  (BBC .LL88)
8ac3: b0 03                        bcs     TransposeMatrix?
8ac5: 4c bc 89                     jmp     :FaceLoop

8ac8: a4 4a                        ldy     $4a               ;transpose matrix (BBC .LL42)
8aca: a6 4b                        ldx     $4b
8acc: a5 4e                        lda     $4e
8ace: 85 4a                        sta     $4a
8ad0: a5 4f                        lda     $4f
8ad2: 85 4b                        sta     $4b
8ad4: 84 4e                        sty     $4e
8ad6: 86 4f                        stx     $4f
8ad8: a4 4c                        ldy     $4c
8ada: a6 4d                        ldx     $4d
8adc: a5 54                        lda     $54
8ade: 85 4c                        sta     $4c
8ae0: a5 55                        lda     $55
8ae2: 85 4d                        sta     $4d
8ae4: 84 54                        sty     $54
8ae6: 86 55                        stx     $55
8ae8: a4 52                        ldy     $52
8aea: a6 53                        ldx     $53
8aec: a5 56                        lda     $56
8aee: 85 52                        sta     $52
8af0: a5 57                        lda     $57
8af2: 85 53                        sta     $53
8af4: 84 56                        sty     $56
8af6: 86 57                        stx     $57
                   ; Read vertices.
                   ]tmp            .var    $31    {addr/1}
                   ]vertex_ptr     .var    $5e    {addr/2}
                   ]vertex_x       .var    $6e    {addr/1}
                   ]vx_sign_flag   .var    $6f    {addr/1}
                   ]vertex_y       .var    $70    {addr/1}
                   ]vy_sign_flag   .var    $71    {addr/1}
                   ]vertex_z       .var    $72    {addr/1}
                   ]vz_sign_flag   .var    $73    {addr/1}
                   ]count_v6       .var    $b2    {addr/1}
                   ]count          .var    $bd    {addr/1}   ;CNT
                   ]vertex_flags   .var    $d0    {addr/1}

8af8: a0 08                        ldy     #$08              ;+8 number of vertices * 6
8afa: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
8afc: 85 c1                        sta     ]item_xcount
8afe: a5 5a                        lda     hull_ptr          ;vertices start right after hull header
8b00: 18                           clc
8b01: 69 14                        adc     #20               ;which is 20 bytes
8b03: 85 5e                        sta     ]vertex_ptr
8b05: a5 5b                        lda     hull_ptr+1
8b07: 69 00                        adc     #$00
8b09: 85 5f                        sta     ]vertex_ptr+1
8b0b: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
8b0d: 84 bd                        sty     ]count
8b0f: 84 b2        L8B0F           sty     ]count_v6
8b11: b1 5e                        lda     (]vertex_ptr),y
8b13: 85 6e                        sta     ]vertex_x
8b15: c8                           iny
8b16: b1 5e                        lda     (]vertex_ptr),y
8b18: 85 70                        sta     ]vertex_y
8b1a: c8                           iny
8b1b: b1 5e                        lda     (]vertex_ptr),y
8b1d: 85 72                        sta     ]vertex_z
8b1f: c8                           iny
8b20: b1 5e                        lda     (]vertex_ptr),y
8b22: 85 d0                        sta     ]vertex_flags
8b24: 29 1f                        and     #%00011111        ;mask visibility
8b26: c5 c0                        cmp     ]xx4_visibility   ;is visible?
8b28: 90 2e                        bcc     :Next             ;no, skip it
8b2a: c8                           iny
8b2b: b1 5e                        lda     (]vertex_ptr),y   ;get first two faces
8b2d: 85 31                        sta     ]tmp
8b2f: 29 0f                        and     #$0f              ;face 1
8b31: aa                           tax
8b32: b5 38                        lda     ]polyobj_face_vis,x ;face visibility index
8b34: d0 25                        bne     :IsVisible        ;vertex is visible if any face visible
8b36: a5 31                        lda     ]tmp              ;shift to get face 2
8b38: 4a                           lsr     A
8b39: 4a                           lsr     A
8b3a: 4a                           lsr     A
8b3b: 4a                           lsr     A
8b3c: aa                           tax
8b3d: b5 38                        lda     ]polyobj_face_vis,x ;check visibility
8b3f: d0 1a                        bne     :IsVisible
8b41: c8                           iny
8b42: b1 5e                        lda     (]vertex_ptr),y   ;get second pair of faces
8b44: 85 31                        sta     ]tmp
8b46: 29 0f                        and     #$0f              ;face 3
8b48: aa                           tax
8b49: b5 38                        lda     ]polyobj_face_vis,x
8b4b: d0 0e                        bne     :IsVisible
8b4d: a5 31                        lda     ]tmp              ;face 4
8b4f: 4a                           lsr     A
8b50: 4a                           lsr     A
8b51: 4a                           lsr     A
8b52: 4a                           lsr     A
8b53: aa                           tax
8b54: b5 38                        lda     ]polyobj_face_vis,x
8b56: d0 03                        bne     :IsVisible
8b58: 4c d0 8c     :Next           jmp     UpdateCounts

8b5b: a5 d0        :IsVisible      lda     ]vertex_flags     ;.LL49
8b5d: 85 6f                        sta     ]vx_sign_flag
8b5f: 0a                           asl     A
8b60: 85 71                        sta     ]vy_sign_flag
8b62: 0a                           asl     A
8b63: 85 73                        sta     ]vz_sign_flag
8b65: 20 e4 87                     jsr     DotProduct
8b68: a5 0e                        lda     INWK+2
8b6a: 85 70                        sta     ]vertex_y
8b6c: 45 75                        eor     ]nx_sign_flag
8b6e: 30 10                        bmi     L8B80
8b70: 18                           clc
8b71: a5 74                        lda     ]normal_x
8b73: 65 0c                        adc     ]INWK_xlo
8b75: 85 6e                        sta     ]vertex_x
8b77: a5 0d                        lda     ]INWK_xhi
8b79: 69 00                        adc     #$00
8b7b: 85 6f                        sta     ]vx_sign_flag
8b7d: 4c a3 8b                     jmp     L8BA3

8b80: a5 0c        L8B80           lda     ]INWK_xlo
8b82: 38                           sec
8b83: e5 74                        sbc     ]normal_x
8b85: 85 6e                        sta     ]vertex_x
8b87: a5 0d                        lda     ]INWK_xhi
8b89: e9 00                        sbc     #$00
8b8b: 85 6f                        sta     ]vx_sign_flag
8b8d: b0 14                        bcs     L8BA3
8b8f: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
8b91: 85 6f                        sta     ]vx_sign_flag
8b93: a9 01                        lda     #$01
8b95: e5 6e                        sbc     ]vertex_x
8b97: 85 6e                        sta     ]vertex_x
8b99: 90 02                        bcc     L8B9D
8b9b: e6 6f                        inc     ]vx_sign_flag
8b9d: a5 70        L8B9D           lda     ]vertex_y
8b9f: 49 80                        eor     #$80
8ba1: 85 70                        sta     ]vertex_y
8ba3: a5 11        L8BA3           lda     INWK+5
8ba5: 85 73                        sta     ]vz_sign_flag
8ba7: 45 77                        eor     ]ny_sign_flag
8ba9: 30 10                        bmi     L8BBB
8bab: 18                           clc
8bac: a5 76                        lda     ]normal_y
8bae: 65 0f                        adc     ]INWK_ylo
8bb0: 85 71                        sta     ]vy_sign_flag
8bb2: a5 10                        lda     ]INWK_yhi
8bb4: 69 00                        adc     #$00
8bb6: 85 72                        sta     ]vertex_z
8bb8: 4c e0 8b                     jmp     L8BE0

8bbb: a5 0f        L8BBB           lda     ]INWK_ylo
8bbd: 38                           sec
8bbe: e5 76                        sbc     ]normal_y
8bc0: 85 71                        sta     ]vy_sign_flag
8bc2: a5 10                        lda     ]INWK_yhi
8bc4: e9 00                        sbc     #$00
8bc6: 85 72                        sta     ]vertex_z
8bc8: b0 16                        bcs     L8BE0
8bca: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
8bcc: 85 72                        sta     ]vertex_z
8bce: a5 71                        lda     ]vy_sign_flag
8bd0: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
8bd2: 69 01                        adc     #$01
8bd4: 85 71                        sta     ]vy_sign_flag
8bd6: a5 73                        lda     ]vz_sign_flag
8bd8: 49 80                        eor     #$80
8bda: 85 73                        sta     ]vz_sign_flag
8bdc: 90 02                        bcc     L8BE0
8bde: e6 72                        inc     ]vertex_z
8be0: a5 79        L8BE0           lda     ]nz_sign_flag
8be2: 30 4a                        bmi     L8C2E
8be4: a5 78                        lda     ]normal_z
8be6: 18                           clc
8be7: 65 12                        adc     ]INWK_zlo
8be9: 85 d0                        sta     ]vertex_flags
8beb: a5 13                        lda     ]INWK_zhi
8bed: 69 00                        adc     #$00
8bef: 85 ac                        sta     $ac
8bf1: 4c 4d 8c                     jmp     L8C4D

8bf4: a6 ad        L8BF4           ldx     $ad
8bf6: f0 1c                        beq     L8C14
8bf8: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
8bfa: 4a           L8BFA           lsr     A
8bfb: e8                           inx
8bfc: c5 ad                        cmp     $ad
8bfe: b0 fa                        bcs     L8BFA
8c00: 86 af                        stx     ]s_val
8c02: 20 7c 87                     jsr     BFRDIV
8c05: a6 af                        ldx     ]s_val
8c07: a5 ae                        lda     ]scal_norm_z
8c09: 0a           L8C09           asl     A
8c0a: 26 ac                        rol     $ac
8c0c: 30 06                        bmi     L8C14
8c0e: ca                           dex
8c0f: d0 f8                        bne     L8C09
8c11: 85 ae                        sta     ]scal_norm_z
8c13: 60                           rts

8c14: a9 32        L8C14           lda     #$32
8c16: 85 ae                        sta     ]scal_norm_z
8c18: 85 ac                        sta     $ac
8c1a: 60                           rts

8c1b: a9 80        L8C1B           lda     #$80
8c1d: 38                           sec
8c1e: e5 ae                        sbc     ]scal_norm_z
8c20: 9d 00 01                     sta     BUFFER_0100,x
8c23: e8                           inx
8c24: a9 00                        lda     #$00
8c26: e5 ac                        sbc     $ac
8c28: 9d 00 01                     sta     BUFFER_0100,x
8c2b: 4c 8d 8c                     jmp     L8C8D

8c2e: a5 12        L8C2E           lda     ]INWK_zlo
8c30: 38                           sec
8c31: e5 78                        sbc     ]normal_z
8c33: 85 d0                        sta     ]vertex_flags
8c35: a5 13                        lda     ]INWK_zhi
8c37: e9 00                        sbc     #$00
8c39: 85 ac                        sta     $ac
8c3b: 90 08                        bcc     L8C45
8c3d: d0 0e                        bne     L8C4D
8c3f: a5 d0                        lda     ]vertex_flags
8c41: c9 04                        cmp     #$04
8c43: b0 08                        bcs     L8C4D
8c45: a9 00        L8C45           lda     #$00
8c47: 85 ac                        sta     $ac
8c49: a9 04                        lda     #$04
8c4b: 85 d0                        sta     ]vertex_flags
8c4d: a5 ac        L8C4D           lda     $ac
8c4f: 05 6f                        ora     ]vx_sign_flag
8c51: 05 72                        ora     ]vertex_z
8c53: f0 0f                        beq     L8C64
8c55: 46 6f                        lsr     ]vx_sign_flag
8c57: 66 6e                        ror     ]vertex_x
8c59: 46 72                        lsr     ]vertex_z
8c5b: 66 71                        ror     ]vy_sign_flag
8c5d: 46 ac                        lsr     $ac
8c5f: 66 d0                        ror     ]vertex_flags
8c61: 4c 4d 8c                     jmp     L8C4D

8c64: a5 d0        L8C64           lda     ]vertex_flags
8c66: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
8c68: a5 6e                        lda     ]vertex_x
8c6a: c5 ad                        cmp     $ad
8c6c: 90 06                        bcc     L8C74
8c6e: 20 f4 8b                     jsr     L8BF4
8c71: 4c 77 8c                     jmp     L8C77

8c74: 20 7c 87     L8C74           jsr     BFRDIV
8c77: a6 bd        L8C77           ldx     ]count
8c79: a5 70                        lda     ]vertex_y
8c7b: 30 9e                        bmi     L8C1B
8c7d: a5 ae                        lda     ]scal_norm_z
8c7f: 18                           clc
8c80: 69 80                        adc     #$80
8c82: 9d 00 01                     sta     BUFFER_0100,x
8c85: e8                           inx
8c86: a5 ac                        lda     $ac
8c88: 69 00                        adc     #$00
8c8a: 9d 00 01                     sta     BUFFER_0100,x
8c8d: 8a           L8C8D           txa
8c8e: 48                           pha
8c8f: a9 00                        lda     #$00
8c91: 85 ac                        sta     $ac
8c93: a5 d0                        lda     ]vertex_flags
8c95: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
8c97: a5 71                        lda     ]vy_sign_flag
8c99: c5 ad                        cmp     $ad
8c9b: 90 19                        bcc     L8CB6
8c9d: 20 f4 8b                     jsr     L8BF4
8ca0: 4c b9 8c                     jmp     L8CB9

8ca3: a9 44        L8CA3           lda     #$44
8ca5: 18                           clc
8ca6: 65 ae                        adc     ]scal_norm_z
8ca8: 9d 00 01                     sta     BUFFER_0100,x
8cab: e8                           inx
8cac: a9 00                        lda     #$00
8cae: 65 ac                        adc     $ac
8cb0: 9d 00 01                     sta     BUFFER_0100,x
8cb3: 4c d0 8c                     jmp     UpdateCounts

8cb6: 20 7c 87     L8CB6           jsr     BFRDIV
8cb9: 68           L8CB9           pla
8cba: aa                           tax
8cbb: e8                           inx
8cbc: a5 73                        lda     ]vz_sign_flag
8cbe: 30 e3                        bmi     L8CA3
8cc0: a9 44                        lda     #$44
8cc2: 38                           sec
8cc3: e5 ae                        sbc     ]scal_norm_z
8cc5: 9d 00 01                     sta     BUFFER_0100,x
8cc8: e8                           inx
8cc9: a9 00                        lda     #$00
8ccb: e5 ac                        sbc     $ac
8ccd: 9d 00 01                     sta     BUFFER_0100,x
8cd0: 18           UpdateCounts    clc                       ;BBC .LL50
8cd1: a5 bd                        lda     ]count            ;advance count by 4
8cd3: 69 04                        adc     #$04
8cd5: 85 bd                        sta     ]count
8cd7: a5 b2                        lda     ]count_v6         ;and other count by 6
8cd9: 69 06                        adc     #$06
8cdb: a8                           tay
8cdc: b0 07                        bcs     L8CE5
8cde: c5 c1                        cmp     ]item_xcount
8ce0: b0 03                        bcs     L8CE5
8ce2: 4c 0f 8b                     jmp     L8B0F

8ce5: a5 2b        L8CE5           lda     polyobj_vis       ;display/exploding state|missiles
8ce7: 29 20                        and     #$20              ;check bit 5
8ce9: f0 09                        beq     L8CF4             ;no explosion, branch
8ceb: a5 2b                        lda     polyobj_vis
8ced: 09 08                        ora     #$08              ;"set bit3 to erase old line"
8cef: 85 2b                        sta     polyobj_vis
8cf1: 4c 29 72                     jmp     DoExplosion?

                   ]x0_lo          .var    $6e    {addr/1}
                   ]x0_hi          .var    $6f    {addr/1}
                   ]y0_lo          .var    $70    {addr/1}
                   ]y0_hi          .var    $71    {addr/1}
                   ]x1_lo          .var    $72    {addr/1}
                   ]x1_hi          .var    $73    {addr/1}
                   ]y1_lo          .var    $74    {addr/1}
                   ]y1_hi          .var    $75    {addr/1}

8cf4: a0 09        L8CF4           ldy     #$09              ;+$09 number of edges
8cf6: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
8cf8: 85 c1                        sta     ]item_xcount
8cfa: a9 08                        lda     #$08
8cfc: 05 2b                        ora     polyobj_vis
8cfe: 85 2b                        sta     polyobj_vis
8d00: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
8d02: 84 b2                        sty     ]count_v6
8d04: 24 2b                        bit     polyobj_vis       ;check bit 6
8d06: 50 3f                        bvc     L8D47             ;bit 6 clear (laser not firing)
8d08: a5 2b                        lda     polyobj_vis
8d0a: 29 bf                        and     #$bf              ;clear bit 6
8d0c: 85 2b                        sta     polyobj_vis
8d0e: a0 06                        ldy     #$06              ;+$06 gun vertex
8d10: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
8d12: a8                           tay
8d13: be 00 01                     ldx     BUFFER_0100,y
8d16: 86 6e                        stx     ]x0_lo
8d18: e8                           inx
8d19: f0 2c                        beq     L8D47
8d1b: be 01 01                     ldx     $0101,y
8d1e: 86 6f                        stx     ]x0_hi
8d20: e8                           inx
8d21: f0 24                        beq     L8D47
8d23: be 02 01                     ldx     $0102,y
8d26: 86 70                        stx     ]y0_lo
8d28: be 03 01                     ldx     $0103,y
8d2b: 86 71                        stx     ]y0_hi
8d2d: a9 00                        lda     #$00
8d2f: 85 72                        sta     ]x1_lo
8d31: 85 73                        sta     ]x1_hi
8d33: 85 75                        sta     ]y1_hi
8d35: a5 12                        lda     ]INWK_zlo
8d37: 85 74                        sta     ]y1_lo
8d39: a5 0e                        lda     INWK+2
8d3b: 10 02                        bpl     L8D3F
8d3d: c6 72                        dec     ]x1_lo
8d3f: 20 d2 8e     L8D3F           jsr     ClipLine
8d42: b0 03                        bcs     L8D47
8d44: 20 21 90                     jsr     DrawTwoThings?
                   NOTE: BBC .LL170 (flight code)
                   ; Calculate new lines.
                   • Clear variables
                   ]edge_ptr       .var    $5e    {addr/2}
                   ]max_lines      .var    $bd    {addr/1}

8d47: a0 03        L8D47           ldy     #$03              ;+$03 offset to edges low byte
8d49: 18                           clc
8d4a: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
8d4c: 65 5a                        adc     hull_ptr
8d4e: 85 5e                        sta     ]edge_ptr
8d50: a0 10                        ldy     #$10              ;+$10 offset to edges high byte
8d52: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
8d54: 65 5b                        adc     hull_ptr+1
8d56: 85 5f                        sta     ]edge_ptr+1
8d58: a0 05                        ldy     #$05              ;+$05 (4 * maxlines) + 1
8d5a: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y
8d5c: 85 bd                        sta     ]max_lines
8d5e: a0 00        :CountVis       ldy     #$00              ;count visible edges
8d60: b1 5e                        lda     (]edge_ptr),y     ;get visibility
8d62: c5 c0                        cmp     $c0
8d64: 90 4f                        bcc     :NotVis           ;not visible
8d66: c8                           iny
8d67: b1 5e                        lda     (]edge_ptr),y     ;edge data byte
8d69: 85 31                        sta     $31
8d6b: 29 0f                        and     #$0f              ;face 1
8d6d: aa                           tax
8d6e: b5 38                        lda     $38,x             ;check visibility
8d70: d0 0b                        bne     :IsVis            ;visible if either face is visible
8d72: a5 31                        lda     $31
8d74: 4a                           lsr     A
8d75: 4a                           lsr     A
8d76: 4a                           lsr     A
8d77: 4a                           lsr     A
8d78: aa                           tax
8d79: b5 38                        lda     $38,x
8d7b: f0 38                        beq     :NotVis
8d7d: c8           :IsVis          iny
8d7e: b1 5e                        lda     (]edge_ptr),y     ;get index of first vertex
8d80: aa                           tax
8d81: bd 00 01                     lda     BUFFER_0100,x
8d84: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
8d86: bd 01 01                     lda     $0101,x
8d89: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
8d8b: bd 02 01                     lda     $0102,x
8d8e: 85 70                        sta     $70
8d90: bd 03 01                     lda     $0103,x
8d93: 85 71                        sta     $71
8d95: c8                           iny
8d96: b1 5e                        lda     (]edge_ptr),y     ;get index of second vertex
8d98: aa                           tax
8d99: bd 00 01                     lda     BUFFER_0100,x
8d9c: 85 72                        sta     $72
8d9e: bd 02 01                     lda     $0102,x
8da1: 85 74                        sta     $74
8da3: bd 03 01                     lda     $0103,x
8da6: 85 75                        sta     $75
8da8: bd 01 01                     lda     $0101,x
8dab: 85 73                        sta     $73
8dad: 20 d9 8e                     jsr     ClipLine1
8db0: b0 03                        bcs     :NotVis
8db2: 20 21 90                     jsr     DrawTwoThings?
8db5: a5 c2        :NotVis         lda     $c2
8db7: c5 bd                        cmp     ]max_lines
8db9: b0 13                        bcs     L8DCE
8dbb: a5 5e                        lda     ]edge_ptr
8dbd: 18                           clc
8dbe: 69 04                        adc     #$04
8dc0: 85 5e                        sta     ]edge_ptr
8dc2: 90 02                        bcc     L8DC6
8dc4: e6 5f                        inc     ]edge_ptr+1
8dc6: e6 b2        L8DC6           inc     $b2
8dc8: a4 b2                        ldy     $b2
8dca: c4 c1                        cpy     $c1
8dcc: 90 90                        bcc     :CountVis
8dce: 4c fa 8f     L8DCE           jmp     DrawDot

8dd1: a5 6f        L8DD1           lda     $6f
8dd3: 10 17                        bpl     L8DEC
8dd5: 85 af                        sta     $af
8dd7: 20 4b 8e                     jsr     L8E4B
8dda: 8a                           txa
8ddb: 18                           clc
8ddc: 65 70                        adc     $70
8dde: 85 70                        sta     $70
8de0: 98                           tya
8de1: 65 71                        adc     $71
8de3: 85 71                        sta     $71
8de5: a9 00                        lda     #$00
8de7: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
8de9: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
8deb: aa                           tax
8dec: f0 19        L8DEC           beq     L8E07
8dee: 85 af                        sta     $af
8df0: c6 af                        dec     $af
8df2: 20 4b 8e                     jsr     L8E4B
8df5: 8a                           txa
8df6: 18                           clc
8df7: 65 70                        adc     $70
8df9: 85 70                        sta     $70
8dfb: 98                           tya
8dfc: 65 71                        adc     $71
8dfe: 85 71                        sta     $71
8e00: a2 ff                        ldx     #$ff
8e02: 86 6e                        stx     $6e
8e04: e8                           inx
8e05: 86 6f                        stx     $6f
8e07: a5 71        L8E07           lda     $71
8e09: 10 1a                        bpl     L8E25
8e0b: 85 af                        sta     $af
8e0d: a5 70                        lda     $70
8e0f: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
8e11: 20 7a 8e                     jsr     L8E7A
8e14: 8a                           txa
8e15: 18                           clc
8e16: 65 6e                        adc     $6e
8e18: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
8e1a: 98                           tya
8e1b: 65 6f                        adc     $6f
8e1d: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
8e1f: a9 00                        lda     #$00
8e21: 85 70                        sta     $70
8e23: 85 71                        sta     $71
8e25: a5 70        L8E25           lda     $70
8e27: 38                           sec
8e28: e9 88                        sbc     #$88
8e2a: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
8e2c: a5 71                        lda     $71
8e2e: e9 00                        sbc     #$00
8e30: 85 af                        sta     $af
8e32: 90 16                        bcc     L8E4A
8e34: 20 7a 8e                     jsr     L8E7A
8e37: 8a                           txa
8e38: 18                           clc
8e39: 65 6e                        adc     $6e
8e3b: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
8e3d: 98                           tya
8e3e: 65 6f                        adc     $6f
8e40: 85 6f                        sta     $6f
8e42: a9 87                        lda     #$87
8e44: 85 70                        sta     $70
8e46: a9 00                        lda     #$00
8e48: 85 71                        sta     $71
8e4a: 60           L8E4A           rts

8e4b: a5 6e        L8E4B           lda     $6e
8e4d: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
8e4f: 20 b6 8e                     jsr     L8EB6
8e52: 48                           pha
8e53: a6 d0                        ldx     $d0
8e55: d0 2b                        bne     L8E82
8e57: a9 00        L8E57           lda     #$00
8e59: aa                           tax
8e5a: a8                           tay
8e5b: 46 af                        lsr     $af
8e5d: 66 ae                        ror     $ae
8e5f: 06 ad                        asl     $ad
8e61: 90 09                        bcc     L8E6C
8e63: 8a           L8E63           txa
8e64: 18                           clc
8e65: 65 ae                        adc     $ae
8e67: aa                           tax
8e68: 98                           tya
8e69: 65 af                        adc     $af
8e6b: a8                           tay
8e6c: 46 af        L8E6C           lsr     $af
8e6e: 66 ae                        ror     $ae
8e70: 06 ad                        asl     $ad
8e72: b0 ef                        bcs     L8E63
8e74: d0 f6                        bne     L8E6C
8e76: 68                           pla
8e77: 10 30                        bpl     L8EA9
8e79: 60                           rts

8e7a: 20 b6 8e     L8E7A           jsr     L8EB6
8e7d: 48                           pha
8e7e: a6 d0                        ldx     $d0
8e80: d0 d5                        bne     L8E57
8e82: a9 ff        L8E82           lda     #$ff
8e84: a8                           tay
8e85: 0a                           asl     A
8e86: aa                           tax
8e87: 06 ae        L8E87           asl     $ae
8e89: 26 af                        rol     $af
8e8b: a5 af                        lda     $af
8e8d: b0 04                        bcs     L8E93
8e8f: c5 ad                        cmp     $ad
8e91: 90 0b                        bcc     L8E9E
8e93: e5 ad        L8E93           sbc     $ad
8e95: 85 af                        sta     $af
8e97: a5 ae                        lda     $ae
8e99: e9 00                        sbc     #$00
8e9b: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
8e9d: 38                           sec
8e9e: 8a           L8E9E           txa
8e9f: 2a                           rol     A
8ea0: aa                           tax
8ea1: 98                           tya
8ea2: 2a                           rol     A
8ea3: a8                           tay
8ea4: b0 e1                        bcs     L8E87
8ea6: 68                           pla
8ea7: 30 0c                        bmi     L8EB5
8ea9: 8a           L8EA9           txa
8eaa: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
8eac: 69 01                        adc     #$01
8eae: aa                           tax
8eaf: 98                           tya
8eb0: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
8eb2: 69 00                        adc     #$00
8eb4: a8                           tay
8eb5: 60           L8EB5           rts

8eb6: a6 76        L8EB6           ldx     $76
8eb8: 86 ad                        stx     $ad
8eba: a5 af                        lda     $af
8ebc: 10 11                        bpl     L8ECF
8ebe: a9 00                        lda     #$00
8ec0: 38                           sec
8ec1: e5 ae                        sbc     $ae
8ec3: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
8ec5: a5 af                        lda     $af
8ec7: 48                           pha
8ec8: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
8eca: 69 00                        adc     #$00
8ecc: 85 af                        sta     $af
8ece: 68                           pla
8ecf: 45 77        L8ECF           eor     $77
8ed1: 60                           rts

                   NOTE: BBC .LL145/CLIP (flight)
                   ; Clips a line to the viewport.
                   ; Looks like it's performing midpoint subdivision.
                   ; Viewport area appears to be 256x135.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   $6e/6f: x0
                   ;   $70/71: y0
                   ;   $72/73: x1
                   ;   $74/75: y1
                   ; On exit:
                   ;   $6e: clipped x0
                   ;   $6f: clipped y0
                   ;   $70: clipped x1
                   ;   $71: clipped y1
                   • Clear variables
                   ]x0_lo          .var    $6e    {addr/1}
                   ]x0_hi          .var    $6f    {addr/1}
                   ]y0_lo          .var    $70    {addr/1}
                   ]y0_hi          .var    $71    {addr/1}
                   ]x1_lo          .var    $72    {addr/1}
                   ]x1_hi          .var    $73    {addr/1}
                   ]y1_lo          .var    $74    {addr/1}
                   ]y1_hi          .var    $75    {addr/1}
                   ]yclip          .var    $b5    {addr/1}

8ed2: a9 00        ClipLine        lda     #$00
8ed4: 8d 7d 02                     sta     lcoord_swap_flag
8ed7: a5 73                        lda     ]x1_hi
8ed9: a2 87        ClipLine1       ldx     #135              ;viewport height
8edb: 05 75                        ora     ]y1_hi
8edd: d0 06                        bne     :SkipYcReset
8edf: e4 74                        cpx     ]y1_lo
8ee1: 90 02                        bcc     :SkipYcReset
8ee3: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
8ee5: 86 b5        :SkipYcReset    stx     ]yclip
8ee7: a5 6f                        lda     ]x0_hi
8ee9: 05 71                        ora     ]y0_hi
8eeb: d0 1c                        bne     L8F09
8eed: a9 87                        lda     #135              ;viewport height
8eef: c5 70                        cmp     ]y0_lo
8ef1: 90 16                        bcc     L8F09
8ef3: a5 b5                        lda     ]yclip
8ef5: d0 10                        bne     L8F07
8ef7: a5 70        L8EF7           lda     ]y0_lo            ;copy *_lo to outputs
8ef9: 85 6f                        sta     ]x0_hi
8efb: a5 72                        lda     ]x1_lo
8efd: 85 70                        sta     ]y0_lo
8eff: a5 74                        lda     ]y1_lo
8f01: 85 71                        sta     ]y0_hi
8f03: 18                           clc                       ;valid to plot
8f04: 60                           rts

8f05: 38           :NotVisible     sec                       ;clipped line not visible
8f06: 60                           rts

8f07: 46 b5        L8F07           lsr     ]yclip            ;yclip = ymid
8f09: a5 b5        L8F09           lda     ]yclip
8f0b: 10 2f                        bpl     L8F3C
8f0d: a5 6f                        lda     ]x0_hi
8f0f: 25 73                        and     ]x1_hi
8f11: 30 f2                        bmi     :NotVisible
8f13: a5 71                        lda     ]y0_hi
8f15: 25 75                        and     ]y1_hi
8f17: 30 ec                        bmi     :NotVisible
8f19: a6 6f                        ldx     ]x0_hi
8f1b: ca                           dex
8f1c: 8a                           txa
8f1d: a6 73                        ldx     ]x1_hi
8f1f: ca                           dex
8f20: 86 76                        stx     $76
8f22: 05 76                        ora     $76
8f24: 10 df                        bpl     :NotVisible
8f26: a5 70                        lda     ]y0_lo
8f28: c9 88                        cmp     #$88
8f2a: a5 71                        lda     ]y0_hi
8f2c: e9 00                        sbc     #$00
8f2e: 85 76                        sta     $76
8f30: a5 74                        lda     ]y1_lo
8f32: c9 88                        cmp     #$88
8f34: a5 75                        lda     ]y1_hi
8f36: e9 00                        sbc     #$00
8f38: 05 76                        ora     $76
8f3a: 10 c9                        bpl     :NotVisible
8f3c: 98           L8F3C           tya
8f3d: 48                           pha
8f3e: a5 72                        lda     ]x1_lo
8f40: 38                           sec
8f41: e5 6e                        sbc     ]x0_lo
8f43: 85 76                        sta     $76
8f45: a5 73                        lda     ]x1_hi
8f47: e5 6f                        sbc     ]x0_hi
8f49: 85 77                        sta     $77
8f4b: a5 74                        lda     ]y1_lo
8f4d: 38                           sec
8f4e: e5 70                        sbc     ]y0_lo
8f50: 85 78                        sta     $78
8f52: a5 75                        lda     ]y1_hi
8f54: e5 71                        sbc     ]y0_hi
8f56: 85 79                        sta     $79
8f58: 45 77                        eor     $77
8f5a: 85 af                        sta     $af
8f5c: a5 79                        lda     $79
8f5e: 10 0d                        bpl     L8F6D
8f60: a9 00                        lda     #$00
8f62: 38                           sec
8f63: e5 78                        sbc     $78
8f65: 85 78                        sta     $78
8f67: a9 00                        lda     #$00
8f69: e5 79                        sbc     $79
8f6b: 85 79                        sta     $79
8f6d: a5 77        L8F6D           lda     $77
8f6f: 10 0b                        bpl     L8F7C
8f71: 38                           sec
8f72: a9 00                        lda     #$00
8f74: e5 76                        sbc     $76
8f76: 85 76                        sta     $76
8f78: a9 00                        lda     #$00
8f7a: e5 77                        sbc     $77
8f7c: aa           L8F7C           tax
8f7d: d0 04                        bne     L8F83
8f7f: a6 79                        ldx     $79
8f81: f0 0a                        beq     L8F8D
8f83: 4a           L8F83           lsr     A
8f84: 66 76                        ror     $76
8f86: 46 79                        lsr     $79
8f88: 66 78                        ror     $78
8f8a: 4c 7c 8f                     jmp     L8F7C

8f8d: 86 d0        L8F8D           stx     $d0
8f8f: a5 76                        lda     $76
8f91: c5 78                        cmp     $78
8f93: 90 0a                        bcc     L8F9F
8f95: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
8f97: a5 78                        lda     $78
8f99: 20 7c 87                     jsr     BFRDIV
8f9c: 4c aa 8f                     jmp     L8FAA

8f9f: a5 78        L8F9F           lda     $78
8fa1: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
8fa3: a5 76                        lda     $76
8fa5: 20 7c 87                     jsr     BFRDIV
8fa8: c6 d0                        dec     $d0
8faa: a5 ae        L8FAA           lda     $ae
8fac: 85 76                        sta     $76
8fae: a5 af                        lda     $af
8fb0: 85 77                        sta     $77
8fb2: a5 b5                        lda     ]yclip
8fb4: f0 02                        beq     L8FB8
8fb6: 10 13                        bpl     L8FCB
8fb8: 20 d1 8d     L8FB8           jsr     L8DD1
8fbb: a5 b5                        lda     ]yclip
8fbd: 10 32                        bpl     L8FF1
8fbf: a5 6f                        lda     ]x0_hi
8fc1: 05 71                        ora     ]y0_hi
8fc3: d0 31                        bne     L8FF6
8fc5: a5 70                        lda     ]y0_lo
8fc7: c9 88                        cmp     #$88
8fc9: b0 2b                        bcs     L8FF6
8fcb: a6 6e        L8FCB           ldx     ]x0_lo
8fcd: a5 72                        lda     ]x1_lo
8fcf: 85 6e                        sta     ]x0_lo
8fd1: 86 72                        stx     ]x1_lo
8fd3: a5 73                        lda     ]x1_hi
8fd5: a6 6f                        ldx     ]x0_hi
8fd7: 86 73                        stx     ]x1_hi
8fd9: 85 6f                        sta     ]x0_hi
8fdb: a6 70                        ldx     ]y0_lo
8fdd: a5 74                        lda     ]y1_lo
8fdf: 85 70                        sta     ]y0_lo
8fe1: 86 74                        stx     ]y1_lo
8fe3: a5 75                        lda     ]y1_hi
8fe5: a6 71                        ldx     ]y0_hi
8fe7: 86 75                        stx     ]y1_hi
8fe9: 85 71                        sta     ]y0_hi
8feb: 20 d1 8d                     jsr     L8DD1
8fee: ce 7d 02                     dec     lcoord_swap_flag
8ff1: 68           L8FF1           pla
8ff2: a8                           tay
8ff3: 4c f7 8e                     jmp     L8EF7

8ff6: 68           L8FF6           pla
8ff7: a8                           tay
8ff8: 38                           sec
8ff9: 60                           rts

                   • Clear variables
                   ]screen_x0      .var    $6e    {addr/1}
                   ]screen_y0      .var    $6f    {addr/1}
                   ]screen_x1      .var    $70    {addr/1}
                   ]screen_y1      .var    $71    {addr/1}

8ffa: a4 c2        DrawDot         ldy     $c2
8ffc: c4 c3        :Loop           cpy     $c3
8ffe: b0 1a                        bcs     :Done
9000: b1 2d                        lda     (tmp_ptr2),y
9002: c8                           iny
9003: 85 6e                        sta     ]screen_x0
9005: b1 2d                        lda     (tmp_ptr2),y
9007: c8                           iny
9008: 85 6f                        sta     ]screen_y0
900a: b1 2d                        lda     (tmp_ptr2),y
900c: c8                           iny
900d: 85 70                        sta     ]screen_x1
900f: b1 2d                        lda     (tmp_ptr2),y
9011: c8                           iny
9012: 85 71                        sta     ]screen_y1
9014: 20 64 9c                     jsr     DrawLine
9017: 4c fc 8f                     jmp     :Loop

901a: a5 c2        :Done           lda     $c2
901c: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
901e: 91 2d                        sta     (tmp_ptr2),y
9020: 60           :Return         rts

9021: a4 c2        DrawTwoThings?  ldy     $c2
9023: c4 c3                        cpy     $c3
9025: 08                           php
9026: a2 03                        ldx     #$03
9028: b5 6e        :CopyLoop       lda     ]screen_x0,x
902a: 95 74                        sta     $74,x
902c: ca                           dex
902d: 10 f9                        bpl     :CopyLoop
902f: 20 64 9c                     jsr     DrawLine
9032: b1 2d                        lda     (tmp_ptr2),y
9034: 85 6e                        sta     ]screen_x0
9036: a5 74                        lda     $74
9038: 91 2d                        sta     (tmp_ptr2),y
903a: c8                           iny
903b: b1 2d                        lda     (tmp_ptr2),y
903d: 85 6f                        sta     ]screen_y0
903f: a5 75                        lda     $75
9041: 91 2d                        sta     (tmp_ptr2),y
9043: c8                           iny
9044: b1 2d                        lda     (tmp_ptr2),y
9046: 85 70                        sta     ]screen_x1
9048: a5 76                        lda     $76
904a: 91 2d                        sta     (tmp_ptr2),y
904c: c8                           iny
904d: b1 2d                        lda     (tmp_ptr2),y
904f: 85 71                        sta     ]screen_y1
9051: a5 77                        lda     $77
9053: 91 2d                        sta     (tmp_ptr2),y
9055: c8                           iny
9056: 84 c2                        sty     $c2
9058: 28                           plp
9059: b0 c5                        bcs     :Return
905b: 4c 64 9c                     jmp     DrawLine

                   NOTE: BBC .MVEIT
905e: a5 2b        MVEIT           lda     polyobj_vis
9060: 29 a0                        and     #$a0
9062: d0 25                        bne     L9089
9064: a5 b6                        lda     $b6
9066: 45 b0                        eor     $b0
9068: 29 0f                        and     #$0f
906a: d0 03                        bne     L906F
906c: 20 fb 85                     jsr     L85FB
906f: a6 b8        L906F           ldx     $b8
9071: 10 03                        bpl     L9076
9073: 4c fb 92                     jmp     L92FB

9076: a5 2c        L9076           lda     polyobj_attack
9078: 10 0f                        bpl     L9089
907a: e0 01                        cpx     #$01
907c: f0 08                        beq     L9086
907e: a5 b6                        lda     $b6
9080: 45 b0                        eor     $b0
9082: 29 07                        and     #$07
9084: d0 03                        bne     L9089
9086: 20 48 58     L9086           jsr     TACTICS
9089: 20 83 a2     L9089           jsr     SCAN
908c: a5 27                        lda     polyobj_vertex_lo
908e: 0a                           asl     A
908f: 0a                           asl     A
9090: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
9092: a5 16                        lda     $16
9094: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
9096: 20 94 5f                     jsr     FMLTU
9099: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
909b: a5 16                        lda     $16
909d: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
909f: 20 08 92                     jsr     L9208
90a2: a5 18                        lda     $18
90a4: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
90a6: 20 94 5f                     jsr     FMLTU
90a9: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
90ab: a5 18                        lda     $18
90ad: a2 03                        ldx     #$03
90af: 20 08 92                     jsr     L9208
90b2: a5 1a                        lda     polyobj_mox2_hi
90b4: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
90b6: 20 94 5f                     jsr     FMLTU
90b9: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
90bb: a5 1a                        lda     polyobj_mox2_hi
90bd: a2 06                        ldx     #$06
90bf: 20 08 92                     jsr     L9208
90c2: a5 27                        lda     polyobj_vertex_lo
90c4: 18                           clc
90c5: 65 28                        adc     $28
90c7: 10 02                        bpl     L90CB
90c9: a9 00                        lda     #$00
90cb: a0 0f        L90CB           ldy     #$0f              ;max speed
90cd: d1 5a                        cmp     (hull_ptr),y      ;get from hull definition
90cf: 90 02                        bcc     :NotMax
90d1: b1 5a                        lda     (hull_ptr),y      ;cap it at max
90d3: 85 27        :NotMax         sta     polyobj_vertex_lo
90d5: a9 00                        lda     #$00
90d7: 85 28                        sta     $28
90d9: a6 6b                        ldx     $6b
90db: a5 0c                        lda     polyobj_xpos_lo
90dd: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
90df: 85 31                        sta     $31
90e1: a5 0d                        lda     INWK+1
90e3: 20 bc 5f                     jsr     MLTU2
90e6: 85 33                        sta     $33
90e8: a5 6d                        lda     $6d
90ea: 45 0e                        eor     INWK+2
90ec: a2 03                        ldx     #$03
90ee: 20 c6 92                     jsr     L92C6
90f1: 85 c9                        sta     $c9
90f3: a5 32                        lda     $32
90f5: 85 c7                        sta     $c7
90f7: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
90f9: 85 31                        sta     $31
90fb: a5 33                        lda     $33
90fd: 85 c8                        sta     $c8
90ff: a6 67                        ldx     $67
9101: 20 bc 5f                     jsr     MLTU2
9104: 85 33                        sta     $33
9106: a5 c9                        lda     $c9
9108: 45 a7                        eor     $a7
910a: a2 06                        ldx     #$06
910c: 20 c6 92                     jsr     L92C6
910f: 85 14                        sta     polyobj_zpos_hi
9111: a5 32                        lda     $32
9113: 85 12                        sta     polyobj_zpos_lo
9115: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
9117: 85 31                        sta     $31
9119: a5 33                        lda     $33
911b: 85 13                        sta     polyobj_zpos_mi
911d: 20 be 5f                     jsr     MLTU2_2
9120: 85 33                        sta     $33
9122: a5 c9                        lda     $c9
9124: 85 11                        sta     INWK+5
9126: 45 a7                        eor     $a7
9128: 45 14                        eor     polyobj_zpos_hi
912a: 10 0f                        bpl     L913B
912c: a5 32                        lda     $32
912e: 65 c7                        adc     $c7
9130: 85 0f                        sta     polyobj_ypos_lo
9132: a5 33                        lda     $33
9134: 65 c8                        adc     $c8
9136: 85 10                        sta     INWK+4
9138: 4c 5b 91                     jmp     L915B

913b: a5 c7        L913B           lda     $c7
913d: e5 32                        sbc     $32
913f: 85 0f                        sta     polyobj_ypos_lo
9141: a5 c8                        lda     $c8
9143: e5 33                        sbc     $33
9145: 85 10                        sta     INWK+4
9147: b0 12                        bcs     L915B
9149: a9 01                        lda     #$01
914b: e5 0f                        sbc     polyobj_ypos_lo
914d: 85 0f                        sta     polyobj_ypos_lo
914f: a9 00                        lda     #$00
9151: e5 10                        sbc     INWK+4
9153: 85 10                        sta     INWK+4
9155: a5 11                        lda     INWK+5
9157: 49 80                        eor     #$80
9159: 85 11                        sta     INWK+5
915b: a6 6b        L915B           ldx     $6b
915d: a5 0f                        lda     polyobj_ypos_lo
915f: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
9161: 85 31                        sta     $31
9163: a5 10                        lda     INWK+4
9165: 20 bc 5f                     jsr     MLTU2
9168: 85 33                        sta     $33
916a: a5 6c                        lda     $6c
916c: 45 11                        eor     INWK+5
916e: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
9170: 20 c6 92                     jsr     L92C6
9173: 85 0e                        sta     INWK+2
9175: a5 33                        lda     $33
9177: 85 0d                        sta     INWK+1
9179: a5 32                        lda     $32
917b: 85 0c                        sta     polyobj_xpos_lo
917d: a5 a9        L917D           lda     player_speed
917f: 85 ae                        sta     $ae
9181: a9 80                        lda     #$80
9183: a2 06                        ldx     #$06
9185: 20 0a 92                     jsr     L920A
9188: a5 b8                        lda     $b8
918a: 29 81                        and     #$81
918c: c9 81                        cmp     #$81
918e: d0 01                        bne     L9191
9190: 60                           rts

9191: a0 09        L9191           ldy     #$09
9193: 20 5f 92                     jsr     L925F
9196: a0 0f                        ldy     #$0f
9198: 20 5f 92                     jsr     L925F
919b: a0 15                        ldy     #$15
919d: 20 5f 92                     jsr     L925F
91a0: a5 2a                        lda     polyobj_pitch
91a2: 29 80                        and     #$80
91a4: 85 c5                        sta     $c5
91a6: a5 2a                        lda     polyobj_pitch
91a8: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
91aa: f0 1d                        beq     L91C9
91ac: c9 7f                        cmp     #$7f
91ae: e9 00                        sbc     #$00
91b0: 05 c5                        ora     $c5
91b2: 85 2a                        sta     polyobj_pitch
91b4: a2 0f                        ldx     #$0f
91b6: a0 09                        ldy     #$09
91b8: 20 d4 53                     jsr     L53D4
91bb: a2 11                        ldx     #$11
91bd: a0 0b                        ldy     #$0b
91bf: 20 d4 53                     jsr     L53D4
91c2: a2 13                        ldx     #$13
91c4: a0 0d                        ldy     #$0d
91c6: 20 d4 53                     jsr     L53D4
91c9: a5 29        L91C9           lda     polyobj_roll
91cb: 29 80                        and     #$80
91cd: 85 c5                        sta     $c5
91cf: a5 29                        lda     polyobj_roll
91d1: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
91d3: f0 1d                        beq     L91F2
91d5: c9 7f                        cmp     #$7f
91d7: e9 00                        sbc     #$00
91d9: 05 c5                        ora     $c5
91db: 85 29                        sta     polyobj_roll
91dd: a2 0f                        ldx     #$0f
91df: a0 15                        ldy     #$15
91e1: 20 d4 53                     jsr     L53D4
91e4: a2 11                        ldx     #$11
91e6: a0 17                        ldy     #$17
91e8: 20 d4 53                     jsr     L53D4
91eb: a2 13                        ldx     #$13
91ed: a0 19                        ldy     #$19
91ef: 20 d4 53                     jsr     L53D4
91f2: a5 2b        L91F2           lda     polyobj_vis
91f4: 29 a0                        and     #$a0
91f6: d0 09                        bne     L9201
91f8: a5 2b                        lda     polyobj_vis
91fa: 09 10                        ora     #$10
91fc: 85 2b                        sta     polyobj_vis
91fe: 4c 83 a2                     jmp     SCAN

9201: a5 2b        L9201           lda     polyobj_vis
9203: 29 ef                        and     #$ef
9205: 85 2b                        sta     polyobj_vis
9207: 60                           rts

9208: 29 80        L9208           and     #$80
920a: 0a           L920A           asl     A
920b: 85 af                        sta     $af
920d: a9 00                        lda     #$00
920f: 6a                           ror     A
9210: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
9212: 46 af                        lsr     $af
9214: 55 0e                        eor     INWK+2,x
9216: 30 15                        bmi     L922D
9218: a5 ae                        lda     $ae
921a: 75 0c                        adc     polyobj_xpos_lo,x
921c: 95 0c                        sta     polyobj_xpos_lo,x
921e: a5 af                        lda     $af
9220: 75 0d                        adc     INWK+1,x
9222: 95 0d                        sta     INWK+1,x
9224: b5 0e                        lda     INWK+2,x
9226: 69 00                        adc     #$00
9228: 05 d0                        ora     $d0
922a: 95 0e                        sta     INWK+2,x
922c: 60                           rts

922d: b5 0c        L922D           lda     polyobj_xpos_lo,x
922f: 38                           sec
9230: e5 ae                        sbc     $ae
9232: 95 0c                        sta     polyobj_xpos_lo,x
9234: b5 0d                        lda     INWK+1,x
9236: e5 af                        sbc     $af
9238: 95 0d                        sta     INWK+1,x
923a: b5 0e                        lda     INWK+2,x
923c: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
923e: e9 00                        sbc     #$00
9240: 09 80                        ora     #$80
9242: 45 d0                        eor     $d0
9244: 95 0e                        sta     INWK+2,x
9246: b0 16                        bcs     L925E
9248: a9 01                        lda     #$01
924a: f5 0c                        sbc     polyobj_xpos_lo,x
924c: 95 0c                        sta     polyobj_xpos_lo,x
924e: a9 00                        lda     #$00
9250: f5 0d                        sbc     INWK+1,x
9252: 95 0d                        sta     INWK+1,x
9254: a9 00                        lda     #$00
9256: f5 0e                        sbc     INWK+2,x
9258: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
925a: 05 d0                        ora     $d0
925c: 95 0e                        sta     INWK+2,x
925e: 60           L925E           rts

925f: a5 b9        L925F           lda     $b9
9261: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
9263: b6 0e                        ldx     INWK+2,y
9265: 86 ae                        stx     $ae
9267: b6 0f                        ldx     polyobj_ypos_lo,y
9269: 86 af                        stx     $af
926b: b6 0c                        ldx     polyobj_xpos_lo,y
926d: 86 31                        stx     $31
926f: b9 0d 00                     lda     INWK+1,y
9272: 49 80                        eor     #$80
9274: 20 65 60                     jsr     MAD
9277: 99 0f 00                     sta     polyobj_ypos_lo,y
927a: 96 0e                        stx     INWK+2,y
927c: 86 31                        stx     $31
927e: b6 0c                        ldx     polyobj_xpos_lo,y
9280: 86 ae                        stx     $ae
9282: b6 0d                        ldx     INWK+1,y
9284: 86 af                        stx     $af
9286: b9 0f 00                     lda     polyobj_ypos_lo,y
9289: 20 65 60                     jsr     MAD
928c: 99 0d 00                     sta     INWK+1,y
928f: 96 0c                        stx     polyobj_xpos_lo,y
9291: 86 31                        stx     $31
9293: a5 66                        lda     $66
9295: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
9297: b6 0e                        ldx     INWK+2,y
9299: 86 ae                        stx     $ae
929b: b6 0f                        ldx     polyobj_ypos_lo,y
929d: 86 af                        stx     $af
929f: b6 10                        ldx     INWK+4,y
92a1: 86 31                        stx     $31
92a3: b9 11 00                     lda     INWK+5,y
92a6: 49 80                        eor     #$80
92a8: 20 65 60                     jsr     MAD
92ab: 99 0f 00                     sta     polyobj_ypos_lo,y
92ae: 96 0e                        stx     INWK+2,y
92b0: 86 31                        stx     $31
92b2: b6 10                        ldx     INWK+4,y
92b4: 86 ae                        stx     $ae
92b6: b6 11                        ldx     INWK+5,y
92b8: 86 af                        stx     $af
92ba: b9 0f 00                     lda     polyobj_ypos_lo,y
92bd: 20 65 60                     jsr     MAD
92c0: 99 11 00                     sta     INWK+5,y
92c3: 96 10                        stx     INWK+4,y
92c5: 60                           rts

92c6: a8           L92C6           tay
92c7: 55 0e                        eor     INWK+2,x
92c9: 30 0f                        bmi     L92DA
92cb: a5 32                        lda     $32
92cd: 18                           clc
92ce: 75 0c                        adc     polyobj_xpos_lo,x
92d0: 85 32                        sta     $32
92d2: a5 33                        lda     $33
92d4: 75 0d                        adc     INWK+1,x
92d6: 85 33                        sta     $33
92d8: 98                           tya
92d9: 60                           rts

92da: b5 0c        L92DA           lda     polyobj_xpos_lo,x
92dc: 38                           sec
92dd: e5 32                        sbc     $32
92df: 85 32                        sta     $32
92e1: b5 0d                        lda     INWK+1,x
92e3: e5 33                        sbc     $33
92e5: 85 33                        sta     $33
92e7: 90 04                        bcc     L92ED
92e9: 98                           tya
92ea: 49 80                        eor     #$80
92ec: 60                           rts

92ed: a9 01        L92ED           lda     #$01
92ef: e5 32                        sbc     $32
92f1: 85 32                        sta     $32
92f3: a9 00                        lda     #$00
92f5: e5 33                        sbc     $33
92f7: 85 33                        sta     $33
92f9: 98                           tya
92fa: 60                           rts

92fb: a5 b9        L92FB           lda     $b9
92fd: 49 80                        eor     #$80
92ff: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
9301: a5 0c                        lda     polyobj_xpos_lo
9303: 85 31                        sta     $31
9305: a5 0d                        lda     INWK+1
9307: 85 32                        sta     $32
9309: a5 0e                        lda     INWK+2
930b: 20 a2 5e                     jsr     L5EA2
930e: a2 03                        ldx     #$03
9310: 20 78 53                     jsr     L5378
9313: a5 7b                        lda     $7b
9315: 85 c7                        sta     $c7
9317: 85 31                        sta     $31
9319: a5 7c                        lda     $7c
931b: 85 c8                        sta     $c8
931d: 85 32                        sta     $32
931f: a5 66                        lda     $66
9321: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
9323: a5 7d                        lda     $7d
9325: 85 c9                        sta     $c9
9327: 20 a2 5e                     jsr     L5EA2
932a: a2 06                        ldx     #$06
932c: 20 78 53                     jsr     L5378
932f: a5 7b                        lda     $7b
9331: 85 31                        sta     $31
9333: 85 12                        sta     polyobj_zpos_lo
9335: a5 7c                        lda     $7c
9337: 85 32                        sta     $32
9339: 85 13                        sta     polyobj_zpos_mi
933b: a5 7d                        lda     $7d
933d: 85 14                        sta     polyobj_zpos_hi
933f: 49 80                        eor     #$80
9341: 20 a2 5e                     jsr     L5EA2
9344: a5 7d                        lda     $7d
9346: 29 80                        and     #$80
9348: 85 d0                        sta     $d0
934a: 45 c9                        eor     $c9
934c: 30 18                        bmi     L9366
934e: a5 7a                        lda     $7a
9350: 18                           clc
9351: 65 c6                        adc     $c6
9353: a5 7b                        lda     $7b
9355: 65 c7                        adc     $c7
9357: 85 0f                        sta     polyobj_ypos_lo
9359: a5 7c                        lda     $7c
935b: 65 c8                        adc     $c8
935d: 85 10                        sta     INWK+4
935f: a5 7d                        lda     $7d
9361: 65 c9                        adc     $c9
9363: 4c 99 93                     jmp     L9399

9366: a5 7a        L9366           lda     $7a
9368: 38                           sec
9369: e5 c6                        sbc     $c6
936b: a5 7b                        lda     $7b
936d: e5 c7                        sbc     $c7
936f: 85 0f                        sta     polyobj_ypos_lo
9371: a5 7c                        lda     $7c
9373: e5 c8                        sbc     $c8
9375: 85 10                        sta     INWK+4
9377: a5 c9                        lda     $c9
9379: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
937b: 85 31                        sta     $31
937d: a5 7d                        lda     $7d
937f: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
9381: e5 31                        sbc     $31
9383: 85 31                        sta     $31
9385: b0 12                        bcs     L9399
9387: a9 01                        lda     #$01
9389: e5 0f                        sbc     polyobj_ypos_lo
938b: 85 0f                        sta     polyobj_ypos_lo
938d: a9 00                        lda     #$00
938f: e5 10                        sbc     INWK+4
9391: 85 10                        sta     INWK+4
9393: a9 00                        lda     #$00
9395: e5 31                        sbc     $31
9397: 09 80                        ora     #$80
9399: 45 d0        L9399           eor     $d0
939b: 85 11                        sta     INWK+5
939d: a5 b9                        lda     $b9
939f: 85 ad                        sta     $ad
93a1: a5 0f                        lda     polyobj_ypos_lo
93a3: 85 31                        sta     $31
93a5: a5 10                        lda     INWK+4
93a7: 85 32                        sta     $32
93a9: a5 11                        lda     INWK+5
93ab: 20 a2 5e                     jsr     L5EA2
93ae: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
93b0: 20 78 53                     jsr     L5378
93b3: a5 7b                        lda     $7b
93b5: 85 0c                        sta     polyobj_xpos_lo
93b7: a5 7c                        lda     $7c
93b9: 85 0d                        sta     INWK+1
93bb: a5 7d                        lda     $7d
93bd: 85 0e                        sta     INWK+2
93bf: 4c 7d 91                     jmp     L917D

93c2: ae 72 02     L93C2           ldx     PLAYER_STATE?+49
93c5: f0 33                        beq     L93FA
93c7: ca                           dex
93c8: d0 31                        bne     L93FB
93ca: a5 0e                        lda     INWK+2
93cc: 49 80                        eor     #$80
93ce: 85 0e                        sta     INWK+2
93d0: a5 14                        lda     polyobj_zpos_hi
93d2: 49 80                        eor     #$80
93d4: 85 14                        sta     polyobj_zpos_hi
93d6: a5 16                        lda     $16
93d8: 49 80                        eor     #$80
93da: 85 16                        sta     $16
93dc: a5 1a                        lda     polyobj_mox2_hi
93de: 49 80                        eor     #$80
93e0: 85 1a                        sta     polyobj_mox2_hi
93e2: a5 1c                        lda     $1c
93e4: 49 80                        eor     #$80
93e6: 85 1c                        sta     $1c
93e8: a5 20                        lda     $20
93ea: 49 80                        eor     #$80
93ec: 85 20                        sta     $20
93ee: a5 22                        lda     $22
93f0: 49 80                        eor     #$80
93f2: 85 22                        sta     $22
93f4: a5 26                        lda     $26
93f6: 49 80                        eor     #$80
93f8: 85 26                        sta     $26
93fa: 60           L93FA           rts

93fb: a9 00        L93FB           lda     #$00
93fd: e0 02                        cpx     #$02
93ff: 6a                           ror     A
9400: 85 c5                        sta     $c5
9402: 49 80                        eor     #$80
9404: 85 c4                        sta     $c4
9406: a5 0c                        lda     polyobj_xpos_lo
9408: a6 12                        ldx     polyobj_zpos_lo
940a: 85 12                        sta     polyobj_zpos_lo
940c: 86 0c                        stx     polyobj_xpos_lo
940e: a5 0d                        lda     INWK+1
9410: a6 13                        ldx     polyobj_zpos_mi
9412: 85 13                        sta     polyobj_zpos_mi
9414: 86 0d                        stx     INWK+1
9416: a5 0e                        lda     INWK+2
9418: 45 c4                        eor     $c4
941a: aa                           tax
941b: a5 14                        lda     polyobj_zpos_hi
941d: 45 c5                        eor     $c5
941f: 85 0e                        sta     INWK+2
9421: 86 14                        stx     polyobj_zpos_hi
9423: a0 09                        ldy     #$09
9425: 20 2f 94                     jsr     L942F
9428: a0 0f                        ldy     #$0f
942a: 20 2f 94                     jsr     L942F
942d: a0 15                        ldy     #$15
942f: b9 0c 00     L942F           lda     polyobj_xpos_lo,y
9432: b6 10                        ldx     INWK+4,y
9434: 99 10 00                     sta     INWK+4,y
9437: 96 0c                        stx     polyobj_xpos_lo,y
9439: b9 0d 00                     lda     INWK+1,y
943c: 45 c4                        eor     $c4
943e: aa                           tax
943f: b9 11 00                     lda     INWK+5,y
9442: 45 c5                        eor     $c5
9444: 99 0d 00                     sta     INWK+1,y
9447: 96 11                        stx     INWK+5,y
9449: 60           :Return         rts

944a: 8e 72 02     L944A           stx     PLAYER_STATE?+49
944d: 20 b9 94                     jsr     PrintFlightHud?
9450: 20 7d 94                     jsr     L947D
9453: ad b9 02                     lda     have_energy_bomb
9456: 10 03                        bpl     L945B
9458: 20 ce 4a                     jsr     DrawBombAnim
945b: 4c cd 73     L945B           jmp     L73CD

                   NOTE: BBC .LOOK1
                   ; Set the view direction (forward/left/right/back).
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   X-reg: direction (0=front, 1=rear, 2=left, 3=right)
945e: a9 00                        lda     #$00
9460: a4 b3                        ldy     displayed_screen
9462: d0 e6                        bne     L944A
9464: ec 72 02                     cpx     PLAYER_STATE?+49
9467: f0 e0                        beq     :Return           ;view unchanged
9469: 8e 72 02                     stx     PLAYER_STATE?+49
946c: 20 b9 94                     jsr     PrintFlightHud?
946f: 20 26 50                     jsr     L5026
9472: ad b9 02                     lda     have_energy_bomb
9475: 10 03                        bpl     L947A
9477: 20 ce 4a                     jsr     DrawBombAnim
947a: 20 f3 73     L947A           jsr     L73F3
947d: ac 72 02     L947D           ldy     PLAYER_STATE?+49
9480: b9 9f 02                     lda     $029f,y
9483: f0 c4                        beq     :Return
9485: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
9487: c9 0f                        cmp     #$0f
9489: f0 0b                        beq     L9496
948b: c8                           iny
948c: c9 8f                        cmp     #$8f
948e: f0 06                        beq     L9496
9490: c8                           iny
9491: c9 97                        cmp     #$97
9493: f0 01                        beq     L9496
9495: c8                           iny
9496: b9 b1 94     L9496           lda     L94B1,y
9499: 85 35                        sta     $35
949b: a9 80                        lda     #$80
949d: 85 a1                        sta     $a1
949f: a9 2c                        lda     #$2c
94a1: 85 a2                        sta     $a2
94a3: a9 14                        lda     #$14
94a5: 85 a3                        sta     $a3
94a7: 20 42 66                     jsr     L6642
94aa: a9 0a                        lda     #$0a
94ac: 85 a3                        sta     $a3
94ae: 4c 42 66                     jmp     L6642

94b1: 10           L94B1           .dd1    $10
94b2: 14                           .dd1    $14
94b3: 0c                           .dd1    $0c
94b4: 0c                           .dd1    $0c
94b5: 04                           .dd1    $04
94b6: 14                           .dd1    $14
94b7: 08                           .dd1    $08
94b8: 0c                           .dd1    $0c

94b9: 85 b3        PrintFlightHud? sta     displayed_screen
94bb: 20 4b 4c     L94BB           jsr     SetUcaseMask
94be: a9 00                        lda     #$00
94c0: 85 91                        sta     $91
94c2: a9 80                        lda     #$80
94c4: 85 37                        sta     text_mod_flags
94c6: 8d 28 55                     sta     txt_lcase_flag
94c9: a9 01                        lda     #$01
94cb: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
94cd: 85 36                        sta     text_vposn
94cf: 20 97 a1                     jsr     LA197
94d2: a5 cd                        lda     display_mode_flag
94d4: 30 03                        bmi     L94D9
94d6: 20 28 74                     jsr     L7428
94d9: a9 00        L94D9           lda     #$00
94db: 8d 70 02                     sta     PLAYER_STATE?+47
94de: 8d 77 02                     sta     PLAYER_STATE?+54
94e1: 8d 78 02                     sta     $0278
94e4: a6 69                        ldx     $69
94e6: f0 03                        beq     L94EB
94e8: 20 03 6c                     jsr     L6C03
94eb: a9 01        L94EB           lda     #$01
94ed: 85 36                        sta     text_vposn
94ef: a5 b3                        lda     displayed_screen
94f1: d0 14                        bne     L9507
94f3: a9 0b                        lda     #11
94f5: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
94f7: ad 72 02                     lda     PLAYER_STATE?+49
94fa: 09 60                        ora     #$60              ;"Front"/"Rear"/"Left"/"Right"
94fc: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
94ff: 20 a1 6c                     jsr     PrintSpace
9502: a9 af                        lda     #$af              ;"View"
9504: 20 44 71                     jsr     PrintFlightToken
9507: a2 01        L9507           ldx     #$01
9509: 86 34                        stx     text_hposn
950b: 86 36                        stx     text_vposn
950d: ca                           dex
950e: 86 37                        stx     text_mod_flags    ;flags=0
9510: 60                           rts

9511: 60           L9511           rts

9512: a9 00        L9512           lda     #$00
9514: 85 6a                        sta     ecm_active_flag?
9516: 8d 6d 02                     sta     player_ecm_active?
9519: 4c 13 a0                     jmp     LA013

                   ; BBC .SFRMIS
                   ; "Spawn missile with ai=#$FE max but no ecm"
951c: a2 01        LaunchMissile   ldx     #1                ;missile
951e: 20 9c 5c                     jsr     LaunchObject
9521: 90 ee                        bcc     L9511
9523: a9 78                        lda     #$78              ;"Incoming Missile"
9525: 20 05 85                     jsr     PrintMessageBriefly
9528: a0 32                        ldy     #$32
952a: 4c 58 95                     jmp     MakeNoise1?

952d: ad c1 02     CountKill       lda     kill_score_rem
9530: 18                           clc
9531: 7d 5f a3                     adc     kill_score_lo-1,x
9534: 8d c1 02                     sta     kill_score_rem
9537: ad d6 02                     lda     kill_score
953a: 7d 7f a3                     adc     kill_score_hi-1,x
953d: 8d d6 02                     sta     kill_score
9540: 90 08                        bcc     :NoInc
9542: ee d7 02                     inc     kill_score+1
9545: a9 65                        lda     #$65              ;"Right On Commander!"
9547: 20 05 85                     jsr     PrintMessageBriefly ;(prints every 256 kill-scores)
954a: a0 37        :NoInc          ldy     #$37
954c: d0 23                        bne     L9571

954e: a0 0f        L954E           ldy     #$0f
9550: d0 1f                        bne     L9571

9552: a0 63        Noise1?         ldy     #$63
9554: a2 ff                        ldx     #$ff
9556: d0 40                        bne     MakeNoise31?

9558: 2c 57 45     MakeNoise1?     bit     sound_disab_flag
955b: 30 50                        bmi     :Return
955d: ad 30 c0     L955D           lda     SPKR              ;click
9560: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
9563: ca           L9563           dex
9564: ea                           nop
9565: ea                           nop
9566: d0 fb                        bne     L9563
9568: 88                           dey
9569: d0 f2                        bne     L955D
956b: ad 30 c0                     lda     SPKR
956e: 60                           rts

956f: a0 28        MakeNoise2?     ldy     #$28
9571: 2c 57 45     L9571           bit     sound_disab_flag
9574: 30 37                        bmi     :Return
9576: a2 32                        ldx     #$32
9578: 86 08                        stx     $08
957a: ad 30 c0     L957A           lda     SPKR
957d: e6 08                        inc     $08
957f: a6 08                        ldx     $08
9581: ca           L9581           dex
9582: ea                           nop
9583: ea                           nop
9584: d0 fb                        bne     L9581
9586: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
9589: ca           L9589           dex
958a: ea                           nop
958b: d0 fc                        bne     L9589
958d: 88                           dey
958e: d0 ea                        bne     L957A
9590: ad 30 c0                     lda     SPKR
9593: 60                           rts

9594: a0 1e        MakeNoise3?     ldy     #$1e
9596: a2 6e                        ldx     #$6e
9598: 2c 57 45     MakeNoise31?    bit     sound_disab_flag
959b: 30 10                        bmi     :Return
959d: 86 08                        stx     $08
959f: ad 30 c0     L959F           lda     SPKR
95a2: a6 08                        ldx     $08
95a4: ca           L95A4           dex
95a5: d0 fd                        bne     L95A4
95a7: 88                           dey
95a8: d0 f5                        bne     L959F
95aa: ad 30 c0                     lda     SPKR
95ad: 60           :Return         rts

95ae: 2c 57 45     MakeNoise4?     bit     sound_disab_flag
95b1: 30 fa                        bmi     :Return
95b3: 86 08                        stx     $08
95b5: ad 30 c0     L95B5           lda     SPKR
95b8: c6 08                        dec     $08
95ba: a6 08                        ldx     $08
95bc: ca           L95BC           dex
95bd: ea                           nop
95be: d0 fc                        bne     L95BC
95c0: 88                           dey
95c1: d0 f2                        bne     L95B5
95c3: ad 30 c0                     lda     SPKR
95c6: 60                           rts

95c7: a0 0b        MakeNoise5?     ldy     #$0b
95c9: a2 96                        ldx     #$96
95cb: 2c 57 45                     bit     sound_disab_flag
95ce: 30 dd                        bmi     :Return
95d0: 86 08                        stx     $08
95d2: ad 30 c0     L95D2           lda     SPKR
95d5: e6 08                        inc     $08
95d7: e6 08                        inc     $08
95d9: a6 08                        ldx     $08
95db: ca           L95DB           dex
95dc: d0 fd                        bne     L95DB
95de: 88                           dey
95df: d0 f1                        bne     L95D2
95e1: ad 30 c0                     lda     SPKR
95e4: 60                           rts

95e5: a0                           .dd1    $a0
95e6: 0b                           .dd1    $0b
95e7: a2                           .dd1    $a2
95e8: 82                           .dd1    $82

95e9: 2c 57 45     MakeNoise6?     bit     sound_disab_flag
95ec: 30 bf                        bmi     :Return
95ee: a0 19                        ldy     #$19
95f0: ad 30 c0     L95F0           lda     SPKR
95f3: 20 7c 7b                     jsr     GetRandom
95f6: 29 1f                        and     #$1f
95f8: 09 e0                        ora     #$e0
95fa: aa                           tax
95fb: ca           L95FB           dex
95fc: ea                           nop
95fd: d0 fc                        bne     L95FB
95ff: 88                           dey
9600: d0 ee                        bne     L95F0
9602: ad 30 c0                     lda     SPKR
9605: 60                           rts

9606: 2c 57 45     MakeNoise7?     bit     sound_disab_flag
9609: 30 03                        bmi     L960E
960b: ad 30 c0                     lda     SPKR
960e: 60           L960E           rts

                   ; Initialize some basic things: show the hi-res screen, zero out variable
                   ; storage, etc.
                   • Clear variables
                   ]ptr            .var    $0a    {addr/2}

960f: 20 e2 a2     InitSystem      jsr     ShowHiRes
9612: a9 08                        lda     #$08              ;set ptr to $800
9614: 85 0b                        sta     ]ptr+1
9616: a2 02                        ldx     #$02              ;erase two pages ($800-9FF)
9618: a9 00                        lda     #$00
961a: 85 0a                        sta     ]ptr
961c: a8                           tay                       ;A/Y to zero
961d: 91 0a        :Loop           sta     (]ptr),y
961f: c8                           iny
9620: d0 fb                        bne     :Loop
9622: e6 0b                        inc     ]ptr+1
9624: ca                           dex
9625: d0 f6                        bne     :Loop
9627: 99 00 02     L9627           sta     $0200,y           ;clear $200-2ff
962a: 88                           dey
962b: d0 fa                        bne     L9627
962d: a9 41                        lda     #$41              ;set NMI vector for some reason
962f: 8d fc 03                     sta     NMIVEC+1
9632: a9 96                        lda     #$96
9634: 8d fd 03                     sta     NMIVEC+2
9637: a9 93                        lda     #$93              ;line ~18
9639: 85 36                        sta     text_vposn
963b: a9 a0                        lda     #$a0
963d: 85 37                        sta     text_mod_flags
963f: 78                           sei                       ;disable interrupts
9640: 60                           rts

9641: 58                           .dd1    $58
9642: 40                           .dd1    $40
                   NOTE: disk I/O routines
9643: 43 4f 4d 4d+ disk_filename   .str    ‘COMMANDER                     ’

9661: ba           DiskLoadGame    tsx
9662: 8e 6b 0a                     stx     rwts_saved_stack
9665: 20 13 97                     jsr     DiskFindFile
9668: a9 05                        lda     #$05
966a: b0 14                        bcs     :Return
966c: 20 dc 97                     jsr     DiskLoadTSList
966f: 20 04 98                     jsr     DiskReadSector
9672: a0 00                        ldy     #$00              ;copy data to scrambled-save area
9674: b9 04 08     :Loop           lda     data_buffer+4,y   ;start at offset +4 to skip 'B' header
9677: 99 dc 0a                     sta     scram_save_data,y
967a: c8                           iny
967b: c0 6e                        cpy     #$6e              ;length of saved-game data
967d: d0 f5                        bne     :Loop
967f: 18                           clc
9680: 60           :Return         rts

9681: 20 9d 9b     DiskSaveGame    jsr     ScrambleSaveData
9684: ba                           tsx
9685: 8e 6b 0a                     stx     rwts_saved_stack
9688: 20 13 97                     jsr     DiskFindFile
968b: 90 73                        bcc     :FoundFile
                   ; File doesn't exist, create it.
968d: 20 c4 97                     jsr     L97C4
9690: a9 02                        lda     #$02
9692: b0 ec                        bcs     :Return
9694: 20 16 97                     jsr     DiskFindEmpty     ;find an empty slot (returned in Y-reg)
9697: a9 03                        lda     #$03
9699: b0 e5                        bcs     :Return           ;return with err 3 (cat full) if we failed
969b: ad 61 0a                     lda     rwts_ts_track     ;set track/sector for file T/S list
969e: 99 00 08                     sta     data_buffer,y
96a1: ad 62 0a                     lda     rwts_ts_sector
96a4: 99 01 08                     sta     data_buffer+1,y
96a7: a9 04                        lda     #$04              ;type 'B'
96a9: 99 02 08                     sta     data_buffer+2,y
96ac: a9 02                        lda     #$02              ;length in sectors = $0002
96ae: 99 21 08                     sta     data_buffer+33,y
96b1: a9 00                        lda     #$00
96b3: 99 22 08                     sta     data_buffer+34,y
96b6: aa                           tax                       ;X-reg=0
96b7: bd 43 96     :Loop           lda     disk_filename,x   ;copy filename
96ba: 09 80                        ora     #$80              ;set high ASCII
96bc: 99 03 08                     sta     data_buffer+3,y
96bf: c8                           iny
96c0: e8                           inx
96c1: e0 1e                        cpx     #30
96c3: d0 f2                        bne     :Loop
96c5: 20 07 98                     jsr     DiskWriteSector   ;write the catalog sector
96c8: 20 c4 97                     jsr     L97C4
96cb: 20 07 98                     jsr     DiskWriteSector
96ce: a9 00                        lda     #$00
96d0: a8                           tay
96d1: 99 00 08     L96D1           sta     data_buffer,y
96d4: c8                           iny
96d5: d0 fa                        bne     L96D1
96d7: ad 63 0a                     lda     rwts_alloc_track
96da: 8d 0c 08                     sta     data_buffer+12
96dd: ad 64 0a                     lda     rwts_alloc_sector
96e0: 8d 0d 08                     sta     data_buffer+13
96e3: ad 61 0a                     lda     rwts_ts_track
96e6: 8d 5e 0a                     sta     rwts_track
96e9: ad 62 0a                     lda     rwts_ts_sector
96ec: 8d 5f 0a                     sta     rwts_sector
96ef: 20 07 98                     jsr     DiskWriteSector
96f2: ad 63 0a                     lda     rwts_alloc_track
96f5: 8d 5e 0a                     sta     rwts_track
96f8: ad 64 0a                     lda     rwts_alloc_sector
96fb: 8d 5f 0a                     sta     rwts_sector
96fe: 10 03                        bpl     L9703
9700: 20 dc 97     :FoundFile      jsr     DiskLoadTSList
9703: a0 00        L9703           ldy     #$00
9705: b9 dc 0a     L9705           lda     scram_save_data,y
9708: 99 04 08                     sta     data_buffer+4,y
970b: c8                           iny
970c: c0 6e                        cpy     #$6e
970e: d0 f5                        bne     L9705
9710: 4c 07 98                     jmp     DiskWriteSector

                   ; Finds an entry with a matching filename in the disk catalog.
                   • Clear variables
                   ]max_tries      .var    $6e    {addr/1}
                   ]chksum         .var    $6f    {addr/1}
                   ]max_retry      .var    $70    {addr/1}

9713: 18           DiskFindFile    clc
9714: 90 01                        bcc     :DiskFindCommon

                   ; Finds the first empty or deleted slot in the catalog.
9716: 38           DiskFindEmpty   sec
9717: 6e 6a 0a     :DiskFindCommon ror     rwts_find_slot_flag ;set high bit to carry flag
971a: 20 fa 97                     jsr     DiskReadVtoc      ;load the VTOC
971d: ad 01 08     :GetCatSect     lda     data_buffer+1     ;T/S of first catalog sector
9720: 8d 5e 0a                     sta     rwts_track
9723: ad 02 08                     lda     data_buffer+2
9726: 8d 5f 0a                     sta     rwts_sector
9729: 20 04 98                     jsr     DiskReadSector    ;read sector
972c: a0 0b                        ldy     #11               ;first cat entry at +11
972e: b9 00 08     :CheckEntry     lda     data_buffer,y     ;+0 is unused/deleted flag
9731: 2c 6a 0a                     bit     rwts_find_slot_flag ;are we looking for an empty slot?
9734: 10 09                        bpl     :FindFile         ;no, branch
9736: aa                           tax                       ;see if entry is unused
9737: f0 23                        beq     :Done             ;yes, bail out
9739: c9 ff                        cmp     #$ff              ;deleted file?
973b: f0 1f                        beq     :Done             ;yes, bail out
973d: d0 21                        bne     :TryNext

973f: aa           :FindFile       tax                       ;empty slot?
9740: f0 2a                        beq     :Fail             ;yes, assume end of catalog
9742: c9 ff                        cmp     #$ff              ;deleted file?
9744: f0 1a                        beq     :TryNext          ;yes, try next slot
9746: 98                           tya
9747: 48                           pha                       ;save offset
9748: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
974a: b9 03 08     :StrCmp         lda     data_buffer+3,y   ;filename starts at +3
974d: 29 7f                        and     #$7f              ;normalize high bit
974f: dd 43 96                     cmp     disk_filename,x   ;compare to desired filename
9752: d0 0a                        bne     :NoMatch
9754: c8                           iny
9755: e8                           inx
9756: e0 1e                        cpx     #30               ;filenames are 30 chars long
9758: d0 f0                        bne     :StrCmp           ;not done yet
975a: 68                           pla                       ;success; restore slot offset
975b: a8                           tay
975c: 18           :Done           clc
975d: 60                           rts

975e: 68           :NoMatch        pla                       ;restore offset
975f: a8                           tay
9760: 98           :TryNext        tya
9761: 18                           clc
9762: 69 23                        adc     #35               ;advance to next entry (35 bytes each)
9764: a8                           tay
9765: d0 c7                        bne     :CheckEntry
9767: ad 01 08                     lda     data_buffer+1     ;is there another catalog sector?
976a: d0 b1                        bne     :GetCatSect       ;yes, try that one
976c: 38           :Fail           sec
976d: 60                           rts

                   ]sector         .var    $6e    {addr/1}

976e: a9 00                        lda     #$00
9770: 85 6e                        sta     ]sector
9772: f0 03                        beq     L9777             ;(always)

9774: ad 31 08     L9774           lda     data_buffer+49    ;+$31 direction of allocation
9777: 18           L9777           clc
9778: 6d 30 08                     adc     data_buffer+48    ;+$30 last track where sectors were allocated
977b: f0 09                        beq     L9786
977d: cd 34 08                     cmp     data_buffer+52    ;+$34 number of tracks per disk
9780: 90 12                        bcc     L9794
9782: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
9784: d0 08                        bne     L978E

9786: a5 6e        L9786           lda     ]sector
9788: d0 38                        bne     L97C2
978a: a9 01                        lda     #$01
978c: 85 6e                        sta     ]sector
978e: 8d 31 08     L978E           sta     data_buffer+49
9791: 18                           clc
9792: 69 11                        adc     #$11
9794: 8d 30 08     L9794           sta     data_buffer+48
9797: 0a                           asl     A
9798: 0a                           asl     A
9799: a8                           tay
979a: a2 10                        ldx     #$10
979c: b9 38 08                     lda     data_buffer+56,y  ;+$38 volume bitmap
979f: d0 08                        bne     L97A9
97a1: c8                           iny
97a2: a2 08                        ldx     #$08
97a4: b9 38 08                     lda     data_buffer+56,y
97a7: f0 cb                        beq     L9774
97a9: 86 6e        L97A9           stx     ]sector
97ab: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
97ad: e8           L97AD           inx
97ae: c6 6e                        dec     ]sector
97b0: 2a                           rol     A
97b1: 90 fa                        bcc     L97AD
97b3: 18                           clc
97b4: 6a           L97B4           ror     A
97b5: ca                           dex
97b6: d0 fc                        bne     L97B4
97b8: 99 38 08                     sta     data_buffer+56,y
97bb: ae 30 08                     ldx     data_buffer+48    ;track
97be: a4 6e                        ldy     ]sector           ;sector
97c0: 18                           clc
97c1: 60                           rts

97c2: 38           L97C2           sec
97c3: 60                           rts

97c4: 20 fa 97     L97C4           jsr     DiskReadVtoc
97c7: 20 6e 97                     jsr     DiskAllocateSector
97ca: b0 0f                        bcs     L97DB
97cc: 8e 61 0a                     stx     rwts_ts_track
97cf: 8c 62 0a                     sty     rwts_ts_sector
97d2: 20 6e 97                     jsr     DiskAllocateSector
97d5: 8e 63 0a                     stx     rwts_alloc_track  ;T/S list track/sector
97d8: 8c 64 0a                     sty     rwts_alloc_sector
97db: 60           L97DB           rts

                   ; Load a file's T/S list into memory.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   data buffer holds the catalog sector
                   ;   Y-reg: offset to entry in catalog
                   ; On exit:
                   ;   rwts_track: first entry from T/S list
                   ;   rwts_sector: first entry from T/S list
                   ;   Y-reg: $0C (offset of first entry)
97dc: b9 00 08     DiskLoadTSList  lda     data_buffer,y
97df: 8d 5e 0a                     sta     rwts_track
97e2: b9 01 08                     lda     data_buffer+1,y
97e5: 8d 5f 0a                     sta     rwts_sector
97e8: 20 04 98                     jsr     DiskReadSector    ;read T/S list
97eb: a0 0c                        ldy     #$0c              ;offset of first entry in list
97ed: b9 00 08                     lda     data_buffer,y
97f0: 8d 5e 0a                     sta     rwts_track
97f3: b9 01 08                     lda     data_buffer+1,y
97f6: 8d 5f 0a                     sta     rwts_sector
97f9: 60                           rts

                   ; Read the disk VTOC.
97fa: a9 11        DiskReadVtoc    lda     #17               ;disk VTOC (T17 S0)
97fc: 8d 5e 0a                     sta     rwts_track
97ff: a9 00                        lda     #0
9801: 8d 5f 0a                     sta     rwts_sector       ;fall through to read routine
                   ; Reads the requested track/sector.
                   ; Assumes slot 6 drive 1.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   rwts_track: track to read
                   ;   rwts_sector: sector to read
9804: 18           DiskReadSector  clc                       ;C=0 -> read
9805: 90 01                        bcc     :RWCommon

9807: 38           DiskWriteSector sec                       ;C=1 -> write
9808: 08           :RWCommon       php                       ;save flags for later
9809: a9 60                        lda     #$60              ;assume slot 6
980b: 8d 69 0a                     sta     rwts_slot
980e: a9 02                        lda     #$02
9810: 8d 68 0a                     sta     rwts_retry_1
9813: a9 04                        lda     #$04
9815: 8d 67 0a                     sta     rwts_retry_2
9818: a9 d8                        lda     #$d8
981a: 8d 66 0a                     sta     rwts_delay_ctr+1
981d: ae 69 0a                     ldx     rwts_slot
9820: bd 8e c0                     lda     IWM_Q7_OFF,x      ;configure read mode
9823: bd 8c c0                     lda     IWM_Q6_OFF,x
9826: a0 08                        ldy     #$08              ;repeat 8x
9828: bd 8c c0     :ChkChange      lda     IWM_Q6_OFF,x      ;get pending byte
982b: 48                           pha
982c: 68                           pla
982d: 48                           pha
982e: 68                           pla
982f: cd 00 01                     cmp     BUFFER_0100       ;stall for 18 cycles
9832: dd 8c c0                     cmp     IWM_Q6_OFF,x      ;has the data changed?
9835: d0 03                        bne     :DidChange        ;yes, good to go
9837: 88                           dey
9838: d0 ee                        bne     :ChkChange        ;try again
983a: 08           :DidChange      php                       ;preserve Z flag
983b: bd 89 c0                     lda     IWM_MOTOR_ON,x    ;start the disk spinning
983e: bd 8a c0                     lda     IWM_DRIVE_1,x     ;select drive 1
9841: 28                           plp                       ;restore Z flag
9842: 08                           php
9843: d0 0b                        bne     :DidChange2
9845: a0 07                        ldy     #$07              ;call delay function 7x
9847: 20 aa 9a     :DelayLoop      jsr     DiskDelay         ;first call delays by whatever is in A-reg
984a: 88                           dey                       ;subsequent calls delay by A=0 (256 iterations)
984b: d0 fa                        bne     :DelayLoop
984d: ae 69 0a                     ldx     rwts_slot         ;reload X-reg (trashed by delay func)
9850: ad 5e 0a     :DidChange2     lda     rwts_track
9853: 20 4c 9a                     jsr     DiskSeekToTrack   ;seek to target track
9856: 28                           plp                       ;restore Z flag
9857: d0 14                        bne     :DidChange3
9859: ac 66 0a                     ldy     rwts_delay_ctr+1
985c: 10 0f                        bpl     :DidChange3
985e: a0 12        :Loop1          ldy     #$12              ;let's wait some more
9860: 88           :Loop2          dey
9861: d0 fd                        bne     :Loop2
9863: ee 65 0a                     inc     rwts_delay_ctr
9866: d0 f6                        bne     :Loop1
9868: ee 66 0a                     inc     rwts_delay_ctr+1
986b: d0 f1                        bne     :Loop1
986d: 28           :DidChange3     plp                       ;restore initial flags
986e: 08                           php
986f: 90 03                        bcc     :ReadHeader
9871: 20 d5 9a                     jsr     DiskEncode62      ;for writing, perform 6&2 encoding
9874: a0 30        :ReadHeader     ldy     #$30
9876: 84 70                        sty     ]max_retry
9878: ae 69 0a     :ReadHdrLoop    ldx     rwts_slot
987b: 20 ee 99                     jsr     DiskReadNextAddr  ;find the next address field
987e: 90 21                        bcc     :HdrOk
9880: c6 70        :TryNextSector  dec     ]max_retry
9882: 10 f4                        bpl     :ReadHdrLoop
9884: ce 68 0a     :DecRetry1      dec     rwts_retry_1
9887: f0 5d                        beq     :Fail
                   ; Something went wrong.  Try to reset.
9889: a9 04                        lda     #$04
988b: 8d 67 0a                     sta     rwts_retry_2
988e: a9 60                        lda     #$60
9890: 8d 60 0a                     sta     rwts_current_track
9893: a9 00                        lda     #$00              ;seek to track 0
9895: 20 4c 9a                     jsr     DiskSeekToTrack
9898: ad 5e 0a     :SeekToTrack    lda     rwts_track        ;seek to desired track
989b: 20 4c 9a                     jsr     DiskSeekToTrack
989e: 4c 74 98                     jmp     :ReadHeader       ;try again

98a1: ac 6e 0a     :HdrOk          ldy     rwts_addr_track   ;get the track we read from addr header
98a4: cc 5e 0a                     cpy     rwts_track        ;does it match where we think we are?
98a7: f0 19                        beq     :GoodTrack        ;yes, branch
98a9: ce 67 0a                     dec     rwts_retry_2
98ac: d0 ea                        bne     :SeekToTrack
98ae: f0 d4                        beq     :DecRetry1        ;(always)

98b0: a9 01 10 34+                 .junk   6

98b6: ae 6b 0a     :ReturnErr      ldx     rwts_saved_stack
98b9: 9a                           txs
98ba: ae 69 0a                     ldx     rwts_slot
98bd: bc 88 c0                     ldy     IWM_MOTOR_OFF,x   ;turn drive off
98c0: 38                           sec                       ;indicate error (code in A-reg)
98c1: 60                           rts

98c2: ac 5f 0a     :GoodTrack      ldy     rwts_sector       ;get desired sector number
98c5: b9 23 9b                     lda     rwts_sect_skew,y  ;convert to physical
98c8: cd 6d 0a                     cmp     rwts_addr_sect    ;is this what we found?
98cb: d0 b3                        bne     :TryNextSector    ;no, keep looking
98cd: 28                           plp                       ;check status flags
98ce: b0 0d                        bcs     :DoWrite          ;C=1, writing
98d0: 20 f9 98                     jsr     DiskReadSectData  ;C=0, reading
98d3: 08                           php                       ;push flags -- WARNING a failed read will switch us
98d4: b0 aa                        bcs     :TryNextSector    ; to write mode!
98d6: 28                           plp
98d7: 20 00 9b                     jsr     DiskDecode62
98da: 4c ef 98                     jmp     :Done

98dd: 20 63 99     :DoWrite        jsr     DiskWriteSectData
98e0: 90 0d                        bcc     :Done
98e2: a9 01                        lda     #$01
98e4: 10 d0                        bpl     :ReturnErr        ;(always)

98e6: a9 04        :Fail           lda     #$04
98e8: ae 6b 0a                     ldx     rwts_saved_stack
98eb: 9a                           txs
98ec: 38                           sec
98ed: b0 03                        bcs     :MotorOff

98ef: a9 00        :Done           lda     #$00
98f1: 18                           clc
98f2: ae 69 0a     :MotorOff       ldx     rwts_slot
98f5: bc 88 c0                     ldy     IWM_MOTOR_OFF,x
98f8: 60                           rts

                   ; Reads the sector data header and contents.
                   ; This appears to be identical to the DOS 3.3 READ routine ($B8DC).
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   X-reg: slot * 16
                   ; On exit:
                   ;   C=0 on success, C=1 on failure
                   ]bits           .var    $6e    {addr/1}

98f9: a0 20                        ldy     #$20
98fb: 88           L98FB           dey
98fc: f0 61                        beq     :Fail
98fe: bd 8c c0     :RdLoop         lda     IWM_Q6_OFF,x      ;look for data prologue (D5 AA AD)
9901: 10 fb                        bpl     :RdLoop
9903: 49 d5        L9903           eor     #$d5
9905: d0 f4                        bne     L98FB
9907: ea                           nop
9908: bd 8c c0     :RdLoop         lda     IWM_Q6_OFF,x
990b: 10 fb                        bpl     :RdLoop
990d: c9 aa                        cmp     #$aa
990f: d0 f2                        bne     L9903
9911: a0 56                        ldy     #86               ;want 86 bytes of 2/2/2 data
9913: bd 8c c0     :RdLoop         lda     IWM_Q6_OFF,x
9916: 10 fb                        bpl     :RdLoop
9918: c9 ad                        cmp     #$ad
991a: d0 e7                        bne     L9903
                   ; Got the header, read the sector data.
991c: a9 00                        lda     #$00
991e: 88           :ReadTwosLoop   dey
991f: 84 6e                        sty     ]bits
9921: bc 8c c0     :RdLoop         ldy     IWM_Q6_OFF,x
9924: 10 fb                        bpl     :RdLoop
9926: 59 9d 9a                     eor     :TrackStep+2,y
9929: a4 6e                        ldy     ]bits
992b: 99 00 0a                     sta     L0A00,y
992e: d0 ee                        bne     :ReadTwosLoop
9930: 84 6e        :ReadSixesLoop  sty     ]bits             ;want 256 bytes of 6-bit data
9932: bc 8c c0     :RdLoop         ldy     IWM_Q6_OFF,x
9935: 10 fb                        bpl     :RdLoop
9937: 59 9d 9a                     eor     rwts_decode62-150,y
993a: a4 6e                        ldy     ]bits
993c: 99 00 09                     sta     $0900,y
993f: c8                           iny
9940: d0 ee                        bne     :ReadSixesLoop
9942: bc 8c c0     :RdLoop         ldy     IWM_Q6_OFF,x
9945: 10 fb                        bpl     :RdLoop
9947: d9 9d 9a                     cmp     rwts_decode62-150,y
994a: d0 13                        bne     :Fail
994c: bd 8c c0     :RdLoop         lda     IWM_Q6_OFF,x      ;look for data epilogue (DE AA)
994f: 10 fb                        bpl     :RdLoop
9951: c9 de                        cmp     #$de
9953: d0 0a                        bne     :Fail
9955: ea                           nop
9956: bd 8c c0     :RdLoop         lda     IWM_Q6_OFF,x
9959: 10 fb                        bpl     :RdLoop
995b: c9 aa                        cmp     #$aa
995d: f0 02                        beq     L9961
995f: 38           :Fail           sec
9960: 60                           rts

9961: 18           L9961           clc
9962: 60                           rts

                   ; Writes the sector data header and contents.  This appears to be identical to
                   ; the DOS 3.3 WRITE routine ($B82A).
                   ; IMPORTANT: most of this code is timing-critical and must fit on a single page,
                   ; because branching across a page boundary costs an extra cycle.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   X-reg: slot * 16
                   • Clear variables
                   ]last_val       .var    $6e    {addr/1}
                   ]slot           .var    $6f    {addr/1}

9963: 38                           sec                       ;set in case of write-protect failure
9964: 86 6f                        stx     ]slot
9966: bd 8d c0                     lda     IWM_Q6_ON,x       ;check write protect
9969: bd 8e c0                     lda     IWM_Q7_OFF,x
996c: 30 7c                        bmi     :Done
996e: ad 00 0a                     lda     L0A00
9971: 85 6e                        sta     ]last_val
9973: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff              ;sync bytes
9975: 9d 8f c0                     sta     IWM_Q7_ON,x       ;write first
9978: 1d 8c c0                     ora     IWM_Q6_OFF,x
997b: 48                           pha
997c: 68                           pla
997d: ea                           nop
997e: a0 04                        ldy     #$04              ;write 5 more
9980: 48           :Loop           pha
9981: 68                           pla
9982: 20 1a 9b                     jsr     DiskWriteByte2
9985: 88                           dey
9986: d0 f8                        bne     :Loop
9988: a9 d5                        lda     #$d5              ;write data prologue
998a: 20 19 9b                     jsr     DiskWriteByte
998d: a9 aa                        lda     #$aa
998f: 20 19 9b                     jsr     DiskWriteByte
9992: a9 ad                        lda     #$ad
9994: 20 19 9b                     jsr     DiskWriteByte
9997: 98                           tya
9998: a0 56                        ldy     #$56
999a: d0 03                        bne     :SkipFwd          ;(always)

999c: b9 00 0a     :Loop1          lda     L0A00,y           ;get data
999f: 59 ff 09     :SkipFwd        eor     L0A00-1,y         ;exclusive-or with prev
99a2: aa                           tax
99a3: bd 03 45                     lda     rwts_encode62,x   ;get 6&2 value
99a6: a6 6f                        ldx     ]slot
99a8: 9d 8d c0                     sta     IWM_Q6_ON,x
99ab: bd 8c c0                     lda     IWM_Q6_OFF,x
99ae: 88                           dey
99af: d0 eb                        bne     :Loop1
99b1: a5 6e                        lda     ]last_val
99b3: ea                           nop
99b4: 59 00 09     :Loop2          eor     $0900,y
99b7: aa                           tax
99b8: bd 03 45                     lda     rwts_encode62,x
99bb: ae 69 0a                     ldx     rwts_slot
99be: 9d 8d c0                     sta     IWM_Q6_ON,x
99c1: bd 8c c0                     lda     IWM_Q6_OFF,x
99c4: b9 00 09                     lda     $0900,y
99c7: c8                           iny
99c8: d0 ea                        bne     :Loop2
99ca: aa                           tax
99cb: bd 03 45                     lda     rwts_encode62,x   ;get the last one
99ce: a6 6f                        ldx     ]slot
99d0: 20 1c 9b                     jsr     DiskWriteByte3    ;write it
99d3: a9 de                        lda     #$de              ;write the data epilogue
99d5: 20 19 9b                     jsr     DiskWriteByte
99d8: a9 aa                        lda     #$aa
99da: 20 19 9b                     jsr     DiskWriteByte
99dd: a9 eb                        lda     #$eb
99df: 20 19 9b                     jsr     DiskWriteByte
99e2: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
99e4: 20 19 9b                     jsr     DiskWriteByte
99e7: bd 8e c0                     lda     IWM_Q7_OFF,x      ;turn off write mode
99ea: bd 8c c0     :Done           lda     IWM_Q6_OFF,x      ;turn on read mode
99ed: 60                           rts

                   ; Reads the header from the next address field to pass by.
                   ; Appears to be the same as the RDADR routine in DOS 3.3 ($B944).
                   • Clear variables
                   ]max_tries      .var    $6e    {addr/1}
                   ]chksum         .var    $6f    {addr/1}

99ee: a0 fc                        ldy     #$fc              ;3 * 256 + 3 = 771 attempts
99f0: 84 6e                        sty     ]max_tries
99f2: c8           :Retry          iny
99f3: d0 04                        bne     :RdLoop
99f5: e6 6e                        inc     ]max_tries
99f7: f0 51                        beq     :Fail
99f9: bd 8c c0     :RdLoop         lda     IWM_Q6_OFF,x      ;read a byte
99fc: 10 fb                        bpl     :RdLoop
99fe: c9 d5        :CheckD5        cmp     #$d5              ;look for D5 AA 96
9a00: d0 f0                        bne     :Retry
9a02: ea                           nop
9a03: bd 8c c0     :RdLoop         lda     IWM_Q6_OFF,x      ;got D5, look for AA
9a06: 10 fb                        bpl     :RdLoop
9a08: c9 aa                        cmp     #$aa
9a0a: d0 f2                        bne     :CheckD5
9a0c: a0 03                        ldy     #$03              ;set Y-reg=3 (read 4 bytes)
9a0e: bd 8c c0     :RdLoop         lda     IWM_Q6_OFF,x
9a11: 10 fb                        bpl     :RdLoop
9a13: c9 96                        cmp     #$96
9a15: d0 e7                        bne     :CheckD5          ;note carry is set when byte matches
9a17: a9 00                        lda     #$00              ;init checksum
9a19: 85 6f        :HdrFieldLoop   sta     ]chksum
9a1b: bd 8c c0     :RdLoop         lda     IWM_Q6_OFF,x      ;read odd bits
9a1e: 10 fb                        bpl     :RdLoop           ;A-reg=1a1c1e1g
9a20: 2a                           rol     A                 ;A-reg=a1c1e1g1
9a21: 85 6e                        sta     ]max_tries        ;re-use as temp var
9a23: bd 8c c0     :RdLoop         lda     IWM_Q6_OFF,x      ;read even bits
9a26: 10 fb                        bpl     :RdLoop           ;A-reg=1b1d1f1h
9a28: 25 6e                        and     ]max_tries        ;merge: A-reg=abcdefgh
9a2a: 99 6c 0a                     sta     rwts_addr_fields,y
9a2d: 45 6f                        eor     ]chksum
9a2f: 88                           dey
9a30: 10 e7                        bpl     :HdrFieldLoop
9a32: a8                           tay
9a33: d0 15                        bne     :Fail
9a35: bd 8c c0     :RdLoop         lda     IWM_Q6_OFF,x      ;look for epilogue DE AA
9a38: 10 fb                        bpl     :RdLoop
9a3a: c9 de                        cmp     #$de
9a3c: d0 0c                        bne     :Fail
9a3e: ea                           nop
9a3f: bd 8c c0     :RdLoop         lda     IWM_Q6_OFF,x
9a42: 10 fb                        bpl     :RdLoop
9a44: c9 aa                        cmp     #$aa
9a46: d0 02                        bne     :Fail
9a48: 18                           clc
9a49: 60                           rts

9a4a: 38           :Fail           sec
9a4b: 60                           rts

                   ; Seek to desired track.  Essentially the same as SEEKABS in DOS 3.3 ($B9A0).
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   A-reg: whole track number (0-34)
                   ;   X-reg: slot number * 16
                   • Clear variables
                   ]slot           .var    $6e    {addr/1}
                   ]target_track   .var    $6f    {addr/1}
                   ]htrack_count   .var    $70    {addr/1}
                   ]cur_track      .var    $71    {addr/1}

9a4c: 86 6e        DiskSeekToTrack stx     ]slot             ;save slot index
9a4e: 0a                           asl     A                 ;double track number (half-tracks)
9a4f: cd 60 0a                     cmp     rwts_current_track ;already there?
9a52: f0 55                        beq     :Return           ;yes, bail
9a54: 85 6f                        sta     ]target_track
9a56: a9 00                        lda     #$00
9a58: 85 70                        sta     ]htrack_count
                   ; Update the current track number to point to the next half-track.
9a5a: ad 60 0a     :SeekLoop       lda     rwts_current_track
9a5d: 85 71                        sta     ]cur_track        ;compute delta between current and target
9a5f: 38                           sec
9a60: e5 6f                        sbc     ]target_track
9a62: f0 33                        beq     :Finish           ;we're there, finish up
9a64: b0 07                        bcs     :MovingIn         ;current is larger, branch
9a66: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff              ;make positive; note we implicitly subtract 1
9a68: ee 60 0a                     inc     rwts_current_track ;moving toward outside of disk
9a6b: 90 05                        bcc     :Cont             ;(always)

9a6d: 69 fe        :MovingIn       adc     #$fe              ;carry is set, so this adds $FF (subtracts 1)
9a6f: ce 60 0a                     dec     rwts_current_track
9a72: c5 70        :Cont           cmp     ]htrack_count
9a74: 90 02                        bcc     L9A78
9a76: a5 70                        lda     ]htrack_count
9a78: c9 0c        L9A78           cmp     #$0c              ;after 12 iterations, don't update Y-reg
9a7a: b0 01                        bcs     :NoUpdateY
9a7c: a8                           tay
9a7d: 38           :NoUpdateY      sec
9a7e: 20 9b 9a                     jsr     :TrackStep
9a81: b9 bd 9a                     lda     seek_delay0,y
9a84: 20 aa 9a                     jsr     DiskDelay         ;pause to let head move
9a87: a5 71                        lda     ]cur_track        ;previous track
9a89: 18                           clc
9a8a: 20 9e 9a                     jsr     :TrackStep2       ;move head, call with carry clear
9a8d: b9 c9 9a                     lda     seek_delay1,y
9a90: 20 aa 9a                     jsr     DiskDelay         ;pause to let head move
9a93: e6 70                        inc     ]htrack_count
9a95: d0 c3                        bne     :SeekLoop         ;(always)
9a97: 20 aa 9a     :Finish         jsr     DiskDelay
9a9a: 18                           clc
                   ; Turn on the appropriate stepper motor.  Phase is determined by the target
                   ; track and the carry flag.
9a9b: ad 60 0a     :TrackStep      lda     rwts_current_track
9a9e: 29 03        :TrackStep2     and     #$03
9aa0: 2a                           rol     A
9aa1: 05 6e                        ora     ]slot
9aa3: aa                           tax
9aa4: bd 80 c0                     lda     IWM_PH0_OFF,x
9aa7: a6 6e                        ldx     ]slot
9aa9: 60           :Return         rts

                   ; Arm move delay routine.  Delays for the specified number of 100usec intervals
                   ; (A-reg).
                   ; Timing-critical, must not span a page boundary.
9aaa: a2 11        DiskDelay       ldx     #$11
9aac: ca           :Loop1          dex
9aad: d0 fd                        bne     :Loop1
9aaf: ee 65 0a                     inc     rwts_delay_ctr
9ab2: d0 03                        bne     :Loop2
9ab4: ee 66 0a                     inc     rwts_delay_ctr+1
9ab7: 38           :Loop2          sec
9ab8: e9 01                        sbc     #$01
9aba: d0 ee                        bne     DiskDelay
9abc: 60                           rts

9abd: 01 30 28 24+ seek_delay0     .bulk   $01,$30,$28,$24,$20,$1e,$1d,$1c,$1c,$1c,$1c,$1c
9ac9: 70 2c 26 22+ seek_delay1     .bulk   $70,$2c,$26,$22,$1f,$1e,$1d,$1c,$1c,$1c,$1c,$1c

                   ; Encodes 256 bytes into 6&2 format.
                   ; Same as DOS 3.3 PRENIBBLE routine ($B800).
9ad5: a2 00        DiskEncode62    ldx     #$00
9ad7: a0 02                        ldy     #$02
9ad9: 88           :Loop           dey
9ada: b9 00 08                     lda     data_buffer,y
9add: 4a                           lsr     A
9ade: 3e 00 0a                     rol     L0A00,x
9ae1: 4a                           lsr     A
9ae2: 3e 00 0a                     rol     L0A00,x
9ae5: 99 00 09                     sta     $0900,y
9ae8: e8                           inx
9ae9: e0 56                        cpx     #$56
9aeb: 90 ec                        bcc     :Loop
9aed: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
9aef: 98                           tya
9af0: d0 e7                        bne     :Loop
9af2: a2 55                        ldx     #$55
9af4: bd 00 0a     :Loop           lda     L0A00,x
9af7: 29 3f                        and     #$3f
9af9: 9d 00 0a                     sta     L0A00,x
9afc: ca                           dex
9afd: 10 f5                        bpl     :Loop
9aff: 60                           rts

                   ; Decodes 342 bytes of 6&2 data to 256 bytes.
                   ; Same as DOS 3.3 POSTNIBBLE routine ($B8C2).
9b00: a0 00        DiskDecode62    ldy     #$00
9b02: a2 56        :Loop1          ldx     #$56
9b04: ca           :Loop2          dex
9b05: 30 fb                        bmi     :Loop1
9b07: b9 00 09                     lda     $0900,y           ;raw data buffer
9b0a: 5e 00 0a                     lsr     L0A00,x           ;twos buffer
9b0d: 2a                           rol     A
9b0e: 5e 00 0a                     lsr     L0A00,x           ;twos buffer
9b11: 2a                           rol     A
9b12: 99 00 08                     sta     data_buffer,y     ;cooked data buffer
9b15: c8                           iny
9b16: d0 ec                        bne     :Loop2
9b18: 60                           rts

9b19: 18           DiskWriteByte   clc
9b1a: 48           DiskWriteByte2  pha
9b1b: 68                           pla
9b1c: 9d 8d c0     DiskWriteByte3  sta     IWM_Q6_ON,x
9b1f: 1d 8c c0                     ora     IWM_Q6_OFF,x
9b22: 60                           rts

9b23: 00 0d 0b 09+ rwts_sect_skew  .bulk   $00,$0d,$0b,$09,$07,$05,$03,$01,$0e,$0c,$0a,$08,$06,$04,$02,$0f
9b33: 00 01 98 99+ rwts_decode62   .bulk   $00,$01,$98,$99,$02,$03,$9c,$04,$05,$06,$a0,$a1,$a2,$a3,$a4,$a5
                                    +      $07,$08,$a8,$a9,$aa,$09,$0a,$0b,$0c,$0d,$b0,$b1,$0e,$0f,$10,$11
                                    +      $12,$13,$b8,$14,$15,$16,$17,$18,$19,$1a,$c0,$c1,$c2,$c3,$c4,$c5
                                    +      $c6,$c7,$c8,$c9,$ca,$1b,$cc,$1c,$1d,$1e,$d0,$d1,$d2,$1f,$d4,$d5
                                    +      $20,$21,$d8,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27,$28,$e0,$e1,$e2,$e3,$e4,$29
                                    +      $2a,$2b,$e8,$2c,$2d,$2e,$2f,$30,$31,$32,$f0,$f1,$33,$34,$35,$36
                                    +      $37,$38,$f8,$39,$3a,$3b,$3c,$3d,$3e,$3f

                   ; Scrambles save-game data.  Updates the RNG state and records it to the game
                   ; file, then uses it to scramble the data.
9b9d: ad d8 4d                     lda     scramble_thing?
9ba0: 45 02                        eor     rng_state
9ba2: 85 02                        sta     rng_state
9ba4: 8d 46 0b                     sta     scram_rng_seed
9ba7: 49 a5                        eor     #$a5
9ba9: 09 11                        ora     #$11
9bab: 45 03                        eor     rng_state+1
9bad: 85 03                        sta     rng_state+1
9baf: 8d 47 0b                     sta     scram_rng_seed+1
9bb2: 45 04                        eor     rng_state+2
9bb4: 49 f8                        eor     #$f8
9bb6: 85 04                        sta     rng_state+2
9bb8: 8d 48 0b                     sta     scram_rng_seed+2
9bbb: 45 05                        eor     rng_state+3
9bbd: 49 12                        eor     #$12
9bbf: 85 05                        sta     rng_state+3
9bc1: 8d 49 0b                     sta     scram_rng_seed+3
9bc4: a0 69        DoScrambleSave  ldy     #$69
9bc6: 20 7b 7b     L9BC6           jsr     SaveScramble?
9bc9: 59 dc 0a                     eor     scram_save_data,y
9bcc: 99 dc 0a                     sta     scram_save_data,y
9bcf: 88                           dey
9bd0: 10 f4                        bpl     L9BC6
9bd2: 60                           rts

9bd3: a0 03                        ldy     #$03
9bd5: b9 46 0b     L9BD5           lda     scram_rng_seed,y  ;restore the RNG seed
9bd8: 99 02 00                     sta     rng_state,y
9bdb: 88                           dey
9bdc: 10 f7                        bpl     L9BD5
9bde: 30 e4                        bmi     DoScrambleSave    ;twice to undo

9be0: 01 02 04 08+ hi_res_pixel    .bulk   $01,$02,$04,$08,$10,$20,$40

9be7: 83 86 8c 98+ hi_res_2pixel   .bulk   $83,$86,$8c,$98,$b0,$e0,$c0

9bee: 83 87 8f 9f+ rt_end_pixels   .bulk   $83,$87,$8f,$9f,$bf,$ff,$ff

9bf5: ff fe fc f8+ lf_end_pixels   .bulk   $ff,$fe,$fc,$f8,$f0,$e0,$c0
                   ; Low byte of the address of a row on the text screen.  The high byte is
                   ; computed directly.
                   ; Values are offset by 2 because the text and hi-res text appear in the same
                   ; places, and we need to leave room for the hi-res window frame..
9bfc: 02 82 02 82+ text_addr_lo    .bulk   $02,$82,$02,$82,$02,$82,$02,$82,$2a,$aa,$2a,$aa,$2a,$aa,$2a,$aa
                                    +      $52,$d2,$52,$d2,$52,$d2,$52,$d2
                   ; Hi-res row base address table.  This only has the entries for every 8th line,
                   ; because you can trivially add $400 for the next 7.
9c14: 00 80 00 80+ hires_line_lo   .bulk   $00,$80,$00,$80,$00,$80,$00,$80,$28,$a8,$28,$a8,$28,$a8,$28,$a8
                                    +      $50,$d0,$50,$d0,$50,$d0,$50,$d0
9c2c: 20 20 21 21+ hires_line_hi   .bulk   $20,$20,$21,$21,$22,$22,$23,$23,$20,$20,$21,$21,$22,$22,$23,$23
                                    +      $20,$20,$21,$21,$22,$22,$23,$23
9c44: 20 20 20 20+                 .str    ‘        ’
9c4c: 3c 3c 3d 3d+ hires_line_hi2  .bulk   $3c,$3c,$3d,$3d,$3e,$3e,$3f,$3f,$3c,$3c,$3d,$3d,$3e,$3e,$3f,$3f
                                    +      $3c,$3c,$3d,$3d,$3e,$3e,$3f,$3f

                   NOTE: line drawing code
                   ; Draws a line.  Pixels are XORed.  The end coordinate is exclusive, to avoid a
                   ; situation where we draw then erase every vertex with an even number of edges.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   $6e/6f: x0,y0
                   ;   $70/71: x1,y1
                   ; On exit:
                   ;   Y-reg preserved
                   • Clear variables
                   ]row_div8       .var    $06    {addr/1}
                   ]row_mod8       .var    $07    {addr/1}
                   ]hptr           .var    $0a    {addr/2}
                   ]delta_x        .var    $31    {addr/1}
                   ]x0             .var    $6e    {addr/1}
                   ]y0             .var    $6f    {addr/1}
                   ]x1             .var    $70    {addr/1}
                   ]y1             .var    $71    {addr/1}
                   ]delta_y        .var    $ad    {addr/1}
                   ]pixel_mask     .var    $ae    {addr/1}
                   ]err_term       .var    $af    {addr/1}
                   ]saved_y        .var    $b1    {addr/1}
                   ]saved_x        .var    $d0    {addr/1}

9c64: 84 b1        DrawLine        sty     ]saved_y
9c66: a9 80                        lda     #$80              ;init line error to 1/2
9c68: 85 af                        sta     ]err_term
9c6a: 0a                           asl     A                 ;A-reg=0 and C=1
9c6b: 8d 7d 02                     sta     lcoord_swap_flag
9c6e: a5 70                        lda     ]x1               ;compute deltaX
9c70: e5 6e                        sbc     ]x0
9c72: b0 05                        bcs     :PosX
9c74: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff              ;was < 0, negate
9c76: 69 01                        adc     #$01
9c78: 38                           sec
9c79: 85 31        :PosX           sta     ]delta_x
9c7b: a5 71                        lda     ]y1               ;compute deltaY
9c7d: e5 6f                        sbc     ]y0
9c7f: b0 04                        bcs     :PosY
9c81: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff              ;was < 0, negate
9c83: 69 01                        adc     #$01
9c85: 85 ad        :PosY           sta     ]delta_y
9c87: c5 31                        cmp     ]delta_x          ;mostly horizontal?
9c89: 90 03                        bcc     DrawLineHorizDom  ;yes, branch
9c8b: 4c 8f 9d                     jmp     DrawLineVertDom

                   ; Draw a horizontally-dominant line.
9c8e: a6 6e                        ldx     ]x0               ;is X0 on the left?
9c90: e4 70                        cpx     ]x1
9c92: 90 12                        bcc     :NoSwap           ;yes, render as-is
9c94: ce 7d 02                     dec     lcoord_swap_flag  ;set flag (to $FF)
9c97: a5 70                        lda     ]x1               ;swap X0,Y0 with X1,Y1 to ensure that we're
9c99: 85 6e                        sta     ]x0               ; drawing from left to right
9c9b: 86 70                        stx     ]x1
9c9d: aa                           tax
9c9e: a5 71                        lda     ]y1
9ca0: a4 6f                        ldy     ]y0
9ca2: 85 6f                        sta     ]y0
9ca4: 84 71                        sty     ]y1
9ca6: a5 6f        :NoSwap         lda     ]y0               ;divide Y0 by 8
9ca8: 4a                           lsr     A
9ca9: 4a                           lsr     A
9caa: 4a                           lsr     A
9cab: 85 06                        sta     ]row_div8
9cad: a8                           tay
9cae: b9 14 9c                     lda     hires_line_lo,y   ;look up base address, low byte
9cb1: 85 0a                        sta     ]hptr             ;set low byte of address
9cb3: a5 6f                        lda     ]y0               ;get Y0 again
9cb5: 29 07                        and     #$07              ;compute Y0 mod 8
9cb7: 85 07                        sta     ]row_mod8
9cb9: 0a                           asl     A                 ;multiply by 4
9cba: 0a                           asl     A
9cbb: 79 2c 9c                     adc     hires_line_hi,y   ;add to the base address, high byte
9cbe: 85 0b                        sta     ]hptr+1           ;set high byte of address
9cc0: bc 03 43                     ldy     mod7_table,x      ;get X0 mod 7 (bit offset within byte)
9cc3: b9 e0 9b                     lda     hi_res_pixel,y    ;convert to pixel mask
9cc6: 85 ae                        sta     ]pixel_mask
9cc8: bc 03 44                     ldy     div7_table,x      ;get X0 divided by 7 (byte offset)
9ccb: a6 ad                        ldx     ]delta_y          ;check delta Y
9ccd: d0 03                        bne     :NotHoriz         ;nonzero, so not a horizontal line
9ccf: 8a                           txa                       ;A-reg=0
9cd0: f0 1d                        beq     :CheckDir         ;(always)
                   ; Compute error term adjustment (deltaX / deltaY).  This takes about 35 cycles,
                   ; but reduces the cost per pixel, making it a win for longer lines.
                   ; For example, if deltaX=$0e and deltaY=$19, the result is $8e.  This
                   ; corresponds to 14/25=0.56. (255 * 0.56 = 142.8 = $8e).
9cd2: bd 03 41     :NotHoriz       lda     math_table2,x
9cd5: a6 31                        ldx     ]delta_x
9cd7: 38                           sec
9cd8: fd 03 41                     sbc     math_table2,x
9cdb: a6 ad                        ldx     ]delta_y
9cdd: bd 03 40                     lda     math_table1,x
9ce0: a6 31                        ldx     ]delta_x
9ce2: fd 03 40                     sbc     math_table1,x
9ce5: 90 04                        bcc     L9CEB
9ce7: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
9ce9: d0 04                        bne     :CheckDir         ;(always)

9ceb: aa           L9CEB           tax
9cec: bd 03 42                     lda     math_table3,x
                   ; Setup complete, draw lines moving up or down.  (This is usually done with a
                   ; simple bit of self-modifying code; here two separate routines are used.)
9cef: 85 ad        :CheckDir       sta     ]delta_y          ;set initial value
9cf1: 38                           sec
9cf2: a6 31                        ldx     ]delta_x
9cf4: e8                           inx
9cf5: a5 71                        lda     ]y1
9cf7: e5 6f                        sbc     ]y0               ;is y1 > y0?  (why not CMP?)
9cf9: b0 47                        bcs     :MoveDown         ;yes, so we're moving downward
9cfb: ad 7d 02                     lda     lcoord_swap_flag  ;are we starting at the end?
9cfe: d0 07                        bne     :SkipFirst        ;yes, skip first pixel
9d00: ca                           dex                       ;DEX so we stop before the last pixel
9d01: a5 ae        :UpLoop         lda     ]pixel_mask       ;XOR pixel with screen value
9d03: 51 0a                        eor     (]hptr),y
9d05: 91 0a                        sta     (]hptr),y
9d07: 06 ae        :SkipFirst      asl     ]pixel_mask       ;moving right, so pixel value moves left
9d09: 10 05                        bpl     :SameByte         ;didn't shift into high bit, branch
9d0b: a9 01                        lda     #$01              ;we hit $80, so start over at $01
9d0d: 85 ae                        sta     ]pixel_mask
9d0f: c8                           iny                       ;advance to next byte
9d10: a5 af        :SameByte       lda     ]err_term         ;update error term
9d12: 65 ad                        adc     ]delta_y          ;(carry cleared by pixel-mask ASL)
9d14: 85 af                        sta     ]err_term
9d16: 90 0a                        bcc     :SameLine         ;didn't roll, still on same line
9d18: c6 07                        dec     ]row_mod8         ;decrement mod8 counter
9d1a: 30 0c                        bmi     :UpdateAddr8      ;rolled, do bigger calculation
9d1c: a5 0b                        lda     ]hptr+1           ;within a set of 8 lines we can just subtract 4
9d1e: e9 04                        sbc     #$04              ; from the high byte
9d20: 85 0b                        sta     ]hptr+1
9d22: ca           :SameLine       dex                       ;done yet?
9d23: d0 dc                        bne     :UpLoop           ;no, keep going
9d25: a4 b1                        ldy     ]saved_y          ;restore Y-reg
9d27: 60                           rts

9d28: a9 07        :UpdateAddr8    lda     #$07              ;reset the mod8 counter
9d2a: 85 07                        sta     ]row_mod8
9d2c: 86 d0                        stx     ]saved_x
9d2e: a6 06                        ldx     ]row_div8         ;advance the divided-by-8 row value
9d30: ca                           dex
9d31: 86 06                        stx     ]row_div8
9d33: bd 14 9c                     lda     hires_line_lo,x   ;get the address
9d36: 85 0a                        sta     ]hptr
9d38: bd 4c 9c                     lda     hires_line_hi2,x  ;we're at an 8-line boundary, so no need to
9d3b: a6 d0                        ldx     ]saved_x          ; add anything here
9d3d: 85 0b                        sta     ]hptr+1
9d3f: 4c 22 9d                     jmp     :SameLine         ;back to it

9d42: a5 07        :MoveDown       lda     ]row_mod8         ;this acts as a counter, so the distance to the next
9d44: 49 07                        eor     #$07              ; 8-line boundary is (7 - row_mod8)
9d46: 85 07                        sta     ]row_mod8         ; which we can compute with a simple EOR
                   ; (See :UpLoop -- this is the same code, just moving downward.)
9d48: ad 7d 02                     lda     lcoord_swap_flag
9d4b: f0 07                        beq     L9D54
9d4d: ca                           dex
9d4e: a5 ae        :DnLoop         lda     ]pixel_mask
9d50: 51 0a                        eor     (]hptr),y
9d52: 91 0a                        sta     (]hptr),y
9d54: 06 ae        L9D54           asl     ]pixel_mask
9d56: 10 05                        bpl     L9D5D
9d58: a9 01                        lda     #$01
9d5a: 85 ae                        sta     ]pixel_mask
9d5c: c8                           iny
9d5d: a5 af        L9D5D           lda     ]err_term
9d5f: 65 ad                        adc     ]delta_y
9d61: 85 af                        sta     ]err_term
9d63: 90 0a                        bcc     L9D6F
9d65: c6 07                        dec     ]row_mod8
9d67: 30 0c                        bmi     L9D75
9d69: a5 0b                        lda     ]hptr+1
9d6b: 69 03                        adc     #$03
9d6d: 85 0b                        sta     ]hptr+1
9d6f: ca           L9D6F           dex
9d70: d0 dc                        bne     :DnLoop
9d72: a4 b1                        ldy     ]saved_y
9d74: 60                           rts

9d75: a9 07        L9D75           lda     #$07
9d77: 85 07                        sta     ]row_mod8
9d79: 86 d0                        stx     ]saved_x
9d7b: a6 06                        ldx     ]row_div8
9d7d: e8                           inx
9d7e: 86 06                        stx     ]row_div8
9d80: bd 14 9c                     lda     hires_line_lo,x
9d83: 85 0a                        sta     ]hptr
9d85: bd 2c 9c                     lda     hires_line_hi,x
9d88: 85 0b                        sta     ]hptr+1
9d8a: a6 d0                        ldx     ]saved_x
9d8c: 4c 6f 9d                     jmp     L9D6F

                   ; Draw a vertically-dominant line.
9d8f: a4 6f        DrawLineVertDom ldy     ]y0               ;is Y0 on the bottom?
9d91: 98                           tya
9d92: a6 6e                        ldx     ]x0
9d94: c4 71                        cpy     ]y1
9d96: b0 11                        bcs     :NoSwap           ;yes, render as-is
9d98: ce 7d 02                     dec     lcoord_swap_flag  ;set flag (to $FF)
9d9b: a5 70                        lda     ]x1               ;swap X0,Y0 with X1,Y1 to ensure that we're
9d9d: 85 6e                        sta     ]x0               ; drawing from bottom to top
9d9f: 86 70                        stx     ]x1
9da1: aa                           tax
9da2: a5 71                        lda     ]y1
9da4: 85 6f                        sta     ]y0
9da6: 84 71                        sty     ]y1
9da8: a8                           tay
9da9: 4a           :NoSwap         lsr     A                 ;divide Y0 by 8
9daa: 4a                           lsr     A
9dab: 4a                           lsr     A
9dac: 85 06                        sta     ]row_div8
9dae: a8                           tay
9daf: b9 14 9c                     lda     hires_line_lo,y   ;look up base address, low byte
9db2: 85 0a                        sta     ]hptr             ;set low byte of address
9db4: a5 6f                        lda     ]y0               ;get Y0 again
9db6: 29 07                        and     #$07              ;compute Y0 mod 8
9db8: 85 07                        sta     ]row_mod8
9dba: 0a                           asl     A                 ;multiply by 4
9dbb: 0a                           asl     A
9dbc: 79 2c 9c                     adc     hires_line_hi,y   ;add to the base address, high byte
9dbf: 85 0b                        sta     ]hptr+1           ;set high byte of address
9dc1: bc 03 43                     ldy     mod7_table,x      ;get X0 mod 7 (bit offset within byte)
9dc4: b9 e0 9b                     lda     hi_res_pixel,y    ;convert to pixel mask
9dc7: 85 ae                        sta     ]pixel_mask
9dc9: bc 03 44                     ldy     div7_table,x      ;get X0 divided by 7 (byte offset)
9dcc: a6 31                        ldx     ]delta_x          ;check delta X
9dce: f0 1f                        beq     :IsVert           ;it's zero, this is a vertical line
                   ; Compute error term adjustment (deltaY / deltaX).  Takes about 35 cycles.
9dd0: bd 03 41                     lda     math_table2,x
9dd3: a6 ad                        ldx     ]delta_y
9dd5: 38                           sec
9dd6: fd 03 41                     sbc     math_table2,x
9dd9: a6 31                        ldx     ]delta_x
9ddb: bd 03 40                     lda     math_table1,x
9dde: a6 ad                        ldx     ]delta_y
9de0: fd 03 40                     sbc     math_table1,x
9de3: 90 04                        bcc     L9DE9
9de5: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
9de7: d0 04                        bne     L9DED

9de9: aa           L9DE9           tax
9dea: bd 03 42                     lda     math_table3,x
                   ; Setup complete, draw lines toward left or right.
9ded: 85 31        L9DED           sta     ]delta_x          ;set initial value
9def: 38           :IsVert         sec
9df0: a6 ad                        ldx     ]delta_y
9df2: e8                           inx
9df3: a5 70                        lda     ]x1
9df5: e5 6e                        sbc     ]x0               ;is x1 < x0?
9df7: 90 49                        bcc     :RightToLeft      ;yes, draw right to left
9df9: 18                           clc
9dfa: ad 7d 02                     lda     lcoord_swap_flag  ;are we starting at the end?
9dfd: f0 07                        beq     :SkipFirst        ;yes, skip first pixel
9dff: ca                           dex                       ;DEX so we stop before the last pixel
9e00: a5 ae        :RightLoop      lda     ]pixel_mask       ;XOR pixel with screen value
9e02: 51 0a                        eor     (]hptr),y
9e04: 91 0a                        sta     (]hptr),y
9e06: c6 07        :SkipFirst      dec     ]row_mod8         ;decrement mod8 counter
9e08: 30 1e                        bmi     L9E28             ;rolled, do bigger calculation
9e0a: a5 0b                        lda     ]hptr+1           ;within a set of 8 lines we can just subtract 4
9e0c: e9 03                        sbc     #$03              ; from the high byte
9e0e: 85 0b                        sta     ]hptr+1           ;(should've gone top-down; carry would be clear)
9e10: 18                           clc
9e11: a5 af        L9E11           lda     ]err_term         ;update error term
9e13: 65 31                        adc     ]delta_x
9e15: 85 af                        sta     ]err_term
9e17: 90 09                        bcc     :SameCol          ;didn't roll, still in same pixel column
9e19: 06 ae                        asl     ]pixel_mask       ;moving right, so shift left
9e1b: 10 05                        bpl     :SameCol          ;still in same byte, branch
9e1d: a9 01                        lda     #$01              ;new byte, reset pixel mask
9e1f: 85 ae                        sta     ]pixel_mask
9e21: c8                           iny                       ;and advance to next byte
9e22: ca           :SameCol        dex                       ;done yet?
9e23: d0 db                        bne     :RightLoop        ;no, keep going
9e25: a4 b1                        ldy     ]saved_y          ;restore Y-reg
9e27: 60                           rts

9e28: a9 07        L9E28           lda     #$07
9e2a: 85 07                        sta     ]row_mod8
9e2c: 86 d0                        stx     ]saved_x
9e2e: a6 06                        ldx     ]row_div8
9e30: ca                           dex
9e31: 86 06                        stx     ]row_div8
9e33: bd 14 9c                     lda     hires_line_lo,x
9e36: 85 0a                        sta     ]hptr
9e38: bd 4c 9c                     lda     hires_line_hi2,x
9e3b: a6 d0                        ldx     ]saved_x
9e3d: 85 0b                        sta     ]hptr+1
9e3f: 4c 11 9e                     jmp     L9E11

9e42: ad 7d 02     :RightToLeft    lda     lcoord_swap_flag
9e45: f0 07                        beq     L9E4E
9e47: ca                           dex
9e48: a5 ae        :LeftLoop       lda     ]pixel_mask
9e4a: 51 0a                        eor     (]hptr),y
9e4c: 91 0a                        sta     (]hptr),y
9e4e: c6 07        L9E4E           dec     ]row_mod8
9e50: 30 1f                        bmi     L9E71
9e52: a5 0b                        lda     ]hptr+1
9e54: e9 03                        sbc     #$03
9e56: 85 0b                        sta     ]hptr+1
9e58: 18                           clc
9e59: a5 af        L9E59           lda     ]err_term
9e5b: 65 31                        adc     ]delta_x
9e5d: 85 af                        sta     ]err_term
9e5f: 90 0a                        bcc     L9E6B
9e61: 46 ae                        lsr     ]pixel_mask       ;moving left, shift right
9e63: 90 06                        bcc     L9E6B             ;didn't shift mask into carry, still good
9e65: a9 40                        lda     #$40
9e67: 85 ae                        sta     ]pixel_mask
9e69: 88                           dey
9e6a: 18                           clc
9e6b: ca           L9E6B           dex
9e6c: d0 da                        bne     :LeftLoop
9e6e: a4 b1                        ldy     ]saved_y
9e70: 60           :Return         rts

9e71: a9 07        L9E71           lda     #$07
9e73: 85 07                        sta     ]row_mod8
9e75: 86 d0                        stx     ]saved_x
9e77: a6 06                        ldx     ]row_div8
9e79: ca                           dex
9e7a: 86 06                        stx     ]row_div8
9e7c: bd 14 9c                     lda     hires_line_lo,x
9e7f: 85 0a                        sta     ]hptr
9e81: bd 4c 9c                     lda     hires_line_hi2,x
9e84: a6 d0                        ldx     ]saved_x
9e86: 85 0b                        sta     ]hptr+1
9e88: 4c 59 9e                     jmp     L9E59

9e8b: 20 8e 9e                     jsr     :DrawDoubleInc    ;draw a line then fall through to draw another
9e8e: e6 6f        :DrawDoubleInc  inc     ]y0
                   NOTE: color horiz/vert line functions
                   ; Draws a horizontal line in color.
                   ; As with the other line drawing routines, the end point is exclusive (last
                   ; point not plotted).
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   $35: color index ($00-18, even values only)
                   ;   $6e: x0
                   ;   $6f: y0
                   ;   $70: x1
                   ; On exit:
                   ;   Y-reg preserved
                   • Clear variables
                   ]color0         .var    $06    {addr/1}
                   ]color1         .var    $07    {addr/1}
                   ]pixel_tmp      .var    $09    {addr/1}
                   ]hptr           .var    $0a    {addr/2}
                   ]color_index    .var    $35    {addr/1}
                   ]x0             .var    $6e    {addr/1}
                   ]y0             .var    $6f    {addr/1}
                   ]x1             .var    $70    {addr/1}
                   ]byte_count     .var    $ae    {addr/1}
                   ]saved_y        .var    $b1    {addr/1}

9e90: 84 b1        DrawHorizLine   sty     ]saved_y          ;preserve Y-reg
9e92: a5 6e                        lda     ]x0               ;strip low bit from X0
9e94: 29 fe                        and     #$fe
9e96: 85 6e                        sta     ]x0
9e98: aa                           tax                       ;hold X0 in X-reg
9e99: a5 70                        lda     ]x1               ;strip low bit from X1
9e9b: 29 fe                        and     #$fe
9e9d: 85 70                        sta     ]x1
9e9f: c5 6e                        cmp     ]x0               ;is x1 > x0?
9ea1: f0 cd                        beq     :Return           ;actually, x1==x0, nothing to do
9ea3: b0 03                        bcs     L9EA8             ;yes, so we're moving left to right; branch
9ea5: 86 70                        stx     ]x1               ;swap X0 with X1
9ea7: aa                           tax                       ;get X0 (was X1) in X-reg
9ea8: a5 6f        L9EA8           lda     ]y0               ;get row
9eaa: 4a                           lsr     A                 ;divide by 8
9eab: 4a                           lsr     A
9eac: 4a                           lsr     A
9ead: a8                           tay
9eae: b9 14 9c                     lda     hires_line_lo,y   ;base address for 8-line section
9eb1: 85 0a                        sta     ]hptr             ;save low byte
9eb3: a5 6f                        lda     ]y0               ;compute Y-coord mod 8
9eb5: 29 07                        and     #$07
9eb7: 0a                           asl     A                 ;multiply by 4
9eb8: 0a                           asl     A
9eb9: 79 2c 9c                     adc     hires_line_hi,y   ;compute hi-res address, high byte
9ebc: 85 0b                        sta     ]hptr+1
9ebe: bd 03 44                     lda     div7_table,x      ;compute X coord / 7
9ec1: 29 01                        and     #$01              ;mask off all but low bit for odd/even
9ec3: 05 35                        ora     ]color_index      ;merge with color index
9ec5: a8                           tay
9ec6: b9 46 9f                     lda     color_masks,y     ;get color pixel masks
9ec9: 85 06                        sta     ]color0
9ecb: b9 47 9f                     lda     color_masks+1,y
9ece: 85 07                        sta     ]color1
9ed0: a4 70                        ldy     ]x1               ;get end coordinate
9ed2: b9 01 44                     lda     div7_table-2,y    ;compute (X1 - 2) / 7  (we don't plot last point)
9ed5: bc 03 43                     ldy     mod7_table,x      ;compute X0 mod 7
9ed8: 38                           sec
9ed9: fd 03 44                     sbc     div7_table,x      ;(X1 - 2) / 7 - (X0 / 7)
9edc: 85 ae                        sta     ]byte_count       ;this is number of bytes we will update
9ede: b9 f5 9b                     lda     lf_end_pixels,y   ;get pixels for start of line
9ee1: 25 06                        and     ]color0           ;apply color mask
9ee3: bc 03 44                     ldy     div7_table,x      ;get byte offset (X0 / 7)
9ee6: a6 ae                        ldx     ]byte_count       ;check if line fits in single byte
9ee8: f0 55                        beq     :SwapColor        ;it does, swap the color and jump to end-of-line
9eea: 85 09                        sta     ]pixel_tmp
9eec: b1 0a                        lda     (]hptr),y         ;blend with screen contents
9eee: 29 7f                        and     #$7f              ;but don't touch the high bit
9ef0: 45 09                        eor     ]pixel_tmp
9ef2: 91 0a                        sta     (]hptr),y
9ef4: c8                           iny                       ;advance to next byte
9ef5: ca                           dex                       ;decrement counter
9ef6: f0 18                        beq     :EndOfLine        ;if zero, go handle the rightmost byte
                   ; Do the "middle" bytes.  The color alternates, so we do two at a time.
9ef8: b1 0a        :WholeByteLoop  lda     (]hptr),y
9efa: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
9efc: 45 07                        eor     ]color1
9efe: 91 0a                        sta     (]hptr),y
9f00: c8                           iny
9f01: ca                           dex                       ;done?
9f02: f0 39                        beq     :FinishWith0      ;yes; use color0 for end
9f04: b1 0a                        lda     (]hptr),y
9f06: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
9f08: 45 06                        eor     ]color0
9f0a: 91 0a                        sta     (]hptr),y
9f0c: c8                           iny
9f0d: ca                           dex                       ;done?
9f0e: d0 e8                        bne     :WholeByteLoop    ;not yet
9f10: a5 07        :EndOfLine      lda     ]color1           ;use color1 for end
9f12: a6 70        :EndOfLine1     ldx     ]x1
9f14: bc 01 43                     ldy     mod7_table-2,x    ;get bit column for last pixel (-2 because we don't
9f17: c0 06                        cpy     #$06              ; plot the last pixel, and color pixels are 2 bits)
9f19: 39 ee 9b                     and     rt_end_pixels,y   ;merge pixels with right-end mask
9f1c: bc 01 44                     ldy     div7_table-2,x    ;get byte position for last pixel
9f1f: 85 09                        sta     ]pixel_tmp
9f21: b1 0a                        lda     (]hptr),y         ;blend with screen contents
9f23: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
9f25: 45 09                        eor     ]pixel_tmp
9f27: 91 0a                        sta     (]hptr),y
9f29: 90 0f                        bcc     :Done             ;if not in pixel column 6, we're done
9f2b: a9 81                        lda     #$81              ;need to update the first pixel in the next byte
9f2d: 25 06                        and     ]color0           ; mask the color
9f2f: c8                           iny
9f30: 85 09                        sta     ]pixel_tmp
9f32: b1 0a                        lda     (]hptr),y         ;blend with screen contents
9f34: 29 7f                        and     #$7f
9f36: 45 09                        eor     ]pixel_tmp
9f38: 91 0a                        sta     (]hptr),y
9f3a: a4 b1        :Done           ldy     ]saved_y
9f3c: 60                           rts

9f3d: a5 06        :FinishWith0    lda     ]color0
9f3f: a6 07        :SwapColor      ldx     ]color1
9f41: 86 06                        stx     ]color0
9f43: 4c 12 9f                     jmp     :EndOfLine1

9f46: 00 00        color_masks     .bulk   $00,$00
9f48: 00 00                        .bulk   $00,$00
9f4a: 55 2a                        .bulk   $55,$2a
9f4c: 55 00                        .bulk   $55,$00
9f4e: 2a 55                        .bulk   $2a,$55
9f50: 2a 00                        .bulk   $2a,$00
9f52: 7f 7f                        .bulk   $7f,$7f
9f54: 7f 00                        .bulk   $7f,$00
9f56: d5 aa                        .bulk   $d5,$aa
9f58: d5 00                        .bulk   $d5,$00
9f5a: aa d5                        .bulk   $aa,$d5
9f5c: aa 00                        .bulk   $aa,$00
9f5e: aa aa                        .bulk   $aa,$aa
9f60: aa 00                        .bulk   $aa,$00

                   ; Draws a vertical line, in color.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   $6e: x0
                   ;   $6f: y0
                   ;   $71: y1
                   ; On exit:
                   ;   Y-reg preserved
                   ]row_div8       .var    $06    {addr/1}
                   ]row_mod8       .var    $07    {addr/1}
                   ]pixel_mask1    .var    $08    {addr/1}
                   ]y1             .var    $71    {addr/1}
                   ]pixel_mask0    .var    $ae    {addr/1}
                   ]saved_x        .var    $d0    {addr/1}

9f62: 84 b1                        sty     ]saved_y          ;preserve Y
9f64: a5 6f                        lda     ]y0
9f66: c5 71                        cmp     ]y1               ;y0 >= y1?
9f68: b0 05                        bcs     :NoSwap           ;yes, branch
9f6a: a4 71                        ldy     ]y1               ;no, swap
9f6c: 85 71                        sta     ]y1
9f6e: 98                           tya
9f6f: a6 6e        :NoSwap         ldx     ]x0
9f71: 20 bb 9f                     jsr     DrawColorPixel    ;draw pixel at X0,Y0
9f74: a5 6f                        lda     ]y0               ;compute deltaY
9f76: 38                           sec
9f77: e5 71                        sbc     ]y1
9f79: f0 23                        beq     :Done
9f7b: aa                           tax
9f7c: e8                           inx
9f7d: 4c 90 9f                     jmp     :NextLine

                   ; Continue drawing the line, using the pixel masks set up for the first pixel.
9f80: a5 ae        :DrawLoop       lda     ]pixel_mask0      ;blend first byte
9f82: 51 0a                        eor     (]hptr),y
9f84: 91 0a                        sta     (]hptr),y
9f86: a5 08                        lda     ]pixel_mask1      ;do we straddle the byte boundary?
9f88: f0 06                        beq     :NextLine         ;no, skip 2nd byte
9f8a: c8                           iny                       ;advance to next byte column
9f8b: 51 0a                        eor     (]hptr),y         ;blend
9f8d: 91 0a                        sta     (]hptr),y
9f8f: 88                           dey                       ;back up
9f90: c6 07        :NextLine       dec     ]row_mod8         ;decrement local 8 count
9f92: 30 0d                        bmi     :Recalc8          ;rolled, recompute
9f94: a5 0b                        lda     ]hptr+1           ;update row address by simply subtracting
9f96: 38                           sec                       ; four from the high byte
9f97: e9 04                        sbc     #$04
9f99: 85 0b                        sta     ]hptr+1
9f9b: ca           :Cont           dex                       ;decrement count
9f9c: d0 e2                        bne     :DrawLoop
9f9e: a4 b1        :Done           ldy     ]saved_y
9fa0: 60                           rts

9fa1: a9 07        :Recalc8        lda     #$07              ;reset local 8 count
9fa3: 85 07                        sta     ]row_mod8
9fa5: 86 d0                        stx     ]saved_x          ;preserve X-reg
9fa7: a6 06                        ldx     ]row_div8         ;update 8-line section index
9fa9: ca                           dex
9faa: 86 06                        stx     ]row_div8
9fac: bd 14 9c                     lda     hires_line_lo,x   ;compute new row address
9faf: 85 0a                        sta     ]hptr
9fb1: bd 4c 9c                     lda     hires_line_hi2,x
9fb4: a6 d0                        ldx     ]saved_x
9fb6: 85 0b                        sta     ]hptr+1
9fb8: 4c 9b 9f                     jmp     :Cont

                   ; Draws a color (two-bit) pixel.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   X-reg: x0
                   ;   A-reg: y0
                   ; On exit:
                   ;   $ae: pixel mask 0
                   ;   $08: pixel mask 1
9fbb: 85 6f        DrawColorPixel  sta     ]y0               ;divide y0 by 8
9fbd: 4a                           lsr     A
9fbe: 4a                           lsr     A
9fbf: 4a                           lsr     A
9fc0: 85 06                        sta     ]row_div8
9fc2: a8                           tay
9fc3: b9 14 9c                     lda     hires_line_lo,y   ;set hi-res address, low byte
9fc6: 85 0a                        sta     ]hptr
9fc8: a5 6f                        lda     ]y0               ;compute y0 mod 8
9fca: 29 07                        and     #$07
9fcc: 85 07                        sta     ]row_mod8
9fce: 0a                           asl     A                 ;multiply by 4
9fcf: 0a                           asl     A
9fd0: 79 2c 9c                     adc     hires_line_hi,y   ;compute hi-res address, high byte
9fd3: 85 0b                        sta     ]hptr+1
9fd5: bc 03 43                     ldy     mod7_table,x      ;compute x0 mod 7
9fd8: a9 00                        lda     #$00              ;init mask to zero
9fda: c0 06                        cpy     #$06              ;at right edge of byte (2-pixel straddles bytes)?
9fdc: d0 02                        bne     L9FE0             ;no
9fde: a9 81                        lda     #$81              ;yes, use nonzero mask
9fe0: 85 08        L9FE0           sta     ]pixel_mask1
9fe2: b9 e7 9b                     lda     hi_res_2pixel,y   ;get two-pixel pattern for this offset
9fe5: 85 ae                        sta     ]pixel_mask0
9fe7: bd 03 44                     lda     div7_table,x      ;compute X0 / 7
9fea: 29 01                        and     #$01              ;get odd/even bit
9fec: 05 35                        ora     ]color_index      ;merge with color index
9fee: a8                           tay
9fef: b9 47 9f                     lda     color_masks+1,y   ;get the color mask for the second byte
9ff2: 25 08                        and     ]pixel_mask1      ;and it with the mask (so we keep either the leftmost
9ff4: 85 08                        sta     ]pixel_mask1      ; pixel, or no pixels)
9ff6: b9 46 9f                     lda     color_masks,y     ;get color mask for first byte
9ff9: 25 ae                        and     ]pixel_mask0      ;merge with two-pixel mask
9ffb: 85 ae                        sta     ]pixel_mask0
9ffd: bc 03 44                     ldy     div7_table,x      ;compute X0 / 7 (byte column)
a000: 51 0a                        eor     (]hptr),y         ;blend with screen contents
a002: 91 0a                        sta     (]hptr),y
a004: a5 08                        lda     ]pixel_mask1      ;do we need to do the second byte?
a006: f0 06                        beq     :Done             ;no
a008: c8                           iny                       ;yes, advance to next byte
a009: 51 0a                        eor     (]hptr),y         ; and blend with screen contents
a00b: 91 0a                        sta     (]hptr),y
a00d: 88                           dey
a00e: 60           :Done           rts

a00f: a9 20        ActivateEcm     lda     #$20
a011: 85 6a                        sta     ecm_active_flag?
a013: a9 2a        LA013           lda     #$2a
a015: a2 38                        ldx     #$38
a017: d0 04                        bne     LA01D

a019: a9 2d        LA019           lda     #$2d
a01b: a2 c0                        ldx     #$c0
a01d: 85 31        LA01D           sta     $31
a01f: a9 a0                        lda     #$a0
a021: 85 32                        sta     $32
a023: a9 16                        lda     #$16
a025: 85 36                        sta     text_vposn
a027: 4c 4c a1                     jmp     LA14C

a02a: 7f 7f 07 7f+                 .junk   11

a035: 98           DrawIndicator?  tya
a036: 48                           pha
a037: 20 3e a0                     jsr     LA03E
a03a: 68                           pla
a03b: 9d 51 45                     sta     color_indices,x
a03e: bd 51 45     LA03E           lda     color_indices,x
a041: f0 39                        beq     LA07C
a043: 85 35                        sta     ]color_index
a045: bd 60 a0                     lda     hud_xcoords-1,x
a048: 85 6e                        sta     ]x0
a04a: 18                           clc
a04b: 69 06                        adc     #$06
a04d: 85 70                        sta     ]x1
a04f: 8a                           txa
a050: 48                           pha
a051: a9 b8                        lda     #184
a053: 85 6f                        sta     ]y0
a055: 20 8b 9e                     jsr     DrawDoubleHorizLine ;draw 4 lines total
a058: 20 8b 9e                     jsr     DrawDoubleHorizLine
a05b: 68                           pla
a05c: aa                           tax
a05d: 98                           tya
a05e: a0 00                        ldy     #$00
a060: 60                           rts

a061: 28 20 18 10+ hud_xcoords     .bulk   $28,$20,$18,$10,$20,$ff,$ff,$c9,$80,$90,$04,$a9,$07,$18,$60,$c9
                                    +      $20,$b0,$08,$c9,$0d,$f0,$04,$c9,$15,$d0,$f0

a07c: 18           LA07C           clc
a07d: 60                           rts

a07e: 48           Delay           pha
a07f: 8a                           txa
a080: 48                           pha
a081: 98                           tya
a082: 48                           pha
a083: a0 0f                        ldy     #$0f
a085: a2 00                        ldx     #$00
a087: ca           LA087           dex
a088: d0 fd                        bne     LA087
a08a: 88                           dey
a08b: d0 fa                        bne     LA087
a08d: 68                           pla
a08e: a8                           tay
a08f: 68                           pla
a090: aa                           tax
a091: 68                           pla
a092: 60                           rts

                   NOTE: text screen and HRCG output functions
a093: c9 7b        Unref1?         cmp     #$7b
a095: b0 0d                        bcs     LA0A4
a097: c9 0d                        cmp     #$0d
a099: 90 09                        bcc     LA0A4
a09b: d0 49                        bne     OutputChar
a09d: a9 0c                        lda     #$0c
a09f: 20 e6 a0                     jsr     OutputChar
a0a2: a9 0d                        lda     #$0d
a0a4: 18           LA0A4           clc
a0a5: 60                           rts

a0a6: 20 94 95     CtrlGBeep       jsr     MakeNoise3?
a0a9: 4c 32 a1                     jmp     LA132

a0ac: 24 cd        LA0AC           bit     display_mode_flag
a0ae: 10 08                        bpl     LA0B8
a0b0: 20 a9 a1                     jsr     ClearTextScreen
a0b3: a5 38                        lda     $38
a0b5: 4c f4 a0                     jmp     LA0F4

a0b8: 20 e3 a1     LA0B8           jsr     ClearViewportArea
a0bb: a5 38                        lda     $38
a0bd: 4c f4 a0                     jmp     LA0F4

                   ; Print a char to the text screen.
                   ; The sloppy upper-case conversion screws up text entry, e.g. if you type
                   ; "[]<del>" for the commander name it comes out ";=_".
a0c0: 2c 5f 45     PrintTextChar   bit     ptb_lower_case    ;lower-case mode enabled?
a0c3: 30 06                        bmi     :LowerOkay        ;yes, it's fine
a0c5: c9 5b                        cmp     #‘[’              ;is it lower case letter (or [\]^_)?
a0c7: 90 02                        bcc     :LowerOkay        ;no, leave it
a0c9: e9 20                        sbc     #$20              ;yes, convert to upper case
a0cb: 09 80        :LowerOkay      ora     #$80
a0cd: 48                           pha
a0ce: b9 fc 9b                     lda     text_addr_lo,y
a0d1: 85 0a                        sta     ]hptr
a0d3: 98                           tya
a0d4: 29 07                        and     #$07              ;compute the high byte
a0d6: 4a                           lsr     A
a0d7: 18                           clc
a0d8: 69 04                        adc     #$04
a0da: 85 0b                        sta     ]hptr+1
a0dc: 8a                           txa
a0dd: a8                           tay
a0de: 68                           pla
a0df: 91 0a                        sta     (]hptr),y
a0e1: 4c 30 a1                     jmp     LA130

a0e4: a9 0c        OutputFF        lda     #$0c
a0e6: 85 38        OutputChar      sta     $38
a0e8: 8c 86 02                     sty     $0286
a0eb: 8e 85 02                     stx     $0285
a0ee: a4 37                        ldy     text_mod_flags
a0f0: c0 ff                        cpy     #$ff
a0f2: f0 3e                        beq     LA132
a0f4: c9 07        LA0F4           cmp     #$07              ;Ctrl+G?
a0f6: f0 ae                        beq     CtrlGBeep         ;yes, beep
a0f8: c9 20                        cmp     #$20
a0fa: b0 10                        bcs     LA10C
a0fc: c9 0a                        cmp     #$0a
a0fe: f0 04                        beq     LA104
a100: a2 01        LA100           ldx     #$01
a102: 86 34                        stx     text_hposn
a104: c9 0d        LA104           cmp     #$0d
a106: f0 2a                        beq     LA132
a108: e6 36                        inc     text_vposn
a10a: d0 26                        bne     LA132
a10c: a6 34        LA10C           ldx     text_hposn
a10e: e0 1f                        cpx     #31
a110: 90 05                        bcc     :HposnOkay
a112: 20 00 a1                     jsr     LA100
a115: a6 34                        ldx     text_hposn
a117: a4 36        :HposnOkay      ldy     text_vposn
a119: c0 18                        cpy     #24               ;off bottom of screen?
a11b: b0 8f                        bcs     LA0AC             ;yes, do something
a11d: 24 cd                        bit     display_mode_flag
a11f: 30 9f                        bmi     PrintTextChar
a121: 48                           pha                       ;save char to print
a122: a5 34                        lda     text_hposn        ;get text horizontal position
a124: 0a                           asl     A                 ;multiply by 7 and add 13
a125: 0a                           asl     A
a126: 0a                           asl     A
a127: 69 0d                        adc     #$0d
a129: e5 34                        sbc     text_hposn
a12b: aa                           tax
a12c: 68                           pla
a12d: 20 3c a1                     jsr     PrintHiresChar
a130: e6 34        LA130           inc     text_hposn
a132: ac 86 02     LA132           ldy     $0286
a135: ae 85 02                     ldx     $0285
a138: a5 38                        lda     $38
a13a: 18                           clc
a13b: 60                           rts

                   ; Print a character on the hi-res screen.
                   ; Unlike most HRCGs, the horizontal offset is specified in pixels, and the glyph
                   ; is bit-shifted in place.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   A-reg: char to print ($20-7f)
                   ;   X-reg: pixel offset to print at
                   • Clear variables
                   ]first_col      .var    $06    {addr/1}
                   ]saved_y        .var    $07    {addr/1}
                   ]glyph_hi       .var    $08    {addr/1}
                   ]hptr           .var    $0a    {addr/2}
                   ]glyph_ptr      .var    $31    {addr/2}
                   ]pixel_index    .var    $33    {addr/1}

a13c: a0 1c        PrintHiresChar  ldy     #>font_glyphs-$100 ;start at -$100 because we INY later
a13e: 0a                           asl     A                 ;multiply char by 4
a13f: 0a                           asl     A
a140: 90 02                        bcc     LA144             ;branch if char value < $40 (numbers/symbols)
a142: a0 1e                        ldy     #>font_glyphs+$100 ;letters, start at $1Exx instead
a144: 0a           LA144           asl     A                 ;multiply by 2 (8 bytes per glyph)
a145: 90 01                        bcc     LA148             ;branch if char [00,1f] (not expected) or [40,5f]
a147: c8                           iny                       ;char is [20,3f] or [60,7f], add one
a148: 85 31        LA148           sta     ]glyph_ptr
a14a: 84 32                        sty     ]glyph_ptr+1
a14c: a4 36        LA14C           ldy     text_vposn        ;get hi-res row address
a14e: b9 14 9c                     lda     hires_line_lo,y
a151: 85 0a                        sta     ]hptr
a153: b9 2c 9c                     lda     hires_line_hi,y
a156: 85 0b                        sta     ]hptr+1
a158: bc 03 43                     ldy     mod7_table,x      ;get hi-res column and pixel index
a15b: 84 33                        sty     ]pixel_index
a15d: bc 03 44                     ldy     div7_table,x
a160: 84 06                        sty     ]first_col
a162: a0 00                        ldy     #$00              ;prepare glyph data
a164: a9 00        :GlyphLoop      lda     #$00
a166: 85 08                        sta     ]glyph_hi
a168: b1 31                        lda     (]glyph_ptr),y    ;get byte for this row
a16a: a6 33                        ldx     ]pixel_index
a16c: c9 80        :ShiftLoop      cmp     #$80              ;shift it over, stepping across the high bit
a16e: 26 08                        rol     ]glyph_hi
a170: ca                           dex
a171: 30 04                        bmi     LA177
a173: 0a                           asl     A
a174: 4c 6c a1                     jmp     :ShiftLoop

a177: 29 7f        LA177           and     #$7f              ;clear high bit
a179: 18                           clc
a17a: 84 07                        sty     ]saved_y
a17c: a4 06                        ldy     ]first_col        ;blend first half onto display
a17e: 51 0a                        eor     (]hptr),y
a180: 91 0a                        sta     (]hptr),y
a182: c8                           iny
a183: a5 08                        lda     ]glyph_hi         ;blend second half
a185: 51 0a                        eor     (]hptr),y
a187: 91 0a                        sta     (]hptr),y
a189: a4 07                        ldy     ]saved_y
a18b: a5 0b                        lda     ]hptr+1           ;update hi-res address
a18d: 69 04                        adc     #$04
a18f: 85 0b                        sta     ]hptr+1
a191: c8                           iny
a192: c0 08                        cpy     #$08              ;are we done (glyph height = 8)?
a194: d0 ce                        bne     :GlyphLoop        ;not yet
a196: 60                           rts

a197: a5 b3        LA197           lda     displayed_screen
a199: f0 23                        beq     ClearAndDrawFrame
a19b: c9 0d                        cmp     #$0d
a19d: f0 1f                        beq     ClearAndDrawFrame
a19f: 29 c0                        and     #$c0
a1a1: d0 1b                        bne     ClearAndDrawFrame
a1a3: 20 a9 a1                     jsr     ClearTextScreen
a1a6: 4c f1 a2                     jmp     ShowText

                   ; Erases $400-7ff to $A0 (high-ASCII space character).  Tramples screen holes.
                   • Clear variables
                   ]ptr            .var    $0a    {addr/2}

a1a9: a0 00        ClearTextScreen ldy     #$00
a1ab: a2 04                        ldx     #$04
a1ad: 84 0a                        sty     ]ptr
a1af: 86 0b                        stx     ]ptr+1
a1b1: a9 a0                        lda     #“ ”
a1b3: 91 0a        :Loop           sta     (]ptr),y
a1b5: c8                           iny
a1b6: d0 fb                        bne     :Loop
a1b8: e6 0b                        inc     ]ptr+1
a1ba: ca                           dex
a1bb: d0 f6                        bne     :Loop
a1bd: 60                           rts

a1be: 20 e3 a1                     jsr     ClearViewportArea
a1c1: 20 c8 a1                     jsr     DrawWindowTopLine
a1c4: 20 e2 a2                     jsr     ShowHiRes
a1c7: 60                           rts

                   ]color_index    .var    $35    {addr/1}
                   ]x0             .var    $6e    {addr/1}
                   ]y0             .var    $6f    {addr/1}
                   ]x1             .var    $70    {addr/1}

a1c8: a2 00                        ldx     #$00              ;draw from 0,0 to 255,0
a1ca: 86 6e                        stx     ]x0
a1cc: 86 6f                        stx     ]y0
a1ce: ca                           dex
a1cf: 86 70                        stx     ]x1
a1d1: a9 10                        lda     #$10              ;blue
a1d3: 85 35                        sta     ]color_index
a1d5: 20 90 9e                     jsr     DrawHorizLine
a1d8: a9 aa                        lda     #$aa
a1da: 8d 01 20                     sta     title_screen+1    ;unnecessary
a1dd: a9 aa                        lda     #$aa
a1df: 8d 25 20                     sta     title_screen+37   ;needed because lines don't set the last pixel
a1e2: 60                           rts

a1e3: a0 10                        ldy     #16               ;clear lines 0-16
a1e5: 20 55 a2     :Loop           jsr     DrawFrameClearLine
a1e8: 88                           dey
a1e9: 10 fa                        bpl     :Loop
a1eb: c8                           iny                       ;Y=0
a1ec: 84 34                        sty     text_hposn
a1ee: 84 36                        sty     text_vposn
a1f0: 60                           rts

a1f1: a0 00 84 0a+                 .junk   45                ;unreferenced code?

a21e: a9 00        ClearLines?     lda     #$00
a220: 8d 77 02                     sta     PLAYER_STATE?+54
a223: 8d 78 02                     sta     $0278
a226: 20 40 a2                     jsr     Vposn21_Hposn1
a229: a9 ff                        lda     #$ff
a22b: 8d 28 55                     sta     txt_lcase_flag
a22e: a9 80                        lda     #$80
a230: 85 37                        sta     text_mod_flags
a232: a5 cd                        lda     display_mode_flag ;text mode?
a234: 10 13                        bpl     ClearLinesHiRes   ;no, do on hi-res screen
a236: a9 20                        lda     #$20              ;print 64 spaces
a238: a2 40                        ldx     #$40
a23a: 20 e6 a0     :Loop           jsr     OutputChar
a23d: ca                           dex
a23e: d0 fa                        bne     :Loop
a240: a9 15        Vposn21_Hposn1  lda     #21
a242: 85 36                        sta     text_vposn
a244: a9 01                        lda     #1
a246: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
a248: 60                           rts

                   • Clear variables
                   ]counter        .var    $07    {addr/1}
                   ]hptr           .var    $0a    {addr/2}

a249: a0 0f        ClearLinesHiRes ldy     #15               ;clear text line 15
a24b: 84 36                        sty     text_vposn
a24d: a9 01                        lda     #$01
a24f: 85 34                        sta     text_hposn
a251: 20 55 a2                     jsr     DrawFrameClearLine
a254: c8                           iny                       ;clear text line 16
                   ; Clears 8 lines on the hi-res screen (equivalent to one line on the text
                   ; screen), drawing the sides of the viewport window frame.
                   ; On entry:
                   ;   Y-reg: text line (0-23)
                   ; On exit:
                   ;   Y-reg: preserved
a255: a9 08                        lda     #$08              ;clear 8 hi-res lines
a257: 85 07                        sta     ]counter
a259: be 14 9c                     ldx     hires_line_lo,y   ;set hi-res base address
a25c: 86 0a                        stx     ]hptr
a25e: be 2c 9c                     ldx     hires_line_hi,y
a261: 98                           tya                       ;preserve Y-reg
a262: 48                           pha
a263: 86 0b        :RowLoop        stx     ]hptr+1
a265: a9 a0                        lda     #$a0              ;one pixel + high bit set on right edge
a267: a0 25                        ldy     #37               ;37 bytes in the middle
a269: 91 0a        :MidLoop        sta     (]hptr),y         ;set (not blend)
a26b: a9 00                        lda     #$00              ;middle bytes are zero
a26d: 88                           dey
a26e: d0 f9                        bne     :MidLoop
a270: a9 c0                        lda     #$c0              ;one pixel + high bit set on left edge
a272: 91 0a                        sta     (]hptr),y         ;store that
a274: c8                           iny                       ;move back one right
a275: 0a                           asl     A                 ;just the high bit this time
a276: 91 0a                        sta     (]hptr),y         ;set that
a278: e8                           inx                       ;add 4 to the high byte of the address
a279: e8                           inx
a27a: e8                           inx
a27b: e8                           inx
a27c: c6 07                        dec     ]counter          ;are we done?
a27e: d0 e3                        bne     :RowLoop          ;no, keep going
a280: 68                           pla                       ;restore Y-reg
a281: a8                           tay
a282: 60           LA282           rts

a283: a5 2b        SCAN            lda     polyobj_vis
a285: 29 10                        and     #$10
a287: f0 f9                        beq     LA282
a289: a6 b8                        ldx     $b8
a28b: 30 f5                        bmi     LA282
a28d: bd 58 4e                     lda     L4E58,x
a290: 85 35                        sta     $35
a292: a5 0d                        lda     INWK+1
a294: 05 10                        ora     INWK+4
a296: 05 13                        ora     polyobj_zpos_mi
a298: 29 c0                        and     #$c0
a29a: d0 e6                        bne     LA282
a29c: a5 0d                        lda     INWK+1
a29e: 18                           clc
a29f: a6 0e                        ldx     INWK+2
a2a1: 10 05                        bpl     LA2A8
a2a3: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
a2a5: 69 01                        adc     #$01
a2a7: 18                           clc
a2a8: 69 7d        LA2A8           adc     #$7d
a2aa: 29 fe                        and     #$fe
a2ac: 85 6e                        sta     $6e
a2ae: aa                           tax
a2af: ca                           dex
a2b0: ca                           dex
a2b1: a5 13                        lda     polyobj_zpos_mi
a2b3: 4a                           lsr     A
a2b4: 4a                           lsr     A
a2b5: 18                           clc
a2b6: a4 14                        ldy     polyobj_zpos_hi
a2b8: 10 03                        bpl     LA2BD
a2ba: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
a2bc: 38                           sec
a2bd: 69 5b        LA2BD           adc     #$5b
a2bf: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
a2c1: 85 71                        sta     $71
a2c3: a5 10                        lda     INWK+4
a2c5: 4a                           lsr     A
a2c6: 18                           clc
a2c7: a4 11                        ldy     INWK+5
a2c9: 30 03                        bmi     LA2CE
a2cb: 49 ff                        eor     #$ff
a2cd: 38                           sec
a2ce: 65 71        LA2CE           adc     $71
a2d0: c9 92                        cmp     #$92
a2d2: b0 02                        bcs     LA2D6
a2d4: a9 92                        lda     #$92
a2d6: c9 bf        LA2D6           cmp     #$bf
a2d8: 90 02                        bcc     LA2DC
a2da: a9 be                        lda     #$be
a2dc: 20 bb 9f     LA2DC           jsr     DrawColorPixel
a2df: 4c 62 9f                     jmp     DrawVerticalLine

                   ; Set the display to hi-res page 1.
a2e2: ad 54 c0     ShowHiRes       lda     TXTPAGE1
a2e5: ad 52 c0                     lda     MIXCLR
a2e8: ad 57 c0                     lda     HIRES
a2eb: ad 50 c0                     lda     TXTCLR
a2ee: 46 cd                        lsr     display_mode_flag ;clears high bit
a2f0: 60                           rts

                   ; Set the display to show text page 1.
a2f1: ad 54 c0     ShowText        lda     TXTPAGE1
a2f4: ad 51 c0                     lda     TXTSET
a2f7: 38                           sec
a2f8: 66 cd                        ror     display_mode_flag ;sets high bit
a2fa: 60                           rts

a2fb: 83 6f 63                     .junk   3
                   NOTE: hull definitions
                   ; Addresses of hull definitions, indexed by object type (1-32).  Entry 0 is not
                   ; used, and entry 32 isn't used in most contexts: the space station entry (#2)
                   ; will point to either the Coriolis or Dodecahedron station definition depending
                   ; on which exists in the current system.
a2fe: 6f           hull_addr_lo    .junk   1
a2ff: 75           hull_addr_hi    .junk   1
a300: a0 a3                        .dd2    hull_missile      ;1
a302: 9e a4        station_addr    .dd2    hull_coriolis
a304: ba a5                        .dd2    hull_escape       ;3
a306: 0e a6        plate_addr      .dd2    hull_plate
a308: 4e a6                        .dd2    hull_cargo
a30a: f6 a6                        .dd2    hull_boulder
a30c: 98 a7                        .dd2    hull_asteroid
a30e: 6e a8                        .dd2    hull_splinter
a310: aa a8                        .dd2    hull_shuttle
a312: dc a9                        .dd2    hull_transporter
a314: be ab                        .dd2    hull_cobra_mk3    ;11
a316: 46 ad                        .dd2    hull_python
a318: 38 ae                        .dd2    hull_boa
a31a: 2e af                        .dd2    hull_anaconda
a31c: 30 b0                        .dd2    hull_asteroid2
a31e: 7a b0                        .dd2    hull_viper
a320: 54 b1                        .dd2    hull_sidewinder   ;17 (first pirate)
a322: fc b1                        .dd2    hull_mamba
a324: 2a b3                        .dd2    hull_krait
a326: 10 b4                        .dd2    hull_adder
a328: 40 b5                        .dd2    hull_gecko
a32a: 04 b6                        .dd2    hull_cobra_mk1
a32c: ca b6                        .dd2    hull_worm
a32e: 7a b7                        .dd2    hull_cobra3_pir
a330: 36 b8                        .dd2    hull_asp_mk2
a332: 60 b9                        .dd2    hull_python_pir
a334: b6 b9                        .dd2    hull_ferdelance
a336: d0 ba                        .dd2    hull_moray
a338: a8 bb                        .dd2    hull_thargoid     ;29
a33a: c4 bc                        .dd2    hull_thargon      ;30
a33c: 30 bd                        .dd2    hull_constrictor
a33e: 32 be        dodo_addr       .dd2    hull_dodo
                   ; Hull characteristics, one per ship type.  Indexing is from <table-1>, so the
                   ; first byte is for ship type #1 (missile).
                   ; This appears to be what the BBC disasm refers to as "NEWB":
                   ;  0000 0001: trader
                   ;  0000 0010: hunter
                   ;  0000 0100: angry
                   ;  0000 1000: pirate
                   ;  0001 0000: ?
                   ;  0010 0000: innocent
                   ;  0100 0000: cop
                   ;  1000 0000: has escape pod
a340: 00 00 01 00+ hull_NEWB       .bulk   $00,$00,$01,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$21,$61,$a0,$a0,$a0,$a1,$a1,$c2
                                    +      $0c,$8c,$8c,$8c,$0c,$8c,$05,$8c,$8c,$8c,$82,$0c,$0c,$04,$04,$00
                   ; Kill value.  Added to kill score when a ship is destroyed by shooting it with
                   ; a laser or missile (but not an energy bomb).
                   ; In the BBC Micro version everything was worth one point (equivalent to $0100
                   ; here).  In C64/Apple II the value can vary.
                   ; Indexed by ship type (1-31), starting with type #1 (missile).
a360: 95 00 10 0a+ kill_score_lo   .bulk   $95,$00,$10,$0a,$0a,$06,$08,$0a,$10,$11,$ea,$aa,$d5,$00,$55,$1a
                                    +      $55,$80,$55,$5a,$55,$aa,$32,$2a,$15,$2a,$40,$c0,$aa,$21,$55,$00
a380: 00 00 00 00+ kill_score_hi   .bulk   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$00,$00
                                    +      $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01,$01,$01,$01,$00,$02,$00,$05,$00

                   * 3D mesh definitions.                                                         *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * Hull definitions start with a 20-byte header, and are followed by a list of  *
                   * vertices.  In most cases this is followed by the edges and faces, but for    *
                   * some ships the edge/face data from another mesh is used.                     *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * Using the Escape Capsule as an example:                                      *
                   *                                                                              *
                   *  +00   $20    ;high nibble is scoop info, low nibble is debris spin info     *
                   *  +01   $0100  ;two-byte missile lock data                                    *
                   *  +03   $2c    ;low byte of offset to edge data                               *
                   *  +04   $44    ;low byte of offset to face data                               *
                   *  +05   $1d    ;(4 * maxlines + 1) for ship lines stack                       *
                   *  +06   $00    ;gun vertex * 4                                                *
                   *  +07   $16    ;explosion count, e.g. $2A = 4*n+6                             *
                   *  +08   $18    ;vertex count * 6 (byte count)                                 *
                   *  +09   $06    ;edge count                                                    *
                   *  +0a   $0000  ;bounty value (in 0.1 Cr)                                      *
                   *  +0c   $10    ;face count * 4 (byte count)                                   *
                   *  +0d   $08    ;LOD distance; past this it's just drawn as a dot              *
                   *  +0e   $11    ;energy (hit points)                                           *
                   *  +0f   $08    ;speed                                                         *
                   *  +10   $00    ;high byte of offset to edge data                              *
                   *  +11   $00    ;high byte of offset to face data                              *
                   *  +12   $04    ;down-scaling of normals (larger value -> smaller ship)        *
                   *  +13   $00    ;00LLLMMM laser power and missile count                        *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * Vertices:                                                                    *
                   *  +0/1/2: unsigned X/Y/Z value                                                *
                   *  +3: flags XYZV VVVV                                                         *
                   *      X/Y/Z = 1 if coordinate value is negative                               *
                   *      VVVVV = visibility cutoff                                               *
                   *  +4/5: four face indexes (one per nibble), for visibility test               *
                   *      (if fewer than 4 are relevant, one is repeated)                         *
                   *  .bulk   $07,$00,$24,$9f, $12,$33 ;-$07, $00, $24 / faces 1,2,3              *
                   *  .bulk   $07,$0e,$0c,$ff, $02,$33 ;-$07,-$0e,-$0c / faces 0,2,3              *
                   *  .bulk   $07,$0e,$0c,$bf, $01,$33 ;-$07, $0e,-$0c / faces 0,1,3              *
                   *  .bulk   $15,$00,$00,$1f, $01,$22 ; $15, $00, $00 / faces 0,1,2              *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * Edges:                                                                       *
                   *  +0: flags 000V VVVV                                                         *
                   *      VVVVV = visibility cutoff                                               *
                   *  +1: two face indices (one per nibble), for visibility test                  *
                   *  +2/3: vertex index * 4                                                      *
                   *  .bulk   $1f,$23,$00,$04 ;vertices 0,1 / faces 2,3                           *
                   *  .bulk   $1f,$03,$04,$08 ;vertices 1,2 / faces 0,3                           *
                   *  .bulk   $1f,$01,$08,$0c ;vertices 2,3 / faces 0,1                           *
                   *  .bulk   $1f,$12,$0c,$00 ;vertices 3,0 / faces 1,2                           *
                   *  .bulk   $1f,$13,$00,$08 ;vertices 0,2 / faces 1,3                           *
                   *  .bulk   $1f,$02,$0c,$04 ;vertices 3,1 / faces 0,2                           *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * Faces:                                                                       *
                   *  +0: flags: XYZV VVVV                                                        *
                   *      X/Y/Z = 1 if coordinate value is negative                               *
                   *      VVVVV = always-visible cutoff                                           *
                   *  +1/2/3: face normal x/y/z                                                   *
                   *  .bulk   $3f,$34,$00,$7a ; $34, $00,-$7a                                     *
                   *  .bulk   $1f,$27,$67,$1e ; $27, $67, $1e                                     *
                   *  .bulk   $5f,$27,$67,$1e ; $27,-$67, $1e                                     *
                   *  .bulk   $9f,$70,$00,$00 ;-$70, $00, $00                                     *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * Mesh definitions are commonly structured as a list of vertices and a list of *
                   * faces, where each face is a list of vertex indices.  This works differently. *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * There is still a list of vertices, but what's drawn is a list of edges.      *
                   * Each vertex has a set of 1-4 associated faces, and each edge has a set of 1- *
                   * 2 associated faces.  Each face is just a normal vector used to determine     *
                   * visibility for backface removal.  For each vertex and edge, if at least one  *
                   * associated face is visible, the item is considered visible.                  *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * This arrangement allows the code to quickly discard vertices that aren't     *
                   * part of a visible edge.  It also provides a way for edges that aren't part   *
                   * of a face, e.g. the prongs on the Krait, to be excluded: if the two nearby   *
                   * faces aren't visible, the prong isn't drawn.  (It's not perfect, but at      *
                   * 280x192 you'll never notice.)                                                *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * If the ship is very far away, it's not drawn.  If it's closer but still too  *
                   * far to have a distinct shape, determined by the Level of Detail (LOD) value, *
                   * it's drawn as a dot.  When it's close enough to see clearly, the distance is *
                   * compared to the 5-bit visibility limit that is encoded into each vertex and  *
                   * edge.  If the distance is greater than the limit, the element is not drawn.  *
                   * This provides a second LOD test, allowing fine details (like the cabin       *
                   * window on the Krait) to be excluded while the ship is still far away.        *
                   *                                                                              *
                   * The visibility limit works differently for faces: if the ship is outside the *
                   * visibility limit, the face is *always* visible, regardless of backface       *
                   * tests.  You can see this used on the "plate / alloys" hull, which has a      *
                   * single face that is always visible (limit=0).                                *
                   vis vis vis vis
a3a0: 00           hull_missile    .dd1    $00
a3a1: 40 06                        .dd2    $0640
a3a3: 7a                           .dd1    $7a               ;edge data offset low
a3a4: da                           .dd1    $da
a3a5: 55                           .dd1    $55
a3a6: 00                           .dd1    $00
a3a7: 0a                           .dd1    $0a
a3a8: 66                           .dd1    $66               ;vertex count * 6 (byte count)
a3a9: 18                           .dd1    $18               ;edge count
a3aa: 00 00                        .dd2    0
a3ac: 24                           .dd1    $24               ;face count * 4 (byte count)
a3ad: 0e                           .dd1    $0e
a3ae: 02                           .dd1    2
a3af: 2c                           .dd1    44
a3b0: 00                           .dd1    $00
a3b1: 00                           .dd1    $00
a3b2: 02                           .dd1    $02
a3b3: 00                           .dd1    %00000000
a3b4: 00 00 44 1f+                 .bulk   $00,$00,$44,$1f,$10,$32 ;vertices
a3ba: 08 08 24 5f+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$24,$5f,$21,$54
a3c0: 08 08 24 1f+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$24,$1f,$32,$74
a3c6: 08 08 24 9f+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$24,$9f,$30,$76
a3cc: 08 08 24 df+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$24,$df,$10,$65
a3d2: 08 08 2c 3f+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$2c,$3f,$74,$88
a3d8: 08 08 2c 7f+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$2c,$7f,$54,$88
a3de: 08 08 2c ff+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$2c,$ff,$65,$88
a3e4: 08 08 2c bf+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$2c,$bf,$76,$88
a3ea: 0c 0c 2c 28+                 .bulk   $0c,$0c,$2c,$28,$74,$88
a3f0: 0c 0c 2c 68+                 .bulk   $0c,$0c,$2c,$68,$54,$88
a3f6: 0c 0c 2c e8+                 .bulk   $0c,$0c,$2c,$e8,$65,$88
a3fc: 0c 0c 2c a8+                 .bulk   $0c,$0c,$2c,$a8,$76,$88
a402: 08 08 0c a8+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$0c,$a8,$76,$77
a408: 08 08 0c e8+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$0c,$e8,$65,$66
a40e: 08 08 0c 28+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$0c,$28,$74,$77
a414: 08 08 0c 68+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$0c,$68,$54,$55
a41a: 1f 21 00 04                  .bulk   $1f,$21,$00,$04   ;edges
a41e: 1f 32 00 08                  .bulk   $1f,$32,$00,$08
a422: 1f 30 00 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$30,$00,$0c
a426: 1f 10 00 10                  .bulk   $1f,$10,$00,$10
a42a: 1f 24 04 08                  .bulk   $1f,$24,$04,$08
a42e: 1f 51 04 10                  .bulk   $1f,$51,$04,$10
a432: 1f 60 0c 10                  .bulk   $1f,$60,$0c,$10
a436: 1f 73 08 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$73,$08,$0c
a43a: 1f 74 08 14                  .bulk   $1f,$74,$08,$14
a43e: 1f 54 04 18                  .bulk   $1f,$54,$04,$18
a442: 1f 65 10 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$65,$10,$1c
a446: 1f 76 0c 20                  .bulk   $1f,$76,$0c,$20
a44a: 1f 86 1c 20                  .bulk   $1f,$86,$1c,$20
a44e: 1f 87 14 20                  .bulk   $1f,$87,$14,$20
a452: 1f 84 14 18                  .bulk   $1f,$84,$14,$18
a456: 1f 85 18 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$85,$18,$1c
a45a: 08 85 18 28                  .bulk   $08,$85,$18,$28
a45e: 08 87 14 24                  .bulk   $08,$87,$14,$24
a462: 08 87 20 30                  .bulk   $08,$87,$20,$30
a466: 08 85 1c 2c                  .bulk   $08,$85,$1c,$2c
a46a: 08 74 24 3c                  .bulk   $08,$74,$24,$3c
a46e: 08 54 28 40                  .bulk   $08,$54,$28,$40
a472: 08 76 30 34                  .bulk   $08,$76,$30,$34
a476: 08 65 2c 38                  .bulk   $08,$65,$2c,$38
a47a: 9f 40 00 10                  .bulk   $9f,$40,$00,$10   ;faces
a47e: 5f 00 40 10                  .bulk   $5f,$00,$40,$10
a482: 1f 40 00 10                  .bulk   $1f,$40,$00,$10
a486: 1f 00 40 10                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$40,$10
a48a: 1f 20 00 00                  .bulk   $1f,$20,$00,$00
a48e: 5f 00 20 00                  .bulk   $5f,$00,$20,$00
a492: 9f 20 00 00                  .bulk   $9f,$20,$00,$00
a496: 1f 00 20 00                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$20,$00
a49a: 3f 00 00 b0                  .bulk   $3f,$00,$00,$b0

                   ; Coriolis space station.
                   vis vis vis vis
a49e: 00           hull_coriolis   .dd1    $00
a49f: 00 64                        .dd2    $6400
a4a1: 74                           .dd1    $74
a4a2: e4                           .dd1    $e4
a4a3: 59                           .dd1    $59
a4a4: 00                           .dd1    $00
a4a5: 36                           .dd1    $36
a4a6: 60                           .dd1    $60
a4a7: 1c                           .dd1    $1c
a4a8: 00 00                        .dd2    0
a4aa: 38                           .dd1    $38
a4ab: 78                           .dd1    $78
a4ac: f0                           .dd1    240
a4ad: 00                           .dd1    0
a4ae: 00                           .dd1    $00
a4af: 00                           .dd1    $00
a4b0: 00                           .dd1    $00
a4b1: 06                           .dd1    %00000110
a4b2: a0 00 a0 1f+                 .bulk   $a0,$00,$a0,$1f,$10,$62 ;vertices
a4b8: 00 a0 a0 1f+                 .bulk   $00,$a0,$a0,$1f,$20,$83
a4be: a0 00 a0 9f+                 .bulk   $a0,$00,$a0,$9f,$30,$74
a4c4: 00 a0 a0 5f+                 .bulk   $00,$a0,$a0,$5f,$10,$54
a4ca: a0 a0 00 5f+                 .bulk   $a0,$a0,$00,$5f,$51,$a6
a4d0: a0 a0 00 1f+                 .bulk   $a0,$a0,$00,$1f,$62,$b8
a4d6: a0 a0 00 9f+                 .bulk   $a0,$a0,$00,$9f,$73,$c8
a4dc: a0 a0 00 df+                 .bulk   $a0,$a0,$00,$df,$54,$97
a4e2: a0 00 a0 3f+                 .bulk   $a0,$00,$a0,$3f,$a6,$db
a4e8: 00 a0 a0 3f+                 .bulk   $00,$a0,$a0,$3f,$b8,$dc
a4ee: a0 00 a0 bf+                 .bulk   $a0,$00,$a0,$bf,$97,$dc
a4f4: 00 a0 a0 7f+                 .bulk   $00,$a0,$a0,$7f,$95,$da
a4fa: 0a 1e a0 5e+                 .bulk   $0a,$1e,$a0,$5e,$00,$00
a500: 0a 1e a0 1e+                 .bulk   $0a,$1e,$a0,$1e,$00,$00
a506: 0a 1e a0 9e+                 .bulk   $0a,$1e,$a0,$9e,$00,$00
a50c: 0a 1e a0 de+                 .bulk   $0a,$1e,$a0,$de,$00,$00
a512: 1f 10 00 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$10,$00,$0c   ;edges
a516: 1f 20 00 04                  .bulk   $1f,$20,$00,$04
a51a: 1f 30 04 08                  .bulk   $1f,$30,$04,$08
a51e: 1f 40 08 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$40,$08,$0c
a522: 1f 51 0c 10                  .bulk   $1f,$51,$0c,$10
a526: 1f 61 00 10                  .bulk   $1f,$61,$00,$10
a52a: 1f 62 00 14                  .bulk   $1f,$62,$00,$14
a52e: 1f 82 14 04                  .bulk   $1f,$82,$14,$04
a532: 1f 83 04 18                  .bulk   $1f,$83,$04,$18
a536: 1f 73 08 18                  .bulk   $1f,$73,$08,$18
a53a: 1f 74 08 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$74,$08,$1c
a53e: 1f 54 0c 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$54,$0c,$1c
a542: 1f da 20 2c                  .bulk   $1f,$da,$20,$2c
a546: 1f db 20 24                  .bulk   $1f,$db,$20,$24
a54a: 1f dc 24 28                  .bulk   $1f,$dc,$24,$28
a54e: 1f d9 28 2c                  .bulk   $1f,$d9,$28,$2c
a552: 1f a5 10 2c                  .bulk   $1f,$a5,$10,$2c
a556: 1f a6 10 20                  .bulk   $1f,$a6,$10,$20
a55a: 1f b6 14 20                  .bulk   $1f,$b6,$14,$20
a55e: 1f b8 14 24                  .bulk   $1f,$b8,$14,$24
a562: 1f c8 18 24                  .bulk   $1f,$c8,$18,$24
a566: 1f c7 18 28                  .bulk   $1f,$c7,$18,$28
a56a: 1f 97 1c 28                  .bulk   $1f,$97,$1c,$28
a56e: 1f 95 1c 2c                  .bulk   $1f,$95,$1c,$2c
a572: 1e 00 30 34                  .bulk   $1e,$00,$30,$34
a576: 1e 00 34 38                  .bulk   $1e,$00,$34,$38
a57a: 1e 00 38 3c                  .bulk   $1e,$00,$38,$3c
a57e: 1e 00 3c 30                  .bulk   $1e,$00,$3c,$30
a582: 1f 00 00 a0                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$00,$a0   ;faces
a586: 5f 6b 6b 6b                  .bulk   $5f,$6b,$6b,$6b
a58a: 1f 6b 6b 6b                  .bulk   $1f,$6b,$6b,$6b
a58e: 9f 6b 6b 6b                  .bulk   $9f,$6b,$6b,$6b
a592: df 6b 6b 6b                  .bulk   $df,$6b,$6b,$6b
a596: 5f 00 a0 00                  .bulk   $5f,$00,$a0,$00
a59a: 1f a0 00 00                  .bulk   $1f,$a0,$00,$00
a59e: 9f a0 00 00                  .bulk   $9f,$a0,$00,$00
a5a2: 1f 00 a0 00                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$a0,$00
a5a6: ff 6b 6b 6b                  .bulk   $ff,$6b,$6b,$6b
a5aa: 7f 6b 6b 6b                  .bulk   $7f,$6b,$6b,$6b
a5ae: 3f 6b 6b 6b                  .bulk   $3f,$6b,$6b,$6b
a5b2: bf 6b 6b 6b                  .bulk   $bf,$6b,$6b,$6b
a5b6: 3f 00 00 a0                  .bulk   $3f,$00,$00,$a0

                   ; Escape capsule.
                   vis vis vis vis
a5ba: 20           hull_escape     .dd1    $20
a5bb: 00 01                        .dd2    $0100
a5bd: 2c                           .dd1    $2c
a5be: 44                           .dd1    $44
a5bf: 1d                           .dd1    $1d
a5c0: 00                           .dd1    $00
a5c1: 16                           .dd1    $16
a5c2: 18                           .dd1    $18
a5c3: 06                           .dd1    $06
a5c4: 00 00                        .dd2    0
a5c6: 10                           .dd1    $10
a5c7: 08                           .dd1    $08
a5c8: 11                           .dd1    17
a5c9: 08                           .dd1    8
a5ca: 00                           .dd1    $00
a5cb: 00                           .dd1    $00
a5cc: 04                           .dd1    $04
a5cd: 00                           .dd1    %00000000
a5ce: 07 00 24 9f+                 .bulk   $07,$00,$24,$9f,$12,$33 ;vertices
a5d4: 07 0e 0c ff+                 .bulk   $07,$0e,$0c,$ff,$02,$33
a5da: 07 0e 0c bf+                 .bulk   $07,$0e,$0c,$bf,$01,$33
a5e0: 15 00 00 1f+                 .bulk   $15,$00,$00,$1f,$01,$22
a5e6: 1f 23 00 04                  .bulk   $1f,$23,$00,$04   ;edges
a5ea: 1f 03 04 08                  .bulk   $1f,$03,$04,$08
a5ee: 1f 01 08 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$01,$08,$0c
a5f2: 1f 12 0c 00                  .bulk   $1f,$12,$0c,$00
a5f6: 1f 13 00 08                  .bulk   $1f,$13,$00,$08
a5fa: 1f 02 0c 04                  .bulk   $1f,$02,$0c,$04
a5fe: 3f 34 00 7a                  .bulk   $3f,$34,$00,$7a   ;faces
a602: 1f 27 67 1e                  .bulk   $1f,$27,$67,$1e
a606: 5f 27 67 1e                  .bulk   $5f,$27,$67,$1e
a60a: 9f 70 00 00                  .bulk   $9f,$70,$00,$00

                   ; Plate, alloys.
                   vis vis vis vis
a60e: 80           hull_plate      .dd1    $80
a60f: 64 00                        .dd2    $0064
a611: 2c                           .dd1    $2c
a612: 3c                           .dd1    $3c
a613: 15                           .dd1    $15
a614: 00                           .dd1    $00
a615: 0a                           .dd1    $0a
a616: 18                           .dd1    $18
a617: 04                           .dd1    $04
a618: 00 00                        .dd2    0
a61a: 04                           .dd1    $04
a61b: 05                           .dd1    $05
a61c: 10                           .dd1    16
a61d: 10                           .dd1    16
a61e: 00                           .dd1    $00
a61f: 00                           .dd1    $00
a620: 03                           .dd1    $03
a621: 00                           .dd1    %00000000
a622: 0f 16 09 ff+                 .bulk   $0f,$16,$09,$ff,$ff,$ff ;vertices
a628: 0f 26 09 bf+                 .bulk   $0f,$26,$09,$bf,$ff,$ff
a62e: 13 20 0b 14+                 .bulk   $13,$20,$0b,$14,$ff,$ff
a634: 0a 2e 06 54+                 .bulk   $0a,$2e,$06,$54,$ff,$ff
a63a: 1f ff 00 04                  .bulk   $1f,$ff,$00,$04   ;edges
a63e: 10 ff 04 08                  .bulk   $10,$ff,$04,$08
a642: 14 ff 08 0c                  .bulk   $14,$ff,$08,$0c
a646: 10 ff 0c 00                  .bulk   $10,$ff,$0c,$00
a64a: 00 00 00 00                  .bulk   $00,$00,$00,$00   ;faces (always visible)

                   ; Cargo canister.
                   vis vis vis vis
a64e: 00           hull_cargo      .dd1    $00
a64f: 90 01                        .dd2    $0190
a651: 50                           .dd1    $50
a652: 8c                           .dd1    $8c
a653: 35                           .dd1    $35
a654: 00                           .dd1    $00
a655: 12                           .dd1    $12
a656: 3c                           .dd1    $3c
a657: 0f                           .dd1    $0f
a658: 00 00                        .dd2    0
a65a: 1c                           .dd1    $1c
a65b: 0c                           .dd1    $0c
a65c: 11                           .dd1    17
a65d: 0f                           .dd1    15
a65e: 00                           .dd1    $00
a65f: 00                           .dd1    $00
a660: 02                           .dd1    $02
a661: 00                           .dd1    %00000000
a662: 18 10 00 1f+                 .bulk   $18,$10,$00,$1f,$10,$55 ;vertices
a668: 18 05 0f 1f+                 .bulk   $18,$05,$0f,$1f,$10,$22
a66e: 18 0d 09 5f+                 .bulk   $18,$0d,$09,$5f,$20,$33
a674: 18 0d 09 7f+                 .bulk   $18,$0d,$09,$7f,$30,$44
a67a: 18 05 0f 3f+                 .bulk   $18,$05,$0f,$3f,$40,$55
a680: 18 10 00 9f+                 .bulk   $18,$10,$00,$9f,$51,$66
a686: 18 05 0f 9f+                 .bulk   $18,$05,$0f,$9f,$21,$66
a68c: 18 0d 09 df+                 .bulk   $18,$0d,$09,$df,$32,$66
a692: 18 0d 09 ff+                 .bulk   $18,$0d,$09,$ff,$43,$66
a698: 18 05 0f bf+                 .bulk   $18,$05,$0f,$bf,$54,$66
a69e: 1f 10 00 04                  .bulk   $1f,$10,$00,$04   ;edges
a6a2: 1f 20 04 08                  .bulk   $1f,$20,$04,$08
a6a6: 1f 30 08 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$30,$08,$0c
a6aa: 1f 40 0c 10                  .bulk   $1f,$40,$0c,$10
a6ae: 1f 50 00 10                  .bulk   $1f,$50,$00,$10
a6b2: 1f 51 00 14                  .bulk   $1f,$51,$00,$14
a6b6: 1f 21 04 18                  .bulk   $1f,$21,$04,$18
a6ba: 1f 32 08 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$32,$08,$1c
a6be: 1f 43 0c 20                  .bulk   $1f,$43,$0c,$20
a6c2: 1f 54 10 24                  .bulk   $1f,$54,$10,$24
a6c6: 1f 61 14 18                  .bulk   $1f,$61,$14,$18
a6ca: 1f 62 18 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$62,$18,$1c
a6ce: 1f 63 1c 20                  .bulk   $1f,$63,$1c,$20
a6d2: 1f 64 20 24                  .bulk   $1f,$64,$20,$24
a6d6: 1f 65 24 14                  .bulk   $1f,$65,$24,$14
a6da: 1f 60 00 00                  .bulk   $1f,$60,$00,$00   ;faces
a6de: 1f 00 29 1e                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$29,$1e
a6e2: 5f 00 12 30                  .bulk   $5f,$00,$12,$30
a6e6: 5f 00 33 00                  .bulk   $5f,$00,$33,$00
a6ea: 7f 00 12 30                  .bulk   $7f,$00,$12,$30
a6ee: 3f 00 29 1e                  .bulk   $3f,$00,$29,$1e
a6f2: 9f 60 00 00                  .bulk   $9f,$60,$00,$00

                   ; Boulder.
                   vis vis vis vis
a6f6: 00           hull_boulder    .dd1    $00
a6f7: 84 03                        .dd2    $0384
a6f9: 3e                           .dd1    $3e
a6fa: 7a                           .dd1    $7a
a6fb: 31                           .dd1    $31
a6fc: 00                           .dd1    $00
a6fd: 0e                           .dd1    $0e
a6fe: 2a                           .dd1    $2a
a6ff: 0f                           .dd1    $0f
a700: 01 00                        .dd2    1                 ;bounty (1)
a702: 28                           .dd1    $28
a703: 14                           .dd1    $14
a704: 14                           .dd1    20
a705: 1e                           .dd1    30
a706: 00                           .dd1    $00
a707: 00                           .dd1    $00
a708: 02                           .dd1    $02
a709: 00                           .dd1    %00000000
a70a: 12 25 0b bf+                 .bulk   $12,$25,$0b,$bf,$01,$59 ;vertices
a710: 1e 07 0c 1f+                 .bulk   $1e,$07,$0c,$1f,$12,$56
a716: 1c 07 0c 7f+                 .bulk   $1c,$07,$0c,$7f,$23,$67
a71c: 02 00 27 3f+                 .bulk   $02,$00,$27,$3f,$34,$78
a722: 1c 22 1e bf+                 .bulk   $1c,$22,$1e,$bf,$04,$89
a728: 05 0a 0d 5f+                 .bulk   $05,$0a,$0d,$5f,$ff,$ff
a72e: 14 11 1e 3f+                 .bulk   $14,$11,$1e,$3f,$ff,$ff
a734: 1f 15 00 04                  .bulk   $1f,$15,$00,$04   ;edges
a738: 1f 26 04 08                  .bulk   $1f,$26,$04,$08
a73c: 1f 37 08 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$37,$08,$0c
a740: 1f 48 0c 10                  .bulk   $1f,$48,$0c,$10
a744: 1f 09 10 00                  .bulk   $1f,$09,$10,$00
a748: 1f 01 00 14                  .bulk   $1f,$01,$00,$14
a74c: 1f 12 04 14                  .bulk   $1f,$12,$04,$14
a750: 1f 23 08 14                  .bulk   $1f,$23,$08,$14
a754: 1f 34 0c 14                  .bulk   $1f,$34,$0c,$14
a758: 1f 04 10 14                  .bulk   $1f,$04,$10,$14
a75c: 1f 59 00 18                  .bulk   $1f,$59,$00,$18
a760: 1f 56 04 18                  .bulk   $1f,$56,$04,$18
a764: 1f 67 08 18                  .bulk   $1f,$67,$08,$18
a768: 1f 78 0c 18                  .bulk   $1f,$78,$0c,$18
a76c: 1f 89 10 18                  .bulk   $1f,$89,$10,$18
a770: df 0f 03 08                  .bulk   $df,$0f,$03,$08   ;faces
a774: 9f 07 0c 1e                  .bulk   $9f,$07,$0c,$1e
a778: 5f 20 2f 18                  .bulk   $5f,$20,$2f,$18
a77c: ff 03 27 07                  .bulk   $ff,$03,$27,$07
a780: ff 05 04 01                  .bulk   $ff,$05,$04,$01
a784: 1f 31 54 08                  .bulk   $1f,$31,$54,$08
a788: 3f 70 15 15                  .bulk   $3f,$70,$15,$15
a78c: 7f 4c 23 52                  .bulk   $7f,$4c,$23,$52
a790: 3f 16 38 89                  .bulk   $3f,$16,$38,$89
a794: 3f 28 6e 26                  .bulk   $3f,$28,$6e,$26

                   ; Asteroid.
                   vis vis vis vis
a798: 00           hull_asteroid   .dd1    $00
a799: 00 19                        .dd2    $1900
a79b: 4a                           .dd1    $4a
a79c: 9e                           .dd1    $9e
a79d: 45                           .dd1    $45
a79e: 00                           .dd1    $00
a79f: 22                           .dd1    $22
a7a0: 36                           .dd1    $36
a7a1: 15                           .dd1    $15
a7a2: 05 00                        .dd2    5                 ;bounty (5)
a7a4: 38                           .dd1    $38
a7a5: 32                           .dd1    $32
a7a6: 3c                           .dd1    60
a7a7: 1e                           .dd1    30
a7a8: 00                           .dd1    $00
a7a9: 00                           .dd1    $00
a7aa: 01                           .dd1    $01
a7ab: 00                           .dd1    %00000000
a7ac: 00 50 00 1f+                 .bulk   $00,$50,$00,$1f,$ff,$ff ;vertices
a7b2: 50 0a 00 df+                 .bulk   $50,$0a,$00,$df,$ff,$ff
a7b8: 00 50 00 5f+                 .bulk   $00,$50,$00,$5f,$ff,$ff
a7be: 46 28 00 5f+                 .bulk   $46,$28,$00,$5f,$ff,$ff
a7c4: 3c 32 00 1f+                 .bulk   $3c,$32,$00,$1f,$65,$dc
a7ca: 32 00 3c 1f+                 .bulk   $32,$00,$3c,$1f,$ff,$ff
a7d0: 28 00 46 9f+                 .bulk   $28,$00,$46,$9f,$10,$32
a7d6: 00 1e 4b 3f+                 .bulk   $00,$1e,$4b,$3f,$ff,$ff
a7dc: 00 32 3c 7f+                 .bulk   $00,$32,$3c,$7f,$98,$ba
a7e2: 1f 72 00 04                  .bulk   $1f,$72,$00,$04   ;edges
a7e6: 1f d6 00 10                  .bulk   $1f,$d6,$00,$10
a7ea: 1f c5 0c 10                  .bulk   $1f,$c5,$0c,$10
a7ee: 1f b4 08 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$b4,$08,$0c
a7f2: 1f a3 04 08                  .bulk   $1f,$a3,$04,$08
a7f6: 1f 32 04 18                  .bulk   $1f,$32,$04,$18
a7fa: 1f 31 08 18                  .bulk   $1f,$31,$08,$18
a7fe: 1f 41 08 14                  .bulk   $1f,$41,$08,$14
a802: 1f 10 14 18                  .bulk   $1f,$10,$14,$18
a806: 1f 60 00 14                  .bulk   $1f,$60,$00,$14
a80a: 1f 54 0c 14                  .bulk   $1f,$54,$0c,$14
a80e: 1f 20 00 18                  .bulk   $1f,$20,$00,$18
a812: 1f 65 10 14                  .bulk   $1f,$65,$10,$14
a816: 1f a8 04 20                  .bulk   $1f,$a8,$04,$20
a81a: 1f 87 04 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$87,$04,$1c
a81e: 1f d7 00 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$d7,$00,$1c
a822: 1f dc 10 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$dc,$10,$1c
a826: 1f c9 0c 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$c9,$0c,$1c
a82a: 1f b9 0c 20                  .bulk   $1f,$b9,$0c,$20
a82e: 1f ba 08 20                  .bulk   $1f,$ba,$08,$20
a832: 1f 98 1c 20                  .bulk   $1f,$98,$1c,$20
a836: 1f 09 42 51                  .bulk   $1f,$09,$42,$51   ;faces
a83a: 5f 09 42 51                  .bulk   $5f,$09,$42,$51
a83e: 9f 48 40 1f                  .bulk   $9f,$48,$40,$1f
a842: df 40 49 2f                  .bulk   $df,$40,$49,$2f
a846: 5f 2d 4f 41                  .bulk   $5f,$2d,$4f,$41
a84a: 1f 87 0f 23                  .bulk   $1f,$87,$0f,$23
a84e: 1f 26 4c 46                  .bulk   $1f,$26,$4c,$46
a852: bf 42 3b 27                  .bulk   $bf,$42,$3b,$27
a856: ff 43 0f 50                  .bulk   $ff,$43,$0f,$50
a85a: 7f 42 0e 4b                  .bulk   $7f,$42,$0e,$4b
a85e: ff 46 50 28                  .bulk   $ff,$46,$50,$28
a862: 7f 3a 66 33                  .bulk   $7f,$3a,$66,$33
a866: 3f 51 09 43                  .bulk   $3f,$51,$09,$43
a86a: 3f 2f 5e 3f                  .bulk   $3f,$2f,$5e,$3f

                   ; Splinter, rock.
                   ; Header seems broken (but matches C64 def)
                   ;   edges offset = $fd78 --> A5E6 == escape pod edges
                   ;   faces offset = $0044 --> A8B2 == hull_shuttle header
                   ; The data parses as valid, but the backface removal fails at some angles.
                   vis vis vis vis
a86e: b0           hull_splinter   .dd1    $b0
a86f: 00 01                        .dd2    $0100
a871: 78                           .dd1    $78               ;edge offset lo
a872: 44                           .dd1    $44               ;face offset lo
a873: 1d                           .dd1    $1d
a874: 00                           .dd1    $00
a875: 16                           .dd1    $16
a876: 18                           .dd1    $18               ;vertex count = 4 * 6
a877: 06                           .dd1    $06               ;edge count = 6
a878: 00 00                        .dd2    0
a87a: 10                           .dd1    $10               ;face count = 4 * 4
a87b: 08                           .dd1    $08
a87c: 14                           .dd1    20
a87d: 0a                           .dd1    10
a87e: fd                           .dd1    $fd               ;edge offset hi
a87f: 00                           .dd1    $00               ;face offset hi
a880: 05                           .dd1    $05
a881: 00                           .dd1    %00000000
a882: 18 19 10 df+                 .bulk   $18,$19,$10,$df,$12,$33 ;vertices
a888: 00 0c 0a 3f+                 .bulk   $00,$0c,$0a,$3f,$02,$33
a88e: 0b 06 02 5f+                 .bulk   $0b,$06,$02,$5f,$01,$33
a894: 0c 2a 07 1f+                 .bulk   $0c,$2a,$07,$1f,$01,$22
a89a: 1f 23 00 04                  .bulk   $1f,$23,$00,$04   ;looks like edge data (but not used)
a89e: 1f 03 04 08                  .bulk   $1f,$03,$04,$08
a8a2: 1f 01 08 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$01,$08,$0c
a8a6: 1f 12 0c 00                  .bulk   $1f,$12,$0c,$00

                   ; Shuttle.
                   vis vis vis vis
a8aa: 0f           hull_shuttle    .dd1    $0f
a8ab: c4 09                        .dd2    $09c4
a8ad: 86                           .dd1    $86
a8ae: fe                           .dd1    $fe
a8af: 71                           .dd1    $71
a8b0: 00                           .dd1    $00
a8b1: 26                           .dd1    $26
a8b2: 72                           .dd1    $72
a8b3: 1e                           .dd1    $1e
a8b4: 00 00                        .dd2    0
a8b6: 34                           .dd1    $34
a8b7: 16                           .dd1    $16
a8b8: 20                           .dd1    32
a8b9: 08                           .dd1    8
a8ba: 00                           .dd1    $00
a8bb: 00                           .dd1    $00
a8bc: 02                           .dd1    $02
a8bd: 00                           .dd1    %00000000
a8be: 00 11 17 5f+                 .bulk   $00,$11,$17,$5f,$ff,$ff ;vertices
a8c4: 11 00 17 9f+                 .bulk   $11,$00,$17,$9f,$ff,$ff
a8ca: 00 12 17 1f+                 .bulk   $00,$12,$17,$1f,$ff,$ff
a8d0: 12 00 17 1f+                 .bulk   $12,$00,$17,$1f,$ff,$ff
a8d6: 14 14 1b ff+                 .bulk   $14,$14,$1b,$ff,$12,$39
a8dc: 14 14 1b bf+                 .bulk   $14,$14,$1b,$bf,$34,$59
a8e2: 14 14 1b 3f+                 .bulk   $14,$14,$1b,$3f,$56,$79
a8e8: 14 14 1b 7f+                 .bulk   $14,$14,$1b,$7f,$17,$89
a8ee: 05 00 1b 30+                 .bulk   $05,$00,$1b,$30,$99,$99
a8f4: 00 02 1b 70+                 .bulk   $00,$02,$1b,$70,$99,$99
a8fa: 05 00 1b a9+                 .bulk   $05,$00,$1b,$a9,$99,$99
a900: 00 03 1b 29+                 .bulk   $00,$03,$1b,$29,$99,$99
a906: 00 09 23 50+                 .bulk   $00,$09,$23,$50,$0a,$bc
a90c: 03 01 1f 47+                 .bulk   $03,$01,$1f,$47,$ff,$02 ;v13 ($34)
a912: 04 0b 19 08+                 .bulk   $04,$0b,$19,$08,$01,$f4
a918: 0b 04 19 08+                 .bulk   $0b,$04,$19,$08,$a1,$3f
a91e: 03 01 1f c7+                 .bulk   $03,$01,$1f,$c7,$6b,$23 ;v16 ($40)
a924: 03 0b 19 88+                 .bulk   $03,$0b,$19,$88,$f8,$c0
a92a: 0a 04 19 88+                 .bulk   $0a,$04,$19,$88,$4f,$18
a930: 1f 02 00 04                  .bulk   $1f,$02,$00,$04   ;edges
a934: 1f 4a 04 08                  .bulk   $1f,$4a,$04,$08
a938: 1f 6b 08 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$6b,$08,$0c
a93c: 1f 8c 00 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$8c,$00,$0c
a940: 1f 18 00 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$18,$00,$1c
a944: 18 12 00 10                  .bulk   $18,$12,$00,$10
a948: 1f 23 04 10                  .bulk   $1f,$23,$04,$10
a94c: 18 34 04 14                  .bulk   $18,$34,$04,$14
a950: 1f 45 08 14                  .bulk   $1f,$45,$08,$14
a954: 0c 56 08 18                  .bulk   $0c,$56,$08,$18
a958: 1f 67 0c 18                  .bulk   $1f,$67,$0c,$18
a95c: 18 78 0c 1c                  .bulk   $18,$78,$0c,$1c
a960: 1f 39 10 14                  .bulk   $1f,$39,$10,$14
a964: 1f 59 14 18                  .bulk   $1f,$59,$14,$18
a968: 1f 79 18 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$79,$18,$1c
a96c: 1f 19 10 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$19,$10,$1c
a970: 10 0c 00 30                  .bulk   $10,$0c,$00,$30
a974: 10 0a 04 30                  .bulk   $10,$0a,$04,$30
a978: 10 ab 08 30                  .bulk   $10,$ab,$08,$30
a97c: 10 bc 0c 30                  .bulk   $10,$bc,$0c,$30
a980: 10 99 20 24                  .bulk   $10,$99,$20,$24
a984: 07 99 24 28                  .bulk   $07,$99,$24,$28
a988: 09 99 28 2c                  .bulk   $09,$99,$28,$2c
a98c: 07 99 20 2c                  .bulk   $07,$99,$20,$2c
a990: 05 bb 34 38                  .bulk   $05,$bb,$34,$38   ;window 1
a994: 08 bb 38 3c                  .bulk   $08,$bb,$38,$3c
a998: 07 bb 34 3c                  .bulk   $07,$bb,$34,$3c
a99c: 05 aa 40 44                  .bulk   $05,$aa,$40,$44   ;window 2
a9a0: 08 aa 44 48                  .bulk   $08,$aa,$44,$48
a9a4: 07 aa 40 48                  .bulk   $07,$aa,$40,$48
a9a8: df 37 37 28                  .bulk   $df,$37,$37,$28   ;faces
a9ac: 5f 00 4a 04                  .bulk   $5f,$00,$4a,$04
a9b0: df 33 33 17                  .bulk   $df,$33,$33,$17
a9b4: 9f 4a 00 04                  .bulk   $9f,$4a,$00,$04
a9b8: 9f 33 33 17                  .bulk   $9f,$33,$33,$17
a9bc: 1f 00 4a 04                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$4a,$04
a9c0: 1f 33 33 17                  .bulk   $1f,$33,$33,$17
a9c4: 1f 4a 00 04                  .bulk   $1f,$4a,$00,$04
a9c8: 5f 33 33 17                  .bulk   $5f,$33,$33,$17
a9cc: 3f 00 00 6b                  .bulk   $3f,$00,$00,$6b
a9d0: 9f 29 29 5a                  .bulk   $9f,$29,$29,$5a   ;face 10
a9d4: 1f 29 29 5a                  .bulk   $1f,$29,$29,$5a
a9d8: 5f 37 37 28                  .bulk   $5f,$37,$37,$28

                   ; Transporter.
                   vis vis vis vis
a9dc: 00                           .dd1    $00
a9dd: c4 09                        .dd2    $09c4
a9df: f2                           .dd1    $f2
a9e0: aa                           .dd1    $aa
a9e1: 95                           .dd1    $95
a9e2: 30                           .dd1    $30
a9e3: 1a                           .dd1    $1a
a9e4: de                           .dd1    $de
a9e5: 2e                           .dd1    $2e
a9e6: 00 00                        .dd2    0
a9e8: 38                           .dd1    $38
a9e9: 10                           .dd1    $10
a9ea: 20                           .dd1    32
a9eb: 0a                           .dd1    10
a9ec: 00                           .dd1    $00
a9ed: 01                           .dd1    $01
a9ee: 02                           .dd1    $02
a9ef: 00                           .dd1    %00000000
a9f0: 00 0a 1a 3f+                 .bulk   $00,$0a,$1a,$3f,$06,$77 ;vertices
a9f6: 19 04 1a bf+                 .bulk   $19,$04,$1a,$bf,$01,$77
a9fc: 1c 03 1a ff+                 .bulk   $1c,$03,$1a,$ff,$01,$22
aa02: 19 08 1a ff+                 .bulk   $19,$08,$1a,$ff,$02,$33
aa08: 1a 08 1a 7f+                 .bulk   $1a,$08,$1a,$7f,$03,$44
aa0e: 1d 03 1a 7f+                 .bulk   $1d,$03,$1a,$7f,$04,$55
aa14: 1a 04 1a 3f+                 .bulk   $1a,$04,$1a,$3f,$05,$66
aa1a: 00 06 0c 13+                 .bulk   $00,$06,$0c,$13,$ff,$ff
aa20: 1e 01 0c df+                 .bulk   $1e,$01,$0c,$df,$17,$89
aa26: 21 08 0c df+                 .bulk   $21,$08,$0c,$df,$12,$39
aa2c: 21 08 0c 5f+                 .bulk   $21,$08,$0c,$5f,$34,$5a
aa32: 1e 01 0c 5f+                 .bulk   $1e,$01,$0c,$5f,$56,$ab
aa38: 0b 02 1e df+                 .bulk   $0b,$02,$1e,$df,$89,$cd
aa3e: 0d 08 1e df+                 .bulk   $0d,$08,$1e,$df,$39,$dd
aa44: 0e 08 1e 5f+                 .bulk   $0e,$08,$1e,$5f,$3a,$dd
aa4a: 0b 02 1e 5f+                 .bulk   $0b,$02,$1e,$5f,$ab,$cd
aa50: 05 06 02 87+                 .bulk   $05,$06,$02,$87,$77,$77 ;decoration vertices, face 7
aa56: 12 03 02 87+                 .bulk   $12,$03,$02,$87,$77,$77
aa5c: 05 07 07 a7+                 .bulk   $05,$07,$07,$a7,$77,$77
aa62: 12 04 07 a7+                 .bulk   $12,$04,$07,$a7,$77,$77
aa68: 0b 06 0e a7+                 .bulk   $0b,$06,$0e,$a7,$77,$77
aa6e: 0b 05 07 a7+                 .bulk   $0b,$05,$07,$a7,$77,$77
aa74: 05 07 0e 27+                 .bulk   $05,$07,$0e,$27,$66,$66 ;decoration vertices, face 6
aa7a: 12 04 0e 27+                 .bulk   $12,$04,$0e,$27,$66,$66
aa80: 0b 05 07 27+                 .bulk   $0b,$05,$07,$27,$66,$66
aa86: 05 06 03 27+                 .bulk   $05,$06,$03,$27,$66,$66
aa8c: 12 03 03 27+                 .bulk   $12,$03,$03,$27,$66,$66
aa92: 0b 04 08 07+                 .bulk   $0b,$04,$08,$07,$66,$66
aa98: 0b 05 03 27+                 .bulk   $0b,$05,$03,$27,$66,$66
aa9e: 10 08 0d e6+                 .bulk   $10,$08,$0d,$e6,$33,$33
aaa4: 10 08 10 c6+                 .bulk   $10,$08,$10,$c6,$33,$33
aaaa: 11 08 0d 66+                 .bulk   $11,$08,$0d,$66,$33,$33
aab0: 11 08 10 46+                 .bulk   $11,$08,$10,$46,$33,$33
aab6: 0d 03 1a e8+                 .bulk   $0d,$03,$1a,$e8,$00,$00
aabc: 0d 03 1a 68+                 .bulk   $0d,$03,$1a,$68,$00,$00
aac2: 09 03 1a 25+                 .bulk   $09,$03,$1a,$25,$00,$00
aac8: 08 03 1a a5+                 .bulk   $08,$03,$1a,$a5,$00,$00
aace: 1f 07 00 04                  .bulk   $1f,$07,$00,$04   ;edges
aad2: 1f 01 04 08                  .bulk   $1f,$01,$04,$08
aad6: 1f 02 08 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$02,$08,$0c
aada: 1f 03 0c 10                  .bulk   $1f,$03,$0c,$10
aade: 1f 04 10 14                  .bulk   $1f,$04,$10,$14
aae2: 1f 05 14 18                  .bulk   $1f,$05,$14,$18
aae6: 1f 06 00 18                  .bulk   $1f,$06,$00,$18
aaea: 10 67 00 1c                  .bulk   $10,$67,$00,$1c
aaee: 1f 17 04 20                  .bulk   $1f,$17,$04,$20
aaf2: 0b 12 08 24                  .bulk   $0b,$12,$08,$24
aaf6: 1f 23 0c 24                  .bulk   $1f,$23,$0c,$24
aafa: 1f 34 10 28                  .bulk   $1f,$34,$10,$28
aafe: 0b 45 14 28                  .bulk   $0b,$45,$14,$28
ab02: 1f 56 18 2c                  .bulk   $1f,$56,$18,$2c
ab06: 11 78 1c 20                  .bulk   $11,$78,$1c,$20
ab0a: 11 19 20 24                  .bulk   $11,$19,$20,$24
ab0e: 11 5a 28 2c                  .bulk   $11,$5a,$28,$2c
ab12: 11 6b 1c 2c                  .bulk   $11,$6b,$1c,$2c
ab16: 13 bc 1c 3c                  .bulk   $13,$bc,$1c,$3c
ab1a: 13 8c 1c 30                  .bulk   $13,$8c,$1c,$30
ab1e: 10 89 20 30                  .bulk   $10,$89,$20,$30
ab22: 1f 39 24 34                  .bulk   $1f,$39,$24,$34
ab26: 1f 3a 28 38                  .bulk   $1f,$3a,$28,$38
ab2a: 10 ab 2c 3c                  .bulk   $10,$ab,$2c,$3c
ab2e: 1f 9d 30 34                  .bulk   $1f,$9d,$30,$34
ab32: 1f 3d 34 38                  .bulk   $1f,$3d,$34,$38
ab36: 1f ad 38 3c                  .bulk   $1f,$ad,$38,$3c
ab3a: 1f cd 30 3c                  .bulk   $1f,$cd,$30,$3c
ab3e: 07 77 40 44                  .bulk   $07,$77,$40,$44   ;deco: vertices 16-21, face 7
ab42: 07 77 48 4c                  .bulk   $07,$77,$48,$4c   ; (5 edges, "IB")
ab46: 07 77 4c 50                  .bulk   $07,$77,$4c,$50
ab4a: 07 77 48 50                  .bulk   $07,$77,$48,$50
ab4e: 07 77 50 54                  .bulk   $07,$77,$50,$54
ab52: 07 66 58 5c                  .bulk   $07,$66,$58,$5c   ;deco: vertices 22-28, face 6
ab56: 07 66 5c 60                  .bulk   $07,$66,$5c,$60   ; (7 edges, "DB")
ab5a: 07 66 60 58                  .bulk   $07,$66,$60,$58
ab5e: 07 66 64 68                  .bulk   $07,$66,$64,$68
ab62: 07 66 68 6c                  .bulk   $07,$66,$68,$6c
ab66: 07 66 64 6c                  .bulk   $07,$66,$64,$6c
ab6a: 07 66 6c 70                  .bulk   $07,$66,$6c,$70   ;(end of decorations)
ab6e: 06 33 74 78                  .bulk   $06,$33,$74,$78
ab72: 06 33 7c 80                  .bulk   $06,$33,$7c,$80
ab76: 08 00 84 88                  .bulk   $08,$00,$84,$88
ab7a: 05 00 88 8c                  .bulk   $05,$00,$88,$8c
ab7e: 05 00 8c 90                  .bulk   $05,$00,$8c,$90
ab82: 05 00 90 84                  .bulk   $05,$00,$90,$84
ab86: 3f 00 00 67                  .bulk   $3f,$00,$00,$67   ;faces
ab8a: bf 6f 30 07                  .bulk   $bf,$6f,$30,$07
ab8e: ff 69 3f 15                  .bulk   $ff,$69,$3f,$15
ab92: 5f 00 22 00                  .bulk   $5f,$00,$22,$00
ab96: 7f 69 3f 15                  .bulk   $7f,$69,$3f,$15
ab9a: 3f 6f 30 07                  .bulk   $3f,$6f,$30,$07
ab9e: 1f 08 20 03                  .bulk   $1f,$08,$20,$03   ;face 6 normal [$08,$20,$03]
aba2: 9f 08 20 03                  .bulk   $9f,$08,$20,$03   ;face 7 normal [-$08,$20,$03]
aba6: 93 08 22 0b                  .bulk   $93,$08,$22,$0b
abaa: 9f 4b 20 4f                  .bulk   $9f,$4b,$20,$4f
abae: 1f 4b 20 4f                  .bulk   $1f,$4b,$20,$4f
abb2: 13 08 22 0b                  .bulk   $13,$08,$22,$0b
abb6: 1f 00 26 11                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$26,$11
abba: 1f 00 00 79                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$00,$79

                   ; Cobra MK-III.
                   vis vis vis vis
abbe: 03           hull_cobra_mk3  .dd1    $03
abbf: 41 23                        .dd2    $2341
abc1: bc                           .dd1    $bc
abc2: 54                           .dd1    $54
abc3: 9d                           .dd1    $9d
abc4: 54                           .dd1    $54               ;gun vertex (v21)
abc5: 2a                           .dd1    $2a
abc6: a8                           .dd1    $a8               ;vertex count * 6
abc7: 26                           .dd1    $26               ;edge count
abc8: 00 00                        .dd2    0
abca: 34                           .dd1    $34               ;face count * 4
abcb: 32                           .dd1    $32
abcc: 96                           .dd1    150               ;health
abcd: 1c                           .dd1    28                ;max speed
abce: 00                           .dd1    $00
abcf: 01                           .dd1    $01
abd0: 01                           .dd1    $01
abd1: 13                           .dd1    %00010011         ;00LLLMMM
abd2: 20 00 4c 1f+                 .bulk   $20,$00,$4c,$1f,$ff,$ff ;vertices
abd8: 20 00 4c 9f+                 .bulk   $20,$00,$4c,$9f,$ff,$ff
abde: 00 1a 18 1f+                 .bulk   $00,$1a,$18,$1f,$ff,$ff
abe4: 78 03 08 ff+                 .bulk   $78,$03,$08,$ff,$73,$aa
abea: 78 03 08 7f+                 .bulk   $78,$03,$08,$7f,$84,$cc
abf0: 58 10 28 bf+                 .bulk   $58,$10,$28,$bf,$ff,$ff
abf6: 58 10 28 3f+                 .bulk   $58,$10,$28,$3f,$ff,$ff
abfc: 80 08 28 7f+                 .bulk   $80,$08,$28,$7f,$98,$cc
ac02: 80 08 28 ff+                 .bulk   $80,$08,$28,$ff,$97,$aa
ac08: 00 1a 28 3f+                 .bulk   $00,$1a,$28,$3f,$65,$99
ac0e: 20 18 28 ff+                 .bulk   $20,$18,$28,$ff,$a9,$bb
ac14: 20 18 28 7f+                 .bulk   $20,$18,$28,$7f,$b9,$cc
ac1a: 24 08 28 b4+                 .bulk   $24,$08,$28,$b4,$99,$99
ac20: 08 0c 28 b4+                 .bulk   $08,$0c,$28,$b4,$99,$99
ac26: 08 0c 28 34+                 .bulk   $08,$0c,$28,$34,$99,$99
ac2c: 24 08 28 34+                 .bulk   $24,$08,$28,$34,$99,$99
ac32: 24 0c 28 74+                 .bulk   $24,$0c,$28,$74,$99,$99
ac38: 08 10 28 74+                 .bulk   $08,$10,$28,$74,$99,$99
ac3e: 08 10 28 f4+                 .bulk   $08,$10,$28,$f4,$99,$99
ac44: 24 0c 28 f4+                 .bulk   $24,$0c,$28,$f4,$99,$99
ac4a: 00 00 4c 06+                 .bulk   $00,$00,$4c,$06,$b0,$bb
ac50: 00 00 5a 1f+                 .bulk   $00,$00,$5a,$1f,$b0,$bb
ac56: 50 06 28 e8+                 .bulk   $50,$06,$28,$e8,$99,$99
ac5c: 50 06 28 a8+                 .bulk   $50,$06,$28,$a8,$99,$99
ac62: 58 00 28 a6+                 .bulk   $58,$00,$28,$a6,$99,$99
ac68: 50 06 28 28+                 .bulk   $50,$06,$28,$28,$99,$99
ac6e: 58 00 28 26+                 .bulk   $58,$00,$28,$26,$99,$99
ac74: 50 06 28 68+                 .bulk   $50,$06,$28,$68,$99,$99
ac7a: 1f b0 00 04                  .bulk   $1f,$b0,$00,$04   ;edges
ac7e: 1f c4 00 10                  .bulk   $1f,$c4,$00,$10
ac82: 1f a3 04 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$a3,$04,$0c
ac86: 1f a7 0c 20                  .bulk   $1f,$a7,$0c,$20
ac8a: 1f c8 10 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$c8,$10,$1c
ac8e: 1f 98 18 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$98,$18,$1c
ac92: 1f 96 18 24                  .bulk   $1f,$96,$18,$24
ac96: 1f 95 14 24                  .bulk   $1f,$95,$14,$24
ac9a: 1f 97 14 20                  .bulk   $1f,$97,$14,$20
ac9e: 1f 51 08 14                  .bulk   $1f,$51,$08,$14
aca2: 1f 62 08 18                  .bulk   $1f,$62,$08,$18
aca6: 1f 73 0c 14                  .bulk   $1f,$73,$0c,$14
acaa: 1f 84 10 18                  .bulk   $1f,$84,$10,$18
acae: 1f 10 04 08                  .bulk   $1f,$10,$04,$08
acb2: 1f 20 00 08                  .bulk   $1f,$20,$00,$08
acb6: 1f a9 20 28                  .bulk   $1f,$a9,$20,$28
acba: 1f b9 28 2c                  .bulk   $1f,$b9,$28,$2c
acbe: 1f c9 1c 2c                  .bulk   $1f,$c9,$1c,$2c
acc2: 1f ba 04 28                  .bulk   $1f,$ba,$04,$28
acc6: 1f cb 00 2c                  .bulk   $1f,$cb,$00,$2c
acca: 1d 31 04 14                  .bulk   $1d,$31,$04,$14
acce: 1d 42 00 18                  .bulk   $1d,$42,$00,$18
acd2: 06 b0 50 54                  .bulk   $06,$b0,$50,$54
acd6: 14 99 30 34                  .bulk   $14,$99,$30,$34
acda: 14 99 48 4c                  .bulk   $14,$99,$48,$4c
acde: 14 99 38 3c                  .bulk   $14,$99,$38,$3c
ace2: 14 99 40 44                  .bulk   $14,$99,$40,$44
ace6: 13 99 3c 40                  .bulk   $13,$99,$3c,$40
acea: 11 99 38 44                  .bulk   $11,$99,$38,$44
acee: 13 99 34 48                  .bulk   $13,$99,$34,$48
acf2: 13 99 30 4c                  .bulk   $13,$99,$30,$4c
acf6: 1e 65 08 24                  .bulk   $1e,$65,$08,$24
acfa: 06 99 58 60                  .bulk   $06,$99,$58,$60
acfe: 06 99 5c 60                  .bulk   $06,$99,$5c,$60
ad02: 08 99 58 5c                  .bulk   $08,$99,$58,$5c
ad06: 06 99 64 68                  .bulk   $06,$99,$64,$68
ad0a: 06 99 68 6c                  .bulk   $06,$99,$68,$6c
ad0e: 08 99 64 6c                  .bulk   $08,$99,$64,$6c
ad12: 1f 00 3e 1f                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$3e,$1f   ;faces
ad16: 9f 12 37 10                  .bulk   $9f,$12,$37,$10
ad1a: 1f 12 37 10                  .bulk   $1f,$12,$37,$10
ad1e: 9f 10 34 0e                  .bulk   $9f,$10,$34,$0e
ad22: 1f 10 34 0e                  .bulk   $1f,$10,$34,$0e
ad26: 9f 0e 2f 00                  .bulk   $9f,$0e,$2f,$00
ad2a: 1f 0e 2f 00                  .bulk   $1f,$0e,$2f,$00
ad2e: 9f 3d 66 00                  .bulk   $9f,$3d,$66,$00
ad32: 1f 3d 66 00                  .bulk   $1f,$3d,$66,$00
ad36: 3f 00 00 50                  .bulk   $3f,$00,$00,$50
ad3a: df 07 2a 09                  .bulk   $df,$07,$2a,$09
ad3e: 5f 00 1e 06                  .bulk   $5f,$00,$1e,$06
ad42: 5f 07 2a 09                  .bulk   $5f,$07,$2a,$09

                   ; Python.
                   vis vis vis vis
ad46: 05           hull_python     .dd1    $05
ad47: 00 19                        .dd2    $1900
ad49: 56                           .dd1    $56
ad4a: be                           .dd1    $be
ad4b: 59                           .dd1    $59
ad4c: 00                           .dd1    $00
ad4d: 2a                           .dd1    $2a
ad4e: 42                           .dd1    $42
ad4f: 1a                           .dd1    $1a
ad50: 00 00                        .dd2    0
ad52: 34                           .dd1    $34
ad53: 28                           .dd1    $28
ad54: fa                           .dd1    250
ad55: 14                           .dd1    20
ad56: 00                           .dd1    $00
ad57: 00                           .dd1    $00
ad58: 00                           .dd1    $00
ad59: 1b                           .dd1    %00011011
ad5a: 00 00 e0 1f+                 .bulk   $00,$00,$e0,$1f,$10,$32 ;vertices
ad60: 00 30 30 1f+                 .bulk   $00,$30,$30,$1f,$10,$54
ad66: 60 00 10 3f+                 .bulk   $60,$00,$10,$3f,$ff,$ff
ad6c: 60 00 10 bf+                 .bulk   $60,$00,$10,$bf,$ff,$ff
ad72: 00 30 20 3f+                 .bulk   $00,$30,$20,$3f,$54,$98
ad78: 00 18 70 3f+                 .bulk   $00,$18,$70,$3f,$89,$cc
ad7e: 30 00 70 bf+                 .bulk   $30,$00,$70,$bf,$b8,$cc
ad84: 30 00 70 3f+                 .bulk   $30,$00,$70,$3f,$a9,$cc
ad8a: 00 30 30 5f+                 .bulk   $00,$30,$30,$5f,$32,$76
ad90: 00 30 20 7f+                 .bulk   $00,$30,$20,$7f,$76,$ba
ad96: 00 18 70 7f+                 .bulk   $00,$18,$70,$7f,$ba,$cc
ad9c: 1f 32 00 20                  .bulk   $1f,$32,$00,$20   ;edges
ada0: 1f 20 00 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$20,$00,$0c
ada4: 1f 31 00 08                  .bulk   $1f,$31,$00,$08
ada8: 1f 10 00 04                  .bulk   $1f,$10,$00,$04
adac: 1f 59 08 10                  .bulk   $1f,$59,$08,$10
adb0: 1f 51 04 08                  .bulk   $1f,$51,$04,$08
adb4: 1f 37 08 20                  .bulk   $1f,$37,$08,$20
adb8: 1f 40 04 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$40,$04,$0c
adbc: 1f 62 0c 20                  .bulk   $1f,$62,$0c,$20
adc0: 1f a7 08 24                  .bulk   $1f,$a7,$08,$24
adc4: 1f 84 0c 10                  .bulk   $1f,$84,$0c,$10
adc8: 1f b6 0c 24                  .bulk   $1f,$b6,$0c,$24
adcc: 07 88 0c 14                  .bulk   $07,$88,$0c,$14
add0: 07 bb 0c 28                  .bulk   $07,$bb,$0c,$28
add4: 07 99 08 14                  .bulk   $07,$99,$08,$14
add8: 07 aa 08 28                  .bulk   $07,$aa,$08,$28
addc: 1f a9 08 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$a9,$08,$1c
ade0: 1f b8 0c 18                  .bulk   $1f,$b8,$0c,$18
ade4: 1f c8 14 18                  .bulk   $1f,$c8,$14,$18
ade8: 1f c9 14 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$c9,$14,$1c
adec: 1f ac 1c 28                  .bulk   $1f,$ac,$1c,$28
adf0: 1f cb 18 28                  .bulk   $1f,$cb,$18,$28
adf4: 1f 98 10 14                  .bulk   $1f,$98,$10,$14
adf8: 1f ba 24 28                  .bulk   $1f,$ba,$24,$28
adfc: 1f 54 04 10                  .bulk   $1f,$54,$04,$10
ae00: 1f 76 20 24                  .bulk   $1f,$76,$20,$24
ae04: 9f 1b 28 0b                  .bulk   $9f,$1b,$28,$0b   ;faces
ae08: 1f 1b 28 0b                  .bulk   $1f,$1b,$28,$0b
ae0c: df 1b 28 0b                  .bulk   $df,$1b,$28,$0b
ae10: 5f 1b 28 0b                  .bulk   $5f,$1b,$28,$0b
ae14: 9f 13 26 00                  .bulk   $9f,$13,$26,$00
ae18: 1f 13 26 00                  .bulk   $1f,$13,$26,$00
ae1c: df 13 26 00                  .bulk   $df,$13,$26,$00
ae20: 5f 13 26 00                  .bulk   $5f,$13,$26,$00
ae24: bf 19 25 0b                  .bulk   $bf,$19,$25,$0b
ae28: 3f 19 25 0b                  .bulk   $3f,$19,$25,$0b
ae2c: 7f 19 25 0b                  .bulk   $7f,$19,$25,$0b
ae30: ff 19 25 0b                  .bulk   $ff,$19,$25,$0b
ae34: 3f 00 00 70                  .bulk   $3f,$00,$00,$70

                   ; Boa.
                   vis vis vis vis
ae38: 05           hull_boa        .dd1    $05
ae39: 24 13                        .dd2    $1324
ae3b: 62                           .dd1    $62
ae3c: c2                           .dd1    $c2
ae3d: 5d                           .dd1    $5d
ae3e: 00                           .dd1    $00
ae3f: 26                           .dd1    $26
ae40: 4e                           .dd1    $4e
ae41: 18                           .dd1    $18
ae42: 00 00                        .dd2    0
ae44: 34                           .dd1    $34
ae45: 28                           .dd1    $28
ae46: fa                           .dd1    250
ae47: 18                           .dd1    24
ae48: 00                           .dd1    $00
ae49: 00                           .dd1    $00
ae4a: 00                           .dd1    $00
ae4b: 1c                           .dd1    %00011100
ae4c: 00 00 5d 1f+                 .bulk   $00,$00,$5d,$1f,$ff,$ff ;vertices
ae52: 00 28 57 38+                 .bulk   $00,$28,$57,$38,$02,$33
ae58: 26 19 63 78+                 .bulk   $26,$19,$63,$78,$01,$44
ae5e: 26 19 63 f8+                 .bulk   $26,$19,$63,$f8,$12,$55
ae64: 26 28 3b bf+                 .bulk   $26,$28,$3b,$bf,$23,$69
ae6a: 26 28 3b 3f+                 .bulk   $26,$28,$3b,$3f,$03,$6b
ae70: 3e 00 43 3f+                 .bulk   $3e,$00,$43,$3f,$04,$8b
ae76: 18 41 4f 7f+                 .bulk   $18,$41,$4f,$7f,$14,$8a
ae7c: 18 41 4f ff+                 .bulk   $18,$41,$4f,$ff,$15,$7a
ae82: 3e 00 43 bf+                 .bulk   $3e,$00,$43,$bf,$25,$79
ae88: 00 07 6b 36+                 .bulk   $00,$07,$6b,$36,$02,$aa
ae8e: 0d 09 6b 76+                 .bulk   $0d,$09,$6b,$76,$01,$aa
ae94: 0d 09 6b f6+                 .bulk   $0d,$09,$6b,$f6,$12,$cc
ae9a: 1f 6b 00 14                  .bulk   $1f,$6b,$00,$14   ;edges
ae9e: 1f 8a 00 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$8a,$00,$1c
aea2: 1f 79 00 24                  .bulk   $1f,$79,$00,$24
aea6: 1d 69 00 10                  .bulk   $1d,$69,$00,$10
aeaa: 1d 8b 00 18                  .bulk   $1d,$8b,$00,$18
aeae: 1d 7a 00 20                  .bulk   $1d,$7a,$00,$20
aeb2: 1f 36 10 14                  .bulk   $1f,$36,$10,$14
aeb6: 1f 0b 14 18                  .bulk   $1f,$0b,$14,$18
aeba: 1f 48 18 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$48,$18,$1c
aebe: 1f 1a 1c 20                  .bulk   $1f,$1a,$1c,$20
aec2: 1f 57 20 24                  .bulk   $1f,$57,$20,$24
aec6: 1f 29 10 24                  .bulk   $1f,$29,$10,$24
aeca: 18 23 04 10                  .bulk   $18,$23,$04,$10
aece: 18 03 04 14                  .bulk   $18,$03,$04,$14
aed2: 18 25 0c 24                  .bulk   $18,$25,$0c,$24
aed6: 18 15 0c 20                  .bulk   $18,$15,$0c,$20
aeda: 18 04 08 18                  .bulk   $18,$04,$08,$18
aede: 18 14 08 1c                  .bulk   $18,$14,$08,$1c
aee2: 16 02 04 28                  .bulk   $16,$02,$04,$28
aee6: 16 01 08 2c                  .bulk   $16,$01,$08,$2c
aeea: 16 12 0c 30                  .bulk   $16,$12,$0c,$30
aeee: 0e 0c 28 2c                  .bulk   $0e,$0c,$28,$2c
aef2: 0e 1c 2c 30                  .bulk   $0e,$1c,$2c,$30
aef6: 0e 2c 30 28                  .bulk   $0e,$2c,$30,$28
aefa: 3f 2b 25 3c                  .bulk   $3f,$2b,$25,$3c   ;faces
aefe: 7f 00 2d 59                  .bulk   $7f,$00,$2d,$59
af02: bf 2b 25 3c                  .bulk   $bf,$2b,$25,$3c
af06: 1f 00 28 00                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$28,$00
af0a: 7f 3e 20 14                  .bulk   $7f,$3e,$20,$14
af0e: ff 3e 20 14                  .bulk   $ff,$3e,$20,$14
af12: 1f 00 17 06                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$17,$06
af16: df 17 0f 09                  .bulk   $df,$17,$0f,$09
af1a: 5f 17 0f 09                  .bulk   $5f,$17,$0f,$09
af1e: 9f 1a 0d 0a                  .bulk   $9f,$1a,$0d,$0a
af22: 5f 00 1f 0c                  .bulk   $5f,$00,$1f,$0c
af26: 1f 1a 0d 0a                  .bulk   $1f,$1a,$0d,$0a
af2a: 2e 00 00 6b                  .bulk   $2e,$00,$00,$6b

                   ; Anaconda.
                   vis vis vis vis
af2e: 07           hull_anaconda   .dd1    $07
af2f: 10 27                        .dd2    $2710
af31: 6e                           .dd1    $6e
af32: d2                           .dd1    $d2
af33: 5d                           .dd1    $5d
af34: 30                           .dd1    $30
af35: 2e                           .dd1    $2e
af36: 5a                           .dd1    $5a
af37: 19                           .dd1    $19
af38: 00 00                        .dd2    0
af3a: 30                           .dd1    $30
af3b: 24                           .dd1    $24
af3c: fc                           .dd1    252
af3d: 0e                           .dd1    14
af3e: 00                           .dd1    $00
af3f: 00                           .dd1    $00
af40: 01                           .dd1    $01
af41: 3f                           .dd1    %00111111
af42: 00 07 3a 3e+                 .bulk   $00,$07,$3a,$3e,$01,$55 ;vertices
af48: 2b 0d 25 fe+                 .bulk   $2b,$0d,$25,$fe,$01,$22
af4e: 1a 2f 03 fe+                 .bulk   $1a,$2f,$03,$fe,$02,$33
af54: 1a 2f 03 7e+                 .bulk   $1a,$2f,$03,$7e,$03,$44
af5a: 2b 0d 25 7e+                 .bulk   $2b,$0d,$25,$7e,$04,$55
af60: 00 30 31 3e+                 .bulk   $00,$30,$31,$3e,$15,$66
af66: 45 0f 0f be+                 .bulk   $45,$0f,$0f,$be,$12,$77
af6c: 2b 27 28 df+                 .bulk   $2b,$27,$28,$df,$23,$88
af72: 2b 27 28 5f+                 .bulk   $2b,$27,$28,$5f,$34,$99
af78: 45 0f 0f 3e+                 .bulk   $45,$0f,$0f,$3e,$45,$aa
af7e: 2b 35 17 bf+                 .bulk   $2b,$35,$17,$bf,$ff,$ff
af84: 45 01 20 df+                 .bulk   $45,$01,$20,$df,$27,$88
af8a: 00 00 fe 1f+                 .bulk   $00,$00,$fe,$1f,$ff,$ff
af90: 45 01 20 5f+                 .bulk   $45,$01,$20,$5f,$49,$aa
af96: 2b 35 17 3f+                 .bulk   $2b,$35,$17,$3f,$ff,$ff
af9c: 1e 01 00 04                  .bulk   $1e,$01,$00,$04   ;edges
afa0: 1e 02 04 08                  .bulk   $1e,$02,$04,$08
afa4: 1e 03 08 0c                  .bulk   $1e,$03,$08,$0c
afa8: 1e 04 0c 10                  .bulk   $1e,$04,$0c,$10
afac: 1e 05 00 10                  .bulk   $1e,$05,$00,$10
afb0: 1d 15 00 14                  .bulk   $1d,$15,$00,$14
afb4: 1d 12 04 18                  .bulk   $1d,$12,$04,$18
afb8: 1d 23 08 1c                  .bulk   $1d,$23,$08,$1c
afbc: 1d 34 0c 20                  .bulk   $1d,$34,$0c,$20
afc0: 1d 45 10 24                  .bulk   $1d,$45,$10,$24
afc4: 1e 16 14 28                  .bulk   $1e,$16,$14,$28
afc8: 1e 17 18 28                  .bulk   $1e,$17,$18,$28
afcc: 1e 27 18 2c                  .bulk   $1e,$27,$18,$2c
afd0: 1e 28 1c 2c                  .bulk   $1e,$28,$1c,$2c
afd4: 1f 38 1c 30                  .bulk   $1f,$38,$1c,$30
afd8: 1f 39 20 30                  .bulk   $1f,$39,$20,$30
afdc: 1e 49 20 34                  .bulk   $1e,$49,$20,$34
afe0: 1e 4a 24 34                  .bulk   $1e,$4a,$24,$34
afe4: 1e 5a 24 38                  .bulk   $1e,$5a,$24,$38
afe8: 1e 56 14 38                  .bulk   $1e,$56,$14,$38
afec: 1e 6b 28 38                  .bulk   $1e,$6b,$28,$38
aff0: 1f 7b 28 30                  .bulk   $1f,$7b,$28,$30
aff4: 1f 78 2c 30                  .bulk   $1f,$78,$2c,$30
aff8: 1f 9a 30 34                  .bulk   $1f,$9a,$30,$34
affc: 1f ab 30 38                  .bulk   $1f,$ab,$30,$38
b000: 7e 00 33 31                  .bulk   $7e,$00,$33,$31   ;faces
b004: be 33 12 57                  .bulk   $be,$33,$12,$57
b008: fe 4d 39 13                  .bulk   $fe,$4d,$39,$13
b00c: 5f 00 5a 10                  .bulk   $5f,$00,$5a,$10
b010: 7e 4d 39 13                  .bulk   $7e,$4d,$39,$13
b014: 3e 33 12 57                  .bulk   $3e,$33,$12,$57
b018: 3e 00 6f 14                  .bulk   $3e,$00,$6f,$14
b01c: 9f 61 48 18                  .bulk   $9f,$61,$48,$18
b020: df 6c 44 22                  .bulk   $df,$6c,$44,$22
b024: 5f 6c 44 22                  .bulk   $5f,$6c,$44,$22
b028: 1f 61 48 18                  .bulk   $1f,$61,$48,$18
b02c: 1f 00 5e 12                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$5e,$12

                   ; Crewed asteroid.
                   ; The vertices for this one match hull_asteroid, and it shares the actual
                   ; edge/face data: hull_asteroid:
                   ;   edges at +$F7B2 = $A7E2 = asteroid edges
                   ;   faces at +$F806 = $A836 = asteroid faces
                   ; The only differences are in the ship characteristics: this has 3x the health
                   ; of an Asteroid, and has a pair of missiles.  The flags indicate that it has an
                   ; escape pod and is a trader.
                   vis vis vis vis
b030: 07           hull_asteroid2  .dd1    $07
b031: 00 19                        .dd2    $1900
b033: b2                           .dd1    $b2
b034: 06                           .dd1    $06
b035: 45                           .dd1    $45
b036: 00                           .dd1    $00
b037: 32                           .dd1    $32
b038: 36                           .dd1    $36
b039: 15                           .dd1    $15
b03a: 00 00                        .dd2    0
b03c: 38                           .dd1    $38
b03d: 32                           .dd1    $32
b03e: b4                           .dd1    180
b03f: 1e                           .dd1    30
b040: f7                           .dd1    $f7
b041: f8                           .dd1    $f8
b042: 01                           .dd1    $01
b043: 02                           .dd1    %00000010
b044: 00 50 00 1f+                 .bulk   $00,$50,$00,$1f,$ff,$ff ;vertices
b04a: 50 0a 00 df+                 .bulk   $50,$0a,$00,$df,$ff,$ff
b050: 00 50 00 5f+                 .bulk   $00,$50,$00,$5f,$ff,$ff
b056: 46 28 00 5f+                 .bulk   $46,$28,$00,$5f,$ff,$ff
b05c: 3c 32 00 1f+                 .bulk   $3c,$32,$00,$1f,$65,$dc
b062: 32 00 3c 1f+                 .bulk   $32,$00,$3c,$1f,$ff,$ff
b068: 28 00 46 9f+                 .bulk   $28,$00,$46,$9f,$10,$32
b06e: 00 1e 4b 3f+                 .bulk   $00,$1e,$4b,$3f,$ff,$ff
b074: 00 32 3c 7f+                 .bulk   $00,$32,$3c,$7f,$98,$ba

                   ; Viper.
                   vis vis vis vis
b07a: 00           hull_viper      .dd1    $00
b07b: f9 15                        .dd2    $15f9
b07d: 6e                           .dd1    $6e
b07e: be                           .dd1    $be
b07f: 51                           .dd1    $51
b080: 00                           .dd1    $00
b081: 2a                           .dd1    $2a
b082: 5a                           .dd1    $5a
b083: 14                           .dd1    $14
b084: 00 00                        .dd2    0
b086: 1c                           .dd1    $1c
b087: 17                           .dd1    $17
b088: 8c                           .dd1    140
b089: 20                           .dd1    32
b08a: 00                           .dd1    $00
b08b: 00                           .dd1    $00
b08c: 01                           .dd1    $01
b08d: 11                           .dd1    %00010001
b08e: 00 00 48 1f+                 .bulk   $00,$00,$48,$1f,$21,$43 ;vertices
b094: 00 10 18 1e+                 .bulk   $00,$10,$18,$1e,$10,$22
b09a: 00 10 18 5e+                 .bulk   $00,$10,$18,$5e,$43,$55
b0a0: 30 00 18 3f+                 .bulk   $30,$00,$18,$3f,$42,$66
b0a6: 30 00 18 bf+ LB0A6           .bulk   $30,$00,$18,$bf,$31,$66
b0ac: 18 10 18 7e+                 .bulk   $18,$10,$18,$7e,$54,$66
b0b2: 18 10 18 fe+                 .bulk   $18,$10,$18,$fe,$35,$66
b0b8: 18 10 18 3f+                 .bulk   $18,$10,$18,$3f,$20,$66
b0be: 18 10 18 bf+                 .bulk   $18,$10,$18,$bf,$10,$66
b0c4: 20 00 18 b3+                 .bulk   $20,$00,$18,$b3,$66,$66
b0ca: 20 00 18 33+                 .bulk   $20,$00,$18,$33,$66,$66
b0d0: 08 08 18 33+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$18,$33,$66,$66
b0d6: 08 08 18 b3+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$18,$b3,$66,$66
b0dc: 08 08 18 f2+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$18,$f2,$66,$66
b0e2: 08 08 18 72+                 .bulk   $08,$08,$18,$72,$66,$66
b0e8: 1f 42 00 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$42,$00,$0c   ;edges
b0ec: 1e 21 00 04                  .bulk   $1e,$21,$00,$04
b0f0: 1e 43 00 08                  .bulk   $1e,$43,$00,$08
b0f4: 1f 31 00 10                  .bulk   $1f,$31,$00,$10
b0f8: 1e 20 04 1c                  .bulk   $1e,$20,$04,$1c
b0fc: 1e 10 04 20                  .bulk   $1e,$10,$04,$20
b100: 1e 54 08 14                  .bulk   $1e,$54,$08,$14
b104: 1e 53 08 18                  .bulk   $1e,$53,$08,$18
b108: 1f 60 1c 20                  .bulk   $1f,$60,$1c,$20
b10c: 1e 65 14 18                  .bulk   $1e,$65,$14,$18
b110: 1f 61 10 20                  .bulk   $1f,$61,$10,$20
b114: 1e 63 10 18                  .bulk   $1e,$63,$10,$18
b118: 1f 62 0c 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$62,$0c,$1c
b11c: 1e 46 0c 14                  .bulk   $1e,$46,$0c,$14
b120: 13 66 24 30                  .bulk   $13,$66,$24,$30
b124: 12 66 24 34                  .bulk   $12,$66,$24,$34
b128: 13 66 28 2c                  .bulk   $13,$66,$28,$2c
b12c: 12 66 28 38                  .bulk   $12,$66,$28,$38
b130: 10 66 2c 38                  .bulk   $10,$66,$2c,$38
b134: 10 66 30 34                  .bulk   $10,$66,$30,$34
b138: 1f 00 20 00                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$20,$00   ;faces
b13c: 9f 16 21 0b                  .bulk   $9f,$16,$21,$0b
b140: 1f 16 21 0b                  .bulk   $1f,$16,$21,$0b
b144: df 16 21 0b                  .bulk   $df,$16,$21,$0b
b148: 5f 16 21 0b                  .bulk   $5f,$16,$21,$0b
b14c: 5f 00 20 00                  .bulk   $5f,$00,$20,$00
b150: 3f 00 00 30                  .bulk   $3f,$00,$00,$30

                   ; Sidewinder.
                   vis vis vis vis
b154: 00           hull_sidewinder .dd1    $00
b155: 81 10                        .dd2    $1081
b157: 50                           .dd1    $50
b158: 8c                           .dd1    $8c
b159: 41                           .dd1    $41
b15a: 00                           .dd1    $00
b15b: 1e                           .dd1    $1e
b15c: 3c                           .dd1    $3c
b15d: 0f                           .dd1    $0f
b15e: 32 00                        .dd2    50                ;bounty (50)
b160: 1c                           .dd1    $1c
b161: 14                           .dd1    $14
b162: 46                           .dd1    70
b163: 25                           .dd1    37
b164: 00                           .dd1    $00
b165: 00                           .dd1    $00
b166: 02                           .dd1    $02
b167: 10                           .dd1    %00010000
b168: 20 00 24 9f+                 .bulk   $20,$00,$24,$9f,$10,$54 ;vertices
b16e: 20 00 24 1f+                 .bulk   $20,$00,$24,$1f,$20,$65
b174: 40 00 1c 3f+                 .bulk   $40,$00,$1c,$3f,$32,$66
b17a: 40 00 1c bf+                 .bulk   $40,$00,$1c,$bf,$31,$44
b180: 00 10 1c 3f+                 .bulk   $00,$10,$1c,$3f,$10,$32
b186: 00 10 1c 7f+                 .bulk   $00,$10,$1c,$7f,$43,$65
b18c: 0c 06 1c af+                 .bulk   $0c,$06,$1c,$af,$33,$33
b192: 0c 06 1c 2f+                 .bulk   $0c,$06,$1c,$2f,$33,$33
b198: 0c 06 1c 6c+                 .bulk   $0c,$06,$1c,$6c,$33,$33
b19e: 0c 06 1c ec+                 .bulk   $0c,$06,$1c,$ec,$33,$33
b1a4: 1f 50 00 04                  .bulk   $1f,$50,$00,$04   ;edges
b1a8: 1f 62 04 08                  .bulk   $1f,$62,$04,$08
b1ac: 1f 20 04 10                  .bulk   $1f,$20,$04,$10
b1b0: 1f 10 00 10                  .bulk   $1f,$10,$00,$10
b1b4: 1f 41 00 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$41,$00,$0c
b1b8: 1f 31 0c 10                  .bulk   $1f,$31,$0c,$10
b1bc: 1f 32 08 10                  .bulk   $1f,$32,$08,$10
b1c0: 1f 43 0c 14                  .bulk   $1f,$43,$0c,$14
b1c4: 1f 63 08 14                  .bulk   $1f,$63,$08,$14
b1c8: 1f 65 04 14                  .bulk   $1f,$65,$04,$14
b1cc: 1f 54 00 14                  .bulk   $1f,$54,$00,$14
b1d0: 0f 33 18 1c                  .bulk   $0f,$33,$18,$1c
b1d4: 0c 33 1c 20                  .bulk   $0c,$33,$1c,$20
b1d8: 0c 33 18 24                  .bulk   $0c,$33,$18,$24
b1dc: 0c 33 20 24                  .bulk   $0c,$33,$20,$24
b1e0: 1f 00 20 08                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$20,$08   ;faces
b1e4: 9f 0c 2f 06                  .bulk   $9f,$0c,$2f,$06
b1e8: 1f 0c 2f 06                  .bulk   $1f,$0c,$2f,$06
b1ec: 3f 00 00 70                  .bulk   $3f,$00,$00,$70
b1f0: df 0c 2f 06                  .bulk   $df,$0c,$2f,$06
b1f4: 5f 00 20 08                  .bulk   $5f,$00,$20,$08
b1f8: 5f 0c 2f 06                  .bulk   $5f,$0c,$2f,$06

                   ; Mamba.
                   vis vis vis vis
b1fc: 01           hull_mamba      .dd1    $01
b1fd: 24 13                        .dd2    $1324
b1ff: aa                           .dd1    $aa
b200: 1a                           .dd1    $1a
b201: 61                           .dd1    $61
b202: 00                           .dd1    $00
b203: 22                           .dd1    $22
b204: 96                           .dd1    $96
b205: 1c                           .dd1    $1c
b206: 96 00                        .dd2    150               ;bounty (150)
b208: 14                           .dd1    $14
b209: 19                           .dd1    $19
b20a: 5a                           .dd1    90
b20b: 1e                           .dd1    30
b20c: 00                           .dd1    $00
b20d: 01                           .dd1    $01
b20e: 02                           .dd1    $02
b20f: 12                           .dd1    %00010010
b210: 00 00 40 1f+                 .bulk   $00,$00,$40,$1f,$10,$32 ;vertices
b216: 40 08 20 ff+                 .bulk   $40,$08,$20,$ff,$20,$44
b21c: 20 08 20 be+                 .bulk   $20,$08,$20,$be,$21,$44
b222: 20 08 20 3e+                 .bulk   $20,$08,$20,$3e,$31,$44
b228: 40 08 20 7f+                 .bulk   $40,$08,$20,$7f,$30,$44
b22e: 04 04 10 8e+                 .bulk   $04,$04,$10,$8e,$11,$11
b234: 04 04 10 0e+                 .bulk   $04,$04,$10,$0e,$11,$11
b23a: 08 03 1c 0d+                 .bulk   $08,$03,$1c,$0d,$11,$11
b240: 08 03 1c 8d+                 .bulk   $08,$03,$1c,$8d,$11,$11
b246: 14 04 10 d4+                 .bulk   $14,$04,$10,$d4,$00,$00
b24c: 14 04 10 54+                 .bulk   $14,$04,$10,$54,$00,$00
b252: 18 07 14 f4+                 .bulk   $18,$07,$14,$f4,$00,$00
b258: 10 07 14 f0+                 .bulk   $10,$07,$14,$f0,$00,$00
b25e: 10 07 14 70+                 .bulk   $10,$07,$14,$70,$00,$00
b264: 18 07 14 74+                 .bulk   $18,$07,$14,$74,$00,$00
b26a: 08 04 20 ad+                 .bulk   $08,$04,$20,$ad,$44,$44
b270: 08 04 20 2d+                 .bulk   $08,$04,$20,$2d,$44,$44
b276: 08 04 20 6e+                 .bulk   $08,$04,$20,$6e,$44,$44
b27c: 08 04 20 ee+                 .bulk   $08,$04,$20,$ee,$44,$44
b282: 20 04 20 a7+                 .bulk   $20,$04,$20,$a7,$44,$44
b288: 20 04 20 27+                 .bulk   $20,$04,$20,$27,$44,$44
b28e: 24 04 20 67+                 .bulk   $24,$04,$20,$67,$44,$44
b294: 24 04 20 e7+                 .bulk   $24,$04,$20,$e7,$44,$44
b29a: 26 00 20 a5+                 .bulk   $26,$00,$20,$a5,$44,$44
b2a0: 26 00 20 25+                 .bulk   $26,$00,$20,$25,$44,$44
b2a6: 1f 20 00 04                  .bulk   $1f,$20,$00,$04   ;edges
b2aa: 1f 30 00 10                  .bulk   $1f,$30,$00,$10
b2ae: 1f 40 04 10                  .bulk   $1f,$40,$04,$10
b2b2: 1e 42 04 08                  .bulk   $1e,$42,$04,$08
b2b6: 1e 41 08 0c                  .bulk   $1e,$41,$08,$0c
b2ba: 1e 43 0c 10                  .bulk   $1e,$43,$0c,$10
b2be: 0e 11 14 18                  .bulk   $0e,$11,$14,$18
b2c2: 0c 11 18 1c                  .bulk   $0c,$11,$18,$1c
b2c6: 0d 11 1c 20                  .bulk   $0d,$11,$1c,$20
b2ca: 0c 11 14 20                  .bulk   $0c,$11,$14,$20
b2ce: 14 00 24 2c                  .bulk   $14,$00,$24,$2c
b2d2: 10 00 24 30                  .bulk   $10,$00,$24,$30
b2d6: 10 00 28 34                  .bulk   $10,$00,$28,$34
b2da: 14 00 28 38                  .bulk   $14,$00,$28,$38
b2de: 0e 00 34 38                  .bulk   $0e,$00,$34,$38
b2e2: 0e 00 2c 30                  .bulk   $0e,$00,$2c,$30
b2e6: 0d 44 3c 40                  .bulk   $0d,$44,$3c,$40
b2ea: 0e 44 44 48                  .bulk   $0e,$44,$44,$48
b2ee: 0c 44 3c 48                  .bulk   $0c,$44,$3c,$48
b2f2: 0c 44 40 44                  .bulk   $0c,$44,$40,$44
b2f6: 07 44 50 54                  .bulk   $07,$44,$50,$54
b2fa: 05 44 50 60                  .bulk   $05,$44,$50,$60
b2fe: 05 44 54 60                  .bulk   $05,$44,$54,$60
b302: 07 44 4c 58                  .bulk   $07,$44,$4c,$58
b306: 05 44 4c 5c                  .bulk   $05,$44,$4c,$5c
b30a: 05 44 58 5c                  .bulk   $05,$44,$58,$5c
b30e: 1e 21 00 08                  .bulk   $1e,$21,$00,$08
b312: 1e 31 00 0c                  .bulk   $1e,$31,$00,$0c
b316: 5e 00 18 02                  .bulk   $5e,$00,$18,$02   ;faces
b31a: 1e 00 18 02                  .bulk   $1e,$00,$18,$02
b31e: 9e 20 40 10                  .bulk   $9e,$20,$40,$10
b322: 1e 20 40 10                  .bulk   $1e,$20,$40,$10
b326: 3e 00 00 7f                  .bulk   $3e,$00,$00,$7f

                   ; Krait.
                   vis vis vis vis
b32a: 01           hull_krait      .dd1    $01
b32b: 10 0e                        .dd2    $0e10
b32d: 7a                           .dd1    $7a
b32e: ce                           .dd1    $ce
b32f: 59                           .dd1    $59
b330: 00                           .dd1    $00
b331: 12                           .dd1    $12
b332: 66                           .dd1    $66
b333: 15                           .dd1    $15
b334: 64 00                        .dd2    100               ;bounty (100)
b336: 18                           .dd1    $18
b337: 14                           .dd1    $14
b338: 50                           .dd1    80
b339: 1e                           .dd1    30
b33a: 00                           .dd1    $00
b33b: 00                           .dd1    $00
b33c: 01                           .dd1    $01
b33d: 10                           .dd1    %00010000
b33e: 00 00 60 1f+                 .bulk   $00,$00,$60,$1f,$01,$23 ;vertices
b344: 00 12 30 3f+                 .bulk   $00,$12,$30,$3f,$03,$45
b34a: 00 12 30 7f+                 .bulk   $00,$12,$30,$7f,$12,$45
b350: 5a 00 03 3f+                 .bulk   $5a,$00,$03,$3f,$01,$44
b356: 5a 00 03 bf+                 .bulk   $5a,$00,$03,$bf,$23,$55
b35c: 5a 00 57 1e+                 .bulk   $5a,$00,$57,$1e,$01,$11
b362: 5a 00 57 9e+                 .bulk   $5a,$00,$57,$9e,$23,$33
b368: 00 05 35 09+                 .bulk   $00,$05,$35,$09,$00,$33
b36e: 00 07 26 06+                 .bulk   $00,$07,$26,$06,$00,$33
b374: 12 07 13 89+                 .bulk   $12,$07,$13,$89,$33,$33
b37a: 12 07 13 09+                 .bulk   $12,$07,$13,$09,$00,$00
b380: 12 0b 27 28+                 .bulk   $12,$0b,$27,$28,$44,$44
b386: 12 0b 27 68+                 .bulk   $12,$0b,$27,$68,$44,$44
b38c: 24 00 1e 28+                 .bulk   $24,$00,$1e,$28,$44,$44
b392: 12 0b 27 a8+                 .bulk   $12,$0b,$27,$a8,$55,$55
b398: 12 0b 27 e8+                 .bulk   $12,$0b,$27,$e8,$55,$55
b39e: 24 00 1e a8+                 .bulk   $24,$00,$1e,$a8,$55,$55
b3a4: 1f 03 00 04                  .bulk   $1f,$03,$00,$04   ;edges
b3a8: 1f 12 00 08                  .bulk   $1f,$12,$00,$08
b3ac: 1f 01 00 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$01,$00,$0c
b3b0: 1f 23 00 10                  .bulk   $1f,$23,$00,$10
b3b4: 1f 35 04 10                  .bulk   $1f,$35,$04,$10
b3b8: 1f 25 10 08                  .bulk   $1f,$25,$10,$08
b3bc: 1f 14 08 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$14,$08,$0c
b3c0: 1f 04 0c 04                  .bulk   $1f,$04,$0c,$04
b3c4: 1e 01 0c 14                  .bulk   $1e,$01,$0c,$14
b3c8: 1e 23 10 18                  .bulk   $1e,$23,$10,$18
b3cc: 08 45 04 08                  .bulk   $08,$45,$04,$08
b3d0: 09 00 1c 28                  .bulk   $09,$00,$1c,$28
b3d4: 06 00 20 28                  .bulk   $06,$00,$20,$28
b3d8: 09 33 1c 24                  .bulk   $09,$33,$1c,$24
b3dc: 06 33 20 24                  .bulk   $06,$33,$20,$24
b3e0: 08 44 2c 34                  .bulk   $08,$44,$2c,$34
b3e4: 08 44 34 30                  .bulk   $08,$44,$34,$30
b3e8: 07 44 30 2c                  .bulk   $07,$44,$30,$2c
b3ec: 07 55 38 3c                  .bulk   $07,$55,$38,$3c
b3f0: 08 55 3c 40                  .bulk   $08,$55,$3c,$40
b3f4: 08 55 40 38                  .bulk   $08,$55,$40,$38
b3f8: 1f 03 18 03                  .bulk   $1f,$03,$18,$03   ;faces
b3fc: 5f 03 18 03                  .bulk   $5f,$03,$18,$03
b400: df 03 18 03                  .bulk   $df,$03,$18,$03
b404: 9f 03 18 03                  .bulk   $9f,$03,$18,$03
b408: 3f 26 00 4d                  .bulk   $3f,$26,$00,$4d
b40c: bf 26 00 4d                  .bulk   $bf,$26,$00,$4d

                   ; Adder.
                   vis vis vis vis
b410: 00           hull_adder      .dd1    $00
b411: c4 09                        .dd2    $09c4
b413: 80                           .dd1    $80
b414: f4                           .dd1    $f4
b415: 65                           .dd1    $65
b416: 00                           .dd1    $00
b417: 16                           .dd1    $16
b418: 6c                           .dd1    $6c
b419: 1d                           .dd1    $1d
b41a: 28 00                        .dd2    40                ;bounty (40)
b41c: 3c                           .dd1    $3c
b41d: 14                           .dd1    $14
b41e: 55                           .dd1    85
b41f: 18                           .dd1    24
b420: 00                           .dd1    $00
b421: 00                           .dd1    $00
b422: 02                           .dd1    $02
b423: 10                           .dd1    %00010000
b424: 12 00 28 9f+                 .bulk   $12,$00,$28,$9f,$01,$bc ;vertices
b42a: 12 00 28 1f+                 .bulk   $12,$00,$28,$1f,$01,$23
b430: 1e 00 18 3f+                 .bulk   $1e,$00,$18,$3f,$23,$45
b436: 1e 00 28 3f+                 .bulk   $1e,$00,$28,$3f,$45,$66
b43c: 12 07 28 7f+                 .bulk   $12,$07,$28,$7f,$56,$7e
b442: 12 07 28 ff+                 .bulk   $12,$07,$28,$ff,$78,$ae
b448: 1e 00 28 bf+                 .bulk   $1e,$00,$28,$bf,$89,$aa
b44e: 1e 00 18 bf+                 .bulk   $1e,$00,$18,$bf,$9a,$bc
b454: 12 07 28 bf+                 .bulk   $12,$07,$28,$bf,$78,$9d
b45a: 12 07 28 3f+                 .bulk   $12,$07,$28,$3f,$46,$7d
b460: 12 07 0d 9f+                 .bulk   $12,$07,$0d,$9f,$09,$bd
b466: 12 07 0d 1f+                 .bulk   $12,$07,$0d,$1f,$02,$4d
b46c: 12 07 0d df+                 .bulk   $12,$07,$0d,$df,$1a,$ce
b472: 12 07 0d 5f+                 .bulk   $12,$07,$0d,$5f,$13,$5e
b478: 0b 03 1d 85+                 .bulk   $0b,$03,$1d,$85,$00,$00
b47e: 0b 03 1d 05+                 .bulk   $0b,$03,$1d,$05,$00,$00
b484: 0b 04 18 04+                 .bulk   $0b,$04,$18,$04,$00,$00
b48a: 0b 04 18 84+                 .bulk   $0b,$04,$18,$84,$00,$00
b490: 1f 01 00 04                  .bulk   $1f,$01,$00,$04   ;edges
b494: 07 23 04 08                  .bulk   $07,$23,$04,$08
b498: 1f 45 08 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$45,$08,$0c
b49c: 1f 56 0c 10                  .bulk   $1f,$56,$0c,$10
b4a0: 1f 7e 10 14                  .bulk   $1f,$7e,$10,$14
b4a4: 1f 8a 14 18                  .bulk   $1f,$8a,$14,$18
b4a8: 1f 9a 18 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$9a,$18,$1c
b4ac: 07 bc 1c 00                  .bulk   $07,$bc,$1c,$00
b4b0: 1f 46 0c 24                  .bulk   $1f,$46,$0c,$24
b4b4: 1f 7d 24 20                  .bulk   $1f,$7d,$24,$20
b4b8: 1f 89 20 18                  .bulk   $1f,$89,$20,$18
b4bc: 1f 0b 00 28                  .bulk   $1f,$0b,$00,$28
b4c0: 1f 9b 1c 28                  .bulk   $1f,$9b,$1c,$28
b4c4: 1f 02 04 2c                  .bulk   $1f,$02,$04,$2c
b4c8: 1f 24 08 2c                  .bulk   $1f,$24,$08,$2c
b4cc: 1f 1c 00 30                  .bulk   $1f,$1c,$00,$30
b4d0: 1f ac 1c 30                  .bulk   $1f,$ac,$1c,$30
b4d4: 1f 13 04 34                  .bulk   $1f,$13,$04,$34
b4d8: 1f 35 08 34                  .bulk   $1f,$35,$08,$34
b4dc: 1f 0d 28 2c                  .bulk   $1f,$0d,$28,$2c
b4e0: 1f 1e 30 34                  .bulk   $1f,$1e,$30,$34
b4e4: 1f 9d 20 28                  .bulk   $1f,$9d,$20,$28
b4e8: 1f 4d 24 2c                  .bulk   $1f,$4d,$24,$2c
b4ec: 1f ae 14 30                  .bulk   $1f,$ae,$14,$30
b4f0: 1f 5e 10 34                  .bulk   $1f,$5e,$10,$34
b4f4: 05 00 38 3c                  .bulk   $05,$00,$38,$3c
b4f8: 03 00 3c 40                  .bulk   $03,$00,$3c,$40
b4fc: 04 00 40 44                  .bulk   $04,$00,$40,$44
b500: 03 00 44 38                  .bulk   $03,$00,$44,$38
b504: 1f 00 27 0a                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$27,$0a   ;faces
b508: 5f 00 27 0a                  .bulk   $5f,$00,$27,$0a
b50c: 1f 45 32 0d                  .bulk   $1f,$45,$32,$0d
b510: 5f 45 32 0d                  .bulk   $5f,$45,$32,$0d
b514: 1f 1e 34 00                  .bulk   $1f,$1e,$34,$00
b518: 5f 1e 34 00                  .bulk   $5f,$1e,$34,$00
b51c: 3f 00 00 a0                  .bulk   $3f,$00,$00,$a0
b520: 3f 00 00 a0                  .bulk   $3f,$00,$00,$a0
b524: 3f 00 00 a0                  .bulk   $3f,$00,$00,$a0
b528: 9f 1e 34 00                  .bulk   $9f,$1e,$34,$00
b52c: df 1e 34 00                  .bulk   $df,$1e,$34,$00
b530: 9f 45 32 0d                  .bulk   $9f,$45,$32,$0d
b534: df 45 32 0d                  .bulk   $df,$45,$32,$0d
b538: 1f 00 1c 00                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$1c,$00
b53c: 5f 00 1c 00                  .bulk   $5f,$00,$1c,$00

                   ; Gecko.
                   vis vis vis vis
b540: 00           hull_gecko      .dd1    $00
b541: 49 26                        .dd2    $2649
b543: 5c                           .dd1    $5c
b544: a0                           .dd1    $a0
b545: 45                           .dd1    $45
b546: 00                           .dd1    $00
b547: 1a                           .dd1    $1a
b548: 48                           .dd1    $48
b549: 11                           .dd1    $11
b54a: 37 00                        .dd2    55                ;bounty (55)
b54c: 24                           .dd1    $24
b54d: 12                           .dd1    $12
b54e: 46                           .dd1    70
b54f: 1e                           .dd1    30
b550: 00                           .dd1    $00
b551: 00                           .dd1    $00
b552: 03                           .dd1    $03
b553: 10                           .dd1    %00010000
b554: 0a 04 2f df+                 .bulk   $0a,$04,$2f,$df,$03,$45 ;vertices
b55a: 0a 04 2f 5f+                 .bulk   $0a,$04,$2f,$5f,$01,$23
b560: 10 08 17 bf+                 .bulk   $10,$08,$17,$bf,$05,$67
b566: 10 08 17 3f+                 .bulk   $10,$08,$17,$3f,$01,$78
b56c: 42 00 03 bf+                 .bulk   $42,$00,$03,$bf,$45,$66
b572: 42 00 03 3f+                 .bulk   $42,$00,$03,$3f,$12,$88
b578: 14 0e 17 ff+                 .bulk   $14,$0e,$17,$ff,$34,$67
b57e: 14 0e 17 7f+                 .bulk   $14,$0e,$17,$7f,$23,$78
b584: 08 06 21 d0+                 .bulk   $08,$06,$21,$d0,$33,$33
b58a: 08 06 21 51+                 .bulk   $08,$06,$21,$51,$33,$33
b590: 08 0d 10 f0+                 .bulk   $08,$0d,$10,$f0,$33,$33
b596: 08 0d 10 71+                 .bulk   $08,$0d,$10,$71,$33,$33
b59c: 1f 03 00 04                  .bulk   $1f,$03,$00,$04   ;edges
b5a0: 1f 12 04 14                  .bulk   $1f,$12,$04,$14
b5a4: 1f 18 14 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$18,$14,$0c
b5a8: 1f 07 0c 08                  .bulk   $1f,$07,$0c,$08
b5ac: 1f 56 08 10                  .bulk   $1f,$56,$08,$10
b5b0: 1f 45 10 00                  .bulk   $1f,$45,$10,$00
b5b4: 1f 28 14 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$28,$14,$1c
b5b8: 1f 37 1c 18                  .bulk   $1f,$37,$1c,$18
b5bc: 1f 46 18 10                  .bulk   $1f,$46,$18,$10
b5c0: 1d 05 00 08                  .bulk   $1d,$05,$00,$08
b5c4: 1e 01 04 0c                  .bulk   $1e,$01,$04,$0c
b5c8: 1d 34 00 18                  .bulk   $1d,$34,$00,$18
b5cc: 1e 23 04 1c                  .bulk   $1e,$23,$04,$1c
b5d0: 14 67 08 18                  .bulk   $14,$67,$08,$18
b5d4: 14 78 0c 1c                  .bulk   $14,$78,$0c,$1c
b5d8: 10 33 20 28                  .bulk   $10,$33,$20,$28
b5dc: 11 33 24 2c                  .bulk   $11,$33,$24,$2c
b5e0: 1f 00 1f 05                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$1f,$05   ;faces
b5e4: 1f 04 2d 08                  .bulk   $1f,$04,$2d,$08
b5e8: 5f 19 6c 13                  .bulk   $5f,$19,$6c,$13
b5ec: 5f 00 54 0c                  .bulk   $5f,$00,$54,$0c
b5f0: df 19 6c 13                  .bulk   $df,$19,$6c,$13
b5f4: 9f 04 2d 08                  .bulk   $9f,$04,$2d,$08
b5f8: bf 58 10 d6                  .bulk   $bf,$58,$10,$d6
b5fc: 3f 00 00 bb                  .bulk   $3f,$00,$00,$bb
b600: 3f 58 10 d6                  .bulk   $3f,$58,$10,$d6

                   ; Cobra MK-I.
                   vis vis vis vis
b604: 03           hull_cobra_mk1  .dd1    $03
b605: 49 26                        .dd2    $2649
b607: 56                           .dd1    $56
b608: 9e                           .dd1    $9e
b609: 49                           .dd1    $49
b60a: 28                           .dd1    $28
b60b: 1a                           .dd1    $1a
b60c: 42                           .dd1    $42
b60d: 12                           .dd1    $12
b60e: 4b 00                        .dd2    75                ;bounty (75)
b610: 28                           .dd1    $28
b611: 13                           .dd1    $13
b612: 5a                           .dd1    90
b613: 1a                           .dd1    26
b614: 00                           .dd1    $00
b615: 00                           .dd1    $00
b616: 02                           .dd1    $02
b617: 12                           .dd1    %00010010
b618: 12 01 32 df+                 .bulk   $12,$01,$32,$df,$01,$23 ;vertices
b61e: 12 01 32 5f+                 .bulk   $12,$01,$32,$5f,$01,$45
b624: 42 00 07 9f+                 .bulk   $42,$00,$07,$9f,$23,$88
b62a: 42 00 07 1f+                 .bulk   $42,$00,$07,$1f,$45,$99
b630: 20 0c 26 bf+                 .bulk   $20,$0c,$26,$bf,$26,$78
b636: 20 0c 26 3f+                 .bulk   $20,$0c,$26,$3f,$46,$79
b63c: 36 0c 26 ff+                 .bulk   $36,$0c,$26,$ff,$13,$78
b642: 36 0c 26 7f+                 .bulk   $36,$0c,$26,$7f,$15,$79
b648: 00 0c 06 34+                 .bulk   $00,$0c,$06,$34,$02,$46
b64e: 00 01 32 42+                 .bulk   $00,$01,$32,$42,$01,$11
b654: 00 01 3c 5f+                 .bulk   $00,$01,$3c,$5f,$01,$11
b65a: 1f 01 04 00                  .bulk   $1f,$01,$04,$00   ;edges
b65e: 1f 23 00 08                  .bulk   $1f,$23,$00,$08
b662: 1f 38 08 18                  .bulk   $1f,$38,$08,$18
b666: 1f 17 18 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$17,$18,$1c
b66a: 1f 59 1c 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$59,$1c,$0c
b66e: 1f 45 0c 04                  .bulk   $1f,$45,$0c,$04
b672: 1f 28 08 10                  .bulk   $1f,$28,$08,$10
b676: 1f 67 10 14                  .bulk   $1f,$67,$10,$14
b67a: 1f 49 14 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$49,$14,$0c
b67e: 14 02 00 20                  .bulk   $14,$02,$00,$20
b682: 14 04 20 04                  .bulk   $14,$04,$20,$04
b686: 10 26 10 20                  .bulk   $10,$26,$10,$20
b68a: 10 46 20 14                  .bulk   $10,$46,$20,$14
b68e: 1f 78 10 18                  .bulk   $1f,$78,$10,$18
b692: 1f 79 14 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$79,$14,$1c
b696: 14 13 00 18                  .bulk   $14,$13,$00,$18
b69a: 14 15 04 1c                  .bulk   $14,$15,$04,$1c
b69e: 02 01 28 24                  .bulk   $02,$01,$28,$24
b6a2: 1f 00 29 0a                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$29,$0a   ;faces
b6a6: 5f 00 1b 03                  .bulk   $5f,$00,$1b,$03
b6aa: 9f 08 2e 08                  .bulk   $9f,$08,$2e,$08
b6ae: df 0c 39 0c                  .bulk   $df,$0c,$39,$0c
b6b2: 1f 08 2e 08                  .bulk   $1f,$08,$2e,$08
b6b6: 5f 0c 39 0c                  .bulk   $5f,$0c,$39,$0c
b6ba: 1f 00 31 00                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$31,$00
b6be: 3f 00 00 9a                  .bulk   $3f,$00,$00,$9a
b6c2: bf 79 6f 3e                  .bulk   $bf,$79,$6f,$3e
b6c6: 3f 79 6f 3e                  .bulk   $3f,$79,$6f,$3e

                   ; Worm.
                   vis vis vis vis
b6ca: 00           hull_worm       .dd1    $00
b6cb: 49 26                        .dd2    $2649
b6cd: 50                           .dd1    $50
b6ce: 90                           .dd1    $90
b6cf: 4d                           .dd1    $4d
b6d0: 00                           .dd1    $00
b6d1: 12                           .dd1    $12
b6d2: 3c                           .dd1    $3c
b6d3: 10                           .dd1    $10
b6d4: 00 00                        .dd2    0
b6d6: 20                           .dd1    $20
b6d7: 13                           .dd1    $13
b6d8: 1e                           .dd1    30
b6d9: 17                           .dd1    23
b6da: 00                           .dd1    $00
b6db: 00                           .dd1    $00
b6dc: 03                           .dd1    $03
b6dd: 08                           .dd1    %00001000
b6de: 0a 0a 23 5f+                 .bulk   $0a,$0a,$23,$5f,$02,$77 ;vertices
b6e4: 0a 0a 23 df+                 .bulk   $0a,$0a,$23,$df,$03,$77
b6ea: 05 06 0f 1f+                 .bulk   $05,$06,$0f,$1f,$01,$24
b6f0: 05 06 0f 9f+                 .bulk   $05,$06,$0f,$9f,$01,$35
b6f6: 0f 0a 19 5f+                 .bulk   $0f,$0a,$19,$5f,$24,$77
b6fc: 0f 0a 19 df+                 .bulk   $0f,$0a,$19,$df,$35,$77
b702: 1a 0a 19 7f+                 .bulk   $1a,$0a,$19,$7f,$46,$77
b708: 1a 0a 19 ff+                 .bulk   $1a,$0a,$19,$ff,$56,$77
b70e: 08 0e 19 3f+                 .bulk   $08,$0e,$19,$3f,$14,$66
b714: 08 0e 19 bf+                 .bulk   $08,$0e,$19,$bf,$15,$66
b71a: 1f 07 00 04                  .bulk   $1f,$07,$00,$04   ;edges
b71e: 1f 37 04 14                  .bulk   $1f,$37,$04,$14
b722: 1f 57 14 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$57,$14,$1c
b726: 1f 67 1c 18                  .bulk   $1f,$67,$1c,$18
b72a: 1f 47 18 10                  .bulk   $1f,$47,$18,$10
b72e: 1f 27 10 00                  .bulk   $1f,$27,$10,$00
b732: 1f 02 00 08                  .bulk   $1f,$02,$00,$08
b736: 1f 03 04 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$03,$04,$0c
b73a: 1f 24 10 08                  .bulk   $1f,$24,$10,$08
b73e: 1f 35 14 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$35,$14,$0c
b742: 1f 14 08 20                  .bulk   $1f,$14,$08,$20
b746: 1f 46 20 18                  .bulk   $1f,$46,$20,$18
b74a: 1f 15 0c 24                  .bulk   $1f,$15,$0c,$24
b74e: 1f 56 24 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$56,$24,$1c
b752: 1f 01 08 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$01,$08,$0c
b756: 1f 16 20 24                  .bulk   $1f,$16,$20,$24
b75a: 1f 00 58 46                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$58,$46   ;faces
b75e: 1f 00 45 0e                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$45,$0e
b762: 1f 46 42 23                  .bulk   $1f,$46,$42,$23
b766: 9f 46 42 23                  .bulk   $9f,$46,$42,$23
b76a: 1f 40 31 0e                  .bulk   $1f,$40,$31,$0e
b76e: 9f 40 31 0e                  .bulk   $9f,$40,$31,$0e
b772: 3f 00 00 c8                  .bulk   $3f,$00,$00,$c8
b776: 5f 00 50 00                  .bulk   $5f,$00,$50,$00

                   ; Cobra MK-III (pirate edition).  Vertices are same as regular version.  Has two
                   ; missiles instead of 3.
                   ;   edges offset $f500 -> $ac7a -> hull_cobra_mk3 edges
                   ;   faces offset $f598 -> $ad12 -> hull_cobra_mk3 faces
                   vis vis vis vis
b77a: 01           hull_cobra3_pir .dd1    $01
b77b: 41 23                        .dd2    $2341
b77d: 00                           .dd1    $00
b77e: 98                           .dd1    $98
b77f: 9d                           .dd1    $9d
b780: 54                           .dd1    $54
b781: 2a                           .dd1    $2a
b782: a8                           .dd1    $a8
b783: 26                           .dd1    $26
b784: af 00                        .dd2    175               ;bounty (175)
b786: 34                           .dd1    $34
b787: 32                           .dd1    $32
b788: 96                           .dd1    150
b789: 1c                           .dd1    28
b78a: f5                           .dd1    $f5
b78b: f5                           .dd1    $f5
b78c: 01                           .dd1    $01
b78d: 12                           .dd1    %00010010
b78e: 20 00 4c 1f+                 .bulk   $20,$00,$4c,$1f,$ff,$ff ;vertices
b794: 20 00 4c 9f+                 .bulk   $20,$00,$4c,$9f,$ff,$ff
b79a: 00 1a 18 1f+                 .bulk   $00,$1a,$18,$1f,$ff,$ff
b7a0: 78 03 08 ff+                 .bulk   $78,$03,$08,$ff,$73,$aa
b7a6: 78 03 08 7f+                 .bulk   $78,$03,$08,$7f,$84,$cc
b7ac: 58 10 28 bf+                 .bulk   $58,$10,$28,$bf,$ff,$ff
b7b2: 58 10 28 3f+                 .bulk   $58,$10,$28,$3f,$ff,$ff
b7b8: 80 08 28 7f+                 .bulk   $80,$08,$28,$7f,$98,$cc
b7be: 80 08 28 ff+                 .bulk   $80,$08,$28,$ff,$97,$aa
b7c4: 00 1a 28 3f+                 .bulk   $00,$1a,$28,$3f,$65,$99
b7ca: 20 18 28 ff+                 .bulk   $20,$18,$28,$ff,$a9,$bb
b7d0: 20 18 28 7f+                 .bulk   $20,$18,$28,$7f,$b9,$cc
b7d6: 24 08 28 b4+                 .bulk   $24,$08,$28,$b4,$99,$99
b7dc: 08 0c 28 b4+                 .bulk   $08,$0c,$28,$b4,$99,$99
b7e2: 08 0c 28 34+                 .bulk   $08,$0c,$28,$34,$99,$99
b7e8: 24 08 28 34+                 .bulk   $24,$08,$28,$34,$99,$99
b7ee: 24 0c 28 74+                 .bulk   $24,$0c,$28,$74,$99,$99
b7f4: 08 10 28 74+                 .bulk   $08,$10,$28,$74,$99,$99
b7fa: 08 10 28 f4+                 .bulk   $08,$10,$28,$f4,$99,$99
b800: 24 0c 28 f4+                 .bulk   $24,$0c,$28,$f4,$99,$99
b806: 00 00 4c 06+                 .bulk   $00,$00,$4c,$06,$b0,$bb
b80c: 00 00 5a 1f+                 .bulk   $00,$00,$5a,$1f,$b0,$bb
b812: 50 06 28 e8+                 .bulk   $50,$06,$28,$e8,$99,$99
b818: 50 06 28 a8+                 .bulk   $50,$06,$28,$a8,$99,$99
b81e: 58 00 28 a6+                 .bulk   $58,$00,$28,$a6,$99,$99
b824: 50 06 28 28+                 .bulk   $50,$06,$28,$28,$99,$99
b82a: 58 00 28 26+                 .bulk   $58,$00,$28,$26,$99,$99
b830: 50 06 28 68+                 .bulk   $50,$06,$28,$68,$99,$99

                   ; Asp MK-II.
                   vis vis vis vis
b836: 00           hull_asp_mk2    .dd1    $00
b837: 10 0e                        .dd2    $0e10
b839: 86                           .dd1    $86
b83a: f6                           .dd1    $f6
b83b: 69                           .dd1    $69
b83c: 20                           .dd1    $20
b83d: 1a                           .dd1    $1a
b83e: 72                           .dd1    $72
b83f: 1c                           .dd1    $1c
b840: c8 00                        .dd2    200               ;bounty (200)
b842: 30                           .dd1    $30
b843: 28                           .dd1    $28
b844: 96                           .dd1    150
b845: 28                           .dd1    40
b846: 00                           .dd1    $00
b847: 00                           .dd1    $00
b848: 01                           .dd1    $01
b849: 29                           .dd1    %00101001
b84a: 00 12 00 56+                 .bulk   $00,$12,$00,$56,$01,$22 ;vertices
b850: 00 09 2d 7f+                 .bulk   $00,$09,$2d,$7f,$12,$bb
b856: 2b 00 2d 3f+                 .bulk   $2b,$00,$2d,$3f,$16,$bb
b85c: 45 03 00 5f+                 .bulk   $45,$03,$00,$5f,$16,$79
b862: 2b 0e 1c 5f+                 .bulk   $2b,$0e,$1c,$5f,$01,$77
b868: 2b 00 2d bf+                 .bulk   $2b,$00,$2d,$bf,$25,$bb
b86e: 45 03 00 df+                 .bulk   $45,$03,$00,$df,$25,$8a
b874: 2b 0e 1c df+                 .bulk   $2b,$0e,$1c,$df,$02,$88
b87a: 1a 07 49 5f+                 .bulk   $1a,$07,$49,$5f,$04,$79
b880: 1a 07 49 df+                 .bulk   $1a,$07,$49,$df,$04,$8a
b886: 2b 0e 1c 1f+                 .bulk   $2b,$0e,$1c,$1f,$34,$69
b88c: 2b 0e 1c 9f+                 .bulk   $2b,$0e,$1c,$9f,$34,$5a
b892: 00 09 2d 3f+                 .bulk   $00,$09,$2d,$3f,$35,$6b
b898: 11 00 2d aa+                 .bulk   $11,$00,$2d,$aa,$bb,$bb
b89e: 11 00 2d 29+                 .bulk   $11,$00,$2d,$29,$bb,$bb
b8a4: 00 04 2d 6a+                 .bulk   $00,$04,$2d,$6a,$bb,$bb
b8aa: 00 04 2d 28+                 .bulk   $00,$04,$2d,$28,$bb,$bb
b8b0: 00 07 49 4a+                 .bulk   $00,$07,$49,$4a,$04,$04
b8b6: 00 07 53 4a+                 .bulk   $00,$07,$53,$4a,$04,$04
b8bc: 16 12 00 04                  .bulk   $16,$12,$00,$04   ;edges
b8c0: 16 01 00 10                  .bulk   $16,$01,$00,$10
b8c4: 16 02 00 1c                  .bulk   $16,$02,$00,$1c
b8c8: 1f 1b 04 08                  .bulk   $1f,$1b,$04,$08
b8cc: 1f 16 08 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$16,$08,$0c
b8d0: 10 79 0c 20                  .bulk   $10,$79,$0c,$20
b8d4: 1f 04 20 24                  .bulk   $1f,$04,$20,$24
b8d8: 10 8a 18 24                  .bulk   $10,$8a,$18,$24
b8dc: 1f 25 14 18                  .bulk   $1f,$25,$14,$18
b8e0: 1f 2b 04 14                  .bulk   $1f,$2b,$04,$14
b8e4: 1f 17 0c 10                  .bulk   $1f,$17,$0c,$10
b8e8: 1f 07 10 20                  .bulk   $1f,$07,$10,$20
b8ec: 1f 28 18 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$28,$18,$1c
b8f0: 1f 08 1c 24                  .bulk   $1f,$08,$1c,$24
b8f4: 1f 6b 08 30                  .bulk   $1f,$6b,$08,$30
b8f8: 1f 5b 14 30                  .bulk   $1f,$5b,$14,$30
b8fc: 16 36 28 30                  .bulk   $16,$36,$28,$30
b900: 16 35 2c 30                  .bulk   $16,$35,$2c,$30
b904: 16 34 28 2c                  .bulk   $16,$34,$28,$2c
b908: 1f 5a 18 2c                  .bulk   $1f,$5a,$18,$2c
b90c: 1f 4a 24 2c                  .bulk   $1f,$4a,$24,$2c
b910: 1f 69 0c 28                  .bulk   $1f,$69,$0c,$28
b914: 1f 49 20 28                  .bulk   $1f,$49,$20,$28
b918: 0a bb 34 3c                  .bulk   $0a,$bb,$34,$3c
b91c: 09 bb 3c 38                  .bulk   $09,$bb,$3c,$38
b920: 08 bb 38 40                  .bulk   $08,$bb,$38,$40
b924: 08 bb 40 34                  .bulk   $08,$bb,$40,$34
b928: 0a 04 48 44                  .bulk   $0a,$04,$48,$44
b92c: 5f 00 23 05                  .bulk   $5f,$00,$23,$05   ;faces
b930: 7f 08 26 07                  .bulk   $7f,$08,$26,$07
b934: ff 08 26 07                  .bulk   $ff,$08,$26,$07
b938: 36 00 18 01                  .bulk   $36,$00,$18,$01
b93c: 1f 00 2b 13                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$2b,$13
b940: bf 06 1c 02                  .bulk   $bf,$06,$1c,$02
b944: 3f 06 1c 02                  .bulk   $3f,$06,$1c,$02
b948: 5f 3b 40 1f                  .bulk   $5f,$3b,$40,$1f
b94c: df 3b 40 1f                  .bulk   $df,$3b,$40,$1f
b950: 1f 50 2e 32                  .bulk   $1f,$50,$2e,$32
b954: 9f 50 2e 32                  .bulk   $9f,$50,$2e,$32
b958: 3f 00 00 5a                  .bulk   $3f,$00,$00,$5a
b95c: e7                           .dd1    $e7               ;?
b95d: 33                           .dd1    $33
b95e: 53                           .dd1    $53
b95f: 08                           .dd1    $08

                   ; Python (pirate edition).  Vertices are same as regular version.
                   ;   edges offset $f43c -> $ad9c -> hull_python edges
                   ;   faces offset $f4a4 -> $ae04 -> hull_python faces
                   vis vis vis vis
b960: 02           hull_python_pir .dd1    $02
b961: 00 19                        .dd2    $1900
b963: 3c                           .dd1    $3c
b964: a4                           .dd1    $a4
b965: 59                           .dd1    $59
b966: 00                           .dd1    $00
b967: 2a                           .dd1    $2a
b968: 42                           .dd1    $42
b969: 1a                           .dd1    $1a
b96a: c8 00                        .dd2    200               ;bounty (200)
b96c: 34                           .dd1    $34
b96d: 28                           .dd1    $28
b96e: fa                           .dd1    250
b96f: 14                           .dd1    20
b970: f4                           .dd1    $f4
b971: f4                           .dd1    $f4
b972: 00                           .dd1    $00
b973: 1b                           .dd1    %00011011
b974: 00 00 e0 1f+                 .bulk   $00,$00,$e0,$1f,$10,$32 ;vertices
b97a: 00 30 30 1f+                 .bulk   $00,$30,$30,$1f,$10,$54
b980: 60 00 10 3f+                 .bulk   $60,$00,$10,$3f,$ff,$ff
b986: 60 00 10 bf+                 .bulk   $60,$00,$10,$bf,$ff,$ff
b98c: 00 30 20 3f+                 .bulk   $00,$30,$20,$3f,$54,$98
b992: 00 18 70 3f+                 .bulk   $00,$18,$70,$3f,$89,$cc
b998: 30 00 70 bf+                 .bulk   $30,$00,$70,$bf,$b8,$cc
b99e: 30 00 70 3f+                 .bulk   $30,$00,$70,$3f,$a9,$cc
b9a4: 00 30 30 5f+                 .bulk   $00,$30,$30,$5f,$32,$76
b9aa: 00 30 20 7f+                 .bulk   $00,$30,$20,$7f,$76,$ba
b9b0: 00 18 70 7f+                 .bulk   $00,$18,$70,$7f,$ba,$cc

                   ; Fer-de-lance.
                   vis vis vis vis
b9b6: 00           hull_ferdelance .dd1    $00
b9b7: 40 06                        .dd2    $0640
b9b9: 86                           .dd1    $86
b9ba: f2                           .dd1    $f2
b9bb: 6d                           .dd1    $6d
b9bc: 00                           .dd1    $00
b9bd: 1a                           .dd1    $1a
b9be: 72                           .dd1    $72
b9bf: 1b                           .dd1    $1b
b9c0: 00 00                        .dd2    0
b9c2: 28                           .dd1    $28
b9c3: 28                           .dd1    $28
b9c4: a0                           .dd1    160
b9c5: 1e                           .dd1    30
b9c6: 00                           .dd1    $00
b9c7: 00                           .dd1    $00
b9c8: 01                           .dd1    $01
b9c9: 12                           .dd1    %00010010
b9ca: 00 0e 6c 5f+                 .bulk   $00,$0e,$6c,$5f,$01,$59 ;vertices
b9d0: 28 0e 04 ff+                 .bulk   $28,$0e,$04,$ff,$12,$99
b9d6: 0c 0e 34 ff+                 .bulk   $0c,$0e,$34,$ff,$23,$99
b9dc: 0c 0e 34 7f+                 .bulk   $0c,$0e,$34,$7f,$34,$99
b9e2: 28 0e 04 7f+                 .bulk   $28,$0e,$04,$7f,$45,$99
b9e8: 28 0e 04 bc+                 .bulk   $28,$0e,$04,$bc,$01,$26
b9ee: 0c 02 34 bc+                 .bulk   $0c,$02,$34,$bc,$23,$67
b9f4: 0c 02 34 3c+                 .bulk   $0c,$02,$34,$3c,$34,$78
b9fa: 28 0e 04 3c+                 .bulk   $28,$0e,$04,$3c,$04,$58
ba00: 00 12 14 2f+                 .bulk   $00,$12,$14,$2f,$06,$78
ba06: 03 0b 61 cb+                 .bulk   $03,$0b,$61,$cb,$00,$00
ba0c: 1a 08 12 89+                 .bulk   $1a,$08,$12,$89,$00,$00
ba12: 10 0e 04 ab+                 .bulk   $10,$0e,$04,$ab,$00,$00
ba18: 03 0b 61 4b+                 .bulk   $03,$0b,$61,$4b,$00,$00
ba1e: 1a 08 12 09+                 .bulk   $1a,$08,$12,$09,$00,$00
ba24: 10 0e 04 2b+                 .bulk   $10,$0e,$04,$2b,$00,$00
ba2a: 00 0e 14 6c+                 .bulk   $00,$0e,$14,$6c,$99,$99
ba30: 0e 0e 2c cc+                 .bulk   $0e,$0e,$2c,$cc,$99,$99
ba36: 0e 0e 2c 4c+                 .bulk   $0e,$0e,$2c,$4c,$99,$99
ba3c: 1f 19 00 04                  .bulk   $1f,$19,$00,$04   ;edges
ba40: 1f 29 04 08                  .bulk   $1f,$29,$04,$08
ba44: 1f 39 08 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$39,$08,$0c
ba48: 1f 49 0c 10                  .bulk   $1f,$49,$0c,$10
ba4c: 1f 59 00 10                  .bulk   $1f,$59,$00,$10
ba50: 1c 01 00 14                  .bulk   $1c,$01,$00,$14
ba54: 1c 26 14 18                  .bulk   $1c,$26,$14,$18
ba58: 1c 37 18 1c                  .bulk   $1c,$37,$18,$1c
ba5c: 1c 48 1c 20                  .bulk   $1c,$48,$1c,$20
ba60: 1c 05 00 20                  .bulk   $1c,$05,$00,$20
ba64: 0f 06 14 24                  .bulk   $0f,$06,$14,$24
ba68: 0b 67 18 24                  .bulk   $0b,$67,$18,$24
ba6c: 0b 78 1c 24                  .bulk   $0b,$78,$1c,$24
ba70: 0f 08 20 24                  .bulk   $0f,$08,$20,$24
ba74: 0e 12 04 14                  .bulk   $0e,$12,$04,$14
ba78: 0e 23 08 18                  .bulk   $0e,$23,$08,$18
ba7c: 0e 34 0c 1c                  .bulk   $0e,$34,$0c,$1c
ba80: 0e 45 10 20                  .bulk   $0e,$45,$10,$20
ba84: 08 00 28 2c                  .bulk   $08,$00,$28,$2c
ba88: 09 00 2c 30                  .bulk   $09,$00,$2c,$30
ba8c: 0b 00 28 30                  .bulk   $0b,$00,$28,$30
ba90: 08 00 34 38                  .bulk   $08,$00,$34,$38
ba94: 09 00 38 3c                  .bulk   $09,$00,$38,$3c
ba98: 0b 00 34 3c                  .bulk   $0b,$00,$34,$3c
ba9c: 0c 99 40 44                  .bulk   $0c,$99,$40,$44
baa0: 0c 99 40 48                  .bulk   $0c,$99,$40,$48
baa4: 08 99 44 48                  .bulk   $08,$99,$44,$48
baa8: 1c 00 18 06                  .bulk   $1c,$00,$18,$06   ;faces
baac: 9f 44 00 18                  .bulk   $9f,$44,$00,$18
bab0: bf 3f 00 25                  .bulk   $bf,$3f,$00,$25
bab4: 3f 00 00 68                  .bulk   $3f,$00,$00,$68
bab8: 3f 3f 00 25                  .bulk   $3f,$3f,$00,$25
babc: 1f 44 00 18                  .bulk   $1f,$44,$00,$18
bac0: bc 0c 2e 13                  .bulk   $bc,$0c,$2e,$13
bac4: 3c 00 2d 16                  .bulk   $3c,$00,$2d,$16
bac8: 3c 0c 2e 13                  .bulk   $3c,$0c,$2e,$13
bacc: 5f 00 1c 00                  .bulk   $5f,$00,$1c,$00

                   ; Moray.
                   vis vis vis vis
bad0: 01           hull_moray      .dd1    $01
bad1: 84 03                        .dd2    $0384
bad3: 68                           .dd1    $68
bad4: b4                           .dd1    $b4
bad5: 49                           .dd1    $49
bad6: 00                           .dd1    $00
bad7: 1a                           .dd1    $1a
bad8: 54                           .dd1    $54
bad9: 13                           .dd1    $13
bada: 32 00                        .dd2    50                ;bounty (50)
badc: 24                           .dd1    $24
badd: 28                           .dd1    $28
bade: 64                           .dd1    100
badf: 19                           .dd1    25
bae0: 00                           .dd1    $00
bae1: 00                           .dd1    $00
bae2: 02                           .dd1    $02
bae3: 10                           .dd1    %00010000
bae4: 0f 00 41 1f+                 .bulk   $0f,$00,$41,$1f,$02,$78 ;vertices
baea: 0f 00 41 9f+                 .bulk   $0f,$00,$41,$9f,$01,$67
baf0: 00 12 28 31+                 .bulk   $00,$12,$28,$31,$ff,$ff
baf6: 3c 00 00 9f+                 .bulk   $3c,$00,$00,$9f,$13,$66
bafc: 3c 00 00 1f+                 .bulk   $3c,$00,$00,$1f,$25,$88
bb02: 1e 1b 0a 78+                 .bulk   $1e,$1b,$0a,$78,$45,$78
bb08: 1e 1b 0a f8+                 .bulk   $1e,$1b,$0a,$f8,$34,$67
bb0e: 09 04 19 e7+                 .bulk   $09,$04,$19,$e7,$44,$44
bb14: 09 04 19 67+                 .bulk   $09,$04,$19,$67,$44,$44
bb1a: 00 12 10 67+                 .bulk   $00,$12,$10,$67,$44,$44
bb20: 0d 03 31 05+                 .bulk   $0d,$03,$31,$05,$00,$00
bb26: 06 00 41 05+                 .bulk   $06,$00,$41,$05,$00,$00
bb2c: 0d 03 31 85+                 .bulk   $0d,$03,$31,$85,$00,$00
bb32: 06 00 41 85+                 .bulk   $06,$00,$41,$85,$00,$00
bb38: 1f 07 00 04                  .bulk   $1f,$07,$00,$04   ;edges
bb3c: 1f 16 04 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$16,$04,$0c
bb40: 18 36 0c 18                  .bulk   $18,$36,$0c,$18
bb44: 18 47 14 18                  .bulk   $18,$47,$14,$18
bb48: 18 58 10 14                  .bulk   $18,$58,$10,$14
bb4c: 1f 28 00 10                  .bulk   $1f,$28,$00,$10
bb50: 0f 67 04 18                  .bulk   $0f,$67,$04,$18
bb54: 0f 78 00 14                  .bulk   $0f,$78,$00,$14
bb58: 0f 02 00 08                  .bulk   $0f,$02,$00,$08
bb5c: 0f 01 04 08                  .bulk   $0f,$01,$04,$08
bb60: 11 13 08 0c                  .bulk   $11,$13,$08,$0c
bb64: 11 25 08 10                  .bulk   $11,$25,$08,$10
bb68: 0d 45 08 14                  .bulk   $0d,$45,$08,$14
bb6c: 0d 34 08 18                  .bulk   $0d,$34,$08,$18
bb70: 05 44 1c 20                  .bulk   $05,$44,$1c,$20
bb74: 07 44 1c 24                  .bulk   $07,$44,$1c,$24
bb78: 07 44 20 24                  .bulk   $07,$44,$20,$24
bb7c: 05 00 28 2c                  .bulk   $05,$00,$28,$2c
bb80: 05 00 30 34                  .bulk   $05,$00,$30,$34
bb84: 1f 00 2b 07                  .bulk   $1f,$00,$2b,$07   ;faces
bb88: 9f 0a 31 07                  .bulk   $9f,$0a,$31,$07
bb8c: 1f 0a 31 07                  .bulk   $1f,$0a,$31,$07
bb90: f8 3b 1c 65                  .bulk   $f8,$3b,$1c,$65
bb94: 78 00 34 4e                  .bulk   $78,$00,$34,$4e
bb98: 78 3b 1c 65                  .bulk   $78,$3b,$1c,$65
bb9c: df 48 63 32                  .bulk   $df,$48,$63,$32
bba0: 5f 00 53 1e                  .bulk   $5f,$00,$53,$1e
bba4: 5f 48 63 32                  .bulk   $5f,$48,$63,$32

                   ; Thargoid.
                   vis vis vis vis
bba8: 00           hull_thargoid   .dd1    $00
bba9: 49 26                        .dd2    $2649
bbab: 8c                           .dd1    $8c
bbac: f4                           .dd1    $f4
bbad: 69                           .dd1    $69
bbae: 3c                           .dd1    $3c
bbaf: 26                           .dd1    $26
bbb0: 78                           .dd1    $78
bbb1: 1a                           .dd1    $1a
bbb2: f4 01                        .dd2    500               ;bounty (500)
bbb4: 28                           .dd1    $28
bbb5: 37                           .dd1    $37
bbb6: f0                           .dd1    240
bbb7: 27                           .dd1    39
bbb8: 00                           .dd1    $00
bbb9: 00                           .dd1    $00
bbba: 02                           .dd1    $02
bbbb: 16                           .dd1    %00010110
bbbc: 20 30 30 5f+                 .bulk   $20,$30,$30,$5f,$40,$88 ;vertices
bbc2: 20 44 00 5f+                 .bulk   $20,$44,$00,$5f,$10,$44
bbc8: 20 30 30 7f+                 .bulk   $20,$30,$30,$7f,$21,$44
bbce: 20 00 44 3f+                 .bulk   $20,$00,$44,$3f,$32,$44
bbd4: 20 30 30 3f+                 .bulk   $20,$30,$30,$3f,$43,$55
bbda: 20 44 00 1f+                 .bulk   $20,$44,$00,$1f,$54,$66
bbe0: 20 30 30 1f+                 .bulk   $20,$30,$30,$1f,$64,$77
bbe6: 20 00 44 1f+                 .bulk   $20,$00,$44,$1f,$74,$88
bbec: 18 74 74 df+                 .bulk   $18,$74,$74,$df,$80,$99
bbf2: 18 a4 00 df+                 .bulk   $18,$a4,$00,$df,$10,$99
bbf8: 18 74 74 ff+                 .bulk   $18,$74,$74,$ff,$21,$99
bbfe: 18 00 a4 bf+                 .bulk   $18,$00,$a4,$bf,$32,$99
bc04: 18 74 74 bf+                 .bulk   $18,$74,$74,$bf,$53,$99
bc0a: 18 a4 00 9f+                 .bulk   $18,$a4,$00,$9f,$65,$99
bc10: 18 74 74 9f+                 .bulk   $18,$74,$74,$9f,$76,$99
bc16: 18 00 a4 9f+                 .bulk   $18,$00,$a4,$9f,$87,$99
bc1c: 18 40 50 9e+                 .bulk   $18,$40,$50,$9e,$99,$99
bc22: 18 40 50 be+                 .bulk   $18,$40,$50,$be,$99,$99
bc28: 18 40 50 fe+                 .bulk   $18,$40,$50,$fe,$99,$99
bc2e: 18 40 50 de+                 .bulk   $18,$40,$50,$de,$99,$99
bc34: 1f 84 00 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$84,$00,$1c   ;edges
bc38: 1f 40 00 04                  .bulk   $1f,$40,$00,$04
bc3c: 1f 41 04 08                  .bulk   $1f,$41,$04,$08
bc40: 1f 42 08 0c                  .bulk   $1f,$42,$08,$0c
bc44: 1f 43 0c 10                  .bulk   $1f,$43,$0c,$10
bc48: 1f 54 10 14                  .bulk   $1f,$54,$10,$14
bc4c: 1f 64 14 18                  .bulk   $1f,$64,$14,$18
bc50: 1f 74 18 1c                  .bulk   $1f,$74,$18,$1c
bc54: 1f 80 00 20                  .bulk   $1f,$80,$00,$20
bc58: 1f 10 04 24                  .bulk   $1f,$10,$04,$24
bc5c: 1f 21 08 28                  .bulk   $1f,$21,$08,$28
bc60: 1f 32 0c 2c                  .bulk   $1f,$32,$0c,$2c
bc64: 1f 53 10 30